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G F H@(#)23 1.6 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libpthreads/init.c, libpth, bos610 6/21/07 15:28:59@(#)61 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/__threads_init.c, libcthrd, bos61B, b2007_33A0 8/2/07 13:09:21,,-a-c-d-f-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-v mainselectstrtoldffdc.catFFDCSTACKstrtoimaxgetdtablesizemain(fcpushstk)main(fcpushstk)fc_call_push_stackfc_call_push_stack/var/adm/ffdc/dumps/var/adm/ffdc/stacks/var/adm/ffdc/stacks/var/adm/ffdc/stacksa:c:d:f:hl:m:n:o:p:qr:s:v:a:c:d:f:hl:m:n:o:p:qr:s:v:Set return code for ignoring detail data fileInput: AssocFID=%s LPP=%s Line=%d SrcFile=%s Version=%s Desc=%s Desc_Parms=%s@(#)48 1.11 src/rsct/ffdc/bin/fcpushstk.c, ffdc, rsct_rady, rady2035a 3/19/14 09:33:24Mandatory parameter, "default_description_message", missing. See command usage below. ####################################################################### # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # # # 5765-F07 # # # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ####################################################################### 0h` x   X   HPXX "P$*0+\+0,<0,000,-(-..p./</00068787D788H8875845X45688586 8888886H  FCTFO=FCTFW=FCTFS=selectCOLUMNSfc_a64lstrtoldFFDCPNAMEFFDCPNAMEfc_l64a_rstrtoimaxFFDC_DEBUGpps_productFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_INV_ENVfc_copy_filefc_copy_fileFFDC_SUCCESSfc_copy_fileFFDC_SUCCESSunknown_fileFFDC_SUCCESSfc_copy_fileFFDC_IO_ERRORFFDC_NO_SPACEFFDC_NO_SPACEgetdtablesizeno_version_numFFDC_FILE_EXISTFFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4%-s,%-s,%-s,%-dfc_test_for_dirfc_test_for_filefc_test_for_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_test_for_filefc_copy_dump_filefc_copy_dump_filefc_copy_dump_filefc_copy_dump_filefc_copy_dump_filefc_copy_dump_filefc_copy_dump_filefc_copy_dump_file/var/adm/ffdc/dumps/var/adm/ffdc/dumpsfc_get_dump_file_namefc_get_dump_file_namefc_get_dump_file_namefc_make_file_info_msg%s%-5d %s%-5d %s%-5d fc_get_dump_file_namefc_make_file_info_msgfc_determine_max_fsizefc_determine_max_fsizefc_determine_max_fsizefc_determine_max_fsizefc_determine_max_fsizefc_make_dump_file_copyfc_truncate_descriptionfc_determine_bsd_priorityfc_determine_bsd_priorityfc_determine_bsd_priorityMinimum space not available statvfs(%s) failed - error %d Copying File "%s" to file "%s" Cannot lock file %s - error %s %s/%s.%d.%4d%.2d%.2d.%.2d%.2d%.2dstatvfs(%s) failed, error code %d Didn't leave 5% space - trying again Requested %d bytes, able to get %d bytes Cannot open input file "%s" Error code %d Cannot reserve %d bytes, returning %s(%d) %s reserved (%d bytes) - returning %s(%d) Cannot open output file "%s" Error code %d Can't open %s mode 0x%x perm 0x%x- error %d Not enough space for fclear(%s,%d) - error %d Cannot force permissions on file %s - error %s 5%% space in %s not available, returning %s(%d) Assigning SysLog priority of %d to event type %d Error copying data - Iteration %d - Error Code %d Invalid FFDC Event Type %d - mapping to type %s(%d) Successfully copied files Returning %s(%d) to caller ./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzFile "%s" successfully copied to "%s" Returning %s(%d) to the caller Unexpected failure testing for the file "%s" Retruning %d to the caller Called with invalid dump file input name Returning %s(%d) to the caller Existence of dump directory "%s" cannot be verified fc_test_for_dir returned %d Dump file "%s" already exists, cannot recreated it Returning %s(%d) to the caller Called with invalid pointer for dump output file name Returingin %s(%d) to caller Error reading input from file - Iteration %d - Error Code %d Returning %s(%d) to caller @(#)47 1.21 