ó FRTc@s:ddlmZddlmZdefd„ƒYZdS(i˙˙˙˙(tLayer1(tVaulttLayer2cBs;eZdZd„Zd„Zd„Zd„Zd„ZRS(sT Provides a more pythonic and friendly interface to Glacier based on Layer1 cOs2d|kr|d|_nt||Ž|_dS(Ntlayer1(RR(tselftargstkwargs((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/glacier/layer2.pyt__init__!s cCs|jj|ƒ|j|ƒS(sČCreates a vault. :type name: str :param name: The name of the vault :rtype: :class:`boto.glacier.vault.Vault` :return: A Vault object representing the vault. (Rt create_vaultt get_vault(Rtname((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/glacier/layer2.pyR(s cCs|jj|ƒS(sÄDelete a vault. This operation deletes a vault. Amazon Glacier will delete a vault only if there are no archives in the vault as per the last inventory and there have been no writes to the vault since the last inventory. If either of these conditions is not satisfied, the vault deletion fails (that is, the vault is not removed) and Amazon Glacier returns an error. This operation is idempotent, you can send the same request multiple times and it has no further effect after the first time Amazon Glacier delete the specified vault. :type vault_name: str :param vault_name: The name of the vault to delete. (Rt delete_vault(RR ((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/glacier/layer2.pyR 4scCs"|jj|ƒ}t|j|ƒS(s; Get an object representing a named vault from Glacier. This operation does not check if the vault actually exists. :type name: str :param name: The name of the vault :rtype: :class:`boto.glacier.vault.Vault` :return: A Vault object representing the vault. (Rtdescribe_vaultR(RR t response_data((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/glacier/layer2.pyR Gs cCsg}d}xntr||jjd|ddƒ}|jg|dD]}t|j|ƒ^qAƒ|jdƒ}|sPqqW|S(s˛ Return a list of all vaults associated with the account ID. :rtype: List of :class:`boto.glacier.vault.Vault` :return: A list of Vault objects. tmarkertlimitičt VaultListtMarkerN(tNonetTrueRt list_vaultstextendRtget(RtvaultsRR trd((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/glacier/layer2.pyRUs 0(t__name__t __module__t__doc__RRR R R(((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/glacier/layer2.pyRs    N(tboto.glacier.layer1Rtboto.glacier.vaultRtobjectR(((s@/opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/glacier/layer2.pyts