EMSG_not_directory 1 2 '2641-090 \"%1$s\" does not exist or is not a directory.\n' EMSG_directory_list_fail 2 2 '2641-091 Could not determine contents of directory \"%1$s\".\n' EMSG_dst_directory_not_empty 3 2 '2641-092 Destination directory \"%1$s\" is not empty.\n' EMSG_copy_failed 4 2 '2641-093 Copy from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\" failed.\n' EMSG_failed_check_ls 5 2 '2641-094 Verification of copy from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\" failed ls check.\n' EMSG_failed_check_cksum 6 2 '2641-095 Verification of copy from \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\" failed cksum check.\n'