######################################################################## # # File Name: ParsedAbbreviatedAbsoluteLocationPath.py # # """ A parsed token for an abreviated absolute location path. WWW: http://4suite.org/XPATH e-mail: support@4suite.org Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Fourthought Inc, USA. All Rights Reserved. See http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT for license and copyright information """ from xml.xpath import ParsedNodeTest from xml.xpath import ParsedPredicateList from xml.xpath import ParsedStep from xml.xpath import ParsedAxisSpecifier LOOKAHEAD_OPTIMIZERS = { } class ParsedAbbreviatedAbsoluteLocationPath: def __init__(self,rel): self._rel = rel nt = ParsedNodeTest.ParsedNodeTest('node', '') ppl = ParsedPredicateList.ParsedPredicateList([]) as_ = ParsedAxisSpecifier.ParsedAxisSpecifier('descendant-or-self') self._step = ParsedStep.ParsedStep(as_, nt, ppl) return def evaluate(self, context): origState = context.copyNodePosSize() root = context.node.ownerDocument or context.node context.setNodePosSize((root,1,1)) rt = self._step.select(context) res = [] l = len(rt) sub_rt = [] for ctr in range(l): n = rt[ctr] context.setNodePosSize((n,ctr+1,l)) sub_rt.extend(self._rel.select(context)) if sub_rt and hasattr(sub_rt[0], 'ownerElement'): result = sub_rt else: result = filter(lambda x, compare=sub_rt: x in compare, rt) context.setNodePosSize(origState) return result select = evaluate def pprint(self, indent=''): print indent + str(self) self._step.pprint(indent + ' ') self._rel.pprint(indent + ' ') def __str__(self): return '' % ( id(self), repr(self) ) def __repr__(self): return '/%s/%s' % (repr(self._step), repr(self._rel))