set define '^'
set verify off
prompt ...create worksheet objects

Rem  Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1999 - 2007. All Rights Reserved.
Rem    NAME
Rem      worksheet_tab.sql
Rem      Creation script for worksheet tables, triggers, and sequences.
Rem    madelfio  03/30/2007 - created
Rem    jstraub   04/04/2007 - added wwv_flow_worksheet_geocache
Rem    mhichwa   04/05/2007 - improved trigger wwv_flow_ws_col_grp_trig
Rem    mhichwa   04/06/2007 - added worksheet description
Rem    mhichwa   04/06/2007 - added folders table
Rem    mhichwa   04/06/2007 - added web pages tables
Rem    mhichwa   04/09/2007 - Added display sequences and page_position for web pages
Rem    mhichwa   04/09/2007 - Added load order to rows table
Rem    madelfio  04/12/2007 - Added name and filter_expr_type columns to wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts table
Rem    madelfio  04/17/2007 - Added highlighting columns for reports, owner column for folders and webpages
Rem    mhichwa   04/17/2007 - Added worksheet docs
Rem    jstraub   04/17/2007 - Added name and description to wwv_flow_worksheet_docs
Rem    mhichwa   04/17/2007 - Added display_width and display_height columns
Rem    mhichwa   04/20/2007 - Expanded definition of worksheet pk to include flow_id, name, owner, folder_id, security_group_id
Rem    madelfio  04/25/2007 - Added wwv_flow_worksheet_highlights table
Rem    madelfio  04/27/2007 - Added display_sequence to wwv_flow_worksheet_col_grps
Rem    madelfio  04/30/2007 - Updated wwv_flow_privs table structure
Rem    mhichwa   05/01/2007 - Added History support
Rem    mhichwa   05/02/2007 - Expanded definition of list of values support
Rem    mhichwa   05/04/2007 - Added links
Rem    madelfio  05/09/2007 - Added column_identifier to worksheet_columns table
Rem    madelfio  05/09/2007 - Added parent timestamp updating to triggers
Rem    mhichwa   05/09/2007 - Added new.column_identifier to trigger
Rem    madelfio  05/09/2007 - Added COMPUTED column logic
Rem    mhichwa   05/09/2007 - Added SQL Query to worksheet
Rem    mhichwa   05/11/2007 - Added SQL PK options
Rem    mhichwa   05/15/2007 - Added shared_columns
Rem    mhichwa   05/16/2007 - Added ACL to domain of status column
Rem    mhichwa   05/16/2007 - Added row filter columns
Rem    mhichwa   05/16/2007 - Added distinct_value_filter
Rem    mhichwa   05/17/2007 - Added others_may_edit, others_may_view
Rem    mhichwa   05/17/2007 - Added control break columns to rpt table, added sync_column_label
Rem    mhichwa   05/17/2007 - Added description to folders table, added description to web pages table
Rem    madelfio  05/17/2007 - Default column view sharing to true
Rem    madelfio  05/17/2007 - Added view wwv_flow_worksheet_formats
Rem    mhichwa   05/23/2007 - Changed computation of distinct value filter
Rem    madelfio  05/24/2007 - Added display_rows to wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts
Rem    madelfio  05/25/2007 - Added name column to wwv_flow_worksheet_highlights
Rem    madelfio  05/25/2007 - Added logic to wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts_trig to maintain filter conditions
Rem    madelfio  05/30/2007 - Fixed wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts_trig to maintain filter conditions when clearing filters
Rem    madelfio  05/30/2007 - Added index on wwv_flow_worksheet_rows (worksheet_id)
Rem    mhichwa   05/30/2007 - Strip chr 13 on insert
Rem    madelfio  06/06/2007 - Added enabled column to wwv_flow_worksheet_highlights
Rem    madelfio  06/07/2007 - Updated several tables/triggers/views to sync with current database objects
Rem    madelfio  07/05/2007 - Added columns to support worksheets on a specific database table
Rem    madelfio  07/23/2007 - Added more columns to support table-based worksheets
Rem    cbcho     07/23/2007 - Added wwv_flow_worksheet_conditions
Rem    cbcho     07/26/2007 - Added view apex_worksheet_rpts
Rem    madelfio  07/27/2007 - Added condition_display column to wwv_flow_worksheet_conditions table
Rem    madelfio  07/27/2007 - Added status column to wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts table
Rem    madelfio  08/06/2007 - Removed trigger wwv_flow_worksheets_trig_ai
Rem    madelfio  08/09/2007 - Added detail_link column to wwv_flow_worksheets
Rem    madelfio  08/30/2007 - Merged into tab.sql, trigger.sql, and apex_views.sql

-- remove all worksheet database objects

drop table wwv_flow_worksheets            cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_worksheet_rows        cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_worksheet_col_groups  cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_worksheet_lovs        cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_worksheet_lov_entries cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_worksheet_columns     cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_worksheet_col_unq     cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_worksheet_stick       cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_worksheet_links       cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_worksheet_docs        cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_worksheet_privs       cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts        cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_folders               cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_web_pages             cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_web_pg_regions        cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_web_pg_list_entries   cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_worksheet_conditions  cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_worksheet_history     cascade constraints;
drop table wwv_flow_workspace_geocache    cascade constraints;
drop sequence wwv_flow_worksheet_seq;

