# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# Restricted Materials of IBM 
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2002,2019 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 

# Trace templates for component _SEC generated by cugentpl.

0 "" "%s"
1 "" "Start of trace for %s for PID=%d\n"
2 "" "End of trace for %s for PID=%d\n"
3 "" "end of %s: rc = %d\n"
4 ""
"Performance tracing enabled for level %d:\n"
"\tTrace file name: %s\n"
"\tTrace file size: %d\n"
5 ""
"Thread %d has been activated!\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
6 ""
"Request %d:  Removed from pending queue!\n"
"\tCycles:                   %lld\n"
"\tTotal time since qeueing: %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
7 ""
"Request %d:  Removed from active queue!\n"
"\tCycles:                   %lld\n"
"\tTotal time since qeueing: %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
8 ""
"Thread %d: Service request ended!\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
9 ""
"The PRNG seeder finished in:\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
10 ""
"The key file checker finished in:\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
11 ""
"Sent request to ctcasd in cas_send_request_uds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
12 ""
"Bound client socket in cas__bind_unix_socket():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
13 ""
"Generation of socket file name in cas__bind_unix_socket():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
14 ""
"Binding of client socket in cas__bind_unix_socket():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
15 ""
"Generation of ctcasd's client identity in hba_acquire_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
16 ""
"Session key generation/encryption in hba_acquire_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
17 ""
"Credential acquisition in hba_acquire_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
18 ""
"Return preparation in hba_acquire_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
19 ""
"Generation of ctcasd's client identity in hba_authenticate():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
20 ""
"Authentication in hba_authenticate():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
21 ""
"Return preparation in hba_authenticate():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
22 ""
"Generation of ctcasd's client identity in hba_acquire_authenticate():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
23 ""
"Authentication in hba_acquire_authenticate():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
24 ""
"Creds acquisition in hba_acquire_authenticate():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
25 ""
"Return preparation in hba_acquire_authenticate():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
26 ""
"Generation of session key (%016llx) in hba__skey_create_new():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
27 ""
"Retrieval of target host public key in hba__skey_construct():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
28 ""
"Encryption of session key in hba__skey_construct():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
29 ""
"Acquisition of peer name in hba__user_create_new():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
30 ""
"Host name resolution in hba__user_create_new():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
31 ""
"Generation of encrypted data in hba__acquire_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
32 ""
"Marshaling of encrypted data in hba__acquire_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
33 ""
"Retrieval of local host private key in hba__encdata_create():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
34 ""
"Encryption of service ticket in hba__encdata_create():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
35 ""
"Retrieval of source host public key in hba__creds_authentiate():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
36 ""
"Decryption of service ticket in hba__creds_authentiate():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
37 ""
"Encryption of a cipher block w/RSA in hba__crypt_encdata():\n"
"\tTime:\t%d sec. %d nsec.\n"
38 ""
"Decryption of a cipher block w/RSA in hba__crypt_encdata():\n"
"\tTime:\t%d sec. %d nsec.\n"
39 ""
"The server is listening!\n"
"\tKey generation method = %s\n"
"\tPID = %d.\n"
40 ""
"Thread %d services following request:\n"
"\tVersion: %d\n"
"\tService: %s (0x%x)\n"
"\tRequest: %s (0x%x)\n"
41 ""
"Worker thread started (thread id %u).\n"
42 ""
"Dispatcher thread started (thread id %u).\n"
43 ""
"PRNG seeder thread started (thread id %u).\n"
44 ""
"Key files checker thread started (thread id %u).\n"
45 ""
"Dispatcher: the PRNG has been seeded!\n"
46 ""
"Dispatcher: the  HBA key files have been checked!\n"
47 ""
"Dispatcher: Going into timedwaiting!\n"
48 ""
"Dispatcher: Awaken by signal!\n"
49 ""
"Dispatcher: Timed out!\n"
50 ""
"Dispatcher: Signaling workers!\n"
51 ""
"Dispatcher: Created worker thread %u!\n"
52 ""
"Dispatcher: Will replace worker thread %u!\n"
53 ""
"Dispatcher: Replaced worker thread with %u!\n"
54 ""
"Dispatcher: Destroyed worker thread %u [%d]!\n"
55 ""
"Enqueuer: Signaling dispatcher (request %d)!\n"
56 ""
"SRCEnqueuer: Signaling dispatcher (request %d)!\n"
57 ""
"Worker thread %u: Signaling dispatcher!\n"
58 ""
"Worker thread %u: Signaling enqueuer!\n"
59 ""
"Worker thread %u: Going into waiting!\n"
60 ""
"The PRNG is being seeded manually!\n"
61 ""
"The key file checker is running in the main thread!\n"
62 ""
"The request queue (size %d) is full!\n"
63 ""
"Assumed kernel for the process: %s\n"
64 ""
"Request added to the request queue:\n"
"\tReference no.: %d\n"
"\tTime:          %s\n"
"\tSocket fd.:    %d\n"
"\tSocket type:   0x%08x\n"
"\tRequest state: 0x%08x\n"
65 ""
"Request added to the SRC request queue:\n"
"\tReference no.: %d\n"
"\tTime:          %s\n"
"\tSocket fd.:    %d\n"
"\tSocket type:   0x%08x\n"
"\tRequest state: 0x%08x\n"
66 ""
"SRC request info:\n"
"\tReference no.: %d\n"
"\tTime:          %s\n"
"\tSocket fd.:    %d\n"
"\tSocket type:   0x%08x\n"
"\tRequest state: 0x%08x\n"
67 ""
"Worker thread %u was signaled w/no requests in queue!\n"
68 ""
"Worker thread %u dequeued request w/ref. no. %d.\n"
69 ""
"Trace Environment Variable Settings:\n"
"\tCT_TR_TRACE = %s\n"
"\tCT_TR_SIZE = %s\n"
"\tCT_TR_FILENAME = %s\n"
70 ""
"Configuration Settings used:\n"
"\tTRACE = %s\n"
"\tTRACEFILE = %s\n"
"\tTRACELEVELS = %s\n"
"\tTRACESIZE = %s\n"
"\tRQUEUESIZE = %s\n"
"\tMAXTHREADS = %s\n"
"\tMINTHREADS = %s\n"
"\tHBA_THLFILE = %s\n"
"\tHBA_CRED_TIMETOLIVE = %d seconds (0 == unlimited)\n"
"\tSERVICES = %s\n"
71 ""
"\tHBA2_CTX_LIFETIME = %d seconds (-1 == unlimited)\n"
"\tHBA_CRED_TIMETOLIVE = %d seconds (0 == unlimited)\n"
"\tHBA2_NONCE_FILEMIN = %d nonces\n"
72 "" 
"Error Return of %d from %s\n"
"\tError Message = %s\n"
73 "" 
"Call to %s\n"
74 "" 
"%s returned, rc = %d\n"
75 "" 
"Start of %s\n"
76 "" 
"End of %s, rc=%d\n"
77 "" 
"%s failed with rc=%d\n"
78 "" 
"select() failed with errno = %d\n"
79 "" 
"accept() failed with errno=%d\n"
80 "" 
"Error on udsocket(%d) or tcpsocket(%d).\n"
81 "" 
"Unexpected signal (%d) received in cas__usr_sig_handler.\n"
82 "" 
"%s failed with return code = %d in %s\n"
83 "" 
"opendir(%s) failed with return code = %d in %s\n"
84 "" 
"Invalid path executed in %s\n"
85 "" 
"The Trusted Host List: %s is empty\n"
86 "" 
"The HBA_PUBKEYFILE: %s permission is not r--r--r-- (0444). \n"
87 "" 
"The HBA_PRVKEYFILE : %s permission is not r-------- (0400). \n"
88 "" 
"The HBA_THLFILE: %s permission is not r--r--r-- (0444). \n"
89 "" 
"DISPATCHER: requests  acount:%d, pcount:%d\n"
90 "" 
"The HBA_PUBKEYFILE: %s is not a valid Public Key.\n"
"\tIt should be deleted and regenerated.\n"
91 "" 
"The HBA_PRVKEYFILE: %s is not a valid Private Key.\n"
"\tIt should be deleted and regenerated.\n"
92 "" 
"Calling %s in %s\n"
93 "" 
94 "" 
"%s: CAS_THPOOL.count=%d,CAS_THPOOL.icount=%d\n"
95 ""
"%s returning error, rc=%d, Message is %s\n"
96 ""
"HBA_AUTHENT:%s failed to authenticate credentials for: \n"
