€cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(Xboto.kinesis.regionsqˆX2boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.make_requestqˆX3boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.ResponseErrorqˆX0boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.put_recordq ˆX boto.kinesisq NX0boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.APIVersionq ˆXboto.kinesis.connect_to_regionq ˆX1boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.get_recordsq ˆX5boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.describe_streamqˆX0boto.kinesis.exceptions.ExpiredIteratorExceptionqˆX;boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.DefaultRegionEndpointqˆX2boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.list_streamsqˆX0boto.kinesis.exceptions.InvalidArgumentExceptionqˆX1boto.kinesis.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundExceptionqˆX3boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.create_streamqˆX.boto.kinesis.exceptions.LimitExceededExceptionqˆX5boto.kinesis.exceptions.SubscriptionRequiredExceptionqˆX8boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.get_shard_iteratorqˆXkinesisqNX1boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.ServiceNameqˆX1boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.split_shardqˆX>boto.kinesis.exceptions.ProvisionedThroughputExceededExceptionqˆXboto.kinesis.layer1qNX7boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.DefaultRegionNameqˆX2boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.TargetPrefixqˆX3boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.delete_streamqˆX2boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection.merge_shardsq ˆX.boto.kinesis.exceptions.ResourceInUseExceptionq!ˆXboto.kinesis.exceptionsq"NX%boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnectionq#ˆuUsubstitution_defsq$}q%Uparse_messagesq&]q'(cdocutils.nodes system_message q()q)}q*(U rawsourceq+UUparentq,csphinx.addnodes desc_content q-)q.}q/(h+Uh,csphinx.addnodes desc q0)q1}q2(h+Uh,h-)q3}q4(h+Uh,h0)q5}q6(h+Uh,cdocutils.nodes section q7)q8}q9(h+Uh,h7)q:}q;(h+Uh,hUsourceqUsectionq?U attributesq@}qA(UdupnamesqB]UclassesqC]UbackrefsqD]UidsqE]qFUkinesisqGaUnamesqH]qIhauUlineqJKUdocumentqKhUchildrenqL]qM(cdocutils.nodes title qN)qO}qP(h+XKinesisqQh,h:hUtitleqRh@}qS(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]qTcdocutils.nodes Text qUXKinesisqV…qW}qX(h+hQh,hOubaubh7)qY}qZ(h+Uh,h:hh?h@}q[(hB]hC]hD]hE]q\(Xmodule-boto.kinesisq]U boto-kinesisq^ehH]q_h auhJKhKhhL]q`(hN)qa}qb(h+X boto.kinesisqch,hYhhRh@}qd(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]qehUX boto.kinesisqf…qg}qh(h+hch,haubaubcsphinx.addnodes index qi)qj}qk(h+Uh,hYhqlh>Uindexqmh@}qn(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]qo(UsingleqpXboto.kinesis (module)Xmodule-boto.kinesisUtqqauhJKhKhhL]ubhi)qr}qs(h+Uh,hYhhmh@}qt(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]qu(hpX,connect_to_region() (in module boto.kinesis)h UtqvauhJNhKhhL]ubh0)qw}qx(h+Uh,hYhUdescqyh@}qz(Unoindexq{‰Udomainq|XpyhE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uobjtypeq}Xfunctionq~Udesctypeqh~uhJNhKhhL]q€(csphinx.addnodes desc_signature q)q‚}qƒ(h+X+connect_to_region(region_name, **kw_params)h,hwhq„h>Udesc_signatureq…h@}q†(hE]q‡h aUmoduleqˆcdocutils.nodes reprunicode q‰X boto.kinesisqŠ…q‹}qŒbhD]hB]hC]hH]qh aUfullnameqŽXconnect_to_regionqUclassqUUfirstq‘‰uhJNhKhhL]q’(csphinx.addnodes desc_addname q“)q”}q•(h+X boto.kinesis.h,h‚hU desc_addnameq–h@}q—(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]q˜hUX boto.kinesis.q™…qš}q›(h+Uh,h”ubaubcsphinx.addnodes desc_name qœ)q}qž(h+hh,h‚hU desc_nameqŸh@}q (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]q¡hUXconnect_to_regionq¢…q£}q¤(h+Uh,hubaubcsphinx.addnodes desc_parameterlist q¥)q¦}q§(h+Uh,h‚hUdesc_parameterlistq¨h@}q©(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]qª(csphinx.addnodes desc_parameter q«)q¬}q­(h+X 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paragraphqíh@}qî(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]qïhUX9Get all available regions for the Amazon Kinesis service.qð…qñ}qò(h+hëh,héubaubcdocutils.nodes field_list qó)qô}qõ(h+Uh,hähU field_listqöh@}q÷(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]qø(cdocutils.nodes field qù)qú}qû(h+Uh@}qü(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,hôhL]qý(cdocutils.nodes field_name qþ)qÿ}r(h+Uh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,húhL]rhUX Return typer…r}r(h+Uh,hÿubah>U field_namerubcdocutils.nodes field_body r)r}r (h+Uh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,húhL]r hè)r }r (h+Uh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rhUXlistr…r}r(h+Xlistrh,j ubah>híubah>U field_bodyrubeh>Ufieldrubhù)r}r(h+Uh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,hôhL]r(hþ)r}r(h+Uh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rhUXReturnsr…r}r (h+Uh,jubah>jubj)r!}r"(h+Uh@}r#(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r$hè)r%}r&(h+Uh@}r'(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j!hL]r((hUX A list of r)…r*}r+(h+X A list of h,j%ubcsphinx.addnodes pending_xref r,)r-}r.(h+X#:class:`boto.regioninfo.RegionInfo`r/h,j%hU pending_xrefr0h@}r1(UreftypeXclassUrefwarnr2‰U reftargetr3Xboto.regioninfo.RegionInfoU 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*args)h,jbhh…h@}ri(hE]rjhahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.exceptionsrk…rl}rmbhD]hB]hC]hH]rnhahŽj`hUh‘‰uhJNhKhhL]ro(csphinx.addnodes desc_annotation rp)rq}rr(h+X exception h,jghUdesc_annotationrsh@}rt(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]ruhUX exception rv…rw}rx(h+Uh,jqubaubh“)ry}rz(h+Xboto.kinesis.exceptions.h,jghh–h@}r{(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r|hUXboto.kinesis.exceptions.r}…r~}r(h+Uh,jyubaubhœ)r€}r(h+j`h,jghhŸh@}r‚(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rƒhUXExpiredIteratorExceptionr„…r…}r†(h+Uh,j€ubaubh¥)r‡}rˆ(h+Uh,jghh¨h@}r‰(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rŠ(h«)r‹}rŒ(h+Xstatush@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j‡hL]rŽhUXstatusr…r}r‘(h+Uh,j‹ubah>h³ubh«)r’}r“(h+Xreasonh@}r”(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j‡hL]r•hUXreasonr–…r—}r˜(h+Uh,j’ubah>h³ubh«)r™}rš(h+X body=Noneh@}r›(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j‡hL]rœhUX 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*args)h,jühh…h@}r(hE]rhahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.exceptionsr…r}rbhD]hB]hC]hH]rhahŽjúhUh‘‰uhJNhKhhL]r (jp)r }r (h+X exception h,jhjsh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r hUX exception r…r}r(h+Uh,j ubaubh“)r}r(h+Xboto.kinesis.exceptions.h,jhh–h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rhUXboto.kinesis.exceptions.r…r}r(h+Uh,jubaubhœ)r}r(h+júh,jhhŸh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rhUXLimitExceededExceptionr…r}r(h+Uh,jubaubh¥)r}r (h+Uh,jhh¨h@}r!(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r"(h«)r#}r$(h+Xstatush@}r%(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r&hUXstatusr'…r(}r)(h+Uh,j#ubah>h³ubh«)r*}r+(h+Xreasonh@}r,(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r-hUXreasonr.…r/}r0(h+Uh,j*ubah>h³ubh«)r1}r2(h+X body=Noneh@}r3(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r4hUX 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rZ…r[}r\(h+Uh,jVubaubh“)r]}r^(h+Xboto.kinesis.exceptions.h,jMhh–h@}r_(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r`hUXboto.kinesis.exceptions.ra…rb}rc(h+Uh,j]ubaubhœ)rd}re(h+jFh,jMhhŸh@}rf(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rghUX&ProvisionedThroughputExceededExceptionrh…ri}rj(h+Uh,jdubaubh¥)rk}rl(h+Uh,jMhh¨h@}rm(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rn(h«)ro}rp(h+Xstatush@}rq(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jkhL]rrhUXstatusrs…rt}ru(h+Uh,joubah>h³ubh«)rv}rw(h+Xreasonh@}rx(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jkhL]ryhUXreasonrz…r{}r|(h+Uh,jvubah>h³ubh«)r}}r~(h+X body=Noneh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jkhL]r€hUX body=Noner…r‚}rƒ(h+Uh,j}ubah>h³ubh«)r„}r…(h+X*argsh@}r†(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jkhL]r‡hUX*argsrˆ…r‰}rŠ(h+Uh,j„ubah>h³ubeubeubh-)r‹}rŒ(h+Uh,jHhh½h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]ubeubhi)rŽ}r(h+Uh,jGhhmh@}r(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]r‘(hpXResourceInUseExceptionr’h!Utr“auhJNhKhhL]ubh0)r”}r•(h+Uh,jGhhyh@}r–(h{‰h|XpyhE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}X exceptionr—hj—uhJNhKhhL]r˜(h)r™}rš(h+X8ResourceInUseException(status, reason, body=None, *args)h,j”hh…h@}r›(hE]rœh!ahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.exceptionsr…rž}rŸbhD]hB]hC]hH]r h!ahŽj’hUh‘‰uhJNhKhhL]r¡(jp)r¢}r£(h+X exception h,j™hjsh@}r¤(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r¥hUX exception r¦…r§}r¨(h+Uh,j¢ubaubh“)r©}rª(h+Xboto.kinesis.exceptions.h,j™hh–h@}r«(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r¬hUXboto.kinesis.exceptions.r­…r®}r¯(h+Uh,j©ubaubhœ)r°}r±(h+j’h,j™hhŸh@}r²(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r³hUXResourceInUseExceptionr´…rµ}r¶(h+Uh,j°ubaubh¥)r·}r¸(h+Uh,j™hh¨h@}r¹(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rº(h«)r»}r¼(h+Xstatush@}r½(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j·hL]r¾hUXstatusr¿…rÀ}rÁ(h+Uh,j»ubah>h³ubh«)rÂ}rÃ(h+Xreasonh@}rÄ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j·hL]rÅhUXreasonrÆ…rÇ}rÈ(h+Uh,jÂubah>h³ubh«)rÉ}rÊ(h+X body=Noneh@}rË(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j·hL]rÌhUX body=NonerÍ…rÎ}rÏ(h+Uh,jÉubah>h³ubh«)rÐ}rÑ(h+X*argsh@}rÒ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j·hL]rÓhUX*argsrÔ…rÕ}rÖ(h+Uh,jÐubah>h³ubeubeubh-)r×}rØ(h+Uh,j”hh½h@}rÙ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]ubeubhi)rÚ}rÛ(h+Uh,jGhhmh@}rÜ(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]rÝ(hpXResourceNotFoundExceptionrÞhUtrßauhJNhKhhL]ubh0)rà}rá(h+Uh,jGhhyh@}râ(h{‰h|XpyhE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}X exceptionrãhjãuhJNhKhhL]rä(h)rå}ræ(h+X;ResourceNotFoundException(status, reason, body=None, *args)h,jàhh…h@}rç(hE]rèhahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.exceptionsré…rê}rëbhD]hB]hC]hH]rìhahŽjÞhUh‘‰uhJNhKhhL]rí(jp)rî}rï(h+X exception h,jåhjsh@}rð(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rñhUX exception rò…ró}rô(h+Uh,jîubaubh“)rõ}rö(h+Xboto.kinesis.exceptions.h,jåhh–h@}r÷(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]røhUXboto.kinesis.exceptions.rù…rú}rû(h+Uh,jõubaubhœ)rü}rý(h+jÞh,jåhhŸh@}rþ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rÿhUXResourceNotFoundExceptionr…r}r(h+Uh,jüubaubh¥)r}r(h+Uh,jåhh¨h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r(h«)r}r(h+Xstatush@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r hUXstatusr …r }r (h+Uh,jubah>h³ubh«)r}r(h+Xreasonh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rhUXreasonr…r}r(h+Uh,jubah>h³ubh«)r}r(h+X body=Noneh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rhUX body=Noner…r}r(h+Uh,jubah>h³ubh«)r}r(h+X*argsh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rhUX*argsr …r!}r"(h+Uh,jubah>h³ubeubeubh-)r#}r$(h+Uh,jàhh½h@}r%(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]ubeubhi)r&}r'(h+Uh,jGhhmh@}r((hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]r)(hpXSubscriptionRequiredExceptionr*hUtr+auhJNhKhhL]ubh0)r,}r-(h+Uh,jGhhyh@}r.(h{‰h|XpyhE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}X exceptionr/hj/uhJNhKhhL]r0(h)r1}r2(h+X?SubscriptionRequiredException(status, reason, body=None, *args)h,j,hh…h@}r3(hE]r4hahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.exceptionsr5…r6}r7bhD]hB]hC]hH]r8hahŽj*hUh‘‰uhJNhKhhL]r9(jp)r:}r;(h+X exception h,j1hjsh@}r<(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r=hUX exception r>…r?