src/rsct/ffdc/utils/fc_utils.c, ffdc, rsct_rady, rady2035a 3/11/14 03:37:29Attemping to check status of file %s Unexpected failure on stat() call: %d Returning %s(%d) Attemping to check status of file %s Unexpected failure on stat() call: %d Returning %s(%d) File Identification information "%s" is %d chars long, being truncated Some information will be lost Existence of file "%s" cannot be verified fc_test_for_file returned %d Passing same return code to caller Cannot obtain command name from envionment value %s Assuming corrupted FFDC Environment Returning %s(%d) to the caller ####################################################################### # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # # # 5765-F07 # # # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ####################################################################### b@bHbHbHbHbHb,b,bHbHb,b8bHb$g<gLg\glg|gg. %s \FCTFO=FCTFW=FCTFS=FCTFO=FCTFW=FCTFS=selectThread strtoldfc_debugFFDCDEBUGstrtoimaxgetdtablesizeFFDC Routine: Called by PID fc_record_debug_infofc_format_debug_infofc_create_debug_filefc_is_debug_file_set[FILE RECYCLES HERE] [END OF FINAL ENTRY] %s%-5d %s%-5d %s%-5d %s%s %s%s %s%d %s%d fc_get_file_ctrl_infofc_clear_record_remnant@(#)48 1.9 src/rsct/ffdc/utils/fc_debug.c, ffdc, rsct_rady, rady2035a 5/31/14 14:35:49 ####################################################################### # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # # # 5765-F07 # # # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ####################################################################### $`selectstrtoldstrtoimaxfc_get_msgcat_name@(#)16 1.1 src/rsct/ffdc/utils/fc_msg.c, ffdc, rsct_rady, rady2035a 2/13/19 16:59:53 %( D( 4 % %@ ( 1 ( & '\ - /@ 38 * 8 + < ) ? : , & 0 A| 6Reserved: DO NOT USE!2615-801 fcpushstk Error: Unknown option specified - '%1$c'. fcpushstk: Error detected. Because failures were detected, this command did not attempt to record information to the FFDC Error Stack. 2615-805 fcpushstk Error: An FFDC Environment does not exist for this process. This process cannot record failure information to the FFDC Error Stack. 2615-818 fcpushstk Attention: The command was not able to generate an unique FFDC Error Identifier for the report it filed. The report has been made successfully. 2615-806 fcpushstk Error: The FFDC Environment for this process appears to be corrupted. The FFDC Environment is not usable. This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack. 2615-804 fcpushstk Attention: Incomplete information was provided for the source code file reporting this incident. Default information was provided by this command on behalf of the user. 2615-802 fcpushstk Error: The %1$s option has been specified more than once. The option can only be specified once to this command. Information will not be recorded to the FFED Error Stack. 2615-814 fcpushstk Attention: No resource name was provided to this command through the '%1$c' option. No resource name was recorded to the FFDC Error Stack report generated by this routine, but the incident was recorded. 2615-810 fcpuststk Error: An unexpected failure occurred in the routine %1$s. This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack at this time. Contact the IBM Customer Support Center for assistance in resolving this failure. 2615-812 fcpushstk Error: Unable to lock the file: %1$s for exclusive use. The file may have been removed by another application, or another application may have locked this file for use and become hung. This process is unable to record incident information to the FFDC Error Stack at this time. 2615-817 fcpushstk Attention: The caller provided both a detail data field and a detail data file to this command. This command only accepts either a detail data field or a detail data file. The detail data file was ignored in the record generated by this command, and the detail data field was used instead. 