"\tUser = %s\n"
"\tHostname = %s\n"
97 ""
"HBA_AUTHENT:%s requested to authenticated credentials for: \n"
"\tUser = %s\n"
"\tHostname = %s\n"
98 ""
"HBA_AUTHENT:%s succeeded in authenticating credentials for: \n"
"\tUser = %s\n"
"\tHostname = %s\n"
99 ""
"Trace file or directory: %s does not exist, using default: %s.\n"
100 ""
"HBA_ACQCREDS:%s failed to acquire credentials for: \n"
"\tUser = %s\n"
"\tHostname = %s\n"
101 ""
"HBA_ACQCREDS:%s requested to acquire credentials for: \n"
"\tUser = %s\n"
"\tHostname = %s\n"
102 ""
"HBA_ACQCREDS:%s succeeded in acquiring credentials for: \n"
"\tUser = %s\n"
"\tHostname = %s\n"
103 ""
"Failure generating public/private keys in %s: rc=%d.\n"
104 ""
"Generating new public/private keys:\n"
105 ""
"Error finding Hostname:%s in THL file : rc=%d.\n"
106 ""
"Public Key for  Hostname:%s in THL file does not match HBA_PUBKEYFILE.\n"
107 ""
"Routine %s received Signal %d.\n"
108 ""
"Routine %s received Signal %d and is invoking the error handler.\n"
109 ""
"Routine %s received Signal %d.\n"
110 ""
"Validating credentials for %s against %s.\n"
111 ""
"Routine %s authenticating credentials containing network id %s.\n"
112 ""
"Routine %s comparing the identity of the target service: %s against %s failed.\n"
113 ""
"Routine %s comparing hostname: %s against %s failed.\n"
114 ""
"Routine %s comparing the identity of the target service:  %s against %s.\n"
115 ""
"Routine %s comparing hostname: %s against %s.\n"
116 ""
"Beginning of the ctstrtcasd command.\n"
117 ""
"Beginning of the ctstrtcasd command with following options:\n"
"\tName of trace file: %s\n"
"\tSize of trace file: %d\n"
"\tTrace levels: %s\n"
"\tVerbose mode: %s\n"
118 ""
"End of the ctstrtcasd command.\n"
119 ""
"End of the ctstrtcasd command with return code: %d\n"
120 ""
"The srcstat() subroutine returned SRC_NORPLY (timeout).\n"
121 ""
"srcstat() returned %d statcodes (Continued = %d).\n"
122 ""
"statcode #%d returned by srcstat():\n"
"\tobject type: %d\n"
"\tstatus: %d\n"
"\tobject text: %s\n"
"\tobject name: %s\n"
123 ""
"SRC system ctcas is active, with pid %d.\n"
124 ""
"SRC system ctcas is active, with pid %lld.\n"
125 ""
"SRC system ctcasd is already being started by the SRC master.\n"
126 ""
"SRC system ctcas is inactive or inoperative.  Starting it...\n"
127 ""
"The srcstrt() routine failed for SRC system ctcas: rc = %d.\n"
128 ""
"The srcstrt() routine indicated ctcasd already running on the host.\n"
129 ""
"The srcstrt() routine succeeded for SRC system ctcas: pid = %d.\n"
130 ""
"The srcstat() routine failed for SRC system ctcas: rc = %d.\n"
131 ""
"Sleeping for 10 msecs. to retry connecting to ctcasd...\n"
132 ""
"Sleeping for 100 msecs. to allow ctcasd to die in peace...\n"
133 ""
"An error occurred when creating a socket!\n"
"\tsocket() failed w/errno = %d\n"
134 ""
"An error occurred when connecting to ctcasd!\n"
"\tconnect() failed w/errno = %d\n"
135 ""
"Connecting to ctcasd... \n"
136 ""
"Successfully connected to ctcasd after %d retries!\n"
137 ""
"Unable to connect to ctcasd in the time allowed!\n"
138 ""
"Leaving routine %s at line %d with return code %d\n"
139 ""
"Registered Unix HBA credential handling routines with the ctcasd daemon\n"
140 ""
"Failure registering Unix HBA credential routines with the ctcasd daemon\n"
"\tReturn code from cas__register_service(): %d\n"
141 ""
"hba__request_create(): Request unmarshalled from transmitted data\n"
142 ""
"hba__request_create(): Request unmarshalled from transmitted data:\n"
"\tRequest flags:            0x%08x\n"
143 ""
"hba__request_create(): Request unmarshalled from transmitted data:\n"
"\tRequest magic number:     0x%08x\n"
"\tRequest version number:   0x%08x\n"
"\tRequest flags:            0x%08x\n"
"\tRequest user name:        %s\n"
"\tRequest target service:   %s\n"
144 ""
"Failure in hba__request_create(): bad request magic or version detected\n"
145 ""
"Failure in hba__request_create(): bad request magic or version detected\n"
"request magic number 0x%x, version 0x%x\n"
146 ""
"Creating error reply structure to return to client\n"
147 ""
"Creating error reply structure to return to client\n"
"\tReturn code for reply structure: %d\n"
148 ""
"\tError structure returned in reply structure:\n"
149 ""
"Entering hba_acquire_creds()\n"
150 ""
"Entering hba_acquire_creds() with parameters:\n"
"\tAddress of communication request data structure: 0x%x\n"
"\tAddress of marshalled request data:              0x%x\n"
"\tAddress to return reply information:             0x%x\n"
151 ""
"hba_acquire_creds() Failure - Unable to allocate memory for reply structure\n"
152 ""
"credential format used: %d\n"
153 ""
"%s credential format used because %s\n"
154 ""
"Cannot obtain intended target's public key - skipping secret key creation\n"
155 ""
"Cannot obtain intended target's public key - skipping secret key creation\n"
"\thba__crypt_get_target_id() return code %d\n"
156 ""
"Session key (prior to encryption)\n"
157 ""
"Session key (after encryption)\n"
158 ""
"Session key (prior to decryption)\n"
159 ""
"Session key (after decryption)\n"
160 ""
"No secret key generated for credentials\n"
161 ""
"No secret key generated for credentials\n"
"\thba__skey_create_new() return code %d\n"
162 ""
"Cannot encrypt secret key for credentials - omitting secret key\n"
163 ""
"Cannot encrypt secret key for credentials - omitting secret key\n"
"\thba__skey_encrypt() return code %d\n"
164 ""
"Leaving hba_acquire_creds()\n"
165 ""
"Leaving hba_acquire_creds() at line %d with return code %d\n"
"\trep_magic:   0x%08x\n"
"\trep_version: 0x%08x\n"
"\trep_flags:   0x%08x\n"
"\trep_rcode:   %d\n"
"\t<remaining data omitted from trace>\n"
166 ""
"Entering hba__get_creds()\n"
167 ""
"Entering hba__get_creds() with parameters:\n"
"\tAddress of request data structure:            0x%x\n"
"\tAddress of ctcasd client user data structure: 0x%x\n"
"\t\tUser version:      %d\n"
"\t\tUser effective ID: %d\n"
"\t\tUser name:         %s\n"
"\tImposed host name (if any):                   %s\n"
"\tAddress to return reply information:          0x%x\n"
168 ""
"Leaving hba__get_creds()\n"
169 ""
"Leaving hba__get_creds() at line %d with return code %d\n"
170 ""
"Entering hba_authenticate()\n"
171 ""
"Entering hba_authenticate() with parameters:\n"
"\tAddress of communication request data structure: 0x%x\n"
"\tAddress of marshalled request data:              0x%x\n"
"\tAddress to return reply information:             0x%x\n"
172 ""
"Entering hba__verify_creds()\n"
173 ""
"Entering hba__verify_creds() with parameters:\n"
"\tAddress of request data structure:            0x%x\n"
"\tAddress of ctcasd client user data structure: 0x%x\n"
"\t\tUser version:      %d\n"
"\t\tUser effective ID: %d\n"
"\t\tUser name:         %s\n"
"\tAddress to return authenticated identity:     0x%x\n"
"\tAddress to return credential version:         0x%x\n"
"\tAddress to return reply information:          0x%x\n"
174 ""
"Credential version detected (0 indicates unknown): %d\n"
175 ""
"Unsupported credential \"mojo\" detected\n"
"\tATTENTION - This can indicate either mismatched Unix HBA versions within\n"
"\tthe cluster configuration, or an attempt to FORGE CREDENTIALS!\n"
176 ""
"Unsupported credential \"mojo\" detected [0x%08x]\n"
"\tATTENTION - This can indicate either mismatched Unix HBA versions within\n"
"\tthe cluster configuration, or an attempt to FORGE CREDENTIALS!\n"
177 ""
"Unsupported credential \"mojo\" deciphered\n"
"\tATTENTION - This can indicate either mismatched Unix HBA versions within\n"
"\tthe cluster configuration, or an attempt to FORGE CREDENTIALS!\n"
178 ""
"Unsupported credential \"mojo\" deciphered [0x%08x]\n"
"\tATTENTION - This can indicate either mismatched Unix HBA versions within\n"
"\tthe cluster configuration, or an attempt to FORGE CREDENTIALS!\n"
179 ""
"Mismatched version indicators within credentials\n"
"\tATTENTION - This can indicate either mismatched Unix HBA versions within\n"
"\tthe cluster configuration, or an attempt to FORGE CREDENTIALS!\n"
180 ""
"Mismatched version indicators within credentials [version %d]\n"