-- Data Store Database Object Creation

create sequence wwv_flow_worksheet_seq;

-- wwv_flow_worksheets

create table wwv_flow_worksheets (
    id                        number        not null,
    flow_id                   number        not null,
    name                      varchar2(255) not null,
    worksheet_version_id      number,
    folder_id                 number,
    -- base table
    base_table_or_view        varchar2(4000),
    base_pk1                  varchar2(30),
    base_pk2                  varchar2(30),
    base_pk3                  varchar2(30),
    -- status
    status                    varchar2(30)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_status_ck
                              check (status in (
    expiration_date           date,
    is_template               varchar2(1)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_is_template_ck
                              check (is_template in (
    -- worksheet level privileges
    allow_query               varchar2(1)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_allow_query_ck
                      	      check (allow_query in (
    allow_query_expires       date,
    allow_insert              varchar2(1)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_allow_insert_ck
                      	      check (allow_insert in (
    allow_insert_expires      date,
    allow_update              varchar2(1)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_allow_update_ck
                      	      check (allow_update in (
    allow_update_expires      date,
    allow_delete              varchar2(1)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_allow_delete_ck
                      	      check (allow_delete in (
    allow_delete_expires      date,
    -- runtime functionality
    allow_advanced_query      varchar2(1)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_advanced_query_ck
                      	      check (allow_advanced_query in (
    allow_pdf_printing        varchar2(1)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_pdf_printing_ck
                      	      check (allow_pdf_printing in (
    allow_csv_download        varchar2(1)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_csv_download
                      	      check (allow_csv_download in (
    allow_filtering           varchar2(1)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_filtering_ck
                      	      check (allow_filtering in (
    allow_group_reporting      varchar2(1)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_group_rep_ck
                      	      check (allow_group_reporting in (
    allow_sorting             varchar2(1)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_sorting_ck
                      	      check (allow_sorting in (
    allow_data_loading        varchar2(1)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_csv_data_load_ck
                      	      check (allow_data_loading in (
    -- relationships
    parent_worksheet_id       number,
    on_delete                 varchar2(30)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_on_del_ck
                              check (on_delete in (
    sql_query                 clob,
    sql_allow_refresh         varchar2(1)
                              constraint wwv_flow_ws_refresh_ck
                      	      check (sql_allow_refresh in (
    sql_schema                varchar2(255),
    sql_pk_01                 varchar2(255),
    sql_pk_02                 varchar2(255),
    sql_pk_03                 varchar2(255),
    description               varchar2(4000),
    owner                     varchar2(255),
    row_view_priv             varchar2(255),
    row_edit_priv             varchar2(255),
    detail_link               varchar2(4000),
    created_on                date          not null,
    created_by                varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on                date,
    updated_by                varchar2(255),
    security_group_id         number        not null

alter table wwv_flow_worksheets
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheets_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_worksheets
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheets_uk
    unique(flow_id, name, owner, folder_id, security_group_id)

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_worksheets_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_worksheets
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);

    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    -- set owner
    if :new.owner is null then
        :new.owner := :new.created_by;
    end if;
    -- set status
    if :new.status is null then
        :new.status := 'AVAILABLE_FOR_OWNER';
    end if;
    -- maintain column values
    if :new.worksheet_version_id is null then
       :new.worksheet_version_id := 1;
    end if;
    if :new.flow_id is null then
       :new.flow_id := wwv_flow.g_flow_id;
    end if;
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

-- History

create table wwv_flow_worksheet_history (
	  row_id              number not null,
	  worksheet_id        number not null,
	  column_name         varchar2(255),
    old_value           varchar2(4000),
    new_value           varchar2(4000),
    application_user_id varchar2(255),
    change_date         date,
    security_group_id   number        not null

create index wwv_flow_worksheet_hist_01 on wwv_flow_worksheet_history (worksheet_id, row_id)

