FRTc@sddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlm Z ddl m Z de fdYZ d efd YZd efd YZd S(i(tDBSecurityGroup(tParameterGroup(t StatusInfo(t DBSubnetGroup(tVPCSecurityGroupMembership(t ResultSett DBInstancecBseZdZd d dZdZdZdZedZ edZ dZ dZ e d Ze d d Zd d d d d d d d e d d e d d ZRS(s Represents a RDS DBInstance Properties reference available from the AWS documentation at :ivar connection: connection :ivar id: The name and identifier of the DBInstance :ivar create_time: The date and time of creation :ivar engine: The database engine being used :ivar status: The status of the database in a string. e.g. "available" :ivar allocated_storage: The size of the disk in gigabytes (int). :ivar auto_minor_version_upgrade: Indicates that minor version patches are applied automatically. :ivar endpoint: A tuple that describes the hostname and port of the instance. This is only available when the database is in status "available". :ivar instance_class: Contains the name of the compute and memory capacity class of the DB Instance. :ivar master_username: The username that is set as master username at creation time. :ivar parameter_groups: Provides the list of DB Parameter Groups applied to this DB Instance. :ivar security_groups: Provides List of DB Security Group elements containing only DBSecurityGroup.Name and DBSecurityGroup.Status subelements. :ivar availability_zone: Specifies the name of the Availability Zone the DB Instance is located in. :ivar backup_retention_period: Specifies the number of days for which automatic DB Snapshots are retained. :ivar preferred_backup_window: Specifies the daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled, as determined by the backup_retention_period. :ivar preferred_maintenance_window: Specifies the weekly time range (in UTC) during which system maintenance can occur. (string) :ivar latest_restorable_time: Specifies the latest time to which a database can be restored with point-in-time restore. (string) :ivar multi_az: Boolean that specifies if the DB Instance is a Multi-AZ deployment. :ivar iops: The current number of provisioned IOPS for the DB Instance. Can be None if this is a standard instance. :ivar vpc_security_groups: List of VPC Security Group Membership elements containing only VpcSecurityGroupMembership.VpcSecurityGroupId and VpcSecurityGroupMembership.Status subelements. :ivar pending_modified_values: Specifies that changes to the DB Instance are pending. This element is only included when changes are pending. Specific changes are identified by subelements. :ivar read_replica_dbinstance_identifiers: List of read replicas associated with this DB instance. :ivar status_infos: The status of a Read Replica. If the instance is not a for a read replica, this will be blank. :ivar character_set_name: If present, specifies the name of the character set that this instance is associated with. :ivar subnet_group: Specifies information on the subnet group associated with the DB instance, including the name, description, and subnets in the subnet group. :ivar engine_version: Indicates the database engine version. :ivar license_model: License model information for this DB instance. cCs||_||_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_ d|_ g|_ g|_ g|_ d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_t|_d|_d|_d|_t|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_dS(N( t connectiontidtNonet create_timetenginetstatustallocated_storagetauto_minor_version_upgradetendpointtinstance_classtmaster_usernametparameter_groupstsecurity_groupst#read_replica_dbinstance_identifierstavailability_zonetbackup_retention_periodtpreferred_backup_windowtpreferred_maintenance_windowtlatest_restorable_timetFalsetmulti_aztiopstvpc_security_groupstpending_modified_valuest _in_endpointt_portt_addresst status_infostcharacter_set_namet subnet_grouptengine_versiont license_model(tselfRR((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/rds/dbinstance.pyt__init__[s<                             cCs d|jS(Ns DBInstance:%s(R(R'((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/rds/dbinstance.pyt__repr__{scCs%|dkrt|_n |dkrCtdtfg|_|jS|dkrntdtfg|_|jS|dkrtdtfg|_|jS|dkrt |_ |j S|d krt |_ |j S|d krtd t fg|_|jS|d kr!t|_|jSdS( NtEndpointtDBParameterGroupstDBParameterGrouptDBSecurityGroupsRtVpcSecurityGroupstVpcSecurityGroupMembershiptPendingModifiedValuest ReadReplicaDBInstanceIdentifierst StatusInfostDBInstanceStatusInfoR(tTrueRRRRRRRRR0RR1RRR"RR$R (R'tnametattrsR((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/rds/dbinstance.pyt startElement~s8            cCs|dkr||_nn|dkr0||_nV|dkrH||_n>|dkr`||_n&|dkrx||_n|dkrt||_n|dkr|jdk|_n|dkr||_n|d kr||_ n|d kr|j rt||_ qnr|d kr8|j r||_ qnN|d kre|j |j f|_ t|_ n!