IMsgaddrpnodeUsage 1 8 'Usage: addrpnode [-h] [-c] [-M] [-TV] Node_name [Node_name ...] \n\n addrpnode [-h] [-c] [-M] -f File [-TV] \n' IMsgaddrpnodeStart 2 8 'Adding node(s) %1$s to the peer domain.\n' IMsgaddrpnodeEnd 3 8 'Completed adding node(s) %1$s to the peer domain.\n' EMsgaddrpnodeUnresolvedNode 4 8 '%1$s: 2602-161 The node name %2$s cannot be resolved.\n' EMsgaddrpnodeAlreadyAdded 5 8 '%1$s: 2602-162 %2$s is already defined in the online peer domain.\n' IMsgaddrpnodeUsageF 6 8 'Usage: addrpnode [-h] [-c] [-TV] Node_name [Node_name ...] \n\n addrpnode [-h] [-c] {-f|-F} File [-TV] \n' IMsgaddrpnodeStarted 7 8 'Adding node(s) to the peer domain.\n' IMsgaddrpnodeNodeList 8 8 'Adding these node(s) to the peer domain.' IMsgaddrpnodeEnded 9 8 'Completed adding node(s) to the peer domain.\n' EMsgaddrpnodeIPv6AddressNotPermitted 10 8 '%1$s: 2602-163 The node name \"%2$s\" is an IPv6 address, which cannot be specified when the IBM.NetworkInterface::IPv6Support class attribute is 0.\n'