}r@(h+Uh,j:ubaubh“)rA}rB(h+Xboto.kinesis.exceptions.h,j1hh–h@}rC(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rDhUXboto.kinesis.exceptions.rE…rF}rG(h+Uh,jAubaubhœ)rH}rI(h+j*h,j1hhŸh@}rJ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rKhUXSubscriptionRequiredExceptionrL…rM}rN(h+Uh,jHubaubh¥)rO}rP(h+Uh,j1hh¨h@}rQ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rR(h«)rS}rT(h+Xstatush@}rU(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jOhL]rVhUXstatusrW…rX}rY(h+Uh,jSubah>h³ubh«)rZ}r[(h+Xreasonh@}r\(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jOhL]r]hUXreasonr^…r_}r`(h+Uh,jZubah>h³ubh«)ra}rb(h+X body=Noneh@}rc(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jOhL]rdhUX body=Nonere…rf}rg(h+Uh,jaubah>h³ubh«)rh}ri(h+X*argsh@}rj(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jOhL]rkhUX*argsrl…rm}rn(h+Uh,jhubah>h³ubeubeubh-)ro}rp(h+Uh,j,hh½h@}rq(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]ubeubeubeubhh?h@}rr(hB]hC]hD]hE]rs(Xmodule-boto.kinesis.layer1rtUboto-kinesis-layer1ruehH]rvhauhJKhKhhL]rw(hN)rx}ry(h+Xboto.kinesis.layer1rzh,h8hhRh@}r{(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r|hUXboto.kinesis.layer1r}…r~}r(h+jzh,jxubaubhi)r€}r(h+Uh,h8hhmh@}r‚(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]rƒ(hpXboto.kinesis.layer1 (module)Xmodule-boto.kinesis.layer1Utr„auhJKhKhhL]ubhi)r…}r†(h+Uh,h8hhmh@}r‡(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]rˆ(hpX0KinesisConnection (class in boto.kinesis.layer1)h#Utr‰auhJNhKhhL]ubh5eubhhyh@}rŠ(h{‰h|XpyhE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}Xclassr‹hj‹uhJNhKhhL]rŒ(h)r}rŽ(h+XKinesisConnection(**kwargs)rh,h5hh…h@}r(hE]r‘h#ahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1r’…r“}r”bhD]hB]hC]hH]r•h#ahŽXKinesisConnectionr–hUh‘‰uhJNhKhhL]r—(jp)r˜}r™(h+Xclass h,jhjsh@}rš(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r›hUXclass rœ…r}rž(h+Uh,j˜ubaubh“)rŸ}r (h+Xboto.kinesis.layer1.h,jhh–h@}r¡(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r¢hUXboto.kinesis.layer1.r£…r¤}r¥(h+Uh,jŸubaubhœ)r¦}r§(h+j–h,jhhŸh@}r¨(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r©hUXKinesisConnectionrª…r«}r¬(h+Uh,j¦ubaubh¥)r­}r®(h+Uh,jhh¨h@}r¯(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r°h«)r±}r²(h+X**kwargsh@}r³(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j­hL]r´hUX**kwargsrµ…r¶}r·(h+Uh,j±ubah>h³ubaubeubh3eubhh½h@}r¸(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r¹(hè)rº}r»(h+XAmazon Kinesis Service API Reference Amazon Kinesis is a managed service that scales elastically for real time processing of streaming big data.r¼h,h3hhíh@}r¾(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r¿hUXAmazon Kinesis Service API Reference Amazon Kinesis is a managed service that scales elastically for real time processing of streaming big data.rÀ…rÁ}rÂ(h+j¼h,jºubaubhi)rÃ}rÄ(h+Uh,h3hhmh@}rÅ(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]rÆ(hpX<APIVersion (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection attribute)h UtrÇauhJNhKhhL]ubh0)rÈ}rÉ(h+Uh,h3hhyh@}rÊ(h{‰h|XpyhE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}X attributerËhjËuhJNhKhhL]rÌ(h)rÍ}rÎ(h+XKinesisConnection.APIVersionh,jÈhrÏh>h…h@}rÐ(hE]rÑh ahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1rÒ…rÓ}rÔbhD]hB]hC]hH]rÕh ahŽXKinesisConnection.APIVersionhj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]rÖ(hœ)r×}rØ(h+X APIVersionh,jÍhhŸh@}rÙ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rÚhUX APIVersionrÛ…rÜ}rÝ(h+Uh,j×ubaubjp)rÞ}rß(h+X = '2013-12-02'h,jÍhjsh@}rà(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]ráhUX = '2013-12-02'râ…rã}rä(h+Uh,jÞubaubeubh-)rå}ræ(h+Uh,jÈhh½h@}rç(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]ubeubhi)rè}ré(h+Uh,h3hhmh@}rê(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]rë(hpXGDefaultRegionEndpoint (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection attribute)hUtrìauhJNhKhhL]ubh0)rí}rî(h+Uh,h3hhyh@}rï(h{‰h|XpyhE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}X attributerðhjðuhJNhKhhL]rñ(h)rò}ró(h+X'KinesisConnection.DefaultRegionEndpointh,jíhh…h@}rô(hE]rõhahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1rö…r÷}røbhD]hB]hC]hH]rùhahŽX'KinesisConnection.DefaultRegionEndpointhj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]rú(hœ)rû}rü(h+XDefaultRegionEndpointh,jòhhŸh@}rý(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rþhUXDefaultRegionEndpointrÿ…r}r(h+Uh,jûubaubjp)r}r(h+X$ = 'kinesis.us-east-1.amazonaws.com'h,jòhjsh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rhUX$ = 'kinesis.us-east-1.amazonaws.com'r…r}r(h+Uh,jubaubeubh-)r }r (h+Uh,jíhh½h@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]ubeubhi)r }r (h+Uh,h3hhmh@}r(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]r(hpXCDefaultRegionName (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection attribute)hUtrauhJNhKhhL]ubh0)r}r(h+Uh,h3hhyh@}r(h{‰h|XpyhE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}X attributerhjuhJNhKhhL]r(h)r}r(h+X#KinesisConnection.DefaultRegionNameh,jhh…h@}r(hE]rhahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1r…r}rbhD]hB]hC]hH]rhahŽX#KinesisConnection.DefaultRegionNamehj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]r(hœ)r}r (h+XDefaultRegionNameh,jhhŸh@}r!(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r"hUXDefaultRegionNamer#…r$}r%(h+Uh,jubaubjp)r&}r'(h+X = 'us-east-1'h,jhjsh@}r((hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r)hUX = 'us-east-1'r*…r+}r,(h+Uh,j&ubaubeubh-)r-}r.(h+Uh,jhh½h@}r/(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]ubeubhi)r0}r1(h+Uh,h3hhmh@}r2(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]r3(hpX?ResponseError (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection attribute)hUtr4auhJNhKhhL]ubh0)r5}r6(h+Uh,h3hhyh@}r7(h{‰h|XpyhE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}X attributer8hj8uhJNhKhhL]r9(h)r:}r;(h+XKinesisConnection.ResponseErrorh,j5hh…h@}r<(hE]r=hahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1r>…r?}r@bhD]hB]hC]hH]rAhahŽXKinesisConnection.ResponseErrorhj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]rBhœ)rC}rD(h+X ResponseErrorh,j:hhŸh@}rE(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rFhUX ResponseErrorrG…rH}rI(h+Uh,jCubaubaubh-)rJ}rK(h+Uh,j5hh½h@}rL(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rMhè)rN}rO(h+X#alias of :class:`JSONResponseError`h,jJhhíh@}rP(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rQ(hUX alias of rR…rS}rT(h+X alias of h,jNubj,)rU}rV(h+X:class:`JSONResponseError`rWh,jNhj0h@}rX(UreftypeXclassj2‰j3XJSONResponseErrorU refdomainXpyrYhE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]j5j6j7j–j8Xboto.kinesis.layer1rZuhJNhL]r[j;)r\}r](h+jWh@}r^(hB]hC]r_(j@jYXpy-classr`ehD]hE]hH]uh,jUhL]rahUXJSONResponseErrorrb…rc}rd(h+Uh,j\ubah>jFubaubeubaubeubhi)re}rf(h+Uh,h3hhmh@}rg(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]rh(hpX=ServiceName (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection attribute)hUtriauhJNhKhhL]ubh0)rj}rk(h+Uh,h3hhyh@}rl(h{‰h|XpyhE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}X attributermhjmuhJNhKhhL]rn(h)ro}rp(h+XKinesisConnection.ServiceNameh,jjhh…h@}rq(hE]rrhahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1rs…rt}rubhD]hB]hC]hH]rvhahŽXKinesisConnection.ServiceNamehj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]rw(hœ)rx}ry(h+X ServiceNameh,johhŸh@}rz(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r{hUX ServiceNamer|…r}}r~(h+Uh,jxubaubjp)r}r€(h+X = 'Kinesis'h,johjsh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r‚hUX = 'Kinesis'rƒ…r„}r…(h+Uh,jubaubeubh-)r†}r‡(h+Uh,jjhh½h@}rˆ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]ubeubhi)r‰}rŠ(h+Uh,h3hhmh@}r‹(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]rŒ(hpX>TargetPrefix (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection attribute)hUtrauhJNhKhhL]ubh0)rŽ}r(h+Uh,h3hhyh@}r(h{‰h|XpyhE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}X attributer‘hj‘uhJNhKhhL]r’(h)r“}r”(h+XKinesisConnection.TargetPrefixh,jŽhh…h@}r•(hE]r–hahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1r—…r˜}r™bhD]hB]hC]hH]ršhahŽXKinesisConnection.TargetPrefixhj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]r›(hœ)rœ}r(h+X TargetPrefixh,j“hhŸh@}rž(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rŸhUX TargetPrefixr …r¡}r¢(h+Uh,jœubaubjp)r£}r¤(h+X = 'Kinesis_20131202'h,j“hjsh@}r¥(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r¦hUX = 'Kinesis_20131202'r§…r¨}r©(h+Uh,j£ubaubeubh-)rª}r«(h+Uh,jŽhh½h@}r¬(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]ubeubhi)r­}r®(h+Uh,h3hhmh@}r¯(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]r°(hpX>create_stream() (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection method)hUtr±auhJNhKhhL]ubh1hi)r²}r³(h+Uh,h3hhmh@}r´(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]rµ(hpX>delete_stream() (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection method)hUtr¶auhJNhKhhL]ubh0)r·}r¸(h+Uh,h3hhyh@}r¹(h{‰h|XpyrºhE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}Xmethodr»hj»uhJNhKhhL]r¼(h)r½}r¾(h+X,KinesisConnection.delete_stream(stream_name)h,j·hh…h@}r¿(hE]rÀhahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1rÁ…rÂ}rÃbhD]hB]hC]hH]rÄhahŽXKinesisConnection.delete_streamhj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]rÅ(hœ)rÆ}rÇ(h+X delete_streamh,j½hhŸh@}rÈ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rÉhUX delete_streamrÊ…rË}rÌ(h+Uh,jÆubaubh¥)rÍ}rÎ(h+Uh,j½hh¨h@}rÏ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rÐh«)rÑ}rÒ(h+X stream_nameh@}rÓ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÍhL]rÔhUX stream_namerÕ…rÖ}r×(h+Uh,jÑubah>h³ubaubeubh-)rØ}rÙ(h+Uh,j·hh½h@}rÚ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rÛ(hè)rÜ}rÝ(h+XThis operation deletes a stream and all of its shards and data. You must shut down any applications that are operating on the stream before you delete the stream. If an application attempts to operate on a deleted stream, it will receive the exception `ResourceNotFoundException`.h,jØhhíh@}rß(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rà(hUXüThis operation deletes a stream and all of its shards and data. You must shut down any applications that are operating on the stream before you delete the stream. If an application attempts to operate on a deleted stream, it will receive the exception rá…râ}rã(h+XüThis operation deletes a stream and all of its shards and data. You must shut down any applications that are operating on the stream before you delete the stream. If an application attempts to operate on a deleted stream, it will receive the exception h,jÜubcdocutils.nodes title_reference rä)rå}ræ(h+X`ResourceNotFoundException`h@}rç(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÜhL]rèhUXResourceNotFoundExceptionré…rê}rë(h+Uh,jåubah>Utitle_referencerìubhUX.