IMsglssrapiUsage 1 31 'Usage: To list directory contents. \n lssr-api [-D] [-R] [-h] [-TV] Directory \n' IMsglssrapiListingDir 2 31 'Listing directory %1$s\n' IMsglssrapiCommandLineInput 3 31 '\nCommand Line Input:\n%1$s\n\n' IMsglssrapiNoMatchingPrefix 4 31 'A matching table prefix was not found.\n' IMsglssrapiUsage_new 5 31 'Usage: To list tables with a specified table prefix. \n lssr-api [-h] [-TV] table_prefix \n' EMsglssrapiPermissionError 6 31 '%1$s: 2607-371 You do not have the required permission to list directory %2$s.\n' EMsglssrapiDirPathError 7 31 '%1$s: 2607-372 The directory %2$s does not exist.\n' EMsglssrapiInvalidPathName 8 31 '%1$s: 2607-373 The specified path name %2$s is invalid.\n'