-- wwv_flow_worksheet_rows

create table wwv_flow_worksheet_rows (
    id                 number    not null,
    worksheet_id       number    not null,
    unique_value       varchar2(255),
    c001               varchar2(4000),
    c002               varchar2(4000),
    c003               varchar2(4000),
    c004               varchar2(4000),
    c005               varchar2(4000),
    c006               varchar2(4000),
    c007               varchar2(4000),
    c008               varchar2(4000),
    c009               varchar2(4000),
    c010               varchar2(4000),
    c011               varchar2(4000),
    c012               varchar2(4000),
    c013               varchar2(4000),
    c014               varchar2(4000),
    c015               varchar2(4000),
    c016               varchar2(4000),
    c017               varchar2(4000),
    c018               varchar2(4000),
    c019               varchar2(4000),
    c020               varchar2(4000),
    c021               varchar2(4000),
    c022               varchar2(4000),
    c023               varchar2(4000),
    c024               varchar2(4000),
    c025               varchar2(4000),
    c026               varchar2(4000),
    c027               varchar2(4000),
    c028               varchar2(4000),
    c029               varchar2(4000),
    c030               varchar2(4000),
    c031               varchar2(4000),
    c032               varchar2(4000),
    c033               varchar2(4000),
    c034               varchar2(4000),
    c035               varchar2(4000),
    c036               varchar2(4000),
    c037               varchar2(4000),
    c038               varchar2(4000),
    c039               varchar2(4000),
    c040               varchar2(4000),
    c041               varchar2(4000),
    c042               varchar2(4000),
    c043               varchar2(4000),
    c044               varchar2(4000),
    c045               varchar2(4000),
    c046               varchar2(4000),
    c047               varchar2(4000),
    c048               varchar2(4000),
    c049               varchar2(4000),
    c050               varchar2(4000),
    n001               number,
    n002               number,
    n003               number,
    n004               number,
    n005               number,
    n006               number,
    n007               number,
    n008               number,
    n009               number,
    n010               number,
    n011               number,
    n012               number,
    n013               number,
    n014               number,
    n015               number,
    n016               number,
    n017               number,
    n018               number,
    n019               number,
    n020               number,
    n021               number,
    n022               number,
    n023               number,
    n024               number,
    n025               number,
    n026               number,
    n027               number,
    n028               number,
    n029               number,
    n030               number,
    n031               number,
    n032               number,
    n033               number,
    n034               number,
    n035               number,
    n036               number,
    n037               number,
    n038               number,
    n039               number,
    n040               number,
    n041               number,
    n042               number,
    n043               number,
    n044               number,
    n045               number,
    n046               number,
    n047               number,
    n048               number,
    n049               number,
    n050               number,
    d001               date,
    d002               date,
    d003               date,
    d004               date,
    d005               date,
    d006               date,
    d007               date,
    d008               date,
    d009               date,
    d010               date,
    d011               date,
    d012               date,
    d013               date,
    d014               date,
    d015               date,
    d016               date,
    d017               date,
    d018               date,
    d019               date,
    d020               date,
    d021               date,
    d022               date,
    d023               date,
    d024               date,
    d025               date,
    d026               date,
    d027               date,
    d028               date,
    d029               date,
    d030               date,
    d031               date,
    d032               date,
    d033               date,
    d034               date,
    d035               date,
    d036               date,
    d037               date,
    d038               date,
    d039               date,
    d040               date,
    d041               date,
    d042               date,
    d043               date,
    d044               date,
    d045               date,
    d046               date,
    d047               date,
    d048               date,
    d049               date,
    d050               date,
    document           blob,
    clob001            clob,
    parent_row_id      number,
    owner              varchar2(255),
    geocode            varchar2(512),
    load_order         number,
    created_on         date          not null,
    created_by         varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on         date,
    updated_by         varchar2(255),
    security_group_id  number not null

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_rows
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_rows_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_rows
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_rows_fk
    foreign key( worksheet_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheets(id)
    on delete cascade

create index wwv_flow_worksheet_rows_idx1 on wwv_flow_worksheet_rows(worksheet_id)

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_worksheet_row_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_worksheet_rows
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    -- history
    if updating then
       if nvl(:old.c001,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c001,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c001', :old.c001, :new.c001, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c002,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c002,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c002', :old.c002, :new.c002, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c003,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c003,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c003', :old.c003, :new.c003, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c004,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c004,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c004', :old.c004, :new.c004, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c005,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c005,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c005', :old.c005, :new.c005, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c006,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c006,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c006', :old.c006, :new.c006, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;       
       if nvl(:old.c007,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c007,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c007', :old.c007, :new.c007, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c008,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c008,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c008', :old.c008, :new.c008, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c009,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c009,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c009', :old.c009, :new.c009, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c010,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c010,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c010', :old.c010, :new.c010, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c010,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c010,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c010', :old.c010, :new.c010, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c011,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c011,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c011', :old.c011, :new.c011, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c012,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c012,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c012', :old.c012, :new.c012, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c013,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c013,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c013', :old.c013, :new.c013, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c014,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c014,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c014', :old.c014, :new.c014, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c015,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c015,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c015', :old.c015, :new.c015, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c016,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c016,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c016', :old.c016, :new.c016, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
       if nvl(:old.c017,'mJjOoH') != nvl(:new.c017,'mJjOoH') then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'c017', :old.c017, :new.c017, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;
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       -- numbers
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       -- dates
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       if nvl(:old.d020,to_date('10000101','YYYYMMDD')) != nvl(:new.d020,to_date('10000101','YYYYMMDD')) then
           insert into wwv_flow_worksheet_history (row_id, worksheet_id, column_name, old_value,new_value,change_date,security_group_id,application_user_id)
           values (, :new.worksheet_id, 'd020', :old.d020, :new.d020, sysdate, :new.security_group_id,v('APP_USER'));
       end if;       
    end if;
    -- inserting remove chr 13
    if instr(:new.c001,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c001 := replace(:new.c001,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c002,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c002 := replace(:new.c002,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c003,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c003 := replace(:new.c003,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c004,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c004 := replace(:new.c004,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c005,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c005 := replace(:new.c005,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c006,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c006 := replace(:new.c006,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c007,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c007 := replace(:new.c007,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c008,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c008 := replace(:new.c008,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c009,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c009 := replace(:new.c009,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c010,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c010 := replace(:new.c010,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c011,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c011 := replace(:new.c011,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c012,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c012 := replace(:new.c012,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c013,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c013 := replace(:new.c013,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c014,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c014 := replace(:new.c014,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c015,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c015 := replace(:new.c015,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c016,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c016 := replace(:new.c016,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c017,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c017 := replace(:new.c017,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c018,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c018 := replace(:new.c018,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c019,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c019 := replace(:new.c019,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c020,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c020 := replace(:new.c010,chr(23),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c021,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c021 := replace(:new.c001,chr(23),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c022,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c022 := replace(:new.c002,chr(23),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c023,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c023 := replace(:new.c003,chr(23),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c024,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c024 := replace(:new.c004,chr(23),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c025,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c025 := replace(:new.c005,chr(23),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c026,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c026 := replace(:new.c006,chr(23),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c027,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c027 := replace(:new.c007,chr(23),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c028,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c028 := replace(:new.c008,chr(23),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c029,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c029 := replace(:new.c009,chr(23),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c030,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c030 := replace(:new.c030,chr(13),null); end if;  
    if instr(:new.c031,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c031 := replace(:new.c031,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c032,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c032 := replace(:new.c032,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c033,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c033 := replace(:new.c033,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c034,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c034 := replace(:new.c034,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c035,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c035 := replace(:new.c035,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c036,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c036 := replace(:new.c036,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c037,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c037 := replace(:new.c037,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c038,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c038 := replace(:new.c038,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c039,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c039 := replace(:new.c039,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c040,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c040 := replace(:new.c040,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c041,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c041 := replace(:new.c041,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c042,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c042 := replace(:new.c042,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c043,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c043 := replace(:new.c043,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c044,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c044 := replace(:new.c044,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c045,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c045 := replace(:new.c045,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c046,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c046 := replace(:new.c046,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c047,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c047 := replace(:new.c047,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c048,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c048 := replace(:new.c048,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c049,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c049 := replace(:new.c049,chr(13),null); end if;
    if instr(:new.c050,chr(13)) > 0 then :new.c050 := replace(:new.c050,chr(13),null); end if;
    -- update parent timestamp
    update wwv_flow_worksheets
       set updated_on = :new.updated_on,
           updated_by = :new.updated_by
     where id = :new.worksheet_id;
    -- set owner
    if :new.owner is null then
        :new.owner := :new.created_by;
    end if;
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

