IMsgmkrsrcUsage 1 4 'Usage: To define a new resource using data entered on the command line:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value...\n\n\tTo define a new resource using data predefined in an input file:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class\n\n\tTo see examples of the mkrsrc command for a Resource_class:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] -e Resource_class\n' IMsgmkrsrcDefiningRsrc 2 4 'Defining resource: %1$s\n' IMsgmkrsrcDefinedRsrc 3 4 'Defined resource: %1$s \"%2$s\"\n' IMsgmkrsrcExReqdAttrs 4 4 'Sample mkrsrc command with required attributes:\n' IMsgmkrsrcExReqdOptAttrs 5 4 'Sample mkrsrc command with required and optional attributes:\n' EMsgmkrsrcAttrNotDefForSet 6 4 '%1$s: 2612-081 Do not specify attribute %2$s when you define the resource %3$s %4$s.\n' EMsgmkrsrcMissingReqAttr 7 4 '%1$s: 2612-082 Attribute %2$s is required when defining resource %3$s.\n' EMsgmkrsrcInputFileError 8 4 '%1$s: 2612-083 Error processing file %2$s for input.\n' EMsgmkrsrcCmdLineError 9 4 '%1$s: 2612-084 Error processing the command line %2$s for Attr=value pairs.\n' EMsgmkrsrcMkRsrcError 10 4 '%1$s: 2612-085 Resource %2$s could not be defined.\n' EMsgmkrsrcMissingNLSKeyword 11 4 '%1$s: 2612-086 The required NLSTranslation Stanza keyword %2$s: is missing from file %3$s.\n' EMsgmkrsrcInvalidNLSKeyword 12 4 '%1$s: 2612-087 The keyword %2$s which appears in the NLSTranslation Stanza in file %3$s is not a valid keyword.\n' EMsgmkrsrcNLSAttrNotValid 13 4 '%1$s: 2612-088 Attribute %2$s specified in the NLSTranslation Stanza in file %3$s is not a defined persistent resource attribute for this resource class or does not have a data type of ct_char_ptr.\n' EMsgmkrsrcTranslationError 14 4 '%1$s: 2612-089 Error translating attribute %2$s = %3$s, message map %4$s, message catalogue %5$s.\n' IMsgmkrsrcUsage2 15 4 'Usage: To define a new resource using data entered on the command line:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... \n\n\tTo define a new resource using data predefined in an input file:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class\n\n\tTo see examples of the mkrsrc command for a Resource_class:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] -e Resource_class\n' IMsgmkrsrcUsage3 16 4 'Usage: To define a new resource using data entered on the command line:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... [Arg=value...]\n\n\tTo define a new resource using data predefined in an input file:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class\n\n\tTo see examples of the mkrsrc command for a Resource_class:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] -e Resource_class\n' EMsgmkrsrcMismatchAttrArg 17 4 '%1$s: 2612-090 When command arguments are specified, the number of sets of arguments must match the number of sets of attributes.\n' EMsgmkrsrcTempFileError 18 4 '%1$s: 2612-091 A temporary file needed to process the input data could not be created. %2$s.\n' IMsgmkrsrcUsage4 19 4 'Usage: To define a new resource using data entered on the command line:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... [Arg=value...]\n\n\tTo define a new resource using data predefined in an input file:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class\n\n\tTo see examples of the mkrsrc command for a Resource_class:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] -e Resource_class\n\n\tTo list the command arguments names and data types:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] -l Resource_class\n' IMsgmkrsrcExReqdOptAttrsCmdArgs 20 4 'Sample mkrsrc command with required and optional attributes, and command arguments:\n' EMsgmkrsrcAttrNotDefForSet2 21 4 '%1$s: 2612-092 Attribute %2$s is not valid for defining a resource in class %3$s.\n' EMsgmkrsrcAttrNotDefForSet3 22 4 '%1$s: 2612-093 Attribute %2$s is not valid for defining a resource in class %3$s for %4$s.\n' IMsgmkrsrcUsage5 23 4 'Usage: To define a new resource using data entered on the command line:\n\tmkrsrc [-N {Node_file |\"-\"}] [-h] [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class Attr=value... [Arg=value...]\n\n\tTo define a new resource using data predefined in an input file:\n\tmkrsrc [-N {Node_file |\"-\"}] [-h] -f Resource_data_input_file [-v] [-T] [-V] Resource_class\n\n\tTo see examples of the mkrsrc command for a Resource_class:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] -e Resource_class\n\n\tTo list the command arguments names and data types:\n\tmkrsrc [-h] -l Resource_class\n' EMsgmkrsrcExamplesNotValid 24 4 '%1$s: 2612-094 The %2$s class does not support defining resources.\n'