from xml.xpath import RuntimeException, CompiletimeException from xml.FtCore import get_translator _ = get_translator("xpath") COMPILETIME = { CompiletimeException.INTERNAL: _('There is an internal bug in 4XPath. Please report this error code to %s'), CompiletimeException.SYNTAX: _('Parse error at line %d, column %d: %s'), CompiletimeException.PROCESSING: _('Error evaluating expression.'), #CompiletimeException.: _(''), } RUNTIME = { RuntimeException.INTERNAL: _('There is an internal bug in 4XPath. Please report this error code to %s'), RuntimeException.NO_CONTEXT: _('An XPath Context object is required in order to evaluate an expression.'), RuntimeException.UNDEFINED_VARIABLE: _('Variable undefined: ("%s", "%s").'), RuntimeException.UNDEFINED_PREFIX: _('Undefined namespace prefix: "%s".'), RuntimeException.WRONG_ARGUMENTS: _('Error in arguments to %s: %s'), #RuntimeException.: _(''), }