-- data store columns
create table wwv_flow_worksheet_col_groups (
    id                  number        not null,
    worksheet_id        number        not null,
    name                varchar2(255) not null,
    description         varchar2(4000),
    display_sequence    number,
    created_on          date          not null,
    created_by          varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on          date,
    updated_by          varchar2(255),
    security_group_id   number        not null

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_col_groups
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_col_grps_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_col_groups
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_col_grws_fk
    foreign key( worksheet_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheets(id)
    on delete cascade

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_col_groups
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_col_grps_uk
    unique(worksheet_id, name)

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_ws_col_grp_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_worksheet_col_groups
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    if :new.display_sequence is null then
        :new.display_sequence := 10;
    end if;
    -- update parent timestamp
    update wwv_flow_worksheets
       set updated_on = :new.updated_on,
           updated_by = :new.updated_by
     where id = :new.worksheet_id;
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

-- Lists of Values (LOV)

create table wwv_flow_worksheet_lovs (
    id                  number        not null,
    worksheet_id        number        not null,
    name                varchar2(255) not null,
    created_on          date          not null,
    created_by          varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on          date,
    updated_by          varchar2(255),
    security_group_id   number        not null

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_lovs
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_lovs_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_lovs
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_lovs_fk
    foreign key( worksheet_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheets(id)
    on delete cascade

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_lovs
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_lovs_uk
    unique(worksheet_id, name)

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_ws_lovs_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_worksheet_lovs
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    -- update stamps
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    -- update parent timestamp
    update wwv_flow_worksheets
       set updated_on = :new.updated_on,
           updated_by = :new.updated_by
     where id = :new.worksheet_id;
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

create table wwv_flow_worksheet_lov_entries (
    id                  number        not null,
    worksheet_id        number        not null,
    lov_id              number        not null,
    display_sequence    number        not null,
    entry_text          varchar2(255) not null,
    created_on          date          not null,
    created_by          varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on          date,
    updated_by          varchar2(255),
    security_group_id   number        not null

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_lov_entries
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_lov_ent_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_lov_entries
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_lov_ent_fk
    foreign key( worksheet_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheets(id)
    on delete cascade

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_lov_entries
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_lov_ent_fk2
    foreign key( lov_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheet_lovs(id)
    on delete cascade

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_lov_entries
    add constraint wwv_flow_ws_lov_ents_uk
    unique(lov_id, entry_text)

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_ws_lov_ents_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_worksheet_lov_entries
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if :new.display_sequence is null then
       :new.display_sequence := 10;
    end if;
    -- update stamps
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    -- update parent timestamp
    update wwv_flow_worksheet_lovs
       set updated_on = :new.updated_on,
           updated_by = :new.updated_by
     where id = :new.lov_id;
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

