IMsgstoprsrcUsage	1	11	'Usage:  To stop one or more resources, using data entered on the command line:\n\tstoprsrc [-h] -s \"Selection_string\" [-T] [-V]\n\t         Resource_class [Arg=value...]\n\tstoprsrc [-h] -r [-T] [-V] \n\t         Resource_handle [Arg=value...]\n\n\tTo stop one or more resources using command arguments \n\tpredefined in an input file: \n\tstoprsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s \"Selection_string\"\n\t         [-T] [-V] Resource_class\n\tstoprsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r\n\t         [-T] [-V] Resource_handle\n\n\tTo list the command arguments names and data types: \n\tstoprsrc [-h] -l Resource_class\n'
IMsgstoprsrcOffline	2	11	'Attempting to take offline resource class: %1$s, resource handle: \n %2$s\n'
EMsgstoprsrcStopRsrcError	3	11	'%1$s: 2612-221 Resource %2$s could not be brought offline.\n'
IMsgstoprsrcUsage2	4	11	'Usage:  To stop one or more resources, using data entered on the command line:\n\tstoprsrc [-h] -s \"Selection_string\" [-N Node_file|\"-\"] [-T] [-V]\n\t         Resource_class [Arg=value...]\n\n\tstoprsrc [-h] -r [-T] [-V] \n\t         Resource_handle [Arg=value...]\n\n\tTo stop one or more resources, using command arguments \n\tpredefined in an input file: \n\tstoprsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -s \"Selection_string\"\n\t         [-N Node_file|\"-\"] [-T] [-V] Resource_class\n\n\tstoprsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file -r\n\t         [-T] [-V] Resource_handle\n\n\tTo list the command arguments names and data types: \n\tstoprsrc [-h] -l Resource_class\n'