IMsgmksrrowapiUsage 1 39 'Usage: To add a new row to an existing SR Table. \n mksrrow-api [-I] [-h] [-TV] ::\n :::::: \n' IMsgmksrrowapiMakingRow 2 39 'Making rows in table %1$s.\n' IMsgmksrrowapiCommandLineInput 3 39 'Command line input:\n%1$s\n' EMsgmksrrowapiNoPermission 4 39 '%1$s: 2607-451 You do not have permission to make rows in table %2$s.\n' EMsgmksrrowapiNoKeyColumn 5 39 '%1$s: 2607-452 A primary key column value for table %2$s must be specified.\n' EMsgmksrrowapiInvalidColumn 6 39 '%1$s: 2607-453 A column name specified was not found in table %2$s.\n' EMsgmksrrowapiDuplicateKey 7 39 '%1$s: 2607-454 Duplicate primary key column value found.\n' EMsgmksrrowapiFileSystemFull 8 39 '%1$s: 2607-455 Filesystem containing persistent Registry ran out of space.\n'