Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1999 - 2006. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem apxxemig.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem NOTES Rem Assumes the SYS user is connected. Rem Rem REQUIRENTS Rem - Oracle 11g Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem jstraub 06/29/2006 - Created Rem jstraub 07/24/2006 - Removed moving /i/ to new directory and moved it to apex_epg_config.sql Rem jstraub 08/14/2006 - Adapted for 11g upgrade install Rem jstraub 02/07/2007 - Added exiting if APPUN schema is detected (bug 5852905) Rem jstraub 02/08/2007 - Removed WHENEVER SQLERROR statements and changed to determine proper script to run, or null1.sql Rem jstraub 02/19/2007 - Added store set apxset.sql to save SQL*Plus setting prior to running APEX scripts, and added check to ensure EDITION is XE Rem jstraub 04/10/2007 - Added replace at the end of store command to avoid SP2-0605 error Rem jstraub 04/10/2007 - Added INSTALL_TYPE parameter for use with dynamically setting WHENEVER SQLERROR exit in coreins Rem jstraub 05/14/2007 - Added grants in case the DB that is upgraded is 9.2 (bug 6051833) Rem jstraub 05/31/2007 - Copied from apxdbmig.sql for XE to upgrade Rem jkallman 08/02/2007 - Change FLOWS_030000 references to FLOWS_030100 Rem jstraub 01/15/2008 - Broke dependency on coreins2.sql and moved XE specific logic to apxxemig.sql Rem jkallman 09/09/2008 - Change FLOWS_030100 references to APEX_030200 Rem jstraub 10/27/2009 - Moved storing of apxset.sql to $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log (Bug 7422107) Rem WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT SQL.SQLCODE ROLLBACK -- If you are calling this script manually, and it is not called by the normal upgrade process, -- you must comment the following line EXECUTE dbms_registry.check_server_instance; WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE column :xe_home new_value OH_HOME NOPRINT variable xe_home varchar2(255) begin -- get oracle_home dbms_system.get_env('ORACLE_HOME',:xe_home); end; / select :xe_home from dual; -- save session settings store set &OH_HOME/rdbms/log/apxset.sql replace prompt . ____ ____ ____ ____ prompt . / \ | \ /\ / | / prompt .| || / / \ | | | prompt .| ||--- ---- | | |--- prompt .| || \ / \ | | | prompt . \____/ | \/ \ \____ |____ \____ prompt . prompt . Application Express Installation. prompt ................................... define UPGRADE = '2' define INSTALL_TYPE = 'INTERNAL' define APPUN = 'APEX_030200' define IMGPR = '/i/' COLUMN :script_name NEW_VALUE comp_file NOPRINT VARIABLE script_name VARCHAR2(50) -- -- non - XE -- begin -- intialize the script to do nothing :script_name := '?/apex/core/null1.sql'; -- Check if there is a prior version, non-XE for c1 in (select null from dba_users where username in ('FLOWS_010500','FLOWS_010600','FLOWS_020000','FLOWS_020200','FLOWS_030000','FLOWS_030100') ) loop :script_name := '?/apex/coreins.sql'; exit; end loop; end; / -- -- XE -- declare p_edition varchar2 (128); begin execute immediate 'select edition from registry$ WHERE cid=''CATPROC''' into p_edition; if p_edition = 'XE' then -- it is XE :script_name := '?/apex/coreins.sql'; end if; exception when others then null; -- it is not XE end; / -- -- check if this version is already installed, if so set script back to null1.sql -- begin for c1 in (select null from dba_users where username = '&APPUN' ) loop :script_name := '?