IMsgldpdefUsage 1 15 'Usage: ldpdef [-h] -c|-r [-D \"Selection_string\"] Filename\n' EMsgldpdefBadOperand 2 15 '%1$s: 2618-401 Invalid operand %2$s\n' EMsgldpdefBadArguments 3 15 '%1$s: 2618-402 ldpdef command invoked with invalid arguments.\n' EMsgldpdefBadInputFile 4 15 '%1$s: 2618-403 Input file could not be found or is not readable.\n' EMsgldpdefIllegalOptions 5 15 '%1$s: 2618-404 Specify either -c or -r but not both.\n' EMsgldpdefMissingOptions 6 15 '%1$s: 2618-405 Missing -c or -r option.\n' IMsgldpdefUsage2 7 15 'Usage: ldpdef [-h] -c|-r|-s [-D \"Selection_string\"] Filename\n' EMsgldpdefBadComboOptions 8 15 '%1$s: 2618-406 The combination of options specified is not allowed.\n' EMsgldpdefMissingReqOption 9 15 '%1$s: 2618-407 A required option is missing.\n'