# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# Restricted Materials of IBM 
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2007,2020 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 

# Trace templates for component _MDD generated by cugentpl.

0 "Info: "
    "Resource Manager started at %02d/%02d/%02d, SRC_sock=%d\n"
1 "Info: "
    "Class ID for the %s resource class is %d\n"
2 "Error: "
    "System call error\n"
2:0 "       "
    "Source file = %s\n"
2:1 "       "
    "Line number = %d\n"
2:2 "       "
    "File version = %s\n"
2:3 "       "
    "Error number = %d\n"
2:4 "       "
    "System call name: %s\n"
3 "Error: "
    "Assertion failure\n"
3:0 "       "
    "Source file = %s\n"
3:1 "       "
    "Line number = %d\n"
3:2 "       "
    "File version = %s\n"
3:3 "       "
    "Code1 = %d  Code2 = %d\n"
3:4 "       "
    "Code3 = %s\n"
4 "Error: "
    "API call failure\n"
4:0 "       "
    "Source file = %s\n"
4:1 "       "
    "Line number = %d\n"
4:2 "       "
    "File version = %s\n"
4:3 "       "
    "Function name = %s\n"
4:4 "       "
    "Error number = %d\n"
4:5 "       "
    "Error message: %s\n"
5 "Info: "
    "Invoke IBM.PublicKeyExchange class action, ID = %d, sdp = %p\n"
6 "Debug: "
    "PKE client thread waiting on condition, thread ID = %d, wait count = %d\n"
7 "Info: "
    "Enqueue PKE request ID = %d, wait = %d, count = %d, total_count = %d\n"
8 "Info: "
    "Process PKE Start request\n"
8:0 "      "
    "IP address count = %d\n"
8:1 "      "
    "First IP address = %s\n"
9 "Info: "
    "Following is a dump of the local public key\n"
9:0 "      "
    "Key length is %d\n"
10 "Info: "
    "Process PKE Start request has completed with error code %d\n"
11 "Info: "
    "Process PKE Challenge request\n"
11:0 "      "
    "IP address count = %d\n"
11:1 "      "
    "First IP address = %s\n"
12 "Info: "
    "Process PKE Challenge request has completed with error code %d\n"
13 "Info: "
    "Process PKE Complete request\n"
13:0 "      "
    "IP address count = %d\n"
13:1 "      "
    "First IP address = %s\n"
14 "Info: "
    "Process PKE Complete request has completed with error code %d\n"
15 "Info: "
    "Process PKE THL Update request.\n"
16 "Info: "
    "Process PKE THL Update request has completed.\n"
17 "Info: "
    "PKE Update THL has completed with error code %d\n"
18 "Info: "
    "PKE Update THL for remote node\n"
18:0 "      "
    "Remote node ID = 0x%016llx\n"
18:1 "      "
    "Configured Key Token = %s\n"
19 "Info: "
    "PKE Update ACL file for remote node ID = 0x%016llx\n"
20 "Info: "
    "PKE Update ACL file has completed\n"
21 "Info: "
    "PKE Update ACL file has completed with error code %d from chrmcacl\n"
22 "Info: "
    "mdrm_RMCP_RMCMessageReceived Entered, received msg from RMC, code = %d, token = %d, data_length = %d\n"
23 "Info: "
	"mdrm_RMCP_RMCMessageReceived Leaving\n"
24 "Info: "
	"mdrm_RMCP_RMCMessageReceived: searching for matching msg: msg_code=%d msg_tok=%d p_msg->code=%d p_msg->tok=%d\n"