-- Columns

create table wwv_flow_worksheet_columns (
    id                  number    not null,
    worksheet_id        number    not null,
    db_column_name      varchar2(30) not null,
    display_order       number    not null,
    group_id            number,
    column_identifier   varchar2(2) not null,
    column_expr         varchar2(4000),
    -- label
    column_label        varchar2(4000) not null,
    report_label        varchar2(4000) not null,
    sync_form_label     varchar2(1)
                        constraint wwv_flow_val_wscol_sync_lab
                        check (sync_form_label in ('Y','N')),
    -- column filters
    use_custom          varchar2(1),
    custom_filter       varchar2(4000),
    base_column         varchar2(30),
    allow_filters       varchar2(1),
    -- security
    others_may_edit     varchar2(1),
    others_may_view     varchar2(1),
    -- display controls
    column_type         varchar2(255) not null
                        constraint wwv_flow_valid_ws_col_type
                      	check (column_type in (
    display_as          varchar2(255) not null
                        constraint wwv_flow_ws_col_disp_as_ck
                        check (display_as in (
    max_length          number,
    display_width       integer,
    display_height      integer,
    allow_null          varchar2(1)
                        constraint wwv_flow_wscol_allow_null
                      	check (allow_null in ('Y','N')),
    format_mask         varchar2(255),
    distinct_value_filter varchar2(1)
                        constraint wwv_flow_wscol_dvf
                        check (distinct_value_filter in ('Y','N')),
    -- natural aggs
    compute_sum         varchar2(1),
    compute_avg         varchar2(1),
    compute_min         varchar2(1),
    compute_max         varchar2(1),
    -- list of values
    static_lov          varchar2(4000),
    lov_null_text       varchar2(255),
    lov_allow_new_values varchar2(1)
                        constraint wwv_flow_ws_lov_allow_new
                        check (lov_allow_new_values in ('Y','N')),
    lov_is_distinct_values varchar2(1)
                        constraint wwv_flow_ws_lov_distinct_vals
                        check (lov_is_distinct_values in ('Y','N')),
    lov_num_columns     number,
    lov_id              number,
    computation_type    varchar2(255),
    computation_expr_1  varchar2(4000),
    computation_expr_2  varchar2(4000),
    validation_type     varchar2(255),
    validation_expr_1   varchar2(4000),
    validation_expr_2   varchar2(4000),
    -- default values
    default_value       varchar2(4000),
    default_when        varchar2(30),
    help_text           varchar2(4000),
    created_on          date          not null,
    created_by          varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on          date,
    updated_by          varchar2(255),
    security_group_id   number        not null

comment on table  wwv_flow_worksheet_columns is 'This table defines the column attributes for each column in a worksheet.';
comment on column wwv_flow_worksheet_columns.db_column_name is 'This stores the actual column name that the column maps to in the wwv_flow_worksheet_rows table.';

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_columns
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_columns_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_columns
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_columns_fk
    foreign key( worksheet_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheets(id)
    on delete cascade

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_columns
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_col_grps_fk
    foreign key( group_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheet_col_groups(id)
    on delete cascade

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_columns
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_columns_uk2
    unique(worksheet_id, db_column_name)

create index wwv_flow_worksheet_cols_idx1
 on wwv_flow_worksheet_columns (worksheet_id, column_identifier)

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_worksheet_col_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_worksheet_columns
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    -- default values
    if :new.report_label is null then
        :new.report_label := :new.column_label;
    elsif :new.column_label is null then
        :new.column_label := :new.report_label;
    end if;
    -- security columns
    if :new.others_may_edit is null then
       :new.others_may_edit := 'Y';
    end if;
    if :new.others_may_view is null then
       :new.others_may_view := 'Y';
    end if;
    -- maintian distinct_value_filter
    if :new.display_as = 'TEXTAREA' and :new.distinct_value_filter is null then
       :new.distinct_value_filter := 'N';
       :new.distinct_value_filter := 'Y';
    end if;

    -- use for prototype to get next available col, need to alter logic later to fill gaps
    if inserting and :new.db_column_name is null then
        select decode(:new.column_type,'NUMBER','n','DATE','d','c')||
               to_char(nvl(max(to_number(substr(db_column_name,2))),0) + 1,'FM009')
               into :new.db_column_name
          from wwv_flow_worksheet_columns
         where worksheet_id = :new.worksheet_id
           and replace(column_type,'COMPUTED','STRING') = replace(:new.column_type,'COMPUTED','STRING');
    end if;
    if inserting and :new.display_order is null then
        select nvl(max(display_order),0) + 1 into :new.display_order
          from wwv_flow_worksheet_columns
         where worksheet_id = :new.worksheet_id;
    end if;
    if inserting then
       :new.column_identifier := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.get_next_identifier(:new.worksheet_id);
    end if;
    -- sync column headings
    if :new.sync_form_label is null then
       :new.sync_form_label := 'Y';
    end if;
    if :new.sync_form_label = 'Y' then
       :new.column_label := :new.report_label;
    end if;
    -- update parent timestamp
    update wwv_flow_worksheets
       set updated_on = :new.updated_on,
           updated_by = :new.updated_by
     where id = :new.worksheet_id;
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

create table wwv_flow_worksheet_col_unq (
    id                  number    not null,
    worksheet_id        number    not null,
    column_id           number    not null,
    column_1            number    not null,
    column_2            number,
    column_3            number,
    column_4            number,
    column_5            number,
    column_6            number,
    created_on          date          not null,
    created_by          varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on          date,
    updated_by          varchar2(255),
    security_group_id   number        not null

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_worksheet_colu_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_worksheet_col_unq
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    -- update parent timestamp
    update wwv_flow_worksheets
       set updated_on = :new.updated_on,
           updated_by = :new.updated_by
     where id = :new.worksheet_id;    
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

comment on table wwv_flow_worksheet_col_unq is 'This table is used to define unique column constraints'

