IMsgmkcondrespUsage 1 11 'Usage: mkcondresp [-h] [-T] [-V] Condition Response [Response ...]\n' IMsgmkcondrespStart 2 11 'Making the link between the condition \"%1$s\" with the response \"%2$s\".\n' IMsgmkcondrespEnd 3 11 'Completed making the links between the condition and responses.\n' EMsgmkcondrespCondRespExists 4 11 '%1$s: 2618-201 The condition \"%2$s\" with response \"%3$s\" already exists.\n' EMsgmkcondrespConditionNotFound 5 11 '%1$s: 2618-202 The condition \"%2$s\" was not found.\n' EMsgmkcondrespResponseNotFound 6 11 '%1$s: 2618-203 The response \"%2$s\" was not found.\n' IMsgmkcondrespUsage51D 7 11 'Usage: mkcondresp [-h] [-TV] Condition[:Node_name] Response [Response ...]\n'