/apex/core/null1.sql'; exit; end loop; end; / set termout off define UFROM = 'FLOWS_010500' column foo_usr new_val UFROM select username foo_usr from (select username from dba_users where username in ('FLOWS_010500','FLOWS_010600','FLOWS_020000','FLOWS_020100','FLOWS_020200','FLOWS_030000','FLOWS_030100') order by username desc) x where rownum = 1; set termout on column :xe_tbs new_value DATTS NOPRINT column :xe_ff_tbs new_value FF_TBLS NOPRINT column :xe_tmp_tbs new_value TEMPTBL NOPRINT column :xe_pwd new_value ADM_PWD NOPRINT column :xe_home new_value OH_HOME NOPRINT variable xe_tbs varchar2(30) variable xe_ff_tbs varchar2(30) variable xe_tmp_tbs varchar2(30) variable xe_pwd varchar2(30) variable xe_home varchar2(255) begin for c1 in (select default_tablespace dt, temporary_tablespace tt from dba_users where username = '&UFROM' ) loop :xe_tbs := c1.dt; :xe_tmp_tbs :=; end loop; for c1 in (select default_tablespace dt from dba_users where username = 'FLOWS_FILES' ) loop :xe_ff_tbs := c1.dt; end loop; :xe_pwd := dbms_random.string('X',30); end; / select :xe_tbs from dual; select :xe_tmp_tbs from dual; select :xe_ff_tbs from dual; select :xe_pwd from dual; define PREFIX = '?/apex/' select :script_name from dual; @&comp_file x &UPGRADE &APPUN &TEMPTBL &IMGPR &DATTS &FF_TBLS &ADM_PWD &PREFIX alter package WWV_FLOW_UTILITIES compile body; alter session set current_schema = SYS; -- perform grants in case this is an upgrade from 9.2 begin -- Grant execute on SYS.dbms_crypto. Silently fail if it does not exist execute immediate 'grant execute on SYS.dbms_crypto to ^APPUN'; exception when others then null; end; / begin -- Grant select on sys.dba_recyclebin. Silently fail if it does not exist execute immediate 'grant select on sys.dba_recyclebin to ^APPUN'; exception when others then null; end; / begin -- Grant select on sys.dba_feature_usage_statistics. Silently fail if it does not exist execute immediate 'grant select on sys.dba_feature_usage_statistics to ^APPUN'; exception when others then null; end; / begin -- get oracle_home dbms_system.get_env('ORACLE_HOME',:xe_home); if :script_name != '?/apex/core/null1.sql' then :script_name := '?/apex/apex_epg_config.sql'; end if; end; / select :xe_home from dual; select :script_name from dual; set define '&' @&comp_file &OH_HOME --XE specific login upgrade set define '^' alter session set current_schema = ^APPUN; begin -- Add a column to wwv_flow_fnd_user for XE to EE upgrade execute immediate 'alter table WWV_FLOW_FND_USER add (LOGGED_IN_SINCE_UPGRADE VARCHAR2(1))'; end; / begin wwv_flow_security.g_security_group_id := 10; update wwv_flow_step_processing set required_patch = null, process_when_type = 'FUNCTION_BODY', process_when = 'return wwv_flow_utilities.db_version_is_at_least(''10.1'');' where flow_id between 4300 and 4309 and trunc(flow_step_id) = 17 and id between 184026726681659973 and 184026726681659973+1; update wwv_flow_step_processing set required_patch = null, process_when_type = 'FUNCTION_BODY', process_when = 'return not wwv_flow_utilities.db_version_is_at_least(''10.1'');' where flow_id between 4300 and 4309 and trunc(flow_step_id) = 17 and id between 7873510163151423 and 7873510163151423+1; commit; end; / declare l_sgid number; begin -- delete workspaces associated with restricted schema(s) but not have any applications for c1 in (select a.security_group_id from wwv_flow_company_schemas a, (select a.schema "SCHEMA" from wwv_flow_restricted_schemas a, wwv_flow_rschema_exceptions b where b.schema_id (+)= b where a.schema = b.schema and a.security_group_id not in (select security_group_id from wwv_flows) ) loop l_sgid := c1.security_group_id; wwv_flow_provisioning.terminate_service_by_sgid(l_sgid); wwv_flow_provisioning.delete_provision_request(l_sgid); end loop; -- set workspace request status to APPROVED update wwv_flow_provision_company set project_status = 'APPROVED'; wwv_flow_security.g_security_group_id := 10; update WWV_FLOW_FND_USER set LOGGED_IN_SINCE_UPGRADE = 'N' where WWV_FLOW_FND_USER.USER_NAME IN ( select WWV_FLOW_COMPANIES.SHORT_NAME from WWV_FLOW_COMPANIES) and WWV_FLOW_FND_USER.USER_NAME IN ( SELECT DBA_USERS.USERNAME FROM DBA_USERS) and WWV_FLOW_FND_USER.SECURITY_GROUP_ID IN ( SELECT WWV_FLOW_COMPANIES.PROVISIONING_COMPANY_ID FROM WWV_FLOW_COMPANIES); end; / @?/apex/core/wwv_flow_login_xe_upgrade.sql @?/apex/core/wwv_flow_login_xe_upgrade.plb alter session set current_schema = SYS; -- Restore session variables @?/rdbms/log/apxset.sql