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_col_unq
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_col_unq_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_col_unq
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_colunq_fk
    foreign key( column_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheet_columns(id)
    on delete cascade

-- worksheet Privs

create table wwv_flow_worksheet_privs (
    id                  number not null,
    worksheet_id        number not null,
    application_user    varchar2(255),
    -- worksheet privs
    view_priv           varchar2(1) constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_priv_q_ck check (view_priv  in ('Y','N')),
    edit_priv           varchar2(1) constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_priv_e_ck check (edit_priv  in ('Y','N')),
    develop_priv        varchar2(1) constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_priv_d_ck check (develop_priv  in ('Y','N')),
    -- row privs
    row_filter_1_db_col varchar2(255),
    row_filter_1_expr   varchar2(30),
    row_filter_1_value  varchar2(4000),
    row_filter_2_db_col varchar2(255),
    row_filter_2_expr   varchar2(30),
    row_filter_2_value  varchar2(4000),
    created_on          date          not null,
    created_by          varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on          date,
    updated_by          varchar2(255),
    security_group_id   number        not null

comment on table wwv_flow_worksheet_privs is 'Used to extend worksheet level priv model, by column, user, or row'

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_privs
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_priv_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_privs
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_priv_fk
    foreign key( worksheet_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheets (id)
    on delete cascade

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_worksheet_priv_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_worksheet_privs
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    if :new.develop_priv = 'Y' then
        :new.view_priv := 'Y';
        :new.edit_priv := 'Y';
    end if;
    -- update parent timestamp
    update wwv_flow_worksheets
       set updated_on = :new.updated_on,
           updated_by = :new.updated_by
     where id = :new.worksheet_id;    
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

-- Stickies

create table wwv_flow_worksheet_stick (
	  id                  number not null,
	  worksheet_id        number not null,
	  row_id              number not null,
	  content             clob,
    created_on          date          not null,
    created_by          varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on          date,
    updated_by          varchar2(255),
    security_group_id   number        not null

comment on table wwv_flow_worksheet_stick is 'Allows any number of sticky comments to be added to a row';

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_stick
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_stick_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_stick
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_stick_fk
    foreign key ( row_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheet_rows(id)
    on delete cascade

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_worksheet_st_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_worksheet_stick
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    -- update parent timestamp
    update wwv_flow_worksheet_rows
       set updated_on = :new.updated_on,
           updated_by = :new.updated_by
     where id = :new.row_id;
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

-- Links

create table wwv_flow_worksheet_links (
	  id                  number not null,
	  worksheet_id        number not null,
	  row_id              number not null,
	  link_name           varchar2(255)  not null,
	  url                 varchar2(4000) not null,
    created_on          date          not null,
    created_by          varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on          date,
    updated_by          varchar2(255),
    security_group_id   number        not null

comment on table wwv_flow_worksheet_links is 'Allows any number of url links to be added to a row';

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_links
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_links_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_links
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_links_fk
    foreign key ( row_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheet_rows(id)
    on delete cascade

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_worksheet_lk_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_worksheet_links
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;    
    -- update parent timestamp
    update wwv_flow_worksheet_rows
       set updated_on = :new.updated_on,
           updated_by = :new.updated_by
     where id = :new.row_id;
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

-- Documents

create table wwv_flow_worksheet_docs (
	  id                  number not null,
	  row_id              number not null,
	  name              varchar2(255) not null,
	  description       varchar2(4000),
	  content             blob,
    mime_type           varchar2(48)  not null,
    created_on          date          not null,
    created_by          varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on          date,
    updated_by          varchar2(255),
    security_group_id   number        not null

comment on table wwv_flow_worksheet_docs is 'Allows any number of documents to be attached to a worksheet row';

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_docs
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_doc_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_docs
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_doc_fk
    foreign key ( row_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheet_rows(id)
    on delete cascade

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_worksheet_doc_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_worksheet_docs
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    -- update parent timestamp
    update wwv_flow_worksheet_rows
       set updated_on = :new.updated_on,
           updated_by = :new.updated_by
     where id = :new.row_id;    
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

-- Reports

create table wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts (
	  id                     number not null,
	  worksheet_id           number not null,
	  session_id             number,
	  base_report_id         number,
	  application_user       varchar2(255),
	  name                   varchar2(255),
    status                 varchar2(30)
                           constraint wwv_flow_ws_rpt_status_ck
                           check (status in (
	  -- column display      
	  display_rows           number,                 
	  report_columns         varchar2(4000),
	  -- sorting             
	  sort_column_1          varchar2(255),
	  sort_direction_1       varchar2(255),
	  sort_column_2          varchar2(255),
	  sort_direction_2       varchar2(255),
	  sort_column_3          varchar2(255),
	  sort_direction_3       varchar2(255),
	  sort_column_4          varchar2(255),
	  sort_direction_4       varchar2(255),
	  sort_column_5          varchar2(255),
	  sort_direction_5       varchar2(255),
	  sort_column_6          varchar2(255),
	  sort_direction_6       varchar2(255),   
    --control break
    break_on               varchar2(1),
    control_break_options  varchar2(255),
    sum_columns_on_break   varchar2(100),
    created_on             date          not null,
    created_by             varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on             date,
    updated_by             varchar2(255),
    security_group_id      number        not null

comment on table wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts is 'Stores contents definition of user defined report';