"\tATTENTION - This can indicate either mismatched Unix HBA versions within\n"
"\tthe cluster configuration, or an attempt to FORGE CREDENTIALS!\n"
181 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure - Cannot obtain local system's private key\n"
182 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure - Cannot obtain client user ID infor from socket\n"
183 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure - Cannot obtain client user ID infor from socket\n"
"\thba__get_ctcasd_client_user() error code %d\n"
184 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure - Invalid request from client appliction\n"
185 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure - Invalid request from client appliction\n"
"\tInvalid req_creds information [l:%d, a:%x]\n"
186 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure - Failure unmarshalling credentials from input\n"
"\trequest buffer data\n"
187 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure - Failure unmarshalling credentials from input\n"
"\trequest buffer data\n"
"\tmarshalled data offset:           0x%x\n"
"\thba_unmarshal_creds() error code: %d\n"
188 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Info - No public key found for client system\n"
"\ttreating client as UNAUTHENTICATED\n"
189 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Info - No public key found for client system \"%s\"\n"
"\ttreating client as UNAUTHENTICATED\n"
190 ""
"hba__verify_creds_get_encdata() Failure - Cannot decipher credentials\n"
"\tATTENTION: POSSIBLE CREDENTIAL FORGERY, or failure in credential creation\n"
"\ton the other system interacting with this one.\n"
191 ""
"hba__verify_creds_get_encdata() Failure - Cannot decipher credentials\n"
"\tATTENTION: POSSIBLE CREDENTIAL FORGERY, or failure in credential creation\n"
"\ton system \"%s\"\n"
"\thba__crypt_decdata() error code: %d\n"
"\tKey value used in credential deciphering\n"
192 ""
"hba__verify_creds_get_encdata() Failure - Cannot unmarshall credentials\n"
"\tPossible public key mismatch between systems or data corruption\n"
"\tATTENTION: POSSIBLE CREDENTIAL FORGERY - investigate other causes first\n"
193 ""
"hba__verify_creds_get_encdata() Failure - Cannot unmarshall credentials\n"
"\tLikely cause: System identifying itself as \"%s\"\n"
"\t              using obsolete key value for this system, or\n"
"\t              obsolete public key for this system recorded\n"
"\t              in the local trusted host list.\n"
"\tOther causes: Possible corruption of credential by the application\n"
"\t              presenting the credentials for verificaion.\n"
"\tATTENTION:    Can also be caused by a FORGED CREDENTIAL.  Eliminate\n"
"\t              the previosly listed causes first.\n"
"\thba_unmarshal_encdata() error code: %d\n"
"\tPublic Key value used in credential deciphering follows:\n"
194 ""
"hba__verify_cred_get_target_v() Failure - Bad target service specification\n"
"\tATTENTION: POSSIBLE CREDENTIAL FORGERY, or failure in credential creation\n"
"\ton the other system interacting with this one.\n"
195 ""
"hba__verify_cred_get_target_v() Failure - Bad target service specification\n"
"\tTarget specification: %s\n"
"\tATTENTION: POSSIBLE CREDENTIAL FORGERY, or failure in credential creation\n"
"\ton system \"%s\"\n"
196 ""
"Credentials from %s@%s intended for the following service:\n"
"\tUser name: %s\n"
"\tHost     : %s\n"
197 ""
" ==== Unix HBA Credential Verification Failure ====\n"
198 ""
" ==== Unix HBA Credential Verification Failure ====\n"
"|\tCredential version: %d\n"
"|\tCredential origin:  %s\n"
" ==================================================\n"
199 ""
"hba__verify_cred() error detection mask set to 0x%x at line %d\n"
200 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure - Credentials not intended for this service\n"
"\tapplication coding problem.\n"
201 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure at line %d\n"
"\tCredentials not intended for this service\n"
"\tService is not the user identified in %s\n"
"\tmismatch between the mapped identities for the service on the client\n"
"\tand server systems, or possible application coding problem (application\n"
"\tmay be presenting the wrong data structure to the CtSec library in\n"
"\tplace of a valid credential).\n"
202 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure - Credentials not intended for this service\n"
"\tPossibly intended for an interface currently not active on this system\n"
"\tapplication coding problem (application may be presenting the wrong data\n"
"\tstructure to the CtSec library in the place of a valid credential).\n"
203 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure - Credentials not intended for this service\n"
"\tService host is not host identified in %s\n"
"\tPossibly intended for an interface currently not active on this system\n"
"\tapplication coding problem (application may be presenting the wrong data\n"
"\tstructure to the CtSec library in the place of a valid credential).\n"
204 ""
"hba__verify_cred_challenge_v2() challenge phase %d starting\n"
205 ""
"hba__verify_cred_challenge_v2() challenge completed\n"
206 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure - Credential challenge failed\n"
"\tATTENTION: POSSIBLE CREDENTIAL FORGERY, or failure in credential creation\n"
"\ton the other system interacting with this one.\n"
207 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure - Credential challenge failed\n"
"\tName claimed:  %s\n"
"\tName obtained: %s\n"
"\tATTENTION: POSSIBLE CREDENTIAL FORGERY, or failure in credential creation\n"
"\ton the other system interacting with this one.\n"
208 ""
"hba__verify_cred_challenge_v2() credential challenge failure\n"
"\tATTENTION: POSSIBLE CREDENTIAL FORGERY, or failure in credential creation\n"
"\ton the other system interacting with this one.\n"
209 ""
"hba__verify_cred_challenge_v2() credential challenge failure at line %d\n"
"\tHost 1: %s\n"
"\tHost 2: %s\n"
"\tATTENTION: POSSIBLE CREDENTIAL FORGERY, or failure in credential creation\n"
"\ton the other system interacting with this one.\n"
210 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure - [nullstring] user identity is invalid\n"
"\tATTENTION: POSSIBLE CREDENTIAL FORGERY, or failure in credential creation\n"
"\ton the other system interacting with this one.\n"
211 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Failure - [nullstring] user identity is invalid\n"
"\tATTENTION: POSSIBLE CREDENTIAL FORGERY, or failure in credential creation\n"
"\ton system \"%s\"\n"
212 ""
"hba__verify_cred() - proceeding to next host in credential host list\n"
213 ""
"hba__verify_cred() - stopping processing of host %s at line %d\n"
"\treason: %s\n"
"\tproceeding to next host in credential host list\n"
214 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Error - Cannot extract secret key from credentials\n"
"\tTreating client as UNAUTHENTICATED\n"
215 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Error - Cannot extract secret key from credentials\n"
"\thba__skey_extract() error code %d\n"
"\tTreating client %s as UNAUTHENTICATED - examine the trusted host list on\n"
"\tthe client host to ensure that it has the proper public key value for\n"
"\tthe server system.\n"
216 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Error - Expired credential detected\n"
"\tATTENTION: Possible clock skew problem between nodes, or\n"
217 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Error - Expired credential detected\n"
"\tClient credential claims to be from host: %s\n"
"\tATTENTION: Possible clock skew problem between nodes, or\n"
218 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Error - Expired credential detected\n"
"\tClient credential claims to be from host: %s\n"
"\tClaimed credential creation time:         %s\n"
"\tMaximum credential lifetime used:         %d seconds\n"
"\tATTENTION: Possible clock skew problem between nodes, or\n"
219 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Status - credentials pass expiration check\n"
220 ""
"hba__verify_creds() ending\n"
221 ""
