EMsgConfigRMcliImproperUsageFlag 1 1 '%1$s: 2602-001 Not a recognized flag: %2$s.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliImproperUsageOperand 2 1 '%1$s: 2602-002 Not a recognized operand: %2$s.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliImproperUsageCombination 3 1 '%1$s: 2602-003 The combination of %2$s and %3$s is not allowed.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliInvalidNumberOfOperands 4 1 '%1$s: 2602-004 Invalid number of operands.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliMissingRequiredFlag 5 1 '%1$s: 2602-005 The %2$s flag is required.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliMissingRequiredFlagOperand 6 1 '%1$s: 2602-006 The %2$s flag requires an operand.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliNoOperandNeeded 7 1 '%1$s: 2602-007 The %2$s flag does not use an operand.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliUnExpectRMCrc 8 1 '%1$s: 2602-008 An unexpected RMC error occurred. The RMC return code was %2$s.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliBadRC 9 1 '%1$s: 2602-013 error_exit received an unexpected return code %2$s.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliNoCluster 10 1 '%1$s: 2602-021 There are no nodes in the peer domain or an online peer domain does not exist.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliFileError 11 1 '%1$s: 2602-022 Unable to read the input file %2$s: %3$s\n' EMsgConfigRMcliFileBadMatch 12 1 '%1$s: 2602-023 The number of node names does not match the number of node numbers.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliBadQuorumType 13 1 '%1$s: 2602-024 The quorum type specified, %2$s, is not correct or not allowed.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliUnexpectErrorRC 14 1 '%1$s: 2602-025 An unexpected return code of %2$s was received by the command.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliUnexpectFlag 15 1 '%1$s: 2602-026 The %2$s flag cannot be used unless the %3$s flag is specified.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliWaitTimedOut 16 1 '%1$s: 2602-027 The peer domain operation did not complete within the time specified.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliBadQuorumSpecified 17 1 '%1$s: 2602-028 The quorum node specification in the node file %2$s is not valid for node %3$s.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliBadPreferredSpecified 18 1 '%1$s: 2602-029 The preferred node specification in the node file %2$s is not valid for node %3$s.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliBadNodeFileInput 19 1 '%1$s: 2602-030 Undefined parameter found for %2$s: %3$s.\n' EMsgConfigRMcliBadTieBreakerSpecified 20 1 '%1$s: 2602-031 The tiebreaker specification in the node file %2$s is not valid for node %3$s.\n' EMsgConfigRMCmdNotSupported 21 1 '%1$s: 2602-009 The command is invalid in this environment.\n'