EMsgMCcliImproperUsageFlag 1 1 '%1$s: 2612-001 Not a recognized flag: %2$s.\n' EMsgMCcliImproperUsageOperand 2 1 '%1$s: 2612-002 Not a recognized operand: %2$s.\n' EMsgMCcliImproperUsageCombination 3 1 '%1$s: 2612-003 The combination of %2$s and %3$s is not allowed.\n' EMsgMCcliBadRsrcHandle 4 1 '%1$s: 2612-004 A resource handle must be entered using the following format:\n\"0x0000 0x0000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000\" \ninstead of: \n\"%2$s\".\n' EMsgMCcliMissingRsrcClass 5 1 '%1$s: 2612-005 A resource class name must be entered.\n' EMsgMCcliMissingRsrcHandle 6 1 '%1$s: 2612-006 A resource handle must be entered.\n' EMsgMCcliTooManyOperands 7 1 '%1$s: 2612-007 Invalid command format-too many operands were entered.\n' EMsgMCcliMissingSelectionStr 8 1 '%1$s: 2612-008 The -s \"Selection_string\" flag is required.\n' EMsgMCcliMCFunctionFailure 9 1 '%1$s: 2612-009 Unexpected error when the underlying RMC function %2$s was issued and produced a return code of %3$s (%4$s).\n' EMsgMCcliClassNotDef 10 1 '%1$s: 2612-010 Resource class %2$s is not defined.\n' EMsgMCcliEnumRsrcError 11 1 '%1$s: 2612-011 Was not able to get a list of resource handles for Resource class %2$s.\n' EMsgMCcliQdefSDError 12 1 '%1$s: 2612-012 Was not able to query the definition of the structured data for resource %2$s.\n' EMsgMCcliBadRC 13 1 '%1$s: 2612-013 error_exit received an unexpected return code %2$s.\n' EMsgMCcliBadAttrValue 14 1 '%1$s: 2612-014 Error processing attribute %2$s value %3$s.\n' EMsgMCcliBadEleValue 15 1 '%1$s: 2612-015 Error processing SD element %2$s value %3$s.\n' EMsgMCcliMissingAction 16 1 '%1$s: 2612-016 An action name must be entered.\n' EMsgMCcliInternalBadAttrListError 17 1 '%1$s: 2612-017 An internal program error occurred while attempting to display the invalid attribute %2$s in %3$s\n' EMsgMCcliInvalidAttrName 18 1 '%1$s: 2612-018 Attribute name %2$s is not a valid attribute name.\n' EMsgMCcliSelectStrError 19 1 '%1$s: 2612-019 The selection string specified with the -s flag contains invalid syntax.\n' EMsgMCcliMissingAttrAndValue 20 1 '%1$s: 2612-020 An Attr=value must be entered.\n' EMsgMCcliInvalidRsrcHandle 21 1 '%1$s: 2612-021 Resource handle %2$s is invalid. No resource corresponds to this resource handle.\n' EMsgMCcliInvalidSess 22 1 '%1$s: 2612-022 A session could not be established with the RMC daemon on %2$s.\n' IMsgMCcliDisplayEnv 23 1 '\nEnvironment Variables used are\n%1$s\n' EMsgMCcliNoRsrcFound 24 1 '%1$s: 2612-023 No resources found.\n' EMsgMCcliNotAuthenticated 25 1 '%1$s: 2612-024 Could not authenticate user.\n' EMsgMCcliNotAuthorized 26 1 '%1$s: 2612-025 User not authorized to access the resource or resource class.\n' EMsgMCcliNoArgsRequired 27 1 '%1$s: 2612-026 There are no command arguments required for resource class %2$s.\n' EMsgMCcliInvalidCmdArg 28 1 '%1$s: 2612-027 Command argument %2$s, resource %3$s line %4$s is not a valid command argument for this resource class.\n' EMsgMCcliInvalidArgDataType 29 1 '%1$s: 2612-028 The resource class definition for resource class %2$s, argument %3$s contains an invalid data type %4$s.\n' EMsgMCcliBadArgValue 30 1 '%1$s: 2612-029 Error processing argument %2$s value %3$s, invalid value for this arguments data type.\n' EMsgMCcliMissingReqArg 31 1 '%1$s: 2612-030 Required argument %2$s for resource %3$s on command %4$s must be specified.\n' EMsgMCcliInputFileError 32 1 '%1$s: 2612-031 Error processing file %2$s for input.