"hba__verify_creds() ending at line %d with return code %d\n"
222 ""
"hba__verify_creds() ending with an error\n"
223 ""
"hba__verify_creds() ending with an error at line %d - return code %d\n"
224 ""
"hba__verify_creds() completing - successful authentication of client\n"
225 ""
"hba__verify_creds() completing - successful authentication of client\n"
"\tClient identity: %s\n"
226 ""
"Entering hba_authenticate_acquire()\n"
227 ""
"Entering hba_authenticate_acquire() with parameters:\n"
"\tAddress of communication request data structure: 0x%x\n"
"\tAddress of marshalled request data:              0x%x\n"
"\tAddress to return reply information:             0x%x\n"
228 ""
"...... Unix HBA Credentials Verified .....\n"
229 ""
"...... Unix HBA Credentials Verified .....\n"
":\tCredential version:     %d\n"
":\tAuthenticated identity: %s\n"
":\tIntended target system: %s\n"
230 ""
"hba_authenticate_acquire() info: successful building of reply credentials\n"
231 ""
"hba_authenticate_acquire() info: successful building of reply credentials\n"
"\tCredential version:     %d\n"
"\tIntended target:        %s\n"
232 ""
"hba_authenticate_acquire() ending with an error\n"
233 ""
"hba_authenticate_acquire() ending with an error at line %d - return code %d\n"
234 ""
"hba_authenticate_acquire() completed\n"
235 ""
"hba_authenticate_acquire() completed with return code %d\n"
"\treply version:          %d\n"
"\treply flags:            0x%08x\n"
"\treply response code:    %d\n"
"\tauthenticated identity: %s\n"
"\t[remaining information intentionally omitted]\n"
236 ""
"hba__get_localhost_idlist() adding the following identity to host list:\n"
"\tIdentity value:         %s\n"
"\tIdentity type:          %s\n"
"\tInterface type:         %s\n"
"\tPopulation option:      0x%x\n"
"\tSource code line:       %d\n"
237 ""
"hba__get_localhost_idlist() failure adding identity to host list\n"
238 ""
"hba__get_localhost_idlist() failure adding identity to host list\n"
"\tHost identity used when failure occurred: %s\n"
"\tReturn code back to caller: %d\n"
239 ""
"| (Unix HBA Credentials continued)\n"
"|\tidlist[%d]:                  %s\n"
240 ""
"| (Unix HBA Credentials continued)\n"
"|\tidlist[%d]:                  [null]\n"
241 ""
"+----- Unix HBA Credentials Start -----\n"
"|\tcred_magic:                 0x%08x\n"
"|\tcred_version:               0x%08x\n"
"|\tcred_algo:                  0x%08x\n"
"|\tcred_encdata:               [address: 0x%x  length: %d bytes]\n"
242 ""
"| (Unix HBA Credentials continued)\n"
"|\tcred_hname:                 %s\n"
243 ""
"| (Unix HBA Credentials continued)\n"
"|\tcred_hname:                 [hostlist - %d entries]\n"
244 ""
"+-----  Unix HBA Credentials End  -----\n"
245 ""
"| (Unix HBA Credentials continued):\n"
"|\tcred_encdata.enc_magic:     0x%08x\n"
"|\tcred_encdata.enc_version:   0x%08x\n"
"|\tcred_encdata.enc_timestamp: 0x%08x\n"
"|\tcred_encdata.enc_uname:     %s\n"
"|\tcred_encdata.enc_random:    [address: 0x%x  length: %d bytes]\n"
"|\tcred_encdata.enc_keytype:   0x%08x\n"
"|\tcred_encdata.enc_key:       [address: 0x%x  length: %d bytes]\n"
"|\tcred_encdata.enc_reserved:  [address: 0x%x  length: %d bytes]\n"
246 ""
"| (Unix HBA Credentials continued)\n"
"|\tcred_encdata.enc_hname:     %s\n"
247 ""
"| (Unix HBA Credentials continued)\n"
"|\tcred_encdata.enc_hname:     [hostlist - %d entries]\n"
248 ""
"| (Unix HBA Credentials continued)\n"
"|\tcred_encdata.enc_tname:     %s\n"
249 ""
"| (Unix HBA Credentials continued)\n"
"|\tcred_encdata.enc_tname:     [hostlist - %d entries]\n"
250 ""
"| (Unix HBA Credentials continued)\n"
"|\tcred_encdata.enc_key value: \n"
251 ""
"+----- Unix HBA Credentials Prepared -----\n"
252 ""
"+----- Unix HBA Credentials Prepared -----\n"
"|\tCredential version: %d\n"
"|\tIdentifies:         %s\n"
"|\tIntended for:       %s\n"
253 ""
"Entering hba__request_create()\n"
254 ""
"Entering hba__request_create() with parameters:\n"
"\tAddress of (marshalled) received request data: 0x%x\n"
"\tAddress of (unmarshalled) output buffer:       0x%x\n"
255 ""
"hba__request_create() Failure: invalid argument detected\n"
256 ""
"hba__request_create() Failure: invalid argument detected\n"
"\tpositional parameter in error: %d\n"
"\tvalue of parameter:            0x%x\n"
"Leaving hba__request_create() with return code SEC_S_INTERNAL_ERR\n"
257 ""
"Leaving hba__request_create()\n"
258 ""
"Leaving hba__request_create() with return code %d\n"
259 ""
"Entering hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1()\n"
260 ""
"Entering hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1() with parameters:\n"
"\tAddress of ctcasd client user data block: 0x%x\n"
"\tuser data block version:                  %d\n"
"\teffective user ID:                        %d\n"
"\tuser name:                                %s\n"
"\timposed host name (if any):               %s\n"
261 ""
"hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1() Failure: invalid argument detected\n"
262 ""
"hba__request_create() Failure: invalid argument detected\n"
"\tpositional parameter in error: %d\n"
"\tvalue of parameter:            0x%x\n"
"Leaving hba__request_create() with return code SEC_S_INTERNAL_ERR\n"
263 ""
"hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1() Failure: gethostname() failed\n"
264 ""
"hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1() Failure: cannot resolve hostname\n"
265 ""
"hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1() Failure: cannot resolve hostname\n"
"\tFailed while resolving host name: %s\n"
266 ""
"hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1() Failure: obtained null host name\n"
"\tfor a fully qualified host name\n"
267 ""
"hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1() Failure: obtained null host name\n"
"\tfor a fully qualified host name\n"
"\tFailed while resolving host name: %s\n"
268 ""
"hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1() Failure: Cannot duplicate string\n"
269 ""
"hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1() Failure: Cannot duplicate string\n"
"\tString value: %s\n"
270 ""
"hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1() Failure: Cannot get or resolve local\n"
"\thost name - possible network problem between this node and the domain\n"
"\tname server.\n"
271 ""
"hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1() Failure: Unexpected failure when trying\n"
"\tto get or resolve local host name. Host name buffer may not be long\n"
"\tenough, or parameter use may be wrong.\n"
272 ""
"Leaving hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1()\n"
273 ""
"Leaving hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1() with return code %d\n"
"\tFully resolved host name: %s\n"
274 ""
"Public key obtained for host %s:\n"
275 ""
"Cannot create initial trusted host list file %s\n"
276 ""
"Cannot create initial trusted host list file\n"
"\tfile name: %s\n"
"\treason:    Directory does not exist, or file permissions set so that\n"
"\t           the file cannot be created, or insufficient file system space.\n"
277 ""
"Internal failure in cas__create_init_hba_thlfile() at line %d\n"
"Consult Error Log or System Log for details.\n"
278 ""
"Retrieval of local host private key in hba_acquire_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
279 ""
"Obtaining ctcasd's client information from socket in hba_acquire_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
280 ""
"Obtaining credentials for ctcasd's client in hba_acquire_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
281 ""
"Return preparation in hba_acquire_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
282 ""
"Obtaining ctcasd's client local host information (CAS1) in hba__get_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
283 ""
"Obtaining ctcasd's client local host information (CAS2) in hba__get_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
284 ""
"Obtaining data for encrypted portion of HBA cred (CAS1) in hba__get_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
285 ""
"Obtaining data for encrypted portion of HBA cred (CAS2) in hba__get_creds()\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