…rí}rî(h+X.h,jÜubeubhè)rï}rð(h+X³If the stream is in the ACTIVE state, you can delete it. After a `DeleteStream` request, the specified stream is in the DELETING state until Amazon Kinesis completes the deletion.h,jØhhíh@}rñ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rò(hUXAIf the stream is in the ACTIVE state, you can delete it. After a ró…rô}rõ(h+XAIf the stream is in the ACTIVE state, you can delete it. After a h,jïubjä)rö}r÷(h+X`DeleteStream`h@}rø(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jïhL]rùhUX DeleteStreamrú…rû}rü(h+Uh,jöubah>jìubhUXd request, the specified stream is in the DELETING state until Amazon Kinesis completes the deletion.rý…rþ}rÿ(h+Xd request, the specified stream is in the DELETING state until Amazon Kinesis completes the deletion.h,jïubeubhè)r}r(h+X¼**Note:** Amazon Kinesis might continue to accept data read and write operations, such as PutRecord and GetRecords, on a stream in the DELETING state until the stream deletion is complete.h,jØhhíh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK hKhhL]r(cdocutils.nodes strong r)r}r(h+X **Note:**h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rhUXNote:r …r }r (h+Uh,jubah>Ustrongr ubhUX³ Amazon Kinesis might continue to accept data read and write operations, such as PutRecord and GetRecords, on a stream in the DELETING state until the stream deletion is complete.r …r}r(h+X³ Amazon Kinesis might continue to accept data read and write operations, such as PutRecord and GetRecords, on a stream in the DELETING state until the stream deletion is complete.h,jubeubhè)r}r(h+XEWhen you delete a stream, any shards in that stream are also deleted.rh,jØhhíh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rhUXEWhen you delete a stream, any shards in that stream are also deleted.r…r}r(h+jh,jubaubhè)r}r(h+XoYou can use the DescribeStream operation to check the state of the stream, which is returned in `StreamStatus`.h,jØhhíh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r(hUX`You can use the DescribeStream operation to check the state of the stream, which is returned in r…r}r(h+X`You can use the DescribeStream operation to check the state of the stream, which is returned in h,jubjä)r}r (h+X`StreamStatus`h@}r!(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r"hUX StreamStatusr#…r$}r%(h+Uh,jubah>jìubhUX.…r&}r'(h+X.h,jubeubhè)r(}r)(h+XD`DeleteStream` has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account.h,jØhhíh@}r*(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r+(jä)r,}r-(h+X`DeleteStream`h@}r.(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j(hL]r/hUX DeleteStreamr0…r1}r2(h+Uh,j,ubah>jìubhUX6 has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account.r3…r4}r5(h+X6 has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account.h,j(ubeubhó)r6}r7(h+Uh,jØhhöh@}r8(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r9hù)r:}r;(h+Uh@}r<(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j6hL]r=(hþ)r>}r?(h+Uh@}r@(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j:hL]rAhUX ParametersrB…rC}rD(h+Uh,j>ubah>jubj)rE}rF(h+Uh@}rG(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j:hL]rHhè)rI}rJ(h+Uh@}rK(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jEhL]rL(j)rM}rN(h+X stream_nameh@}rO(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jIhL]rPhUX stream_namerQ…rR}rS(h+Uh,jMubah>j ubhUX (rT…rU}rV(h+Uh,jIubj,)rW}rX(h+Uh@}rY(UreftypeUobjrZU reftargetXstringr[U refdomainjºhE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jIhL]r\cdocutils.nodes emphasis r])r^}r_(h+j[h@}r`(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jWhL]rahUXstringrb…rc}rd(h+Uh,j^ubah>Uemphasisreubah>j0ubhUX)…rf}rg(h+Uh,jIubhUX -- rh…ri}rj(h+Uh,jIubhUX!The name of the stream to delete.rk…rl}rm(h+X!The name of the stream to delete.rnh,jIubeh>híubah>jubeh>jubaubeubeubhi)ro}rp(h+Uh,h3hhmh@}rq(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]rr(hpX@describe_stream() (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection method)hUtrsauhJNhKhhL]ubh0)rt}ru(h+Uh,h3hhyh@}rv(h{‰h|XpyrwhE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}XmethodrxhjxuhJNhKhhL]ry(h)rz}r{(h+XYKinesisConnection.describe_stream(stream_name, limit=None, exclusive_start_shard_id=None)h,jthh…h@}r|(hE]r}hahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1r~…r}r€bhD]hB]hC]hH]rhahŽX!KinesisConnection.describe_streamhj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]r‚(hœ)rƒ}r„(h+Xdescribe_streamh,jzhhŸh@}r…(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r†hUXdescribe_streamr‡…rˆ}r‰(h+Uh,jƒubaubh¥)rŠ}r‹(h+Uh,jzhh¨h@}rŒ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r(h«)rŽ}r(h+X stream_nameh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jŠhL]r‘hUX stream_namer’…r“}r”(h+Uh,jŽubah>h³ubh«)r•}r–(h+X limit=Noneh@}r—(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jŠhL]r˜hUX limit=Noner™…rš}r›(h+Uh,j•ubah>h³ubh«)rœ}r(h+Xexclusive_start_shard_id=Noneh@}rž(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jŠhL]rŸhUXexclusive_start_shard_id=Noner …r¡}r¢(h+Uh,jœubah>h³ubeubeubh-)r£}r¤(h+Uh,jthh½h@}r¥(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r¦(hè)r§}r¨(h+XwThis operation returns the following information about the stream: the current status of the stream, the stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and an array of shard objects that comprise the stream. For each shard object there is information about the hash key and sequence number ranges that the shard spans, and the IDs of any earlier shards that played in a role in a MergeShards or SplitShard operation that created the shard. A sequence number is the identifier associated with every record ingested in the Amazon Kinesis stream. The sequence number is assigned by the Amazon Kinesis service when a record is put into the stream.r©h,j£hhíh@}r«(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r¬hUXwThis operation returns the following information about the stream: the current status of the stream, the stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and an array of shard objects that comprise the stream. For each shard object there is information about the hash key and sequence number ranges that the shard spans, and the IDs of any earlier shards that played in a role in a MergeShards or SplitShard operation that created the shard. A sequence number is the identifier associated with every record ingested in the Amazon Kinesis stream. The sequence number is assigned by the Amazon Kinesis service when a record is put into the stream.r­…r®}r¯(h+j©h,j§ubaubhè)r°}r±(h+X>You can limit the number of returned shards using the `Limit` parameter. The number of shards in a stream may be too large to return from a single call to `DescribeStream`. You can detect this by using the `HasMoreShards` flag in the returned output. `HasMoreShards` is set to `True` when there is more data available.h,j£hhíh@}r²(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK hKhhL]r³(hUX6You can limit the number of returned shards using the r´…rµ}r¶(h+X6You can limit the number of returned shards using the h,j°ubjä)r·}r¸(h+X`Limit`h@}r¹(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j°hL]rºhUXLimitr»…r¼}r½(h+Uh,j·ubah>jìubhUX^ parameter. The number of shards in a stream may be too large to return from a single call to r¾…r¿}rÀ(h+X^ parameter. The number of shards in a stream may be too large to return from a single call to h,j°ubjä)rÁ}rÂ(h+X`DescribeStream`h@}rÃ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j°hL]rÄhUXDescribeStreamrÅ…rÆ}rÇ(h+Uh,jÁubah>jìubhUX#. You can detect this by using the rÈ…rÉ}rÊ(h+X#. You can detect this by using the h,j°ubjä)rË}rÌ(h+X`HasMoreShards`h@}rÍ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j°hL]rÎhUX HasMoreShardsrÏ…rÐ}rÑ(h+Uh,jËubah>jìubhUX flag in the returned output. rÒ…rÓ}rÔ(h+X flag in the returned output. h,j°ubjä)rÕ}rÖ(h+X`HasMoreShards`h@}r×(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j°hL]rØhUX HasMoreShardsrÙ…rÚ}rÛ(h+Uh,jÕubah>jìubhUX is set to rÜ…rÝ}rÞ(h+X is set to h,j°ubjä)rß}rà(h+X`True`h@}rá(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j°hL]râhUXTruerã…rä}rå(h+Uh,jßubah>jìubhUX# when there is more data available.ræ…rç}rè(h+X# when there is more data available.h,j°ubeubhè)ré}rê(h+XIf there are more shards available, you can request more shards by using the shard ID of the last shard returned by the `DescribeStream` request, in the `ExclusiveStartShardId` parameter in a subsequent request to `DescribeStream`. `DescribeStream` is a paginated operation.h,j£hhíh@}rë(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rì(hUXxIf there are more shards available, you can request more shards by using the shard ID of the last shard returned by the rí…rî}rï(h+XxIf there are more shards available, you can request more shards by using the shard ID of the last shard returned by the h,jéubjä)rð}rñ(h+X`DescribeStream`h@}rò(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jéhL]róhUXDescribeStreamrô…rõ}rö(h+Uh,jðubah>jìubhUX request, in the r÷…rø}rù(h+X request, in the h,jéubjä)rú}rû(h+X`ExclusiveStartShardId`h@}rü(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jéhL]rýhUXExclusiveStartShardIdrþ…rÿ}r(h+Uh,júubah>jìubhUX& parameter in a subsequent request to r…r}r(h+X& parameter in a subsequent request to h,jéubjä)r}r(h+X`DescribeStream`h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jéhL]rhUXDescribeStreamr…r }r (h+Uh,jubah>jìubhUX. r …r }r (h+X. h,jéubjä)r}r(h+X`DescribeStream`h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jéhL]rhUXDescribeStreamr…r}r(h+Uh,jubah>jìubhUX is a paginated operation.r…r}r(h+X is a paginated operation.h,jéubeubhè)r}r(h+XG`DescribeStream` has a limit of 10 transactions per second per account.h,j£hhíh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r(jä)r}r(h+X`DescribeStream`h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rhUXDescribeStreamr …r!}r"(h+Uh,jubah>jìubhUX7 has a limit of 10 transactions per second per account.r#…r$}r%(h+X7 has a limit of 10 transactions per second per account.h,jubeubhó)r&}r'(h+Uh,j£hhöh@}r((hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r)hù)r*}r+(h+Uh@}r,(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j&hL]r-(hþ)r.}r/(h+Uh@}r0(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j*hL]r1hUX Parametersr2…r3}r4(h+Uh,j.ubah>jubj)r5}r6(h+Uh@}r7(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j*hL]r8cdocutils.nodes bullet_list r9)r:}r;(h+Uh@}r<(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j5hL]r=(cdocutils.nodes list_item r>)r?}r@(h+Uh@}rA(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j:hL]rBhè)rC}rD(h+Uh@}rE(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j?hL]rF(j)rG}rH(h+X stream_nameh@}rI(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jChL]rJhUX stream_namerK…rL}rM(h+Uh,jGubah>j ubhUX (rN…rO}rP(h+Uh,jCubj,)rQ}rR(h+Uh@}rS(UreftypejZU reftargetXstringrTU refdomainjwhE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jChL]rUj])rV}rW(h+jTh@}rX(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jQhL]rYhUXstringrZ…r[}r\(h+Uh,jVubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r]}r^(h+Uh,jCubhUX -- r_…r`}ra(h+Uh,jCubhUX#The name of the stream to describe.rb…rc}rd(h+X#The name of the stream to describe.h,jCubeh>híubah>U list_itemreubj>)rf}rg(h+Uh@}rh(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j:hL]rihè)rj}rk(h+Uh@}rl(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jfhL]rm(j)rn}ro(h+Xlimith@}rp(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jjhL]rqhUXlimitrr…rs}rt(h+Uh,jnubah>j ubhUX (ru…rv}rw(h+Uh,jjubj,)rx}ry(h+Uh@}rz(UreftypejZU reftargetXintegerr{U refdomainjwhE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jjhL]r|j])r}}r~(h+j{h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jxhL]r€hUXintegerr…r‚}rƒ(h+Uh,j}ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r„}r…(h+Uh,jjubhUX -- r†…r‡}rˆ(h+Uh,jjubhUX'The maximum number of shards to return.r‰…rŠ}r‹(h+X'The maximum number of shards to return.h,jjubeh>híubah>jeubj>)rŒ}r(h+Uh@}rŽ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j:hL]rhè)r}r‘(h+Uh@}r’(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jŒhL]r“(j)r”}r•(h+Xexclusive_start_shard_idh@}r–(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r—hUXexclusive_start_shard_idr˜…r™}rš(h+Uh,j”ubah>j ubhUX (r›…rœ}r(h+Uh,jubj,)rž}rŸ(h+Uh@}r (UreftypejZU reftargetXstringr¡U refdomainjwhE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jhL]r¢j])r£}r¤(h+j¡h@}r¥(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jžhL]r¦hUXstringr§…r¨}r©(h+Uh,j£ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…rª}r«(h+Uh,jubhUX -- r¬…r­}r®(h+Uh,jubhUXCThe shard ID of the shard to start with for the stream description.r¯…r°}r±(h+XCThe shard ID of the shard to start with for the stream description.h,jubeh>híubah>jeubeh>U bullet_listr²ubah>jubeh>jubaubeubeubhi)r³}r´(h+Uh,h3hhmh@}rµ(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]r¶(hpX<get_records() (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection method)h Utr·auhJNhKhhL]ubh0)r¸}r¹(h+Uh,h3hhyh@}rº(h{‰h|Xpyr»hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}Xmethodr¼hj¼uhJNhKhhL]r½(h)r¾}r¿(h+XJKinesisConnection.get_records(shard_iterator, limit=None, b64_decode=True)h,j¸hh…h@}rÀ(hE]rÁh ahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1rÂ…rÃ}rÄbhD]hB]hC]hH]rÅh ahŽXKinesisConnection.get_recordshj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]rÆ(hœ)rÇ}rÈ(h+X get_recordsh,j¾hhŸh@}rÉ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rÊhUX get_recordsrË…rÌ}rÍ(h+Uh,jÇubaubh¥)rÎ}rÏ(h+Uh,j¾hh¨h@}rÐ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rÑ(h«)rÒ}rÓ(h+Xshard_iteratorh@}rÔ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÎhL]rÕhUXshard_iteratorrÖ…r×}rØ(h+Uh,jÒubah>h³ubh«)rÙ}rÚ(h+X limit=Noneh@}rÛ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÎhL]rÜhUX limit=NonerÝ…rÞ}rß(h+Uh,jÙubah>h³ubh«)rà}rá(h+Xb64_decode=Trueh@}râ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÎhL]rãhUXb64_decode=Truerä…rå}ræ(h+Uh,jàubah>h³ubeubeubh-)rç}rè(h+Uh,j¸hh½h@}ré(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rê(hè)rë}rì(h+X€This operation returns one or more data records from a shard. A `GetRecords` operation request can retrieve up to 10 MB of data.h,jçhhíh@}rî(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rï(hUX@This operation returns one or more data records from a shard. A rð…rñ}rò(h+X@This operation returns one or more data records from a shard. A h,jëubjä)ró}rô(h+X `GetRecords`h@}rõ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jëhL]röhUX GetRecordsr÷…rø}rù(h+Uh,jóubah>jìubhUX4 operation request can retrieve up to 10 MB of data.rú…rû}rü(h+X4 operation request can retrieve up to 10 MB of data.h,jëubeubhè)rý}rþ(h+XŠYou specify a shard iterator for the shard that you want to read data from in the `ShardIterator` parameter. The shard iterator specifies the position in the shard from which you want to start reading data records sequentially. A shard iterator specifies this position using the sequence number of a data record in the shard. For more information about the shard iterator, see GetShardIterator.h,jçhhíh@}rÿ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r(hUXRYou specify a shard iterator for the shard that you want to read data from in the r…r}r(h+XRYou specify a shard iterator for the shard that you want to read data from in the h,jýubjä)r}r(h+X`ShardIterator`h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jýhL]rhUX ShardIteratorr…r }r (h+Uh,jubah>jìubhUX) parameter. The shard iterator specifies the position in the shard from which you want to start reading data records sequentially. A shard iterator specifies this position using the sequence number of a data record in the shard. For more information about the shard iterator, see GetShardIterator.r …r }r (h+X) parameter. The shard iterator specifies the position in the shard from which you want to start reading data records sequentially. A shard iterator specifies this position using the sequence number of a data record in the shard. For more information about the shard iterator, see GetShardIterator.h,jýubeubhè)r}r(h+X+`GetRecords` may return a partial result if the response size limit is exceeded. You will get an error, but not a partial result if the shard's provisioned throughput is exceeded, the shard iterator has expired, or an internal processing failure has occurred. Clients can request a smaller amount of data by specifying a maximum number of returned records using the `Limit` parameter. The `Limit` parameter can be set to an integer value of up to 10,000. If you set the value to an integer greater than 10,000, you will receive `InvalidArgumentException`.h,jçhhíh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK hKhhL]r(jä)r}r(h+X `GetRecords`h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rhUX GetRecordsr…r}r(h+Uh,jubah>jìubhUXb may return a partial result if the response size limit is exceeded. You will get an error, but not a partial result if the shard's provisioned throughput is exceeded, the shard iterator has expired, or an internal processing failure has occurred. Clients can request a smaller amount of data by specifying a maximum number of returned records using the r…r}r(h+Xb may return a partial result if the response size limit is exceeded. You will get an error, but not a partial result if the shard's provisioned throughput is exceeded, the shard iterator has expired, or an internal processing failure has occurred. Clients can request a smaller amount of data by specifying a maximum number of returned records using the h,jubjä)r}r(h+X`Limit`h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rhUXLimitr …r!}r"(h+Uh,jubah>jìubhUX parameter. The r#…r$}r%(h+X parameter. The h,jubjä)r&}r'(h+X`Limit`h@}r((hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r)hUXLimitr*…r+}r,(h+Uh,j&ubah>jìubhUX„ parameter can be set to an integer value of up to 10,000. If you set the value to an integer greater than 10,000, you will receive r-…r.}r/(h+X„ parameter can be set to an integer value of up to 10,000. If you set the value to an integer greater than 10,000, you will receive h,jubjä)r0}r1(h+X`InvalidArgumentException`h@}r2(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r3hUXInvalidArgumentExceptionr4…r5}r6(h+Uh,j0ubah>jìubhUX.…r7}r8(h+X.h,jubeubhè)r9}r:(h+XA new shard iterator is returned by every `GetRecords` request in `NextShardIterator`, which you use in the `ShardIterator` parameter of the next `GetRecords` request. When you repeatedly read from an Amazon Kinesis stream use a GetShardIterator request to get the first shard iterator to use in your first `GetRecords` request and then use the shard iterator returned in `NextShardIterator` for subsequent reads.h,jçhhíh@}r;(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r<(hUX*A new shard iterator is returned by every r=…r>}r?(h+X*A new shard iterator is returned by every h,j9ubjä)r@}rA(h+X `GetRecords`h@}rB(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j9hL]rChUX GetRecordsrD…rE}rF(h+Uh,j@ubah>jìubhUX request in rG…rH}rI(h+X request in h,j9ubjä)rJ}rK(h+X`NextShardIterator`h@}rL(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j9hL]rMhUXNextShardIteratorrN…rO}rP(h+Uh,jJubah>jìubhUX, which you use in the rQ…rR}rS(h+X, which you use in the h,j9ubjä)rT}rU(h+X`ShardIterator`h@}rV(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j9hL]rWhUX ShardIteratorrX…rY}rZ(h+Uh,jTubah>jìubhUX parameter of the next r[…r\}r](h+X parameter of the next h,j9ubjä)r^}r_(h+X `GetRecords`h@}r`(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j9hL]rahUX GetRecordsrb…rc}rd(h+Uh,j^ubah>jìubhUX• request. When you repeatedly read from an Amazon Kinesis stream use a GetShardIterator request to get the first shard iterator to use in your first re…rf}rg(h+X• request. When you repeatedly read from an Amazon Kinesis stream use a GetShardIterator request to get the first shard iterator to use in your first h,j9ubjä)rh}ri(h+X `GetRecords`h@}rj(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j9hL]rkhUX GetRecordsrl…rm}rn(h+Uh,jhubah>jìubhUX5 request and then use the shard iterator returned in ro…rp}rq(h+X5 request and then use the shard iterator returned in h,j9ubjä)rr}rs(h+X`NextShardIterator`h@}rt(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j9hL]ruhUXNextShardIteratorrv…rw}rx(h+Uh,jrubah>jìubhUX for subsequent reads.ry…rz}r{(h+X for subsequent reads.h,j9ubeubhè)r|}r}(h+X¯`GetRecords` can return `null` for the `NextShardIterator` to reflect that the shard has been closed and that the requested shard iterator would never have returned more data.h,jçhhíh@}r~(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK hKhhL]r(jä)r€}r(h+X `GetRecords`h@}r‚(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j|hL]rƒhUX GetRecordsr„…r…}r†(h+Uh,j€ubah>jìubhUX can return r‡…rˆ}r‰(h+X can return h,j|ubjä)rŠ}r‹(h+X`null`h@}rŒ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j|hL]rhUXnullrŽ…r}r(h+Uh,jŠubah>jìubhUX for the r‘…r’}r“(h+X for the h,j|ubjä)r”}r•(h+X`NextShardIterator`h@}r–(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j|hL]r—hUXNextShardIteratorr˜…r™}rš(h+Uh,j”ubah>jìubhUXu to reflect that the shard has been closed and that the requested shard iterator would never have returned more data.r›…rœ}r(h+Xu to reflect that the shard has been closed and that the requested shard iterator would never have returned more data.h,j|ubeubhè)rž}rŸ(h+X¯If no items can be processed because of insufficient provisioned throughput on the shard involved in the request, `GetRecords` throws `ProvisionedThroughputExceededException`.h,jçhhíh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK$hKhhL]r¡(hUXrIf no items can be processed because of insufficient provisioned throughput on the shard involved in the request, r¢…r£}r¤(h+XrIf no items can be processed because of insufficient provisioned throughput on the shard involved in the request, h,jžubjä)r¥}r¦(h+X `GetRecords`h@}r§(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jžhL]r¨hUX GetRecordsr©…rª}r«(h+Uh,j¥ubah>jìubhUX throws r¬…r­}r®(h+X throws h,jžubjä)r¯}r°(h+X(`ProvisionedThroughputExceededException`h@}r±(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jžhL]r²hUX&ProvisionedThroughputExceededExceptionr³…r´}rµ(h+Uh,j¯ubah>jìubhUX.…r¶}r·(h+X.h,jžubeubhó)r¸}r¹(h+Uh,jçhhöh@}rº(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r»hù)r¼}r½(h+Uh@}r¾(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j¸hL]r¿(hþ)rÀ}rÁ(h+Uh@}rÂ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j¼hL]rÃhUX ParametersrÄ…rÅ}rÆ(h+Uh,jÀubah>jubj)rÇ}rÈ(h+Uh@}rÉ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j¼hL]rÊj9)rË}rÌ(h+Uh@}rÍ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÇhL]rÎ(j>)rÏ}rÐ(h+Uh@}rÑ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jËhL]rÒhè)rÓ}rÔ(h+Uh@}rÕ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÏhL]rÖ(j)r×}rØ(h+Xshard_iteratorh@}rÙ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÓhL]rÚhUXshard_iteratorrÛ…rÜ}rÝ(h+Uh,j×ubah>j ubhUX (rÞ…rß}rà(h+Uh,jÓubj,)rá}râ(h+Uh@}rã(UreftypejZU reftargetXstringräU refdomainj»hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jÓhL]råj])ræ}rç(h+jäh@}rè(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jáhL]réhUXstringrê…rë}rì(h+Uh,jæubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…rí}rî(h+Uh,jÓubhUX -- rï…rð}rñ(h+Uh,jÓubhUXYThe position in the shard from which you want to start sequentially reading data records.rò…ró}rô(h+XYThe position in the shard from which you want to start sequentially reading data records.h,jÓubeh>híubah>jeubj>)rõ}rö(h+Uh@}r÷(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jËhL]røhè)rù}rú(h+Uh@}rû(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jõhL]rü(j)rý}rþ(h+Xlimith@}rÿ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jùhL]rhUXlimitr…r}r(h+Uh,jýubah>j ubhUX (r…r}r(h+Uh,jùubj,)r}r(h+Uh@}r (UreftypejZU reftargetXintegerr U refdomainj»hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jùhL]r j])r }r (h+j h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rhUXintegerr…r}r(h+Uh,j ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r}r(h+Uh,jùubhUX -- r…r}r(h+Uh,jùubhUXUThe maximum number of records to return, which can be set to a value of up to 10,000.r…r}r(h+XUThe maximum number of records to return, which can be set to a value of up to 10,000.h,jùubeh>híubah>jeubj>)r}r(h+Uh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jËhL]rhè)r}r (h+Uh@}r!