25 "Info: "
    "Status for managed node:\n"
25:0 "      "
    "Node ID = 0x%016llx, resrvd = %d, Status = %d\n"
26 "Debug: "
    "No Managed Node resources are configured\n"
27 "Debug: "
    "Managed Node resource not found\n"
28 "Debug: "
    "Cannot bind to resource class, ID = %d\n"
29 "Info: "
    "Bound to resource class, ID = %d\n"
30 "Info: "
    "Received connection changed on RCCP, ID = %d, value = %d\n"
31 "Info: "
    "MngNode: start monitoring match set, match_set_id = %lld select = %s\n"
32 "Info: "
    "Add resource to match set: %r "
    "resource = %s, match_set_id = %lld\n"
33 "Info: "
    "MngNode: stop monitoring match set, match_set_id = %lld\n"
34 "Error: "
    "Asynchronous error received\n"
34:0 "       "
    "error_level = %d, error_id = %d\n"
34:1 "       "
    "msg = %s\n"
35 "Info: "
    "Status for IP addresses on managed node: Node ID = 0x%016llx\n"
36 "      "
    "Status = %d, IP Address = %s\n"
37 "Debug: "
    "No Managed Node Network Interface resources are configured\n"
38 "Debug: "
    "Managed Node Network Inteface resource not found\n"
39 "Info: "
    "MngNodeNetIF: start monitoring match set, "
    "match_set_id = %lld select = %s\n"
40 "Info: "
    "MngNodeNetIF: stop monitoring match set, match_set_id = %lld\n"
41 "Info: "
    "Unbound from resource class, ID = %d\n"
42 "Info: "
    "MCP: start monitoring match set, match_set_id = %lld select = %s\n"
43 "Info: "
    "MCP: stop monitoring match set, match_set_id = %lld\n"
44 "Info: "
    "Status for MCP:\n"
44:0 "      "
    "Node ID = 0x%016llx, resrvd = %d, Status = %d\n"
45 "Debug: "
    "No MCP resources are configured\n"
46 "Debug: "
    "MCP resource not found\n"
47 "Info: "
    "Check PKE control block age; old control blocks freed: %d\n"
48 "Debug: "
    "Start RM idle timer\n"
49 "Debug: "
    "Stop RM idle timer\n"
50 "Info: "
    "Invoked MNA CA, ID = %d, sdp = %p\n"
51 "Info: "
    "CTL: start monitoring match set, match_set_id = %lld select = %s\n"
52 "Info: "
    "CTL: stop monitoring match set, match_set_id = %lld\n"
53 "Info: "
    "Waiting for bind of IBM.MngNode to begin CEC poll\n"
54 "Error: "
    "Invocation of getcimstatus2 returned %d\n"
55 "Info: "
    "Found existing MN resource with same nodeID\n"
56 "Info: "
    "Found existing MN resource with same LPARname\n"
57 "Info: "
    "Removed MN resource matching LPARname\n"
58 "Error: "
    "Undefine failed, rc= %d\n"
59 "Debug: "
    "LPARname not found in ptnlist\n"
60 "Info: "
    "MNA requestNodeManagement CA succeeded\n"
61 "Error: "
    "MNA requestNodeManagement CA failed\n"
62 "Error: "
    "Invalid input parameter(s)\n"
63 "Error: "
    "Protocol %d is not supported\n"
64 "Info: "
    "Updated MN resource\n"
65 "Error: "
    "MN update failed with rc= %d\n"
66 "Info: "
    "Created MN resource\n"
67 "Error: "
    "MN Define failed, rc= %d\n"
68 "Info: "
    "Name= '%s' LPAR= '%s' '%s' NodeID= 0x%016llx\n"
69 "Error: "
    "CEC key not found\n"
70 "Info: "