286 ""
"Retrieval of target server host's public key in hba__get_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
287 ""
"Encrypting session key in hba__get_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
288 ""
"Encrypting credentials in hba__get_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
289 ""
"Obtaining ctcasd's client information from socket in hba_authenticate():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
290 ""
"Verification of credentials by hba_authenticate():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
291 ""
"Return preparation in hba_authenticate():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
292 ""
"Preparating credentials for verification in hba__verify_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
293 ""
"Obtaining ctcasd's client local host info (CAS1) in hba__verify_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
294 ""
"Obtaining ctcasd's client local host info (CAS2) in hba__verify_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
295 ""
"Retrieval of (claimed) client host's public key in hba__verify_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
296 ""
"Decryption and unmarshalling of encrypted cred data (CAS1) in\n\t hba__verify_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
297 ""
"Decryption and unmarshalling of encrypted cred data (CAS2) in\n\t hba__verify_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
298 ""
"Decryption and unmarshalling of encrypted cred data (CAS1) in\n\t hba__verify_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
299 ""
"Decryption and unmarshalling of encrypted cred data (CAS1) in\n\t hba__verify_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
300 ""
"Decryption of session key from credential in hba__verify_creds():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
301 ""
"Retrieval of local host private key in hba_authenticate_acquire():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
302 ""
"Obtaining ctcasd's client info from socket in hba_authenticate_acquire():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
303 ""
"Verification of credentials phase of hba_authenticate_acquire():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
304 ""
"Acquisition of reply credentials phase of hba_authenticate_acquire():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
305 ""
"Return preparation in hba_authenticate_acquire():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
306 ""
"Obtaining fully qualified host name (for CAS1 cred) in\n\t hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v1():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
307 ""
"Obtaining host name list (for CAS2 cred) in\n\t hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v2():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
308 ""
"Obtaining host address list (for CAS2 cred) in\n\t hba__get_ctcasd_client_hostname_v2():\n"
"\tCycles: %lld\n"
"\tTime:   %d sec. %d nsec.\n"
309 ""
"cas__create_worker_thread() line %d: pthread_attr_init() failed [errno %d]\n"
"\tUsing default pthread stack size for worker thread\n"
310 ""
"cas__create_worker_thread() line %d: pthread_attr_setstack() failed [errno %d]\n"
"\tUsing default pthread stack size for worker thread\n"
311 ""
"cas__create_worker_thread() line %d: overriding default pthread stack size\n"
"\tstack size set to %d bytes for thread being created\n"
312 ""
"cas__test_has_thlfile_recov() detected recovery file left by ctcasctrl\n"
"\tDaemon will append local interface and host name data to existing THL\n"
313 ""
"cas__test_has_thlfile_recov() detected recovery file left by ctcasctrl\n"
"\tRecovery file name: %s\n"
"\tDaemon will append local interface and host name data to existing THL\n"
314 ""
"cas__test_has_thlfile_recov() did not detect a recovery file left by ctcasctrl\n"
"\tExisting trusted host list will be used by the daemon\n"
315 ""
"cas__test_has_thlfile_recov() did not detect a recovery file left by ctcasctrl\n"
"\tRecovery file would have been named: %s\n"
"\tExisting trusted host list will be used by the daemon\n"
316 ""
"cas__setup_has(): unlink of any possibly lingering ctcasctrl recovery file\n"
317 ""
"cas__setup_has(): unlink of any possibly lingering ctcasctrl recovery file\n"
"\t[File may not exist - this is a hardcoded step]\n"
"\tRecovery file name: %s\n"
318 ""
"hba__verify_creds_hostcheck(): Cannot obtain IP address for host\n"
319 ""
"hba__verify_creds_hostcheck(): Cannot obtain IP address for host\n"
"\tHost name:   %s\n"
"\tcu_gethostbyname() code: %d\n"
"\tReturning %d code to calling routine\n"
320 ""
"hba__verify_creds_hostcheck(): Host is a loopback host\n"
321 ""
"hba__verify_creds_testcheck(): Host is a non-loopback host\n"
322 ""
"hba__verify_creds_targetcheck(): Credential created by a host/address\n"
"\tcurrently supported by the local host - OK"
323 ""
"hba__verify_creds_locallookup(): Cannot obtain IP address for host\n"
324 ""
"hba__verify_creds_locallookup(): Cannot obtain IP address for host\n"
"\tHost name:   %s\n"
"\tcu_gethostbyname() code: %d\n"
"\tReturning %d code to calling routine\n"
325 ""
"hba__verify_creds_testtargetip(): Unexpected failure in inet_ntop routine!\n"
"\texamine for possible code bug\n"
326 ""
"hba__verify_creds_locallookup(): Name of host is %s\n"
327 ""
"hba__verify_creds_locallookup(): IP address of host is %s\n"
328 ""
"hba__verify_creds_targetcheck(): Intended target service is a local host\n"
"\tidentity.  Verifying that the credential source host is one of the\n"
"\thosts supported by the local system...\n"
329 ""
"hba__verify_creds_targetcheck(): Credential created by a remote host - OK\n"
330 ""
"Leaving hba__verify_creds_targetcheck() - returning code %d to caller\n"
331 ""
"hba__verify_creds_targetcheck() start: Verifying intended target service\n"
332 ""
"hba__verify_creds_targetcheck() start: Verifying intended target service\n"
"\tIntended target servfice name: %s\n"
333 ""
"hba__verify_creds_targetcheck(): Target service check successful.\n"
334 ""
"hba__verify_creds_targetcheck(): %s target service check successful.\n"
335 ""
"hba__verify_creds_testtargetip(): target host match found\n"
"\tIP address equivalent of intended target host: %s\n"
"\tIP address match found on this system as:      %s\n"
336 ""
"hba__verify_creds_testtargetip(): Host is a loopback host\n"
337 ""
"hba__verify_creds_testtargetip(): Host is a non-loopback host\n"
338 ""
"hba__verify_creds_ambigcheck(): Cannot obtain IP address for host\n"
339 ""
"hba__verify_creds_ambigcheck(): Cannot obtain IP address for host\n"
"\tHost name:   %s\n"
"\tcu_gethostbyname() code: %d\n"
"\tReturning %d code to calling routine\n"
340 ""
"hba__verify_creds_ambigcheck(): Unexpected failure in inet_ntop routine!\n"
"\texamine for possible code bug\n"
341 ""
"hba__verify_creds_ambigcheck(): Host is a loopback host - AMBIGUOUS CLIENT\n"
342 ""
"hba__verify_creds_ambigcheck(): Host is a non-loopback host\n"
343 ""
"cas__cacher_routine(): Recache effort failed\n"
"\tsec__get_thl_cache failure code: %d\n"
344 ""
"cas__cacher_routine(): HBA trusted host list recached\n"
345 ""
"cas__cacher_routine(): HBA trusted host list recache not necessary\n"
346 ""
"cas__cacher_routine(): Exiting from recache thread\n"
347 ""
"Entering cas__start_ctcasd()\n"
348 ""
"Leaving cas__start_ctcasd() with return code %d\n"
349 ""
"cas__start_ctcasd(): Error in stat of %s [errno = %d]\n"
350 ""
"cas__start_ctcasd(): %s file type wrong or permissions bad\n"
351 ""
"cas__start_ctcasd(): popen(%s) failed [errno = %d]\n"
352 ""
"cas__start_ctcasd(): select() on pipe to\n\t%s failed [errno = %d]\n"
353 ""
"cas__start_ctcasd(): Output from %s command:\n"
"--- start ---\n"
"---  end  ---\n"
354 ""
"cas__start_ctcasd(): Detected FAILURE output in %s command"
355 ""
"cas__start_ctcasd(): Detected SUCCESS output in %s command"
356 ""
"cas__start_ctcasd(): Detected end of file on pipe from\n"
"\t%s command - assuming FAILURE in command"
357 ""
"cas__server_cleanup(): HOBOKEN?!! OOOOOOH!! I'M DYYYYYIN AGAIN!!"