\n' EMsgMCcliCmdLineArgError 33 1 '%1$s: 2612-032 processing the command line %2$s for Arg=value pairs.\n' EMsgMCcliNoMem 34 1 '%1$s: 2612-033 Required memory could not be allocated.\n' EMsgMCcliInvalidWildcard 35 1 '%1$s: 2612-034 Syntax of wildcard (%2$s) in attribute list is not valid. \n' EMsgMCcliMissingAttrName 36 1 '%1$s: 2612-035 A zero length attribute name was detected in operand \"%2$s\".\n' EMsgMCcliMissingAttrValue 37 1 '%1$s: 2612-036 An attribute name was specified without a value in operand \"%2$s\".\n' EMsgMCcliMissingOptionName 38 1 '%1$s: 2612-037 A zero length option name was detected in operand \"%2$s\".\n' EMsgMCcliMissingOptionValue 39 1 '%1$s: 2612-038 An option name was specified without a value in operand \"%2$s\".\n' EMsgMCcliMissingQuote 40 1 '%1$s: 2612-039 The string \"%2$s\" is missing a closing quote character.\n' EMsgMCcliInvalidBinaryConst 41 1 '%1$s: 2612-040 The binary value \"%2$s\" is not valid.\n' EMsgMCcliInvalidSdSyntax 42 1 '%1$s: 2612-361 The structured data value \"%2$s\" does not have valid syntax.\n' EMsgMCcliInvalidArraySyntax 43 1 '%1$s: 2612-362 The array value \"%2$s\" does not have valid syntax.\n' EMsgMCcliInvalidArgName 44 1 '%1$s: 2612-363 The command argument name \"%2$s\" is not valid for resource class %3$s.\n' EMsgMCcliUndefinedActionName 45 1 '%1$s: 2612-364 The action name specified is not defined for class %2$s.\n' EMsgMCcliInvalidActionArgName 46 1 '%1$s: 2612-365 The action input argument name \"%2$s\" is not valid for action \"%3$s\" of resource class %4$s.\n' EMsgMCcliInvalidDataTypeName 47 1 '%1$s: 2612-366 The specified string \"%2$s\" is not a recognized data type.\n' EMsgMCcliAttrReq 48 1 '%1$s: 2612-367 An attribute name is required.\n' EMsgMCcliNumPermRsrcs 49 1 '%1$s: 2612-368 More than the maximum number of permitted resources was found on %2$s.\n' EMsgMCcliBadAclIdFormat 50 1 '%1$s: 2612-369 The security mechanism specified in the ACL ID \"%2$s\" is not correct.\n' EMsgMCcliMissingIdValue 51 1 '%1$s: 2612-370 An access was specified without an ID in \"%2$s\".\n' EMsgMCcliMissingPermValue 52 1 '%1$s: 2612-371 An access was specified without a permission in \"%2$s\".\n' EMsgMCcliBadPermValue 53 1 '%1$s: 2612-372 The specified permission \"%2$s\" is not a valid permission.\n' EMsgMCcliSecRoutineError 54 1 '%1$s: 2612-373 A security routine returned an error code of %2$d processing an ACL.\n' EMsgMCcliAclErrorOnDefine 55 1 '%1$s: 2612-374 The resource was not created because a Resource ACL could not be created for the resource.\n' EMsgMCcliAclErrDefErrUndef 56 1 '%1$s: 2612-375 The resource was created but there was an error creating the Resource ACL. The resource does not have an ACL.\n' EMsgMCcliNoPermtRsrcFound 57 1 '%1$s: 2612-376 No permitted resources found.\n' EMsgMCcliSecDeleteError 58 1 '%1$s: 2612-377 The identity \"%2$s\" was not found in the ACL.\n' EMsgMCcliFileNotFound 59 1 '%1$s: 2612-378 The input file \"%2$s\" could not be opened. The error number is \"%3$d\". The reason is \"%4$s\".\n' EMsgMCcliUnknownFileError 60 1 '%1$s: 2612-379 An error occurred processing the input file \"%2$s\". The error number is \"%3$d\". The reason is \"%4$s\".\n' EMsgMCcliNodeFileEmpty 61 1 '%1$s: 2612-380 There are no nodes listed in the input file \"%2$s\".\n' EMsgMCcliValueOutofRange 62 1 '%1$s: 2612-381 The specified value is outside the range for attribute \"%2$s\".\n' EMsgMCcliInvalidPersAttrName 63 1 '%1$s: 2612-382 Attribute name %2$s is not a valid persistence attribute name. \n'