    "MCP IP[%d]= '%s'\n"
71 "Error: "
    "%s returned %d\n"
72 "Info: "
    "Local Hostname= '%s'\n"
73 "Info: "
    "Invoked MN AddLPAR CA, LPARName= '%s'\n"
74 "Info: "
    "Process Start MDC request.\n"
75 "Info: "
    "Process EPKE Managed Node Update request.\n"
76 "Info: "
    "Process EPKE Managed Node Update request has completed.\n"
77 "Info: "
    "Start automatic configuration of MCPs. Slot specifier is 0x%08x.\n"
78 "Info: "
    "Current MCP Node ID is 0x%016llx and HMCName is %s\n"
79 "Info: "
    "Parsing slot 0x%02x: %s\n"
80 "Error: "
    "For slot 0x%02x, parse_RTAS_slot returned %d.\n"
81 "Info: "
    "Replace slot 0x%02x by slot 0x%02x as name match for MCP specified by Node ID 0x%016llx.\n"
82 "Info: "
    "Keep slot 0x%02x and ignore slot 0x%02x as name match for MCP specified by Node ID 0x%016llx.\n"
83 "Info: "
    "Slot 0x%02x matched by name for MCP specified by Node ID 0x%016llx.\n"
84 "Info: "
    "Remove MCP resource matched by name in slot 0x%02x and specified by Node ID 0x%016llx, method_rc = %d.\n"
85 "Info: "
    "Skipping slot 0x%02x (not specified in harvest).\n"
86 "Info: "
    "Skipping slot 0x%02x (HmcStat is 3).\n"
87 "Error: "
    "For slot 0x%02x, the connectivity names could not be obtained.\n"
88 "Error: "
    "For slot 0x%02x, getSupportedProtocols returned %d.\n"
89 "Info: "
    "For slot 0x%02x, the supported protocols are 0x%08x.\n"
90 "Info: "
    "Make or update MCP resource in slot 0x%02x; match by name, Node ID 0x%016llx, match by ID, Node ID 0x%016llx.\n"
91 "Info: "
    "IBM.MCP resource attributes for make or udpate resource\n"
91:0 "      "
    "MNName = %s\n"
91:1 "      "
    "NodeID = 0x%016llx\n"
91:2 "      "
    "KeyToken = %s\n"
91:3 "      "
    "HMCName = %s\n"
91:4 "      "
    "HMCIPAddr = %s\n"
91:5 "      "
    "HMCAddIPs = %s\n"
91:6 "      "
    "HMCAddIPv6s = %s\n"
92 "Info: "
    "MCP IP address: %s\n"
93 "Info: "
    "Local IP address: %s\n"
94 "Info: "
    "Update (1) MCP resource in slot 0x%02x; method_rc = %d.\n"
95 "Info: "
    "Define (1) MCP resource in slot 0x%02x; method_rc = %d.\n"
96 "Info: "
    "Update (2) MCP resource in slot 0x%02x; method_rc = %d.\n"
97 "Info: "
    "Define (2) MCP resource in slot 0x%02x; method_rc = %d.\n"
98 "Info: "
    "Remove MCP resource unmatched by any slot and specified by Node ID 0x%016llx and HMCName %s, method_rc = %d.\n"
99 "Info: "
    "Completed MDCP for slot 0x%02x, slot status is 0x%08x.\n"
100 "Info: "
    "Completed MDCP, slot status is 0x%08x.\n"
101 "Info: "
    "For slot 0x%02x (%d of %d), get local IP for target IP %s.\n"
102 "Info: "
    "For slot 0x%02x (%d of %d), the local IP is %s.\n"
103 "Info: "
    "For slot 0x%02x use RSCT Managment Domain Configuration protocol (EPKE).\n"
104 "Info: "
    "For slot 0x%02x use CSM Managment Domain Configuration protocol for compatibility.\n"
105 "Info: "
    "IBM.MngNode resource attributes for make or udpate resource\n"
105:0 "      "
    "Name = %s\n"
105:1 "      "
    "NodeID = 0x%016llx\n"
