IMsgrmsrtblapiUsage 1 32 'Usage: To remove SR table. \n rmsrtbl-api [-h] [-TV] <TableName> \n' IMsgrmsrtblapiRemovingTable 2 32 'Removing table %1$s.\n' IMsgrmsrtblapiCommandLineInput 3 32 '\nCommand Line Input:\n%1$s\n\n' EMsgrmsrtblapiNoPermission 4 32 '%1$s: 2607-381 You do not have permission to remove table %2$s.\n' EMsgrmsrtblapiNoTable 5 32 '%1$s: 2607-382 The table %2$s does not exist in the System Registry.\n' EMsgrmsrtblapiTableLocked 6 32 '%1$s: 2607-383 Table %2$s is locked.\n' EMsgrmsrtblapiInvalidPathName 7 32 '%1$s: 2607-384 The specified path name %2$s is invalid.\n'