2615-807 fcpushstk Error: The FFDC Error Stack directory %1$s cannot be accessed. The directory may be missing, unmounted, or permissions may have been changed on the directory. Contact the system administrator and report this problem. This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack at this time. 2615-808 fcpushstk Error: The FFDC Error Stack file %1$s cannot be accessed. The file may be missing, corrupted, or, permissions may have been changed on the file to prohibit access. Contact the system administrator and report this problem. This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack at this time. 2615-819 fcpushstk Attention: The command was unable to copy the contents of the file: %1$s to the directory: %2$s Do not discard the original copy of this file. The name of the original copy of has been recorded to the FFDC Error Stack, and future problem determination efforts may require access to this file. 2615-803 fcpushstk Attention: The caller provided both a detail data field using the -d option, and a detail data file using the -f option. This command only accepts either a detail data field or a detail data file. The detail data file will be ignored in the record generated by this routine, and the detail data field will be used instead. 2615-809 fcpushstk Error: The name reserved for the FFDC Error Stack file: %1$s is the name of an existing directory. Ask the system administrator to ensure that system users are not creating subdirectories in the directory: %2$s If this problem occurs in multiple applications, contact the system administrator to have the problem reported to the IBM Customer Support Center. fcpushstk is used by a script to record information about failures and noteworthy incidents to the FFDC Error Stack. An FFDC Environment must have been previsously established by the script, using the fcinitstk command. The information recorded to the FFDC Error Stack should provide detailed information about the incident that can be used by problem analysis efforts to identify the incident, its cause, and the actions that should be taken in response to this incident. 2615-821 fcpushstk Attention: No details about the incident were provided to this command, either in the form of a detail data string or in the form of a detail data file. The detailed data section of this report was omitted, but the report was successfully recorded. Records that do not contain details can be difficult to understand or use effectively in problem analysis efforts. Ensure that the command was used correctly, and that the '-d' or '-f' options were not accidentally omitted. 2615-811 fcpushstk Error: Insufficent space exists in the file system containing the directory: %1$s to create an FFDC Error Stack file. This routine attempted to reserve and FFDC Error Stack file of a minimum size of %2$d bytes while leaving at least five percent of the file system capacity available. The FFDC Error Stack file could not be reserved under these constraints. This application cannot record information to the FFDC Error Stack until more space becomes available in the file system. 2615-816 fcpushstk Attention: This command was not provided with complete information to identify a cataloged message that desribes the nature of the incident being recorded to the FFDC Error Stack. As a result, this desription will be presented using the default message text. Users viewing the FFDC Error Stack contents in other locales will not be able to translate this message into the language used for that locale, meaning that the user may not be able to understand the information recorded by this application. 