INFOMsg_emsvcsctrl_Usage 1 10 'Usage: %1$s { -a | -s | -k | -d | -c | -t | -o | -r | -h }\n -a add Event Management subsystem to the HACMP domain\n -s start Event Management subsystem in the HACMP domain\n -k stop Event Management subsystem in the HACMP domain\n -d delete Event Management subsystem from the HACMP domain\n -c remove Event Management subsystem from the HACMP domain\n -t start Event Management subsystem trace in the HACMP domain\n -o stop Event Management subsystem trace in the HACMP domain\n -r refresh Event Management subsystem in the HACMP domain\n (currently, Event Management refresh does nothing)\n -h display this usage statement \n' EMSGV_Subsystem_Must_Be_Stopped 2 10 '%1$s: 2521-550 The %2$s subsystem must be stopped.\n' EMSGV_Not_Executable 3 10 '%1$s: 2521-551 %2$s is not executable.\n' EMSGV_Could_Not_Add 4 10 '%1$s: 2521-552 Could not add %2$s to %3$s.\n' EMSGV_Cannot_Make_EM_Group 5 10 '%1$s: 2521-553 Cannot create the Event Management group \"%2$s\".\n' EMSGV_Cannot_Make_EM_Dir 6 10 '%1$s: 2521-554 Cannot create the Event Management directory \"%2$s\".\n' EMSGV_Cannot_copy_CDB 7 10 '%1$s: 2521-555 Cannot copy the Configuration Database.\n'