(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r"(j)r#}r$(h+X b64_decodeh@}r%(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r&hUX b64_decoder'…r(}r)(h+Uh,j#ubah>j ubhUX (r*…r+}r,(h+Uh,jubj,)r-}r.(h+Uh@}r/(UreftypejZU reftargetXbooleanr0U refdomainj»hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jhL]r1j])r2}r3(h+j0h@}r4(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j-hL]r5hUXbooleanr6…r7}r8(h+Uh,j2ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r9}r:(h+Uh,jubhUX -- r;…r<}r=(h+Uh,jubhUXDecode the Base64-encoded r>…r?}r@(h+XDecode the Base64-encoded h,jubj;)rA}rB(h+X``Data``h@}rC(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rDhUXDatarE…rF}rG(h+Uh,jAubah>jFubhUX field of records.rH…rI}rJ(h+X field of records.h,jubeh>híubah>jeubeh>j²ubah>jubeh>jubaubeubeubhi)rK}rL(h+Uh,h3hhmh@}rM(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]rN(hpXCget_shard_iterator() (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection method)hUtrOauhJNhKhhL]ubh0)rP}rQ(h+Uh,h3hhyh@}rR(h{‰h|XpyrShE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}XmethodrThjTuhJNhKhhL]rU(h)rV}rW(h+XoKinesisConnection.get_shard_iterator(stream_name, shard_id, shard_iterator_type, starting_sequence_number=None)h,jPhh…h@}rX(hE]rYhahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1rZ…r[}r\bhD]hB]hC]hH]r]hahŽX$KinesisConnection.get_shard_iteratorhj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]r^(hœ)r_}r`(h+Xget_shard_iteratorh,jVhhŸh@}ra(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rbhUXget_shard_iteratorrc…rd}re(h+Uh,j_ubaubh¥)rf}rg(h+Uh,jVhh¨h@}rh(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]ri(h«)rj}rk(h+X stream_nameh@}rl(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jfhL]rmhUX stream_namern…ro}rp(h+Uh,jjubah>h³ubh«)rq}rr(h+Xshard_idh@}rs(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jfhL]rthUXshard_idru…rv}rw(h+Uh,jqubah>h³ubh«)rx}ry(h+Xshard_iterator_typeh@}rz(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jfhL]r{hUXshard_iterator_typer|…r}}r~(h+Uh,jxubah>h³ubh«)r}r€(h+Xstarting_sequence_number=Noneh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jfhL]r‚hUXstarting_sequence_number=Nonerƒ…r„}r…(h+Uh,jubah>h³ubeubeubh-)r†}r‡(h+Uh,jPhh½h@}rˆ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r‰(hè)rŠ}r‹(h+XÞThis operation returns a shard iterator in `ShardIterator`. The shard iterator specifies the position in the shard from which you want to start reading data records sequentially. A shard iterator specifies this position using the sequence number of a data record in a shard. A sequence number is the identifier associated with every record ingested in the Amazon Kinesis stream. The sequence number is assigned by the Amazon Kinesis service when a record is put into the stream.h,j†hhíh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rŽ(hUX+This operation returns a shard iterator in r…r}r‘(h+X+This operation returns a shard iterator in h,jŠubjä)r’}r“(h+X`ShardIterator`h@}r”(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jŠhL]r•hUX ShardIteratorr–…r—}r˜(h+Uh,j’ubah>jìubhUX¤. The shard iterator specifies the position in the shard from which you want to start reading data records sequentially. A shard iterator specifies this position using the sequence number of a data record in a shard. A sequence number is the identifier associated with every record ingested in the Amazon Kinesis stream. The sequence number is assigned by the Amazon Kinesis service when a record is put into the stream.r™…rš}r›(h+X¤. The shard iterator specifies the position in the shard from which you want to start reading data records sequentially. A shard iterator specifies this position using the sequence number of a data record in a shard. A sequence number is the identifier associated with every record ingested in the Amazon Kinesis stream. The sequence number is assigned by the Amazon Kinesis service when a record is put into the stream.h,jŠubeubhè)rœ}r(h+X0You must specify the shard iterator type in the `GetShardIterator` request. For example, you can set the `ShardIteratorType` parameter to read exactly from the position denoted by a specific sequence number by using the AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER shard iterator type, or right after the sequence number by using the AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER shard iterator type, using sequence numbers returned by earlier PutRecord, GetRecords or DescribeStream requests. You can specify the shard iterator type TRIM_HORIZON in the request to cause `ShardIterator` to point to the last untrimmed record in the shard in the system, which is the oldest data record in the shard. Or you can point to just after the most recent record in the shard, by using the shard iterator type LATEST, so that you always read the most recent data in the shard.h,j†hhíh@}rž(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK hKhhL]rŸ(hUX0You must specify the shard iterator type in the r …r¡}r¢(h+X0You must specify the shard iterator type in the h,jœubjä)r£}r¤(h+X`GetShardIterator`h@}r¥(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jœhL]r¦hUXGetShardIteratorr§…r¨}r©(h+Uh,j£ubah>jìubhUX' request. For example, you can set the rª…r«}r¬(h+X' request. For example, you can set the h,jœubjä)r­}r®(h+X`ShardIteratorType`h@}r¯(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jœhL]r°hUXShardIteratorTyper±…r²}r³(h+Uh,j­ubah>jìubhUX parameter to read exactly from the position denoted by a specific sequence number by using the AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER shard iterator type, or right after the sequence number by using the AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER shard iterator type, using sequence numbers returned by earlier PutRecord, GetRecords or DescribeStream requests. You can specify the shard iterator type TRIM_HORIZON in the request to cause r´…rµ}r¶(h+X parameter to read exactly from the position denoted by a specific sequence number by using the AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER shard iterator type, or right after the sequence number by using the AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER shard iterator type, using sequence numbers returned by earlier PutRecord, GetRecords or DescribeStream requests. You can specify the shard iterator type TRIM_HORIZON in the request to cause h,jœubjä)r·}r¸(h+X`ShardIterator`h@}r¹(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jœhL]rºhUX ShardIteratorr»…r¼}r½(h+Uh,j·ubah>jìubhUX to point to the last untrimmed record in the shard in the system, which is the oldest data record in the shard. Or you can point to just after the most recent record in the shard, by using the shard iterator type LATEST, so that you always read the most recent data in the shard.r¾…r¿}rÀ(h+X to point to the last untrimmed record in the shard in the system, which is the oldest data record in the shard. Or you can point to just after the most recent record in the shard, by using the shard iterator type LATEST, so that you always read the most recent data in the shard.h,jœubeubhè)rÁ}rÂ(h+XY**Note:** Each shard iterator expires five minutes after it is returned to the requester.h,j†hhíh@}rÃ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rÄ(j)rÅ}rÆ(h+X **Note:**h@}rÇ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÁhL]rÈhUXNote:rÉ…rÊ}rË(h+Uh,jÅubah>j ubhUXP Each shard iterator expires five minutes after it is returned to the requester.rÌ…rÍ}rÎ(h+XP Each shard iterator expires five minutes after it is returned to the requester.h,jÁubeubhè)rÏ}rÐ(h+X¼When you repeatedly read from an Amazon Kinesis stream use a GetShardIterator request to get the first shard iterator to to use in your first `GetRecords` request and then use the shard iterator returned by the `GetRecords` request in `NextShardIterator` for subsequent reads. A new shard iterator is returned by every `GetRecords` request in `NextShardIterator`, which you use in the `ShardIterator` parameter of the next `GetRecords` request.h,j†hhíh@}rÑ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rÒ(hUXŽWhen you repeatedly read from an Amazon Kinesis stream use a GetShardIterator request to get the first shard iterator to to use in your first rÓ…rÔ}rÕ(h+XŽWhen you repeatedly read from an Amazon Kinesis stream use a GetShardIterator request to get the first shard iterator to to use in your first h,jÏubjä)rÖ}r×(h+X `GetRecords`h@}rØ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÏhL]rÙhUX GetRecordsrÚ…rÛ}rÜ(h+Uh,jÖubah>jìubhUX9 request and then use the shard iterator returned by the rÝ…rÞ}rß(h+X9 request and then use the shard iterator returned by the h,jÏubjä)rà}rá(h+X `GetRecords`h@}râ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÏhL]rãhUX GetRecordsrä…rå}ræ(h+Uh,jàubah>jìubhUX request in rç…rè}ré(h+X request in h,jÏubjä)rê}rë(h+X`NextShardIterator`h@}rì(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÏhL]ríhUXNextShardIteratorrî…rï}rð(h+Uh,jêubah>jìubhUXA for subsequent reads. A new shard iterator is returned by every rñ…rò}ró(h+XA for subsequent reads. A new shard iterator is returned by every h,jÏubjä)rô}rõ(h+X `GetRecords`h@}rö(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÏhL]r÷hUX GetRecordsrø…rù}rú(h+Uh,jôubah>jìubhUX request in rû…rü}rý(h+X request in h,jÏubjä)rþ}rÿ(h+X`NextShardIterator`h@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÏhL]r hUXNextShardIteratorr …r }r (h+Uh,jþubah>jìubhUX, which you use in the r …r }r (h+X, which you use in the h,jÏubjä)r }r (h+X`ShardIterator`h@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÏhL]r hUX ShardIteratorr …r }r (h+Uh,j ubah>jìubhUX parameter of the next r …r }r (h+X parameter of the next h,jÏubjä)r }r (h+X `GetRecords`h@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÏhL]r hUX GetRecordsr …r }r (h+Uh,j ubah>jìubhUX request.r …r }r (h+X request.h,jÏubeubhè)r }r (h+XÈIf a `GetShardIterator` request is made too often, you will receive a `ProvisionedThroughputExceededException`. For more information about throughput limits, see the `Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_.h,j†hhíh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK%hKhhL]r (hUXIf a r …r! }r" (h+XIf a h,j ubjä)r# }r$ (h+X`GetShardIterator`h@}r% (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]r& hUXGetShardIteratorr' …r( }r) (h+Uh,j# ubah>jìubhUX/ request is made too often, you will receive a r* …r+ }r, (h+X/ request is made too often, you will receive a h,j ubjä)r- }r. (h+X(`ProvisionedThroughputExceededException`h@}r/ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]r0 hUX&ProvisionedThroughputExceededExceptionr1 …r2 }r3 (h+Uh,j- ubah>jìubhUX8. For more information about throughput limits, see the r4 …r5 }r6 (h+X8. For more information about throughput limits, see the h,j ubcdocutils.nodes problematic r7 )r8 }r9 (h+X!`Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_r: h,j hU problematicr; h@}r< (hE]r= Uid2r> ahD]hB]hC]hH]UrefidUid1r? uhJNhKhhL]r@ hUX!`Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_rA …rB }rC (h+Uh,j8 ubaubhUX.