set define '^' set verify off prompt ...create flows_files Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001 - 2002. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem flows_files_new.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Creates database table required to store uploaded files. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem ARGUMENTS Rem 1. TNS connect information Rem 2. Rem 3. Flows Schema Owner Rem 4. Rem 5. Flows Password Rem 6. Rem 7. Rem 8. Rem 9. Application Tablespace Rem Rem RUNTIME DEPLOYMENT: YES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem jstraub 10/04/2001 - Created Rem tmuth 10/09/2001 - Added create any synonym. Removed grants and added to upgrade procedure. Rem tmuth 10/09/2001 - Removed trigger and moved to flows_files_new2. Rem tmuth 10/10/2001 - Removed extra ";" from second connect Rem tmuth 10/10/2001 - Moved connections to ins.sql Rem tmuth 10/14/2001 - Added wwv_flow_file_objects$ public synonym Rem cbcho 11/13/2001 - Added wwv_flow_files_user_idx Rem mhichwa 04/16/2002 - Changed file header comments Rem mhichwa 08/12/2002 - Increased size of updated_by and created_by columns from 30 bytes Rem mhichwa 08/05/2002 - Changed length of filename from 350 to 400 Rem jkallman 08/04/2003 - Added file_charset (Bug 3033761) Rem jstraub 03/25/2004 - Moved grant on wwv_flow_file_objects$ out and into coreins.sql (Bug 3532644) prompt ... create wwv_flow_file_objects create table wwv_flow_file_objects$ ( id number constraint wwv_flow_file_obj_pk primary key, flow_id number not null, name varchar2(90) not null unique, pathid number, filename varchar2(400), title varchar2(255), mime_type varchar2(48), doc_size number, dad_charset varchar2(128), created_by varchar2(255), created_on date, updated_by varchar2(255), updated_on date, deleted_as_of date default to_date('01-01-0001','DD-MM-YYYY') not null, last_updated date, content_type varchar2(128), blob_content blob, language varchar2(30), description varchar2(4000), security_group_id number, file_type varchar2(255), file_charset varchar2(128) ) / comment on table wwv_flow_file_objects$ is 'General file repository table for all flows applications, used to store SQL Scripts, BLOBs, etc.' / create index wwv_flow_files_sgid_fk_idx on wwv_flow_file_objects$ (security_group_id, id) / create index wwv_flow_files_user_idx on wwv_flow_file_objects$ (created_by) / create public synonym wwv_flow_file_objects$ for wwv_flow_file_objects$;