105:2 "      "
    "KeyToken = %s\n"
105:3 "      "
    "HWType = %s\n"
105:4 "      "
    "HWModel = %s\n"
105:5 "      "
    "HWSerialNum = %s\n"
105:6 "      "
    "LParID = %s\n"
105:7 "      "
    "StorageFacilityImageID = %s\n"
106 "Info: "
    "MngNode IP address: %s\n"
107 "Info: "
    "LPAR system information\n"
107:0 "      "
    "MTMS = %s\n"
107:1 "      "
    "HWType = %s\n"
107:2 "      "
    "HWModel = %s\n"
107:3 "      "
    "HWSerialNum = %s\n"
107:4 "      "
    "LparID = %s\n"
108 "Info: "
    "MDCP return slot status 0x%08x.\n"
109 "Error: "
    "Duplicate IP addresses in slots 0x%02x, 0x%02x, slot 0x%02x ignored.\n"
110 "Error: "
111 "Info: "
    "No errors in parsing RTAS slot\n"
112 "Info: "
    "Reference Count = %d\n"
113 "Info: "
    "Current HMCs Count = %d\n"
114 "Info: "
    "Current MCP Node ID is 0x%016llx, HMCName is %s, State is : %d and HMCKeyToken is : %s.\n"
115 "Info: "
	"Refresh configuration for IBM.MngNode class"
116 "Info: "
    "Invocation of getcimstatus2 returned %d\n"
117 "Info: "
    "Invocation of setkeyoncec returned %d\n"
118 "Info: "
    "IBM.MngNode resource for LPAR '%s' is going to be undefined as a part of automatic cleanup.\n"
119 "Info: "
    "IBM.MngNode resource for LPAR '%s' is ignored from automatic cleanup.\n"
120 "Info: "
	"IBM.MngNode resource attributes for undefine resource \n"
120:0 "      "
    "Name = %s\n"
120:1 "      "
    "NodeID = 0x%016llx\n"
120:2 "      "
    "KeyToken = %s\n"
120:3 "      "
    "HWType = %s\n"
120:4 "      "
    "HWModel = %s\n"
120:5 "      "
    "HWSerialNum = %s\n"
120:6 "      "
    "LParID = %s\n"
121 "Debug: "
	"Found existing MN resource with same LPARname. But, LPARName_mnrp is NULL.\n"
122 "Debug: "
	"Unbind RCP found. Using a temporary RCP.\n"
123 "Debug: "
	"Ignoring sending notifications as resource is not bound yet.\n"
124 "Debug: "
	"Asserting the ConfigChanged dynamic resource attribute"
124:0 "      "
	"Name = %s\n"
124:1 "      "
	"NodeID = 0x%016llx\n"
124:2 "      "
	"KeyToken = %s\n"
124:3 "      "
	"HWType = %s\n"
124:4 "      "
	"HWModel = %s\n"
124:5 "      "
	"HWSerialNum = %s\n"
124:6 "      "
	"LParID = %s\n"
125 "Debug: "
	"Ignoring asserting Config Changed as it is not being monitored"
126 "Debug: "
	"MngNodeBindRCP called for"
126:0 "      "
	"Resource Handle = %r\n"
127 "Debug: "
	"MngNodeBindRCP - Response Complete."
128 "Debug: "
	"MngNodeBindRCP - Error Response Coplete.\n"
129 "Debug: "
	"MngNodePutNodeStatus, Asserting the Status dynamic resource attribute"
129:0 "      "
	"Name = %s\n"
129:1 "      "
	"NodeID = 0x%016llx\n"
129:2 "      "
	"KeyToken = %s\n"
129:3 "      "
	"HWType = %s\n"
129:4 "      "
	"HWModel = %s\n"
129:5 "      "
	"HWSerialNum = %s\n"
129:6 "      "
	"LParID = %s\n"
129:7 "      "
	"Status = %d\n"
130 "Debug: "
	"Asserting the Resource Defined attribute"
130:0 "      "
	"Name = %s\n"
130:1 "      "
	"NodeID = 0x%016llx\n"
130:2 "      "
	"KeyToken = %s\n"
130:3 "      "
	"HWType = %s\n"