|d kr}||_n |dkrt||_n|dkr||_n|dkr||_n|dkr||_n|dkr|jdkrt|_qnv|dkr.t||_nX|dkrF||_n@|dkr^||_n(|dkrv||_nt|||dS(NtDBInstanceIdentifiertDBInstanceStatustInstanceCreateTimetEnginetAllocatedStoragetAutoMinorVersionUpgradettruetDBInstanceClasstMasterUsernametPorttAddressR*tAvailabilityZonetBackupRetentionPeriodtLatestRestorableTimetPreferredMaintenanceWindowtPreferredBackupWindowtMultiAZtIopstCharacterSetNamet EngineVersiont LicenseModel(RR R R tintR tlowerRRRRR R!RRRRRRRR4RRR#R%R&tsetattr(R'R5tvalueR((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/rds/dbinstance.pyt endElementsb                                       cCs(t|jdkr |jdSdSdS(s_ Provide backward compatibility for previous security_group attribute. iiN(tlenRR (R'((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/rds/dbinstance.pytsecurity_groups cCs(t|jdkr |jdSdSdS(s` Provide backward compatibility for previous parameter_group attribute. iiN(RRRR (R'((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/rds/dbinstance.pytparameter_groups cCs|jj||jS(s Create a new DB snapshot of this DBInstance. :type identifier: string :param identifier: The identifier for the DBSnapshot :rtype: :class:`boto.rds.dbsnapshot.DBSnapshot` :return: The newly created DBSnapshot (Rtcreate_dbsnapshotR(R't snapshot_id((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/rds/dbinstance.pytsnapshots cCs|jj|jS(s Reboot this DBInstance :rtype: :class:`boto.rds.dbsnapshot.DBSnapshot` :return: The newly created DBSnapshot (Rtreboot_dbinstanceR(R'((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/rds/dbinstance.pytrebootscCs|jj|j}t|dkrcxU|D].}|j|jkr.|jj|jq.q.Wn|rtd|jn|jS(s Update the DB instance's status information by making a call to fetch the current instance attributes from the service. :type validate: bool :param validate: By default, if EC2 returns no data about the instance the update method returns quietly. If the validate param is True, however, it will raise a ValueError exception if no data is returned from EC2. is%s is not a valid Instance ID(Rtget_all_dbinstancesRRRt__dict__tupdatet ValueErrorR (R'tvalidatetrsti((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/rds/dbinstance.pyR\s  tcCs|jj|j||S(sd Delete this DBInstance. :type skip_final_snapshot: bool :param skip_final_snapshot: This parameter determines whether a final db snapshot is created before the instance is deleted. If True, no snapshot is created. If False, a snapshot is created before deleting the instance. :type final_snapshot_id: str :param final_snapshot_id: If a final snapshot is requested, this is the identifier used for that snapshot. :rtype: :class:`boto.rds.dbinstance.DBInstance` :return: The deleted db instance. (Rtdelete_dbinstanceR(R'tskip_final_snapshottfinal_snapshot_id((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/rds/dbinstance.pytstopscCs:|jj|j||||||||| | | | | S(s Modify this DBInstance. :type param_group: str :param param_group: Name of DBParameterGroup to associate with this DBInstance. :type security_groups: list of str or list of DBSecurityGroup objects :param security_groups: List of names of DBSecurityGroup to authorize on this DBInstance. :type preferred_maintenance_window: str :param preferred_maintenance_window: The weekly time range (in UTC) during which maintenance can occur. Default is Sun:05:00-Sun:09:00 :type master_password: str :param master_password: Password of master user for the DBInstance. Must be 4-15 alphanumeric characters. :type allocated_storage: int :param allocated_storage: The new allocated storage size, in GBs. Valid values are [5-1024] :type instance_class: str :param instance_class: The compute and memory capacity of the DBInstance. Changes will be applied at next maintenance window unless apply_immediately is True. Valid values are: * db.m1.small * db.m1.large * db.m1.xlarge * db.m2.xlarge * db.m2.2xlarge * db.m2.4xlarge :type apply_immediately: bool :param apply_immediately: If true, the modifications will be applied as soon as possible rather than waiting for the next preferred maintenance window. :type new_instance_id: str :param new_instance_id: The new DB instance identifier. :type backup_retention_period: int :param backup_retention_period: The number of days for which automated backups are retained. Setting this to zero disables automated backups. :type preferred_backup_window: str :param preferred_backup_window: The daily time range during which automated backups are created (if enabled). Must be in h24:mi-hh24:mi format (UTC). :type multi_az: bool :param multi_az: If True, specifies the DB Instance will be deployed in multiple availability zones. :type iops: int :param iops: The amount of IOPS (input/output operations per second) to Provisioned for the DB Instance. Can be modified at a later date. Must scale linearly. For every 1000 IOPS provision, you must allocated 100 GB of storage space. This scales up to 1 TB / 10 000 IOPS for MySQL and Oracle. MSSQL is limited to 700 GB / 7 000 IOPS. If you specify a value, it must be at least 1000 IOPS and you must allocate 100 GB of storage. :type vpc_security_groups: list :param vpc_security_groups: List of VPCSecurityGroupMembership that this DBInstance is a memberof. :rtype: :class:`boto.rds.dbinstance.DBInstance` :return: The modified db instance. (Rtmodify_dbinstanceR(R't param_groupRRtmaster_passwordR RRRRRRtapply_immediatelytnew_instance_id((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/rds/dbinstance.pytmodify&s[N(t__name__t __module__t__doc__R R(R)R7RQtpropertyRSRTRWRYRR\ReRk(((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/rds/dbinstance.pyRs,;  4  R0cBseZdZdZRS(cCsdS(N(R (R'R5R6R((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/rds/dbinstance.pyR7scCs|dkr|||st