FRTc @ s4 d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l m Z m Z d d l m Z d d l m Z m
d d l m Z m
d d l m Z d d l m Z m Z d d l m Z d e f d
YZ d e f d YZ d
e f d YZ d e f d YZ d e f d YZ d e f d YZ d S( iN( t sixt json( t OriginAccessIdentity( t Objectt StreamingObject( t ActiveTrustedSignerst TrustedSigners( t LoggingInfo( t S3Origint CustomOrigin( t ACLt DistributionConfigc
B sP e Z d d e d d d d d d d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z RS( t c
C s | | _ | | _ | | _ | r- | | _ n t t j | _ g | _ | r] | | _ n | | _ | | _ | | _
| | _ d S( s+
:param origin: Origin information to associate with the
distribution. If your distribution will use
an Amazon S3 origin, then this should be an
S3Origin object. If your distribution will use
a custom origin (non Amazon S3), then this
should be a CustomOrigin object.
:type origin: :class:`boto.cloudfront.origin.S3Origin` or
:param enabled: Whether the distribution is enabled to accept
end user requests for content.
:type enabled: bool
:param caller_reference: A unique number that ensures the
request can't be replayed. If no
caller_reference is provided, boto
will generate a type 4 UUID for use
as the caller reference.
:type enabled: str
:param cnames: A CNAME alias you want to associate with this
distribution. You can have up to 10 CNAME aliases
per distribution.
:type enabled: array of str
:param comment: Any comments you want to include about the
:type comment: str
:param trusted_signers: Specifies any AWS accounts you want to
permit to create signed URLs for private
content. If you want the distribution to
use signed URLs, this should contain a
TrustedSigners object; if you want the
distribution to use basic URLs, leave
this None.
:type trusted_signers: :class`boto.cloudfront.signers.TrustedSigners`
:param default_root_object: Designates a default root object.
Only include a DefaultRootObject value
if you are going to assign a default
root object for the distribution.
:type comment: str
:param logging: Controls whether access logs are written for the
distribution. If you want to turn on access logs,
this should contain a LoggingInfo object; otherwise
it should contain None.
:type logging: :class`boto.cloudfront.logging.LoggingInfo`
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connectiont origint enabledt caller_referencet strt uuidt uuid4t cnamest commentt trusted_signerst loggingt default_root_object(
t selfR
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endElement s N( t __name__t
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R R R R R R R ( t superR9 R ( R R
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N( R7 R8 R' R3 R R ( ( ( sI /opt/freeware/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/cloudfront/distribution.pyR9 s t DistributionSummaryc
B sP e Z d d d d d d d d e d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z RS( R c
C s | | _ | | _ | | _ | | _ | | _ | | _ | | _ g | _ | ra | j j | n | | _ d | _ d | _ t
| _ d S( N( R
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