Allocates a communication identifier.
The rdma_create_id function creates an identifier that is used to track communication information. The communication channel that the events are associated with the allocated rdma_cm_id identifier is communicated. This may be NULL.
- The
identifiers are equivalent to that of a socket in RDMA communication. The difference is that the RDMA communication requires explicit binding to a specified Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) device before communicating, and most operations are asynchronous in nature. The asynchronous communication events on an rdma_cm_id identifier are reported through the associated event channel. If the channel parameter is NULL, the rdma_cm_id is placed into synchronous operation. While operating synchronously, calls that result in an event cause a block until the operation completes. The event is returned to the user through the rdma_cm_id structure, and is available for access until the next rdma_cm call is made. - You must release the
identifier by calling the rdma_destroy_id function.
Port Spaces: RDMA_PS_TCP
provides reliable, connection-oriented queue pair (QP). Unlike TCP,
the RDMA port space provides stream-based communication.
Item | Description |
channel | Specifies the communication channel for the
allocated rdma_cm_id identifier to report the associated
events. |
context | Indicates the user-specified context that is associated with the communication identifier. |
id | Specifies a reference identifier to return the allocated communication identifier. |
ps | Specifies the RDMA port space. |
Return Values
The rdma_destroy_event_channel function returns 0 on success, or -1 on error. If an error occurs, the errno indicates the reason for failure.