358 ""
"cas__server_cleanup(): Bileeebileebileee That's all, folks!"
359 ""
"cas__server_cleanup(): Sent cancellation to %s thread %u\n"
360 ""
"cas__server_cleanup(): Skipping cancellation of %s thread %u:\n"
"\t Thread ID is being reused by the currently executing thread\n"
361 ""
"cas__server_cleanup(): Error cancelling %s thread %u [errno %d]\n"
362 ""
"cas__server_cleanup(): Error shutting down %s socket %d [errno %d]\n"
363 ""
"cas__server_cleanup(): Checking for any lingering threads\n"
364 ""
"cas__server_cleanup(): Our patience has run out with %s thread %u\n"
"\t Sending it a SIGTERM signal now.\n"
365 ""
"cas__thread_cleanup(): Servicing cancellation request for thread %u\n"
"\t [thread state indicator is %s]\n"
366 ""
"cas__random_seeder: sec__seed_random() failed w/rc = %d\n"
"sec__seed_random()'s error message: \n%s\n"
367 ""
"cas__setup_cached_pvtkey(): Read in private key [PKCS formatted]\n"
368 ""
"cas__setup_cached_pvtkey(): Read in private key [CLiCv1 formatted]\n"
369 ""
"cas__setup_cached_pvtkey(): Obtained PKCS formatted key from CLiCv1 version\n"
370 ""
"cas__setup_cached_pvtkey(): Cannot generated PKCS formatted private key from\n"
"\t CLiCv1 version [using CLiCv1 version in compatibility mode]\n"
371 ""
"cas__setup_cached_pvtkey(): Memory allocation failure [%d bytes requested]\n"
372 ""
"hba__crypt_cache_pvtkey(): Updating private key cache values\n"
373 ""
"hba__crypt_cache_pvtkey(): Private key cache updated\n"
374 ""
"hba__crypt_cache_pvtkey(): Memory allocation failure [%d bytes requested]\n"
375 ""
"hba__crypt_cache_pvtkey(): Failure to obtain PKCS or CLiCv1 private key\n"
"\tsec__get_localhost_token(CLiCv1) return code: %d\n"
376 ""
"hba__crypt_cache_pvtkey(): Read in private key [PKCS formatted]\n"
377 ""
"hba__crypt_cache_pvtkey(): Read in private key [CLiCv1 formatted]\n"
378 ""
"hba__crypt_cache_pvtkey(): Error getting timestamp on private key file\n"
"\treturn code from sec__time_file: %d\n"
379 ""
"Start of hba2_svcmap_translate_name().\n"
380 ""
"Start of hba2_svcmap_translate_name():\n"
"service name: %s\n"
"address of corresponding user name: 0x%08x\n"
381 ""
"End of hba2_svcmap_translate_name().\n"
382 ""
"End of hba2_svcmap_translate_name(): rc = %d\n"
"corresponding user name: %s\n"
383 ""
"Start of hba2__svcmap_read_file().\n"
384 ""
"Start of hba2__svcmap_read_file():\n"
"address of returned content buffer: 0x%08x\n"
"address of returned content length: 0x%08x\n"
385 ""
"End of hba2__svcmap_read_file().\n"
386 ""
"End of hba2__svcmap_read_file(): rc = %d\n"
"Number of bytes read: %d\n"
387 ""
"Start of hba2__svcmap_read_next_token().\n"
388 ""
"Start of hba2__svcmap_read_next_token():\n"
"address of start of buffer: 0x%08x\n"
"address of returned token value: 0x%08x\n"
"address of returned token length: 0x%08x\n"
389 ""
"End of hba2__svcmap_read_next_token().\n"
390 ""
"End of hba2__svcmap_read_next_token(): rc = %d\n"
"token value|length: %s|%d\n"
391 ""
"Start of hba2_svcmap_read_mapping().\n"
392 ""
"End of hba2_svcmap_read_mapping().\n"
393 ""
"End of hba2_svcmap_read_mapping(): rc = %d\n"
394 ""
"Start of hba2__replay_log_info_tofile().\n"
395 ""
"Start of hba2__replay_log_info_tofile():\n"
"replay time|nonce: %lld|%016llx\n"
396 ""
"End of hba2__replay_log_info_tofile().\n"
397 ""
"End of hba2__replay_log_info_tofile(): rc = %d\n"
398 ""
"Start of hba2__replay_add_info_tolist().\n"
399 ""
"Start of hba2__replay_add_info_tolist():\n"
"replay time|nonce: %lld|%016llx\n"
"address of replay info array: 0x%08x\n"
400 ""
"End of hba2__replay_add_info_tolist().\n"
401 ""
"End of hba2__replay_add_info_tolist(): rc = %d\n"
402 ""
"Start of hba2__replay_protection_init().\n"
403 ""
"End of hba2__replay_protection_init().\n"
404 ""
"End of hba2__replay_protection_init(): rc = %d\n"
405 ""
"Start of hba2__verify_creds_replay().\n"
406 ""
"Start of hba2__verify_creds_replay():\n"
"client|target names: %s|%s\n"
"credential time|nonce: %lld|%016llx\n"
407 ""
"End of hba2__verify_creds_replay().\n"
408 ""
"End of hba2__verify_creds_replay(): rc = %d\n"
409 ""
"Start of cas__register_hba2().\n"
410 ""
"End of cas__register_hba2().\n"
411 ""
"End of cas__register_hba2(): rc = %d\n"
412 ""
"Start of hba2__isaddr().\n"
413 ""
"Start of hba2__isaddr():\n"
"host identifier: %s\n"
414 ""
"End of hba2__isaddr().\n"
415 ""
"End of hba2__isaddr(): rc = %d\n"
416 ""
"Start of hba2__acquire_creds().\n"
417 ""
"Start of hba2__acquire_creds():\n"
"address of request descryptor: 0x%08x\n"
"address of user info descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"address of reply descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
418 ""
"End of hba2__acquire_creds().\n"
419 ""
"End of hba2__acquire_creds(): rc = %d\n"
420 ""
"Start of hba2__verify_creds().\n"
421 ""
"Start of hba2__verify_creds():\n"
"address of user info descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"address of host identifiers list: 0x%08x\n"
"address of credential buffer: 0x%08x\n"
"address of signature buffer: 0x%08x\n"
"address of returned registry pointer: 0x%08x\n"
"address of returned public key buffer: 0x%08x\n"
"address of returned ambiguity: 0x%08x\n"
422 ""
"End of hba2__verify_creds().\n"
423 ""
"End of hba2__verify_creds(): rc = %d\n"
424 ""
"Start of hba2__authent_creds().\n"
425 ""
"Start of hba2__authent_creds():\n"
"address of request descryptor: 0x%08x\n"
"address of user info descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"address of reply descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
426 ""
"End of hba2__authent_creds().\n"
427 ""
"End of hba2__authent_creds(): rc = %d\n"
428 ""
"Start of hba2_acquire_creds().\n"
429 ""
"Start of hba2_acquire_creds():\n"
"address of request element: 0x%08x\n"
"address of request buffer: 0x%08x\n"
"address of reply buffer: 0x%08x\n"
430 ""
"End of hba2_acquire_creds().\n"
431 ""
"End of hba2_acquire_creds(): rc = %d\n"
432 ""
"Start of hba2_authent_creds().\n"
433 ""
"Start of hba2_authent_creds():\n"
"address of request element: 0x%08x\n"
"address of request buffer: 0x%08x\n"
"address of reply buffer: 0x%08x\n"
434 ""
"End of hba2_authent_creds().\n"
435 ""
"End of hba2_authent_creds(): rc = %d\n"
436 ""
"Start of hba2_marshal_request().\n"
437 ""
"Start of hba2_marshal_request():\n"
"address of request descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
438 ""
"Start of hba2_marshal_request():\n"
"address of request descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
439 ""
"End of hba2_marshal_request().\n"
440 ""
"End of hba2_marshal_request(): rc = %d\n"
"Location of where error occurred: %s(%d)\n"
441 ""
"End of hba2_marshal_request(): rc = %d\n"
"Size of resulting marshalled request: %d\n"
442 ""
"Start of hba2_unmarshal_request().\n"
443 ""
"Start of hba2_unmarshal_request():\n"
"address of request descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
444 ""
"Start of hba2_unmarshal_request():\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"address of request descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
445 ""
"End of hba2_unmarshal_request().\n"
446 ""
"End of hba2_unmarshal_request(): rc = %d\n"
"Location of where error occurred: %s[%d]\n"
447 ""
"End of hba2_unmarshal_request(): rc = %d\n"
448 ""
"Start of hba2_marshal_reply().\n"
449 ""
"Start of hba2_marshal_reply():\n"
"address of reply descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
450 ""
"Start of hba2_marshal_reply():\n"
"address of reply descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
451 ""
"End of hba2_marshal_reply().\n"
452 ""
"End of hba2_marshal_reply(): rc = %d\n"
"Location of where error occurred: %s(%d)\n"
453 ""
"End of hba2_marshal_reply(): rc = %d\n"
"Size of resulting marshalled reply: %d\n"
454 ""
"Start of hba2_unmarshal_reply().\n"
455 ""
"Start of hba2_unmarshal_reply():\n"
"address of reply descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
456 ""
"Start of hba2_unmarshal_reply():\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"address of reply descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
457 ""
"End of hba2_unmarshal_reply().\n"
458 ""
"End of hba2_unmarshal_reply(): rc = %d\n"
"Location of where error occurred: %s[%d]\n"
459 ""
"End of hba2_unmarshal_reply(): rc = %d\n"
460 ""
"Start of hba2_marshal_ccdb().\n"
461 ""
"Start of hba2_marshal_ccdb():\n"
"address of reply descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
462 ""
"Start of hba2_marshal_ccdb():\n"
"address of ccdb descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
463 ""
"End of hba2_marshal_ccdb().\n"
464 ""
"End of hba2_marshal_ccdb(): rc = %d\n"
"Location of where error occurred: %s[%d]\n"
465 ""
"End of hba2_marshal_ccdb(): rc = %d\n"
"Size of resulting marshalled ccdb: %d\n"
466 ""
"Start of hba2_unmarshal_ccdb().\n"
467 ""
"Start of hba2_unmarshal_ccdb():\n"
"address of ccdb descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
468 ""
"Start of hba2_unmarshal_ccdb():\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"address of ccdb descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
469 ""
"End of hba2_unmarshal_ccdb().\n"
470 ""
"End of hba2_unmarshal_ccdb(): rc = %d\n"