…rD }rE (h+X.h,j ubeubhè)rF }rG (h+Xá`GetShardIterator` can return `null` for its `ShardIterator` to indicate that the shard has been closed and that the requested iterator will return no more data. A shard can be closed by a SplitShard or MergeShards operation.h,j†hhíh@}rH (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK*hKhhL]rI (jä)rJ }rK (h+X`GetShardIterator`h@}rL (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jF hL]rM hUXGetShardIteratorrN …rO }rP (h+Uh,jJ ubah>jìubhUX can return rQ …rR }rS (h+X can return h,jF ubjä)rT }rU (h+X`null`h@}rV (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jF hL]rW hUXnullrX …rY }rZ (h+Uh,jT ubah>jìubhUX for its r[ …r\ }r] (h+X for its h,jF ubjä)r^ }r_ (h+X`ShardIterator`h@}r` (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jF hL]ra hUX ShardIteratorrb …rc }rd (h+Uh,j^ ubah>jìubhUX¥ to indicate that the shard has been closed and that the requested iterator will return no more data. A shard can be closed by a SplitShard or MergeShards operation.re …rf }rg (h+X¥ to indicate that the shard has been closed and that the requested iterator will return no more data. A shard can be closed by a SplitShard or MergeShards operation.h,jF ubeubhè)rh }ri (h+XR`GetShardIterator` has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account per shard.h,j†hhíh@}rj (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK/hKhhL]rk (jä)rl }rm (h+X`GetShardIterator`h@}rn (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jh hL]ro hUXGetShardIteratorrp …rq }rr (h+Uh,jl ubah>jìubhUX@ has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account per shard.rs …rt }ru (h+X@ has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account per shard.h,jh ubeubhó)rv }rw (h+Uh,j†hhöh@}rx (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]ry hù)rz }r{ (h+Uh@}r| (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jv hL]r} (hþ)r~ }r (h+Uh@}r€ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jz hL]r hUX Parametersr‚ …rƒ }r„ (h+Uh,j~ ubah>jubj)r… }r† (h+Uh@}r‡ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jz hL]rˆ j9)r‰ }rŠ (h+Uh@}r‹ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j… hL]rŒ (j>)r }rŽ (h+Uh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j‰ hL]r hè)r‘ }r’ (h+Uh@}r“ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]r” (j)r• }r– (h+X stream_nameh@}r— (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j‘ hL]r˜ hUX stream_namer™ …rš }r› (h+Uh,j• ubah>j ubhUX (rœ …r }rž (h+Uh,j‘ ubj,)rŸ }r  (h+Uh@}r¡ (UreftypejZU reftargetXstringr¢ U refdomainjShE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,j‘ hL]r£ j])r¤ }r¥ (h+j¢ h@}r¦ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jŸ hL]r§ hUXstringr¨ …r© }rª (h+Uh,j¤ ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r« }r¬ (h+Uh,j‘ ubhUX -- r­ …r® }r¯ (h+Uh,j‘ ubhUXThe name of the stream.r° …r± }r² (h+XThe name of the stream.h,j‘ ubeh>híubah>jeubj>)r³ }r´ (h+Uh@}rµ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j‰ hL]r¶ hè)r· }r¸ (h+Uh@}r¹ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j³ hL]rº (j)r» }r¼ (h+Xshard_idh@}r½ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j· hL]r¾ hUXshard_idr¿ …rÀ }rÁ (h+Uh,j» ubah>j ubhUX (r …rà }rÄ (h+Uh,j· ubj,)rÅ }rÆ (h+Uh@}rÇ (UreftypejZU reftargetXstringrÈ U refdomainjShE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,j· hL]rÉ j])rÊ }rË (h+jÈ h@}rÌ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÅ hL]rÍ hUXstringrÎ …rÏ }rÐ (h+Uh,jÊ ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…rÑ }rÒ (h+Uh,j· ubhUX -- rÓ …rÔ }rÕ (h+Uh,j· ubhUX2The shard ID of the shard to get the iterator for.rÖ …r× }rØ (h+X2The shard ID of the shard to get the iterator for.h,j· ubeh>híubah>jeubj>)rÙ }rÚ (h+Uh@}rÛ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j‰ hL]rÜ hè)rÝ }rÞ (h+Uh@}rß (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÙ hL]rà (j)rá }râ (h+Xshard_iterator_typeh@}rã (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÝ hL]rä hUXshard_iterator_typerå …ræ }rç (h+Uh,já ubah>j ubhUX (rè …ré }rê (h+Uh,jÝ ubj,)rë }rì (h+Uh@}rí (UreftypejZU reftargetXstringrî U refdomainjShE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jÝ hL]rï j])rð }rñ (h+jî h@}rò (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jë hL]ró hUXstringrô …rõ }rö (h+Uh,jð ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r÷ }rø (h+Uh,jÝ ubhUX -- rù …rú }rû (h+Uh,jÝ ubeh>híubah>jeubeh>j²ubah>jubeh>jubaubcdocutils.nodes definition_list rü )rý }rþ (h+Uh,j†hUdefinition_listrÿ h@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r cdocutils.nodes definition_list_item r )r }r (h+XXDetermines how the shard iterator is used to start reading data records from the shard. h,jý hUdefinition_list_itemr h@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK;hL]r (cdocutils.nodes term r )r }r (h+XGDetermines how the shard iterator is used to start reading data recordsr h,j hUtermr h@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK;hL]r hUXGDetermines how the shard iterator is used to start reading data recordsr …r }r (h+j h,j ubaubcdocutils.nodes definition r )r }r (h+Uh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]r hè)r }r (h+Xfrom the shard.r h,j hhíh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK;hL]r hUXfrom the shard.r …r }r (h+j h,j ubaubah>U definitionr ubeubaubhè)r }r! (h+X1The following are the valid shard iterator types:r" h,j†hhíh@}r# (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK=hKhhL]r$ hUX1The following are the valid shard iterator types:r% …r& }r' (h+j" h,j ubaubj9)r( }r) (h+Uh,j†hj²h@}r* (Ubulletr+ X+hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]uhJK@hKhhL]r, (j>)r- }r. (h+XgAT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER - Start reading exactly from the position denoted by a specific sequence number.h,j( hjeh@}r/ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r0 jü )r1 }r2 (h+Uh@}r3 (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j- hL]r4 j )r5 }r6 (h+XcAT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER - Start reading exactly from the position denoted by a specific sequence number.h,j1 hj h@}r7 (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK@hL]r8 (j )r9 }r: (h+XDAT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER - Start reading exactly from the position denotedr; h,j5 hj h@}r< (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK@hL]r= hUXDAT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER - Start reading exactly from the position denotedr> …r? }r@ (h+j; h,j9 ubaubj )rA }rB (h+Uh@}rC (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j5 hL]rD hè)rE }rF (h+Xby a specific sequence number.rG h,jA hhíh@}rH (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKAhL]rI hUXby a specific sequence number.rJ …rK }rL (h+jG h,jE ubaubah>j ubeubah>jÿ ubaubj>)rM }rN (h+XiAFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER - Start reading right after the position denoted by a specific sequence number.h,j( hjeh@}rO (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rP jü )rQ }rR (h+Uh@}rS (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jM hL]rT j )rU }rV (h+XeAFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER - Start reading right after the position denoted by a specific sequence number.h,jQ hj h@}rW (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKBhL]rX (j )rY }rZ (h+X>AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER - Start reading right after the positionr[ h,jU hj h@}r\ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKBhL]r] hUX>AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER - Start reading right after the positionr^ …r_ }r` (h+j[ h,jY ubaubj )ra }rb (h+Uh@}rc (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jU hL]rd hè)re }rf (h+X&denoted by a specific sequence number.rg h,ja hhíh@}rh (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKChL]ri hUX&denoted by a specific sequence number.rj …rk }rl (h+jg h,je ubaubah>j ubeubah>jÿ ubaubj>)rm }rn (h+X‡TRIM_HORIZON - Start reading at the last untrimmed record in the shard in the system, which is the oldest data record in the shard.h,j( hjeh@}ro (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rp jü )rq }rr (h+Uh@}rs (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jm hL]rt j )ru }rv (h+XƒTRIM_HORIZON - Start reading at the last untrimmed record in the shard in the system, which is the oldest data record in the shard.h,jq hj h@}rw (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKDhL]rx (j )ry }rz (h+X@TRIM_HORIZON - Start reading at the last untrimmed record in ther{ h,ju hj h@}r| (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKDhL]r} hUX@TRIM_HORIZON - Start reading at the last untrimmed record in ther~ …r }r€ (h+j{ h,jy ubaubj )r }r‚ (h+Uh@}rƒ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,ju hL]r„ hè)r… }r† (h+XBshard in the system, which is the oldest data record in the shard.r‡ h,j hhíh@}rˆ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKEhL]r‰ hUXBshard in the system, which is the oldest data record in the shard.rŠ …r‹ }rŒ (h+j‡ h,j… ubaubah>j ubeubah>jÿ ubaubj>)r }rŽ (h+X†LATEST - Start reading just after the most recent record in the shard, so that you always read the most recent data in the shard. h,j( hjeh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r jü )r‘ }r’ (h+Uh@}r“ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]r” j )r• }r– (h+X‚LATEST - Start reading just after the most recent record in the shard, so that you always read the most recent data in the shard. h,j‘ hj h@}r— (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKGhL]r˜ (j )r™ }rš (h+X?LATEST - Start reading just after the most recent record in ther› h,j• hj h@}rœ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKGhL]r hUX?LATEST - Start reading just after the most recent record in therž …rŸ }r  (h+j› h,j™ ubaubj )r¡ }r¢ (h+Uh@}r£ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j• hL]r¤ hè)r¥ }r¦ (h+XAshard, so that you always read the most recent data in the shard.r§ h,j¡ hhíh@}r¨ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKGhL]r© hUXAshard, so that you always read the most recent data in the shard.rª …r« }r¬ (h+j§ h,j¥ ubaubah>j ubeubah>jÿ ubaubeubhó)r­ }r® (h+Uh,j†hhöh@}r¯ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r° hù)r± }r² (h+Uh@}r³ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j­ hL]r´ (hþ)rµ }r¶ (h+Uh@}r· (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j± hL]r¸ hUX Parametersr¹ …rº }r» (h+Uh,jµ ubah>jubj)r¼ }r½ (h+Uh@}r¾ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j± hL]r¿ hè)rÀ }rÁ (h+Uh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j¼ hL]rà (j)rÄ }rÅ (h+Xstarting_sequence_numberh@}rÆ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÀ hL]rÇ hUXstarting_sequence_numberrÈ …rÉ }rÊ (h+Uh,jÄ ubah>j ubhUX (rË …rÌ }rÍ (h+Uh,jÀ ubj,)rÎ }rÏ (h+Uh@}rÐ (UreftypejZU reftargetXstringrÑ U refdomainjShE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jÀ hL]rÒ j])rÓ }rÔ (h+jÑ h@}rÕ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÎ hL]rÖ hUXstringr× …rØ }rÙ (h+Uh,jÓ ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…rÚ }rÛ (h+Uh,jÀ ubhUX -- rÜ …rÝ }rÞ (h+Uh,jÀ ubhUXUThe sequence number of the data record in the shard from which to start reading from.rß …rà }rá (h+XUThe sequence number of the data record in the shard from which to start reading from.h,jÀ ubeh>híubah>jubeh>jubaubeubeubhi)râ }rã (h+Uh,h3hhmh@}rä (hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]rå (hpX=list_streams() (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection method)hUtræ auhJNhKhhL]ubh0)rç }rè (h+Uh,h3hhyh@}ré (h{‰h|Xpyrê hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}Xmethodrë hjë uhJNhKhhL]rì (h)rí }rî (h+XLKinesisConnection.list_streams(limit=None, exclusive_start_stream_name=None)h,jç hh…h@}rï (hE]rð hahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1rñ …rò }ró bhD]hB]hC]hH]rô hahŽXKinesisConnection.list_streamshj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]rõ (hœ)rö }r÷ (h+X list_streamsh,jí hhŸh@}rø (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rù