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts_fk
    foreign key ( worksheet_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheets(id)
    on delete cascade

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts_uk
    unique(worksheet_id, session_id, application_user, name)

create index wwv_flow_ws_base_rpt_idx on wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts (base_report_id, application_user)

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts
    for each row
    l_col_type varchar2(30);
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    if :new.application_user is null then
        :new.application_user := v('APP_USER');
    end if;
    if :new.status is null then
       :new.status := 'PRIVATE';
    end if;
    if :new.break_on is null then
       :new.break_on := '0';
    end if;
    if :new.display_rows is null then
       :new.display_rows := 100;
    end if;   
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

-- Folders
create table wwv_flow_folders (
	  id                  number not null,
	  name                varchar2(255),
	  parent_id           varchar2(255),
	  status              varchar2(30)
                        constraint wwv_flow_folder_status_ck
                        check (status in (
    owner               varchar2(255),
    description         varchar2(4000),
    created_on          date          not null,
    created_by          varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on          date,
    updated_by          varchar2(255),
    security_group_id   number        not null

comment on table wwv_flow_folders is 'Allows for the organization of worksheets';

alter table wwv_flow_folders
    add constraint wwv_flow_folder_pk
    primary key(id)

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_folder_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_folders
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    -- set owner
    if :new.owner is null then
        :new.owner := :new.created_by;
    end if;
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

-- Web Pages

create table wwv_flow_web_pages (
	  id                  number not null,
	  name                varchar2(255),
	  folder_id           number,
	  status              varchar2(30)
                        constraint wwv_flow_fold_status_ck
                        check (status in (
    owner               varchar2(255),
    description         varchar2(4000),
    created_on          date          not null,
    created_by          varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on          date,
    updated_by          varchar2(255),
    security_group_id   number        not null

comment on table wwv_flow_web_pages is 'Stores definition of web pages';

alter table wwv_flow_web_pages
    add constraint wwv_flow_webpage_pk
    primary key(id)

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_web_pages_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_web_pages
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    -- set owner
    if :new.owner is null then
        :new.owner := :new.created_by;
    end if;
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

create table wwv_flow_web_pg_regions (
	  id                  number not null,
	  name                varchar2(255),
	  web_page_id         number,
	  display_sequence    number,
	  page_position       varchar2(30)
                        constraint wwv_flow_webpgreg_pgpos_ck
                        check (page_position in (
    display_as          varchar2(30)
                        constraint wwv_flow_webpgreg_dispas_ck
                        check (display_as in (
	  heading_text        varchar2(4000),
	  content             clob,
	  footer_text         varchar2(4000),
	  status              varchar2(30)
                        constraint wwv_flow_webpgreg_status_ck
                        check (status in (
    created_on          date          not null,
    created_by          varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on          date,
    updated_by          varchar2(255),
    security_group_id   number        not null

comment on table wwv_flow_web_pg_regions is 'Content region of a web page';

alter table wwv_flow_web_pg_regions
    add constraint wwv_flow_webpage_region_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_web_pg_regions
    add constraint wwv_flow_web_pg_rg_fk
    foreign key ( web_page_id ) references wwv_flow_web_pages(id)
    on delete cascade

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_web_pg_reg_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_web_pg_regions
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    -- update parent timestamp
    update wwv_flow_web_pages 
       set updated_on = sysdate,
           updated_by = nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user)
     where id = :new.web_page_id;    
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

create table wwv_flow_web_pg_list_entries (
	  id                  number not null,
	  name                varchar2(255),
	  region_id           number,
    entry_name          varchar2(4000),
    entry_link          varchar2(4000),
    display_sequence    number,
    created_on          date          not null,
    created_by          varchar2(255) not null,
    updated_on          date,
    updated_by          varchar2(255),
    security_group_id   number        not null

comment on table wwv_flow_web_pg_list_entries is 'Content region of a web page';

alter table wwv_flow_web_pg_list_entries
    add constraint wwv_flow_webpglistentry_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_web_pg_list_entries
    add constraint wwv_flow_web_pg_le_fk
    foreign key ( region_id ) references wwv_flow_web_pg_regions(id)
    on delete cascade

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_web_pg_lstent_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_web_pg_list_entries
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    -- update parent timestamp
    update wwv_flow_web_pg_regions 
       set updated_on = sysdate,
           updated_by = nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user)
     where id = :new.region_id;
    if :new.display_sequence is null then
       :new.display_sequence := 10;
    end if;
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