"Location of where error occurred: %s[%d]\n"
471 ""
"End of hba2_unmarshal_ccdb(): rc = %d\n"
472 ""
"Start of hba2_marshal_creds().\n"
473 ""
"Start of hba2_marshal_creds():\n"
"address of reply descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
474 ""
"Start of hba2_marshal_creds():\n"
"address of creds descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
475 ""
"End of hba2_marshal_creds().\n"
476 ""
"End of hba2_marshal_creds(): rc = %d\n"
"Location of where error occurred: %s[%d]\n"
477 ""
"End of hba2_marshal_creds(): rc = %d\n"
"Size of resulting marshalled creds: %d\n"
478 ""
"Start of hba2_unmarshal_creds().\n"
479 ""
"Start of hba2_unmarshal_creds():\n"
"address of creds descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
480 ""
"Start of hba2_unmarshal_creds():\n"
"address of output buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"address of creds descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
481 ""
"End of hba2_unmarshal_creds().\n"
482 ""
"End of hba2_unmarshal_creds(): rc = %d\n"
"Location of where error occurred: %s[%d]\n"
483 ""
"End of hba2_unmarshal_creds(): rc = %d\n"
484 ""
"Start of hba2__convert_ttl_toseconds().\n"
485 ""
"Start of hba2__convert_ttl_toseconds():\n"
"time string: %s\n"
"address of time value: 0x%08x\n"
486 ""
"Start of hba2__convert_ttl_toseconds():\n"
"time string: %s\n"
"address of time value: 0x%016llx\n"
487 ""
"End of hba2__convert_ttl_toseconds().\n"
488 ""
"End of hba2__convert_ttl_toseconds(): rc = %d\n"
489 ""
"End of hba2__convert_ttl_toseconds(): rc = %d\n"
"Converted time value: %d\n"
490 ""
"Error: mutex lock: unable to lock mutex lock\n"
"pthread_mutex_lock() rc = %d\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
491 ""
"Error: memory allocation error: unable to allocate %d bytes\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
492 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): unable to initialize mutex lock\n"
"pthread_mutex_init() rc = %d\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
493 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): unable to stat the replay log file\n"
"stat() errno = %d\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
494 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): not enough space in file system\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
495 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): not enough space in file system\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"real size of the log file: %d\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
496 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): unable to create replay log file\n"
"creat() errno: %d\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
497 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): unable to set ownerhip of replay log file\n"
"chown() errno: %d\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
498 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): unable to set permission of replay log file\n"
"chmod() errno: %d\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
499 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): unable to open the replay log file\n"
"open() errno: %d\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
500 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): unable to stat the file system\n"
"fstatfs() errno: %d\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
501 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): unable to write %d bytes to replay log file\n"
"write() errno: %d\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
502 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): unable to truncate the replay log file to %d bytes\n"
"ftruncate() errno: %d\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
503 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): the replay log file is not regular\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
504 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): the size of the replay log file is incorrect\n"
"size of replay log file: %d\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
505 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): the file permission of the replay log file is incorrect\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
506 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): the owner of the replay log file is not root\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
507 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): error reading from replay log file\n"
"read() errno: %d\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
508 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): unable to read data from replay log file\n"
"no. of bytes read: %d\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
509 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): size of existing replay log file inconsistent with header.\n"
"actual size of replay log file: %d\n"
"calculated size of replay log file: %d\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
510 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): unable to get time of day\n"
"timeofday() errno: %d\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
511 ""
"Error: hba2__replay_protection_init(): unable to map replay log file in memory\n"
"mmap() errno: %d\n"
"name of replay log file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
512 ""
"Error: hba2__verify_creds_replay(): credential time skew too great\n"
"creds owner: %s\n"
"skew value: %d\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
513 ""
"Error: hba2__verify_creds_replay(): duplicate credential timestamp/nonce\n"
"creds owner: %s\n"
"credential time|nonce: %d|%016llx\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
514 ""
"Error: hba2__convert_ttl_toseconds(): invalid string representation of the TTL value\n"
"TTL string: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
515 ""
"Error: hba2__convert_ttl_toseconds(): unable to convert \"%s\" to TTL\n"
"strtol() errno: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
516 ""
"Error: hba2__acquire_creds(): target hostname used with CAS_F_NO_RESOLVE flag\n"
"target identifier: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
517 ""
"Error: hba2__acquire_creds(): unable to fully resolve hostname\n"
"hostname: %s\n"
"cu_gethostbyname() rc: %d\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
518 ""
"Error: hba2__acquire_creds(): hostname resolution failed with no result\n"
"hostname: %s\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
519 ""
"Error: hba2__acquire_creds(): failed to sign the marshaled credential!\n"
"sec_sign_message: %d\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
520 ""
"Error: unable to verify credentials presented by %s\n"
521 ""
"Error: Unable to verify the credentials provided!\n"
"Client providing credentials for authentication: %s\n"
522 ""
"Error: credentials not intended for client %s\n"
"credential target user: %s\n"
523 ""
"Error: credential not intended for current host\n"
"credential target host: %s\n"
524 ""
"Error: the credential target host is a local loopback address,\n"
"       however, the initiator's host is not one of the determined\n"
"       identifiers of the local host.\n"
"credential target host: %s\n"
"credential initiator's host: %s\n"
525 ""
"Error: credential flags invalid: 0x%08x\n"
526 ""
"Error: registry count of %d is invalid for the credential flags\n"
"credential flags: 0x%08x\n"
527 ""
"Error: invalid private key type for local host\n"
"mss__rsa_key_type() rc: %d\n"
528 ""
"Error: unable to generate session key for the context\n"
"sec_generate_sym_key2() rc: %d\n"
529 ""
"Error: unable to decrypt the session key for the context\n"
"mss__rsa_decrypt_message() rc: %d\n"
530 ""
"Error: invalid acquire creds request:\n"
"magic|version: 0x%08x|%d\n"
"target name|registry: %s|%s\n"
531 ""
"Error: invalid authenticate creds request:\n"
"magic|version: 0x%08x|%d\n"
"CCDB length|value: %d|%s\n"
532 ""
"Error: hba2_authent_creds(): unable to marshal reply!\n"
"hba2_marshal_reply() rc: %d\n"
533 ""
"Error: hba2_acquire_creds(): unable to marshal reply!\n"
"hba2_marshal_reply() rc: %d\n"
534 ""
"Error: cas__register_hba2(): unable to register HBA2 request handlers!\n"
"cas__register_service() rc: %d\n"
535 ""
"Info: request is invalid! (either NULL or invalid magic)\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
536 ""
"Info: request data:\n"
"version: %s\n"
"flags: 0x%08x\n"
"target name|registry: %s|%s\n"
"length of CCDB: %d\n"
537 ""
"Info: reply is invalid! (either NULL or invalid magic)\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
538 ""
"Info: reply contains error!\n"
"error code: %d\n"
"error message: %s\n"
539 ""
"Info: reply data:\n"
"version: %s\n"
"flags: 0x%08x\n"
"user name: %s\n"
"registry name: %s\n"
"shared key: %s\n"
"length of CCDB: %d\n"
540 ""
"Info: client data invalid! (NULL pointer)\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
541 ""
"Info: client data:\n"
"client data version: %s\n"
"user id|name: %d|%s\n"
"host identity list count: %d\n"
542 ""
"Info: unable to get the host's node id!"