130:4 "      "
	"HWModel = %s\n"
130:5 "      "
	"HWSerialNum = %s\n"
130:6 "      "
	"LParID = %s\n"
130:7 "      "
	"Resource Handle = %r\n"
131 "Debug: "
	"Asserting the Resource Undefined attribute"
131:0 "      "
	"Name = %s\n"
131:1 "      "
	"NodeID = 0x%016llx\n"
131:2 "      "
	"KeyToken = %s\n"
131:3 "      "
	"HWType = %s\n"
131:4 "      "
	"HWModel = %s\n"
131:5 "      "
	"HWSerialNum = %s\n"
131:6 "      "
	"LParID = %s\n"
131:7 "      "
	"Resource Handle = %r\n"
132 "Debug: "
	"Unable to fetch ptr from index table\n"
133 "Debug: "
	"Incorrect tran_id size \n"
134 "Info: "
	"MngNodeBindRCP Leaving, Response sentout\n"
135 "Info: "
	"MngNodeUnbindRCP Called with num_handles = %d\n"
136 "Info: "
	"MngNodeUnbindRCP, Wakeup PKE thread waiting for Resource Define for resource %s\n" 
137 "Info: "
	"MngNodeUnbindRCP, Deleting the entry from chached RH for the resource %s\n"
138 "Info: "
	"MngNodeUnbindRCP, Free mnrp control block for resource %s\n"
139 "Info: "
	"MngNodeUnbindRCP, Free RCP, mnrc_cb_ID = %d\n"
140 "Info: "
	"MngNodeUnbindRCP Leaving\n"
141 "Info: "
	"MngNodeStartMonMatchSet Leaving\n"
142 "Info: "
	"MngNodeStopMonMatchSet Entered, match_set_id = %lld\n"
143 "Info: "
	"MngNodeBatchDefRsrcs Entered\n"
144 "Info: "
	"MngNodeBatchDefRsrcs, NotifyMatchSetsChanged, rsrc = %s\n"
145 "Info: "
	"match_set_id = %lld, rm_change_type = %d\n"
146 "Info: "
	"MngNodeBatchDefRsrcs, NotifyDynamicClassAttrsModified, Asserting Configuration Changed\n"
147 "Info: "
	"MngNodeBatchDefRsrcs Leaving\n"
148 "Info: "
	"MngNodeBatchUndefRsrcs Entered, count = %d\n"
149 "Info: "
	"MngNodeBatchUndefRsrcs, NotifyResourcesUndefined\n"
150 "Info: "
	"MngNodeBatchUndefRsrcs, Following notifications calling for rsrc name = %s\n"
151 "Info: "
	"MngNodeBatchUndefRsrcs, Ignoring Resource Undefined, rsrc = %s\n"
152 "Info: "
        "MngNodeBatchUndefRsrcs, NotifyMatchSetsChanged, rsrc = %s\n"
153 "Info: "
        "match_set_id = %lld, rm_change_type = %d\n"
154 "Info: "
        "MngNodeBatchUndefRsrcs, NotifyDynamicClassAttrsModified, Asserting Configuration Changed\n"
155 "Info: "
	"MngNodeBatchUndefRsrcs Leaving\n"
156 "Info: "
	"MngNodeBatchSetRsrcAttrVals Entered\n"
157 "Info: "
	"MngNodeBatchSetRsrcAttrVals, NotifyPersistentResourceAttrsModified, rsrc = %s, no_of_attr = %d\n"
158 "Info: "
        "MngNodeBatchSetRsrcAttrVals, NotifyMatchSetsChanged, rsrc = %s\n"
159 "Info: "
        "match_set_id = %lld, rm_change_type = %d\n"
160 "Info: "
	"MngNodeBatchSetRsrcAttrVals, NotifyDynamicClassAttrsModified, Asserting Configuration Changed\n"
161 "Info: "
	"MngNodeBatchSetRsrcAttrVals Leaving\n"
162 "Info: "
	"MngNodeEnablePerRsrcAttrsNot Entered, rsrc = %s, number_of_ids = %d\n"
163 "Info: "
	"Marking %d as being monitored\n" 
164 "Info: "
	"MngNodeDisablePerRsrcAttrsNot Entered, rsrc = %s, number_of_ids = %d\n"
165 "Info: "
	"Marking %d as Not being monitored\n"
166 "Info: "
	"MngNodeStartMonRsrcAttrs, Entered, rsrc = %s\n"
167 "Info: "
