IMsgforcerpofflineUsage 1 18 'Usage: forcerpoffline [-h] PeerDomain \n' EMsgforcerpofflineBadFlag 2 18 '%1$s: 2602-362 The command line flag %2$s is not recognized.\n' EMsgforcerpofflineNotDomain 3 18 '%1$s: 2602-363 The domain named %2$s is not configured to be online.\n' EMsgforcerpofflineBadData 4 18 '%1$s: 2602-364 The configuration file %2$s was not updated correctly.\n' EMsgforcerpofflineInvalidDomain 5 18 '%1$s: 2602-365 The domain named %2$s is invalid.\n' EMsgforcerpofflineConfigFileError 6 18 '%1$s: 2602-366 The cluster configuration file was not found.\n' EMsgforcerpofflineRMCError 7 18 '%1$s: 2602-367 Underlying RMC error. The \"IW\" identifier was not found.\n'