"cu_get_node_id() rc: %d\n"
"client|target name: %s|%s\n"
543 ""
"Info: unable to get public key for host id: %s\n"
"hba__crypt_get_target_id() rc: %d\n"
544 ""
"Info: invalid public key type for host id: %s\n"
"mss__rsa_key_type() rc: %d\n"
545 ""
"Info: error verifying credentials w/pub. key for host id: %s\n"
"sec_verify_message() rc: %d\n"
546 ""
"Info: the credential initiator's host id is ambiguous\n"
"credential initiator's host id: %s\n"
547 ""
"Info: credential replay verification not enabled!\n"
"credential time|nonce: %lld|%016llx\n"
548 ""
"Info: hba2__replay_protection_init(): total number of mutexes initialized: %d\n"
549 ""
"Info: hba2__replay_protection_init(): there is not enough space in the\n"
"      file system to create a replay log file of the size specified.\n"
"Replay log file name: %s\n"
"Current replay log file size: %d\n"
"Replay log file size increment: %d\n"
550 ""
"Aquire client info (hba__get_ctcasd_client_user()):\n"
"Time:\t%d sec. %d nsec.\n"
551 ""
"Aquire client credential (hba2__acquire_creds()):\n"
"Time:\t%d sec. %d nsec.\n"
552 ""
"Authenticate client/server credential (hba2__authent_creds()):\n"
"Time:\t%d sec. %d nsec.\n"
553 ""
"Start of cas__queue_SRC_request().\n"
554 ""
"Start of cas__queue_SRC_request():\n"
"socket file descriptor: %d\n"
555 ""
"End of cas__queue_SRC_request().\n"
556 ""
"End of cas__queue_SRC_request(): rc = %d, refno = %d\n"
557 ""
"Start of cas__queue_SRC_request_error().\n"
558 ""
"Start of cas__queue_SRC_request_error():\n"
"socket file descriptor: %d\n"
559 ""
"End of cas__queue_SRC_request_error().\n"
560 ""
"End of cas__queue_SRC_request_error(): rc = %d\n"
561 ""
"Start of cas__process_SRC_request().\n"
562 ""
"End of cas__process_SRC_request().\n"
563 ""
"End of cas__process_SRC_request(): rc = %d\n"
564 ""
"Start of cas__SRC_status().\n"
565 ""
"Start of cas__SRC_status():\n"
"address of SRC header: 0x%08x\n"
"address of SRC sub-request: 0x%08x\n"
566 ""
"Start of cas__SRC_status():\n"
"address of SRC header: 0x%016llx\n"
"address of SRC sub-request: 0x%016llx\n"
567 ""
"End of cas__SRC_status().\n"
568 ""
"Start of cas__SRC_refresh().\n"
569 ""
"Start of cas__SRC_refresh():\n"
"address of SRC header: 0x%08x\n"
"address of SRC sub-request: 0x%08x\n"
570 ""
"Start of cas__SRC_refresh():\n"
"address of SRC header: 0x%016llx\n"
"address of SRC sub-request: 0x%016llx\n"
571 ""
"End of cas__SRC_refresh().\n"
572 ""
"Start of cas__listen_for_requests().\n"
573 ""
"End of cas__listen_for_requests()! (Abnormal path)\n"
574 ""
"Error: cas__queue_SRC_request(): timeout while attempting to enqueue SRC request\n"
"source file name: %s:%d\n"
575 ""
"Error: cas__queue_SRC_request(): pthread error while attempting to enqueue SRC request\n"
"pthread_cond_timedwait() return code: %d\n"
"source file name: %s:%d\n"
576 ""
"Error: cas__queue_SRC_request_error(): error while attempting to receive the SRC request\n"
"length of data received (in bytes): %d\n"
"length of data expected to receive (in bytes): %d\n"
"possible errno: %d\n"
"source file name: %s:%d\n"
577 ""
"Error: cas__process_SRC_request(): error while attempting to receive the SRC request\n"
"length of data received (in bytes): %d\n"
"length of data expected to receive (in bytes): %d\n"
"possible errno: %d\n"
"source file name: %s[%d]\n"
578 ""
"Error: cas__process_SRC_request(): the SRC START request is not supported\n"
"source file name: %s:%d\n"
579 ""
"Error: cas__process_SRC_request(): the unknown SRC request\n"
"SRC request action code: %d\n"
"source file name: %s:%d\n"
580 ""
"Processing the SRC stop request...\n"
581 ""
"Sending SIGTERM to signal handling thread... %ul\n"
582 ""
"An SRC request is already pending in the queue:\n"
"\tReference no.: %d\n"
"\tTime:          %s\n"
583 ""
"Processing the SRC long status request...\n"
584 ""
"Processing the SRC refresh request...\n"
585 ""
"Refreshed trace levels: %s\n"
586 ""
"Refreshed max. worker threads: %d\n"
"Refreshed min. worker threads: %d\n"
"Refreshed HBA TTL: %d\n"
"Refreshed HBA2 TTL: %d\n"
"Refreshed HBA2 context lifetime: %d\n"
587 ""
"Cleaning up server sockets (UDS = %d; SRC = %d).\n"
588 ""
"The opendir() system call failed with errno %d\n"
"directory name: %s\n"
"source file name: %s:%d\n"
589 ""
"The readdir() system call failed with errno %d\n"
"directory name: %s\n"
"source file name: %s:%d\n"
590 ""
"The stat() system call failed with errno %d\n"
"file name: %s\n"
"source file name: %s:%d\n"
591 ""
"File is not socket file: %s\n"
"source file name: %s:%d\n"
592 ""
"The unlink() system call failed with errno %d\n"
"file name: %s\n"
"source file name: %s:%d\n"
593 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Info - No public key type found for client system\n"
594 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Info - No public key found for client system \"%s\"\n"
595 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Info - Non compliance public key type found for client system\n"
596 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Info - Non compliance public key type found for client system \"%s\" , mode = %d\n"
597 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Info - Non compliance shared secret key type found for client system\n"
598 ""
"hba__verify_cred() Info - Non compliance shared secret key type found for client system \"%s\" , mode = %d\n"