-- Views

 select to_char((5234 + 10/100),'FML999G999G999G999G990D00') d, 'FML999G999G999G999G990D00' r from dual 
     union all 
 select trim(to_char((5234 + 10/100),'999G999G999G999G990D00')) d, '999G999G999G999G990D00' r from dual 
     union all 
 select trim(to_char((5234 + 10/100),'999G999G999G999G990D0000')) d, '999G999G999G999G990D0000' r from dual 
     union all 
 select trim(to_char(5234,'999G999G999G999G999G999G990')) d, '999G999G999G999G999G999G990' r from dual 
     union all 
 select to_char(to_date('20040112143000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'),'DD-MON-RR') d, 'DD-MON-RR' r from dual 
     union all 
 select to_char(to_date('20040112143000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'),'DD-MON-YYYY') d, 'DD-MON-YYYY' r from dual 
     union all 
 select to_char(to_date('20040112143000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'),'DD-MON') d, 'DD-MON' r from dual 
     union all 
 select to_char(to_date('20040112143000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'),'RR-MON-DD') d, 'RR-MON-DD' r from dual 
     union all 
 select to_char(to_date('20040112143000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'),'YYYY-MM-DD') d, 'YYYY-MM-DD' r from dual 
     union all 
 select to_char(to_date('20040112143000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'),'fmDay, fmDD fmMonth, YYYY') d, 'fmDay, fmDD fmMonth, YYYY' r from dual 
     union all 
 select to_char(to_date('20040112143000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'),'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') d, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI' r from dual 
     union all 
 select to_char(to_date('20040112143000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'),'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') d, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS' r from dual 
     union all 
 select to_char(to_date('20040112143000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'),'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MIPM') d, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MIPM' r from dual 
     union all 
 select to_char(to_date('20040112143000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'),'Month') d, 'Month' r from dual
show errors

     wwv_flow_worksheets w,
    (select nv('P2_ID') worksheet_id, v('APP_USER') app_user from dual) ss
where = ss.worksheet_id
  and c.worksheet_id = ss.worksheet_id
  and (w.owner = ss.app_user or c.others_may_view = 'Y')
show errors

  select substr(email,1,instr(email,'@')-1), person_id, empno,
         last_name, first_name, aka, middle_name, reverse_name, forward_name, userid,
         email, secondary_email, account_name, current_flag, person_type_id, person_type_desc,
         business_group_id, date_of_birth, hiredate, title, assignment_type, mgr_person_id, organization, cost_center,
         work_phone, work_location_id, work_location_code, work_building, work_floor, work_office,
         work_addr1, work_addr2, work_addr3, work_city, work_state, work_zip, work_country, work_county, works_at_home_flag,
         directs, total_reports, decode(attribute02,'M','Y','N')
    from aria_current
show errors

create table wwv_flow_workspace_geocache (
    address varchar2(4000),
    geocode varchar2(512)

comment on table wwv_flow_workspace_geocache is 'Table to cache results of calling google maps api to geocode addresses.'

create table wwv_flow_worksheet_conditions (
     id                  number not null,
     worksheet_id        number not null,
     report_id           number not null,
     name                varchar2(255),
     condition_type      varchar2(255)
                         constraint wwv_flow_ws_c_type_ck
                         check (condition_type in ('FILTER','HIGHLIGHT')),
     -- filter expression
     column_name         varchar2(255),
     operator            varchar2(30),
     expr_type           varchar2(255),
     expr                varchar2(255),
     condition_text      varchar2(4000),
     condition_display   varchar2(4000),
     -- highlighting settings
     highlight_sequence  number,
     highlight_enabled   varchar2(1) not null
                         constraint wwv_flow_ws_h_enabled_ck
                        check (highlight_enabled in ('Y','N')),
     row_bg_color        varchar2(255),
     row_font_color      varchar2(255),
     row_format          varchar2(3),
     column_bg_color     varchar2(255),
     column_font_color   varchar2(255),
     column_format       varchar2(3),
     created_on          date not null,
     created_by          varchar2(255) not null,
     updated_on          date,
     updated_by          varchar2(255),
     security_group_id   number not null

comment on table wwv_flow_worksheet_conditions is 'Allows users to add report filtering or row highlighting based on certain criteria';

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_conditions
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_cond_pk
    primary key(id)

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_conditions
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_cond_fk
    foreign key ( worksheet_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheets(id)
    on delete cascade

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_conditions
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_cond_fk2
    foreign key ( report_id ) references wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts(id)
    on delete cascade

alter table wwv_flow_worksheet_conditions
    add constraint wwv_flow_worksheet_cond_uk
    unique(worksheet_id, report_id, name)

create or replace trigger wwv_flow_worksheet_cond_trig
    before insert or update on wwv_flow_worksheet_conditions
    for each row
    -- maintain pk and timestamps
    if inserting and is null then := wwv_flow_worksheet_standard.next_val;
    end if;
    if inserting then
        :new.created_on := sysdate;
        :new.created_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    elsif updating then
        :new.updated_on := sysdate;
        :new.updated_by := nvl(wwv_flow.g_user,user);
    end if;
    if inserting and :new.highlight_enabled is null then
        :new.highlight_enabled := 'Y';
    end if;    
    -- update parent timestamp
    update wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts
       set updated_on = :new.updated_on,
           updated_by = :new.updated_by
     where id = :new.report_id;
    -- vpd
    if :new.security_group_id is null then
       :new.security_group_id := wwv_flow.get_sgid;
    end if;
show errors

create or replace view apex_worksheet_rpts
select id,
from wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts
where security_group_id = (select wwv_flow.get_sgid from dual);

grant select on apex_worksheet_rpts to public;
create or replace public synonym apex_worksheet_rpts for apex_worksheet_rpts;

create or replace view apex_worksheet_columns
from wwv_flow_worksheet_columns 
where security_group_id = (select wwv_flow.get_sgid from dual);

grant select on apex_worksheet_columns to public;
create or replace public synonym apex_worksheet_columns for apex_worksheet_columns;