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I caught an exception, run destructors and exit n/aUsage: The lspartition command accepts following options: I -h Help messages. I -c Machine Type, Model, and Serial. IBM -i Invoked by InvScout through lshsc. I Return format: IB -ix Invoked by InvScout directly for ext data. I Return format: IB -sfp Lists partitions with RMC connection as known by SFP's ServiceRM. IB -dlpar Lists partitions with RMC connection as known by LparCmdRM. -dlparreset Refreshes DCaps for all CEC's partitions in CIMOM. I IBIf a partition is missing from the result, make sure that it is IBMreachable via network and firewall authentication between it and the MC. IB parse i=%d == <%s> IBM-hI-iI-ix-dlparI-dlpar_ixIB-dlparreset-debugI-sfpIBM-allIBM-id-cIMTMS=%s I_MTypeModel=<%s>, MSerial=<%s> Ilspar DBG: %s IBefore invoke_class_action. 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