set define '^' set verify off prompt ...apex_mig_projects_update Rem Rem RUNTIME DEPLOYMENT: YES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem hfarrell 01/11/2008 - Created Rem hfarrell 01/23/2008 - Updated upd_mig_rev_forms to default p_source_name to null, and remove p_mig_type and p_source Rem Updated upd_mig_rev_reports to default p_source_name to null, and remove p_status Rem Renamed p_security_group_id to p_workspace_id to correspond with reference in APEX_MIGRATION views Rem create or replace package apex_mig_projects_update as -- Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2008. All Rights Reserved. -- -- NAME -- apex_mig_projects_update.sql -- -- DESCRIPTION -- API to allow update to select attributes via mechanism other than APEX. -- -- NOTES -- -- INTERNATIONALIZATION -- No known issues -- -- MULTI-CUSTOMER -- Because UI Defaults are schema specific, there is no SGID check -- These can only be run for the current user -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- upd_mig_rev_forms - to update FLOWS_030100.WWV_MIG_REV_FORMS table -- p_project_id: Project ID of existing Migration Project -- p_dbid: Database ID associated with the original MS Access database -- p_formid: Unique ID associated with the original MS Access Form -- p_workspace_id: Workspace ID associated with the Migration Project -- p_source_name: Name of the source object associated with the Form. A form can have 4 types of source: -- TABLE: pass in migrated Oracle Table Name -- QUERY: pass in migrated Oracle View Name -- SQL Query: pass in NULL (this is the default) -- NULL: pass in NULL, as Form has no source object associated with it -- p_source_syntax: The translated/parsed syntax of a SQL Query associated with a Form -- p_source_status: Status of the source object associated with the MS Access Form: VALID or INVALID. -- VALID: the translated SQL statement compiles successfully; -- the migrated Oracle table has a primary key -- the migrated Oracle view compiles successfully -- INVALID: the translated SQL statement does not compile successfully -- the migrated Oracle table has no primary key -- the migrated Oracle view does not compile successfully procedure upd_mig_rev_forms ( p_project_id in number, p_dbid in number, p_formid in number, p_workspace_id in number, p_source_name in varchar2 default null, p_source_syntax in varchar2, p_source_status in varchar2 ); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- upd_mig_rev_reports - to update FLOWS_030100.WWV_MIG_REV_REPORTS table -- p_project_id: Project ID of existing Migration Project -- p_dbid: Database ID associated with the original MS Access database -- p_reportid: Unique ID associated with the original MS Access Report -- p_workspace_id: Workspace ID associated with the Migration Project -- p_source_name: Name of the source object associated with the Report. A report can have 4 types of source: -- TABLE: pass in migrated Oracle Table Name -- QUERY: pass in migrated Oracle View Name -- SQL Query: pass in NULL (this is the default) -- NULL: pass in NULL, as Form has no source object associated with it -- p_source_syntax: The translated/parsed syntax of a SQL Query associated with a Form -- p_source_status: Status of the source object associated with the MS Access Form: VALID or INVALID. -- VALID: the translated SQL statement compiles successfully; -- the migrated Oracle table has a primary key -- the migrated Oracle view compiles successfully -- INVALID: the translated SQL statement does not compile successfully -- the migrated Oracle table has no primary key -- the migrated Oracle view does not compile successfully procedure upd_mig_rev_reports ( p_project_id in number, p_dbid in number, p_reportid in number, p_workspace_id in number, p_source_name in varchar2 default null, p_source_syntax in varchar2, p_source_status in varchar2 ); end apex_mig_projects_update; / show errors