2615-813 fcpushstk Error: Unable to update the control information within the FFDC Error Stack file: %1$s The file may be corrupted, or this problem can indicate an internal error in the FFDC software. This process should consider the FFDC Error Stack unusable. Verify that the file exists and can be viewed using the fcstkrpt command. If fcstkrpt fails to indicate an error with the FFDC Error Stack file, contact the system administrator to have this problem reported to the IBM Customer Service Center. Error code from the write() library call: %2$d. 2615-815 fcpushstk Attention: This command was not provided with a default message to use as a description for this incident in cases where the cataloged message decription cannot be obtained. If the FFDC Error Stack contents are viewed on a node where the message does not exist, or if the FFDC Error Stack contents are viewed when the message catalog is missing, no description information will be presented for this entry. Users may not be able to understand the nature of the incident without a description, which limits the usefulness of the entry to the system administrator. 2615-820 fcpustsk Attention: The information submitted for recording to the FFDC Error Stack exceedes the record length of %1$d bytes. The information has been truncated to fit the record size limit. Some important diagnostic information may have been lost in the process. Errors may occur when this information is displayed later with the fcstkrpt command. This record size limit includes the detecting file information, the message catalog information, the description message, substitutional parameters to the description message, as well as the details of the condition. In the future, record less information, or make use of the detail data file option. fcpushstk: Usage information: fcpushstk [-a associated_FFDC_Error_Identifier] [-r resource_name] [-l product_name] [-s detecting_file_name] [-v file_version] [-p position_in_detecting_file] [-q] [-d detail_data_string | -f detail_data_file_name] [-c message_catalog_file_name -m message_set_number -n description_message_number [-o param[,param,...]]] default_description_message fcpushstk -h Notes on these options: * The '-q' option executes the command in 'quiet' mode, which restricts the command from displaying warning messages. P G G G F   hu  $( $8_Oerrno@close@ fchmod@ fclear@ lseek@ unlink@ @@@_iob@malloc@ free@ _Errno@ exit@ strlen@ open@ fprintf@ catopen@ catgets@ getenv@ strchr@ atoi@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ getpid@ catclose@ snprintf@ '@ read@ memchr@ statvfs@ strtok_r@ 3@ ctime_r@ A@ P@ strstr@ getopt@ basename@ dirname@ lockf@ \@ __crt0v@optind@optarg@optopt@i@@ @ @@ @ @ @ __start F!   $ , L    $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                          $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l X \ ` d h l p t x |             $, $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ % % % %  % % % % %  F F F F F F G G(. G,- G0 G45 G84 G<2 G@ GD GH# GL GP  GT6 GX G\ G` Gd+ Gh" Gl Gp Gt Gx  G| G G G G& G$ G G G G* G, G G G G G G G G( G% G3 G! 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:t105=*104:t108=ar0;0;15;42 :t111=f55; :t114=f99; :t116=k-11 :t117=*116:t120=ar0;0;878;5fc_call_push_stack:F-1 assoc_fid:p7 resource:p7 lpp_name:p7source_file:p7 version:p7 line_pos:p-1detail_data:p7detail_file:p7msg_catalog:p7 msg_set:p-1msg_number:p-1default_msg:p7 subparms:p7 num_parms:-1strtok_save:7 subarray:33 __func__:V32 errflag:-1debug_active:-1ignore_file:-1invalid_opt:-2 stack_file:7debug_file:56 catalog:57 errblock:74 quietmode:-1 smsg_set:-1 smsg_num:-1 sline_val:-1 assoc_fid:29 scatalog:75sdefault_msg:76sdetail_data:77sdetail_file:78 slpp_name:79smsg_params:80 sresource:81ssource_file:82 sversion:83 __func__:V35rsct_copyright:V120 sccsid:V7__default_char:t16=-5:t2=ar0;0;44;-2:t4=ar0;0;24;3fc_mesgtbl_fcpushstk_cmd:G4__default_char:t242=-5 :t111=-13:t29=ar0;0;20;5:t30=ar0;0;1022;-2:t31=ar0;0;1022;-2__ulong64_t:t33=-8 dev_t:t34=33 ino_t:t35=33uint_t:t36=-8mode_t:t37=36nlink_t:t39=-3ushort_t:t41=-7 uid_t:t42=36 gid_t:t43=36 off_t:t44=-41timespec:T45=s8tv_sec:20,0,32;tv_nsec:-4,32,32;;__long64_t:t46=-1blksize_t:t47=46blkcnt_t:t48=46:t49=ar0;0;8;36hstat:T50=s116st_dev:34,0,32;st_ino:35,32,32;st_mode:37,64,32;st_nlink:39,96,16;st_flag:41,112,16;st_uid:42,128,32;st_gid:43,160,32;st_rdev:34,192,32;st_size:44,224,32;st_atim:45,256,64;st_mtim:45,320,64;st_ctim:45,384,64;st_blksize:47,448,32;st_blocks:48,480,32;st_vfstype:-1,512,32;st_vfs:36,544,32;st_type:36,576,32;st_gen:36,608,32;st_reserved:49,640,288;;va_list:t51=7:t53=ar0;0;20;5:t54=ar0;0;255;-2size_t:t56=-10:t58=ar0;0;23;5:t59=ar0;0;1023;-2:t63=ar0;0;21;5:t64=ar0;0;15;-2:t66=ar0;0;20;5:t67=ar0;0;71;-2:t69=ar0;0;8;5int32long64_t:t70=-1 pid_t:t71=70pthread_t:t72=-8:t73=ar0;0;31;-2:t74=ar0;0;1023;-2 :t76=*-11:t78=ar0;0;20;5 :t80=f72; :t85=f44;ssize_t:t90=-4 :t91=k-11 :t93=f90; :t96=f71; :t104=f56; :t105=f76; :t113=f61;:t117=ar0;0;878;5fc_create_debug_file:F-1debug_file:p7 ignored:44 __func__:V78fc_is_debug_file_set:F-1trace_filename:p7 envirval:7 relative:-1must_create:-1 __func__:V29fc_format_debug_info:F-1output_buffer:p7debug_info_fmt:p7 varargs:p51 buffer:54 maxbytes:56 __func__:V53fc_get_file_ctrl_info:F-1record_pos:p60 end_pos:p60 wrapped:p61 tspace:64 __func__:V63fc_clear_record_remnant:F-1 fildes:p-1 clear_len:-1currec_end:44 __func__:V58fc_record_debug_info:F-1 wrapped:-1record_pos:44 end_pos:44record_end:44 __func__:V66 fc_debug:F-1interface_name:p7 __ellip:p243 fildes:-1 mythread:72 todrep:73output_buffer:74debug_offset:7 varargs:51 __func__:V69rsct_copyright:V117 sccsid:V6__default_char:t280=-5 :t100=-13 :t12=f-1;:t13=ar0;0;13;5:t15=ar0;0;2047;-4&fd_set:T16=s8192fds_bits:15,0,65536;;fd_set:t17=16time_t:t19=-1suseconds_t:t20=-10timeval:T21=s8tv_sec:19,0,32;tv_usec:20,32,32;;:t24=ar0;0;6;5 :t26=f-13;:t27=ar0;0;7;5uint64_t:t29=-32:t31=ar0;0;9;5 :t32=f29;:t33=ar0;0;7;5:t35=ar0;0;16;5:t36=ar0;0;1022;-2__ulong64_t:t38=-8 dev_t:t39=38 ino_t:t40=38uint_t:t41=-8mode_t:t42=41nlink_t:t44=-3ushort_t:t46=-7 uid_t:t47=41 gid_t:t48=41 off_t:t49=-41timespec:T50=s8tv_sec:19,0,32;tv_nsec:-4,32,32;;__long64_t:t51=-1blksize_t:t52=51blkcnt_t:t53=51:t54=ar0;0;8;41hstat:T55=s116st_dev:39,0,32;st_ino:40,32,32;st_mode:42,64,32;st_nlink:44,96,16;st_flag:46,112,16;st_uid:47,128,32;st_gid:48,160,32;st_rdev:39,192,32;st_size:49,224,32;st_atim:50,256,64;st_mtim:50,320,64;st_ctim:50,384,64;st_blksize:52,448,32;st_blocks:53,480,32;st_vfstype:-1,512,32;st_vfs:41,544,32;st_type:41,576,32;st_gen:41,608,32;st_reserved:54,640,288;;:t57=ar0;0;15;5:t59=ar0;0;21;5int32long64_t:t60=-1 pid_t:t61=60tm:T62=s36tm_sec:-1,0,32;tm_min:-1,32,32;tm_hour:-1,64,32;tm_mday:-1,96,32;tm_mon:-1,128,32;tm_year:-1,160,32;tm_wday:-1,192,32;tm_yday:-1,224,32;tm_isdst:-1,256,32;;:t64=ar0;0;12;5size_t:t66=-10:t67=ar0;0;1023;-2:t69=ar0;0;22;5:t70=ar0;0;1022;-2:t73=ar0;0;21;5:t74=ar0;0;1022;-2:t77=ar0;0;22;5ulong_t:t78=-10fsblkcnt_t:t79=78fsfilcnt_t:t80=78:t81=ar0;0;1;-8fsid_t:T82=s8val:81,0,64;;fsid_t:t83=82:t84=ar0;0;15;-2:t85=ar0;0;31;-2:t86=ar0;0;15;78statvfs:T87=s160f_bsize:78,0,32;f_frsize:78,32,32;f_blocks:79,64,32;f_bfree:79,96,32;f_bavail:79,128,32;f_files:80,160,32;f_ffree:80,192,32;f_favail:80,224,32;f_fsid:83,256,64;f_basetype:84,320,128;f_flag:78,448,32;f_namemax:78,480,32;f_fstr:85,512,256;f_filler:86,768,512;;:t88=ar0;0;1022;-2:t90=ar0;0;16;5:t91=ar0;0;71;-2 :t93=f-11;:t94=ar0;0;25;5:t96=ar0;0;23;5 :t102=*87 :t104=*62 :t105=k19 :t106=*105 :t107=f104; 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