	"Start Mon resource attr id = %d\n"
168 "Info: "
	"MngNodeStopMonRsrcAttrs Entered, rsrc = %s\n"
169 "Info: "
	"Stop Mon resource attr id = %d\n"
170 "Info: "
	"Ignoring Asserting Status Change, rsrc = %s, status = %d\n"
171 "Info: "
	"MngNodeUpdatePowerStatus, Notify Power Status Change, resource = %s, power_status = %d\n"
172 "Info: "
	"MngNodeUpdatePowerStatus, Ignore Notify Power Status Change, resource = %s, power_status = %d\n"
173 "Info: "
	"MngNodeDefineResourceInternal, Unbind is pending of RH = %r, so wait on condition variable associated with this RH\n"
174 "Info: "
	"Ignoring deleting IBM.MCP Resource on MM LPAR.\n"
175 "Info: "
	"RTAS Slot data = %s\n"
176 "Info: "
	"CtSec active security mode\n"
176:0 "      "
    "    Compliance Mode : %d\n"
176:1 "      "
    "    HBA Keytype : %x\n"
176:2 "      "
    "    Sym Keytype : %x\n"
177 "Info: "
    "RTAS Data updated for CEC : %s, HBA Keytype : %08x, Symmetric Key : %08x"
178 "Error: "
	"Invocation of PAL_libcfg returned %d\n"
179 "Error: "
	"getConnectivityNames, MDC could not start a session with %s, from RTAS slot number %d. mc_timed_start_session returned %d\n"
180 "Error: "
	"Failed to update the THL for %s using %s, rc=%d\n"
181 "Info: "
	"sendRMCMsgAndWaitForRsp Entered, code=%d tok=%d data=%p len=%d timeout=%d\n"
182 "Info: "
	"sendRMCMsgAndWaitForRsp: wait for rsp, p_msg=%p code=%d token=%d tvsec=%d wait=%d\n"
183 "Info: "
	"sendRMCMsgAndWaitForRsp: after wait, ptrc=%d timeout.sec=%d curr.sec=%d recvd=%d retry=%d\n"
184 "Info: "
	"sendRMCMsgAndWaitForRsp Leaving, rc=%d\n"
185 "Info: "
	"Inside cfg_start_MDC() at clean_up before cfg_finish_MDC().\n"
186 "Info: "
	" Entered cfg_finish_MDC().\n"
187 "Info: "
	"Exiting cfg_finish_MDC() after freeing config control block.\n"
188 "Info: "
	"Entered pke_time_out().\n"
189 "Info: "
	"Entered clean_ptrs_for_index().\n"
190 "Info: "
	"Inside clean_ptrs_for_index(), is_ptr == 1.\n"
191 "Info: "
	" Inside clean_ptrs_for_index(),*lockp == 0.\n"
192 "Info: "
	"Inside clean_ptrs_for_index() before calling pke_time_out().\n"
193 "Debug: "
    "Mismatch of Control Block.\n"
194 "Info: "
	"SetSuspendState Query, SuspendState = %d Action = %s\n"
195 "Info: "
	"GetNodeState Query, SentUniqueId = %lld\n"
196 "Info: "
	"GetNodeState RMC Response, SentUniqueId = %lld RecvUniqueId = %lld\n"
197 "Info: "
        "GetNodeState Query, NodeID = 0x%016llx\n"
198 "Info: "
	"GetNodeState Error Responses for MCP Undefine NodeID = 0x%016llx\n"
199 "Info: "
        "GetNodeState Pending, UniqueId = %lld\n"
200 "Info: "
        "GetNodeState Query, Timeout = %lu\n"
201 "Info: "
	"Received Connection Changed on RMCP, Connection = %d\n"
202 "Info: "
	"mdrm_RMCP_ConnectionChanged() Leaving.\n"
203 "Info: "
    	"clean_NodeQueries() for RMC DISCONNECT and node ID = 0x%016llx\n"
204 "Info: "
	"clean_NodeQueries() for MCP UNDEFINE Entered.\n"
205 "Info: "
	"clean_NodeQueries() for RMC Response TIMEOUT.\n"
206 "Info: "
    "Found an existing resource with Matching Keytoken. \n"