INFOctcasctrl_usage 1 3 'Usage: %1$s { -a | -d | -r | -f | -h }\n\t-a\tadd ctcas subsystem to SRC.\n\t-d\tdelete ctcas subsystem from SRC.\n\t-r\tremove host public,private keyfiles and THL file.\n\t-f\tforce the recreation of host public and private key files.\n\t-h\tdisplay this usage message.\n\tNote:\tthe -a ,-d and -r options are mutually exclusive and at least\n\t\tone must be provided.\n\tNote:\tthe -f option is effective only together with the -a option.\n' EMSGctcasd_not_executable 2 3 '2649-200 %1$s: %2$s is not executable.\n' EMSGctskeygen_not_executable 3 3 '2649-201 %1$s: %2$s is not executable.\n' EMSGctsthl_not_executable 4 3 '2649-202 %1$s: %2$s is not executable.\n' EMSGerror_adding_ctcas_to_SRC 5 3 '2649-203 %1$s: Unable to add %2$s subsystem to SRC.\n' EMSGerror_creating_key_files 6 3 '2649-204 %1$s: the ctskeygen command is unable to create the host\npublic and private key files (rc = %2$ld).\n' EMSGerror_adding_keys_to_thl 7 3 '2649-205 %1$s: the ctsthl command is unable to add the host public key\nto the THL file (rc = %2$ld).\n' EMSGerror_deleting_key_files 8 3 '2649-206 %1$s: the ctskeygen command is unable to delete the host public\nand private key files (rc = %2$ld).\n' EMSGerror_deleting_thl_file 9 3 '2649-207 %1$s: the ctsthl command is unable to delete the THL file (rc = %2$ld).\n' EMSGIWpath_doesnot_exist 10 3 '2649-208 %1$s: The /var/ct/IW symbolic link does not exist!\n'