IMsgctadmingroupUsage 1 3 'Usage: ctadmingroup [-h]\n [-TV] [-u]\n [-TV] [Group name]\n' EMsgctadmingroupCannotFindGrp 2 3 '%1$s: 2640-041 Cannot find group %2$s.\n' EMsgctadmingroupCannotChangeMode 3 3 '%1$s: 2640-042 Cannot change the mode for %2$s.\n' EMsgctadmingroupCannotCreateFile 4 3 '%1$s: 2640-043 Cannot create %2$s file.\n' EMsgctadmingroupErrorWriteFile 5 3 '%1$s: 2640-044 Error when writing %2$s file. Possibly out of space in the file system.\n' EMsgctadmingroupErrorCloseFile 6 3 '%1$s: 2640-045 Error when closing %2$s file. Possibly out of space in the file system.\n' EMsgctadmingroupCorruptedFile 7 3 '%1$s: 2640-046 File %2$s contains incorrect information.\n' EMsgctadmingroupCannotChangeGroup 8 3 '%1$s: 2640-047 Cannot change the group for %2$s.\n'