schednetisr Kernel Service
Schedules or invokes a network software interrupt service routine.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <net/netisr.h>
int schednetisr ( anisr)
int anisr;
int anisr;
Item | Description |
anisr | Specifies the software interrupt number to issue. Refer to netisr.h for the range of values of anisr that are already in use. Also, other kernel extensions that are not AIX® and that use network ISRs currently running on the system can make use of additional values not mentioned in netisr.h. |
The schednetisr kernel service schedules or calls a network interrupt service routine. The add_netisr kernel service establishes interrupt service routines. If the service was added with a service level of NET_OFF_LEVEL, the schednetisr kernel service directly calls the interrupt service routine. If the service level was NET_KPROC, a network kernel dispatcher is notified to call the interrupt service routine.
Execution Environment
The schednetisr kernel service can be called from either the process or interrupt environment.
Return Values
Item | Description |
EFAULT | Indicates that a network interrupt service routine does not exist for the specified interrupt number. |
EINVAL | Indicates that the anisr parameter is out of range. |