hUX list_streamsrú …rû }rü (h+Uh,jö ubaubh¥)rý }rþ (h+Uh,jí hh¨h@}rÿ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r (h«)r }r (h+X limit=Noneh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jý hL]r hUX limit=Noner …r }r (h+Uh,j ubah>h³ubh«)r }r (h+X exclusive_start_stream_name=Noneh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jý hL]r hUX exclusive_start_stream_name=Noner …r }r (h+Uh,j ubah>h³ubeubeubh-)r }r (h+Uh,jç hh½h@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r (hè)r }r (h+XÈThis operation returns an array of the names of all the streams that are associated with the AWS account making the `ListStreams` request. A given AWS account can have many streams active at one time.h,j hhíh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r (hUXtThis operation returns an array of the names of all the streams that are associated with the AWS account making the r …r }r (h+XtThis operation returns an array of the names of all the streams that are associated with the AWS account making the h,j ubjä)r }r (h+X `ListStreams`h@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]r hUX ListStreamsr …r }r! (h+Uh,j ubah>jìubhUXG request. A given AWS account can have many streams active at one time.r" …r# }r$ (h+XG request. A given AWS account can have many streams active at one time.h,j ubeubhè)r% }r& (h+XThe number of streams may be too large to return from a single call to `ListStreams`. You can limit the number of returned streams using the `Limit` parameter. If you do not specify a value for the `Limit` parameter, Amazon Kinesis uses the default limit, which is currently 10.h,j hhíh@}r' (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r( (hUXGThe number of streams may be too large to return from a single call to r) …r* }r+ (h+XGThe number of streams may be too large to return from a single call to h,j% ubjä)r, }r- (h+X `ListStreams`h@}r. (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j% hL]r/ hUX ListStreamsr0 …r1 }r2 (h+Uh,j, ubah>jìubhUX9. You can limit the number of returned streams using the r3 …r4 }r5 (h+X9. You can limit the number of returned streams using the h,j% ubjä)r6 }r7 (h+X`Limit`h@}r8 (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j% hL]r9 hUXLimitr: …r; }r< (h+Uh,j6 ubah>jìubhUX2 parameter. If you do not specify a value for the r= …r> }r? (h+X2 parameter. If you do not specify a value for the h,j% ubjä)r@ }rA (h+X`Limit`h@}rB (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j% hL]rC hUXLimitrD …rE }rF (h+Uh,j@ ubah>jìubhUXI parameter, Amazon Kinesis uses the default limit, which is currently 10.rG …rH }rI (h+XI parameter, Amazon Kinesis uses the default limit, which is currently 10.h,j% ubeubhè)rJ }rK (h+X You can detect if there are more streams available to list by using the `HasMoreStreams` flag from the returned output. If there are more streams available, you can request more streams by using the name of the last stream returned by the `ListStreams` request in the `ExclusiveStartStreamName` parameter in a subsequent request to `ListStreams`. The group of stream names returned by the subsequent request is then added to the list. You can continue this process until all the stream names have been collected in the list.h,j hhíh@}rL (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK hKhhL]rM (hUXHYou can detect if there are more streams available to list by using the rN …rO }rP (h+XHYou can detect if there are more streams available to list by using the h,jJ ubjä)rQ }rR (h+X`HasMoreStreams`h@}rS (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jJ hL]rT hUXHasMoreStreamsrU …rV }rW (h+Uh,jQ ubah>jìubhUX— flag from the returned output. If there are more streams available, you can request more streams by using the name of the last stream returned by the rX …rY }rZ (h+X— flag from the returned output. If there are more streams available, you can request more streams by using the name of the last stream returned by the h,jJ ubjä)r[ }r\ (h+X `ListStreams`h@}r] (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jJ hL]r^ hUX ListStreamsr_ …r` }ra (h+Uh,j[ ubah>jìubhUX request in the rb …rc }rd (h+X request in the h,jJ ubjä)re }rf (h+X`ExclusiveStartStreamName`h@}rg (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jJ hL]rh hUXExclusiveStartStreamNameri …rj }rk (h+Uh,je ubah>jìubhUX& parameter in a subsequent request to rl …rm }rn (h+X& parameter in a subsequent request to h,jJ ubjä)ro }rp (h+X `ListStreams`h@}rq (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jJ hL]rr hUX ListStreamsrs …rt }ru (h+Uh,jo ubah>jìubhUX³. The group of stream names returned by the subsequent request is then added to the list. You can continue this process until all the stream names have been collected in the list.rv …rw }rx (h+X³. The group of stream names returned by the subsequent request is then added to the list. You can continue this process until all the stream names have been collected in the list.h,jJ ubeubhè)ry }rz (h+XC`ListStreams` has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account.h,j hhíh@}r{ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r| (jä)r} }r~ (h+X `ListStreams`h@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jy hL]r€ hUX ListStreamsr …r‚ }rƒ (h+Uh,j} ubah>jìubhUX6 has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account.r„ …r… }r† (h+X6 has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account.h,jy ubeubhó)r‡ }rˆ (h+Uh,j hhöh@}r‰ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rŠ hù)r‹ }rŒ (h+Uh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j‡ hL]rŽ (hþ)r }r (h+Uh@}r‘ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j‹ hL]r’ hUX Parametersr“ …r” }r• (h+Uh,j ubah>jubj)r– }r— (h+Uh@}r˜ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j‹ hL]r™ j9)rš }r› (h+Uh@}rœ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j– hL]r (j>)rž }rŸ (h+Uh@}r  (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jš hL]r¡ hè)r¢ }r£ (h+Uh@}r¤ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jž hL]r¥ (j)r¦ }r§ (h+Xlimith@}r¨ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j¢ hL]r© hUXlimitrª …r« }r¬ (h+Uh,j¦ ubah>j ubhUX (r­ …r® }r¯ (h+Uh,j¢ ubj,)r° }r± (h+Uh@}r² (UreftypejZU reftargetXintegerr³ U refdomainjê hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,j¢ hL]r´ j])rµ }r¶ (h+j³ h@}r· (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j° hL]r¸ hUXintegerr¹ …rº }r» (h+Uh,jµ ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r¼ }r½ (h+Uh,j¢ ubhUX -- r¾ …r¿ }rÀ (h+Uh,j¢ ubhUX&The maximum number of streams to list.rÁ …r }rà (h+X&The maximum number of streams to list.h,j¢ ubeh>híubah>jeubj>)rÄ }rÅ (h+Uh@}rÆ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jš hL]rÇ hè)rÈ }rÉ (h+Uh@}rÊ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÄ hL]rË (j)rÌ }rÍ (h+Xexclusive_start_stream_nameh@}rÎ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÈ hL]rÏ hUXexclusive_start_stream_namerÐ …rÑ }rÒ (h+Uh,jÌ ubah>j ubhUX (rÓ …rÔ }rÕ (h+Uh,jÈ ubj,)rÖ }r× (h+Uh@}rØ (UreftypejZU reftargetXstringrÙ U refdomainjê hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jÈ hL]rÚ j])rÛ }rÜ (h+jÙ h@}rÝ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÖ hL]rÞ hUXstringrß …rà }rá (h+Uh,jÛ ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…râ }rã (h+Uh,jÈ ubhUX -- rä …rå }ræ (h+Uh,jÈ ubhUX.The name of the stream to start the list with.rç …rè }ré (h+X.The name of the stream to start the list with.h,jÈ ubeh>híubah>jeubeh>j²ubah>jubeh>jubaubeubeubhi)rê }rë (h+Uh,h3hhmh@}rì (hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]rí (hpX=make_request() (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection method)hUtrî auhJNhKhhL]ubh0)rï }rð (h+Uh,h3hhyh@}rñ (h{‰h|XpyhE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}Xmethodrò hjò uhJNhKhhL]ró (h)rô }rõ (h+X,KinesisConnection.make_request(action, body)h,jï hh…h@}rö (hE]r÷ hahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1rø …rù }rú bhD]hB]hC]hH]rû hahŽXKinesisConnection.make_requesthj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]rü (hœ)rý }rþ (h+X make_requesth,jô hhŸh@}rÿ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r hUX make_requestr …r }r (h+Uh,jý ubaubh¥)r }r (h+Uh,jô hh¨h@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r (h«)r }r (h+Xactionh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]r hUXactionr …r }r (h+Uh,j ubah>h³ubh«)r }r (h+Xbodyh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]r hUXbodyr …r }r (h+Uh,j ubah>h³ubeubeubh-)r }r (h+Uh,jï hh½h@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]ubeubhi)r }r (h+Uh,h3hhmh@}r (hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]r (hpX=merge_shards() (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection method)h Utr auhJNhKhhL]ubh0)r }r (h+Uh,h3hhyh@}r (h{‰h|Xpyr! hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}Xmethodr" hj" uhJNhKhhL]r# (h)r$ }r% (h+XTKinesisConnection.merge_shards(stream_name, shard_to_merge, adjacent_shard_to_merge)h,j hh…h@}r& (hE]r' h ahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1r( …r) }r* bhD]hB]hC]hH]r+ h ahŽXKinesisConnection.merge_shardshj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]r, (hœ)r- }r. (h+X merge_shardsh,j$ hhŸh@}r/ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r0 hUX merge_shardsr1 …r2 }r3 (h+Uh,j- ubaubh¥)r4 }r5 (h+Uh,j$ hh¨h@}r6 (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r7 (h«)r8 }r9 (h+X stream_nameh@}r: (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j4 hL]r; hUX stream_namer< …r= }r> (h+Uh,j8 ubah>h³ubh«)r? }r@ (h+Xshard_to_mergeh@}rA (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j4 hL]rB hUXshard_to_mergerC …rD }rE (h+Uh,j? ubah>h³ubh«)rF }rG (h+Xadjacent_shard_to_mergeh@}rH (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j4 hL]rI hUXadjacent_shard_to_mergerJ …rK }rL (h+Uh,jF ubah>h³ubeubeubh-)rM }rN (h+Uh,j hh½h@}rO (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rP (hè)rQ }rR (h+XnThis operation merges two adjacent shards in a stream and combines them into a single shard to reduce the stream's capacity to ingest and transport data. Two shards are considered adjacent if the union of the hash key ranges for the two shards form a contiguous set with no gaps. For example, if you have two shards, one with a hash key range of 276...381 and the other with a hash key range of 382...454, then you could merge these two shards into a single shard that would have a hash key range of 276...454. After the merge, the single child shard receives data for all hash key values covered by the two parent shards.rS h,jM hhíh@}rU (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rV hUXnThis operation merges two adjacent shards in a stream and combines them into a single shard to reduce the stream's capacity to ingest and transport data. Two shards are considered adjacent if the union of the hash key ranges for the two shards form a contiguous set with no gaps. For example, if you have two shards, one with a hash key range of 276...381 and the other with a hash key range of 382...454, then you could merge these two shards into a single shard that would have a hash key range of 276...454. After the merge, the single child shard receives data for all hash key values covered by the two parent shards.rW …rX }rY (h+jS h,jQ ubaubhè)rZ }r[ (h+XJ`MergeShards` is called when there is a need to reduce the overall capacity of a stream because of excess capacity that is not being used. The operation requires that you specify the shard to be merged and the adjacent shard for a given stream. For more information about merging shards, see the `Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_.h,jM hhíh@}r\ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK hKhhL]r] (jä)r^ }r_ (h+X `MergeShards`h@}r` (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jZ hL]ra hUX MergeShardsrb …rc }rd (h+Uh,j^ ubah>jìubhUX is called when there is a need to reduce the overall capacity of a stream because of excess capacity that is not being used. The operation requires that you specify the shard to be merged and the adjacent shard for a given stream. For more information about merging shards, see the re …rf }rg (h+X is called when there is a need to reduce the overall capacity of a stream because of excess capacity that is not being used. The operation requires that you specify the shard to be merged and the adjacent shard for a given stream. For more information about merging shards, see the h,jZ ubj7 )rh }ri (h+X!`Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_rj h,jZ hj; h@}rk (hE]rl Uid4rm ahD]hB]hC]hH]UrefidUid3rn uhJNhKhhL]ro hUX!`Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_rp …rq }rr (h+Uh,jh ubaubhUX.…rs }rt (h+X.h,jZ ubeubhè)ru }rv (h+XIf the stream is in the ACTIVE state, you can call `MergeShards`. If a stream is in CREATING or UPDATING or DELETING states, then Amazon Kinesis returns a `ResourceInUseException`. If the specified stream does not exist, Amazon Kinesis returns a `ResourceNotFoundException`.h,jM hhíh@}rw (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rx (hUX3If the stream is in the ACTIVE state, you can call ry …rz }r{ (h+X3If the stream is in the ACTIVE state, you can call h,ju ubjä)r| }r} (h+X `MergeShards`h@}r~ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,ju hL]r hUX MergeShardsr€ …r }r‚ (h+Uh,j| ubah>jìubhUX[. If a stream is in CREATING or UPDATING or DELETING states, then Amazon Kinesis returns a rƒ …r„ }r… (h+X[. If a stream is in CREATING or UPDATING or DELETING states, then Amazon Kinesis returns a h,ju ubjä)r† }r‡ (h+X`ResourceInUseException`h@}rˆ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,ju hL]r‰ hUXResourceInUseExceptionrŠ …r‹ }rŒ (h+Uh,j† ubah>jìubhUXC. If the specified stream does not exist, Amazon Kinesis returns a r …rŽ }r (h+XC. If the specified stream does not exist, Amazon Kinesis returns a h,ju ubjä)r }r‘ (h+X`ResourceNotFoundException`h@}r’ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,ju hL]r“ hUXResourceNotFoundExceptionr” …r• }r– (h+Uh,j ubah>jìubhUX.…r— }r˜ (h+X.h,ju ubeubhè)r™ }rš (h+XoYou can use the DescribeStream operation to check the state of the stream, which is returned in `StreamStatus`.h,jM hhíh@}r› (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rœ (hUX`You can use the DescribeStream operation to check the state of the stream, which is returned in r …rž }rŸ (h+X`You can use the DescribeStream operation to check the state of the stream, which is returned in h,j™ ubjä)r  }r¡ (h+X`StreamStatus`h@}r¢ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j™ hL]r£ hUX StreamStatusr¤ …r¥ }r¦ (h+Uh,j  ubah>jìubhUX.…r§ }r¨ (h+X.h,j™ ubeubhè)r© }rª (h+XT`MergeShards` is an asynchronous operation. Upon receiving a `MergeShards` request, Amazon Kinesis immediately returns a response and sets the `StreamStatus` to UPDATING. After the operation is completed, Amazon Kinesis sets the `StreamStatus` to ACTIVE. Read and write operations continue to work while the stream is in the UPDATING state.h,jM hhíh@}r« (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r¬ (jä)r­ }r® (h+X `MergeShards`h@}r¯ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j© hL]r° hUX MergeShardsr± …r² }r³ (h+Uh,j­ ubah>jìubhUX0 is an asynchronous operation. Upon receiving a r´ …rµ }r¶ (h+X0 is an asynchronous operation. Upon receiving a h,j© ubjä)r· }r¸ (h+X `MergeShards`h@}r¹ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j© hL]rº hUX MergeShardsr» …r¼ }r½ (h+Uh,j· ubah>jìubhUXE request, Amazon Kinesis immediately returns a response and sets the r¾ …r¿ }rÀ (h+XE request, Amazon Kinesis immediately returns a response and sets the h,j© ubjä)rÁ }r (h+X`StreamStatus`h@}rà (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j© hL]rÄ hUX StreamStatusrÅ …rÆ }rÇ (h+Uh,jÁ ubah>jìubhUXH to UPDATING. After the operation is completed, Amazon Kinesis sets the rÈ …rÉ }rÊ (h+XH to UPDATING. After the operation is completed, Amazon Kinesis sets the h,j© ubjä)rË }rÌ (h+X`StreamStatus`h@}rÍ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j© hL]rÎ hUX StreamStatusrÏ …rÐ }rÑ (h+Uh,jË ubah>jìubhUXa to ACTIVE. Read and write operations continue to work while the stream is in the UPDATING state.rÒ …rÓ }rÔ (h+Xa to ACTIVE. Read and write operations continue to work while the stream is in the UPDATING state.h,j© ubeubhè)rÕ }rÖ (h+XpYou use the DescribeStream operation to determine the shard IDs that are specified in the `MergeShards` request.h,jM hhíh@}r× (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK$hKhhL]rØ (hUXZYou use the DescribeStream operation to determine the shard IDs that are specified in the rÙ …rÚ }rÛ (h+XZYou use the DescribeStream operation to determine the shard IDs that are specified in the h,jÕ ubjä)rÜ }rÝ (h+X `MergeShards`h@}rÞ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÕ hL]rß hUX MergeShardsrà …rá }râ (h+Uh,jÜ ubah>jìubhUX request.rã …rä }rå (h+X request.h,jÕ ubeubhè)ræ }rç (h+X¡If you try to operate on too many streams in parallel using CreateStream, DeleteStream, `MergeShards` or SplitShard, you will receive a `LimitExceededException`.h,jM hhíh@}rè (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK'hKhhL]ré (hUXXIf you try to operate on too many streams in parallel using CreateStream, DeleteStream, rê …rë }rì (h+XXIf you try to operate on too many streams in parallel using CreateStream, DeleteStream, h,jæ ubjä)rí }rî (h+X `MergeShards`h@}rï (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jæ hL]rð hUX MergeShardsrñ …rò }ró (h+Uh,jí ubah>jìubhUX# or SplitShard, you will receive a rô …rõ }rö (h+X# or SplitShard, you will receive a h,jæ ubjä)r÷ }rø (h+X`LimitExceededException`h@}rù (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jæ hL]rú hUXLimitExceededExceptionrû …rü }rý (h+Uh,j÷ ubah>jìubhUX.…rþ }rÿ (h+X.h,jæ ubeubhè)r }r (h+XA`MergeShards` has limit of 5 transactions per second per account.h,jM hhíh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK+hKhhL]r (jä)r }r (h+X `MergeShards`h@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]r hUX MergeShardsr …r }r (h+Uh,j ubah>jìubhUX4 has limit of 5 transactions per second per account.r …r }r (h+X4 has limit of 5 transactions per second per account.h,j ubeubhó)r }r (h+Uh,jM hhöh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r hù)r }r (h+Uh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]r (hþ)r }r (h+Uh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]r hUX Parametersr …r }r (h+Uh,j ubah>jubj)r }r (h+Uh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]r j9)r! }r" (h+Uh@}r# (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]r$ (j>)r% }r& (h+Uh@}r' (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j! hL]r( hè)r) }r* (h+Uh@}r+ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j% hL]r, (j)r- }r. (h+X stream_nameh@}r/ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j) hL]r0 hUX stream_namer1 …r2 }r3 (h+Uh,j- ubah>j ubhUX (r4 …r5 }r6 (h+Uh,j) ubj,)r7 }r8 (h+Uh@}r9 (UreftypejZU reftargetXstringr: U refdomainj! hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,j) hL]r; j])r< }r= (h+j: h@}r> (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j7 hL]r? hUXstringr@ …rA }rB (h+Uh,j< ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…rC }rD (h+Uh,j) ubhUX -- rE …rF }rG (h+Uh,j) ubhUX%The name of the stream for the merge.rH …rI }rJ (h+X%The name of the stream for the merge.h,j) ubeh>híubah>jeubj>)rK }rL (h+Uh@}rM (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j! hL]rN hè)rO }rP (h+Uh@}rQ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jK hL]rR (j)rS }rT (h+Xshard_to_mergeh@}rU (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jO hL]rV hUXshard_to_mergerW …rX }rY (h+Uh,jS ubah>j ubhUX (rZ …r[ }r\ (h+Uh,jO ubj,)r] }r^ (h+Uh@}r_ (UreftypejZU reftargetXstringr` U refdomainj! hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jO hL]ra j])rb }rc (h+j` h@}rd (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j] hL]re hUXstringrf …rg }rh (h+Uh,jb ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…ri }rj (h+Uh,jO ubhUX -- rk …rl }rm (h+Uh,jO ubhUXKThe shard ID of the shard to combine with the adjacent shard for the merge.rn …ro }rp (h+XKThe shard ID of the shard to combine with the adjacent shard for the merge.h,jO ubeh>híubah>jeubj>)rq }rr (h+Uh@}rs (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j! hL]rt hè)ru }rv (h+Uh@}rw (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jq hL]rx (j)ry }rz (h+Xadjacent_shard_to_mergeh@}r{ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,ju hL]r| hUXadjacent_shard_to_merger} …r~ }r (h+Uh,jy ubah>j ubhUX (r€ …r }r‚ (h+Uh,ju ubj,)rƒ }r„ (h+Uh@}r… (UreftypejZU reftargetXstringr† U refdomainj! hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,ju hL]r‡ j])rˆ }r‰ (h+j† h@}rŠ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jƒ hL]r‹ hUXstringrŒ …r }rŽ (h+Uh,jˆ ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r }r (h+Uh,ju ubhUX -- r‘ …r’ }r“ (h+Uh,ju ubhUX1The shard ID of the adjacent shard for the merge.r” …r• }r– (h+X1The shard ID of the adjacent shard for the merge.h,ju ubeh>híubah>jeubeh>j²ubah>jubeh>jubaubeubeubhi)r— }r˜ (h+Uh,h3hhmh@}r™ (hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]rš (hpX;put_record() (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection method)h Utr› auhJNhKhhL]ubh0)rœ }r (h+Uh,h3hhyh@}rž (h{‰h|XpyrŸ hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}Xmethodr  hj  uhJNhKhhL]r¡ (h)r¢ }r£ (h+X²KinesisConnection.put_record(stream_name, data, partition_key, explicit_hash_key=None, sequence_number_for_ordering=None, exclusive_minimum_sequence_number=None, b64_encode=True)h,jœ hh…h@}r¤ (hE]r¥ h ahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1r¦ …r§ }r¨ bhD]hB]hC]hH]r© h ahŽXKinesisConnection.put_recordhj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]rª (hœ)r« }r¬ (h+X put_recordh,j¢ hhŸh@}r­ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r® hUX put_recordr¯ …r° }r± (h+Uh,j« ubaubh¥)r² }r³ (h+Uh,j¢ hh¨h@}r´ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rµ (h«)r¶ }r· (h+X stream_nameh@}r¸ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j² hL]r¹ hUX stream_namerº …r» }r¼ (h+Uh,j¶ ubah>h³ubh«)r½ }r¾ (h+Xdatah@}r¿ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j² hL]rÀ hUXdatarÁ …r }rà (h+Uh,j½ ubah>h³ubh«)rÄ }rÅ (h+X partition_keyh@}rÆ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j² hL]rÇ hUX partition_keyrÈ …rÉ }rÊ (h+Uh,jÄ ubah>h³ubh«)rË }rÌ (h+Xexplicit_hash_key=Noneh@}rÍ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j² hL]rÎ hUXexplicit_hash_key=NonerÏ …rÐ }rÑ (h+Uh,jË ubah>h³ubh«)rÒ }rÓ (h+X!sequence_number_for_ordering=Noneh@}rÔ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j² hL]rÕ hUX!sequence_number_for_ordering=NonerÖ …r× }rØ (h+Uh,jÒ ubah>h³ubh«)rÙ }rÚ (h+X&exclusive_minimum_sequence_number=Noneh@}rÛ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j² hL]rÜ hUX&exclusive_minimum_sequence_number=NonerÝ …rÞ }rß (h+Uh,jÙ ubah>h³ubh«)rà }rá (h+Xb64_encode=Trueh@}râ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j² hL]rã hUXb64_encode=Truerä …rå }ræ (h+Uh,jà ubah>h³ubeubeubh-)rç }rè (h+Uh,jœ hh½h@}ré (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rê (hè)rë }rì (h+XòThis operation puts a data record into an Amazon Kinesis stream from a producer. This operation must be called to send data from the producer into the Amazon Kinesis stream for real-time ingestion and subsequent processing. The `PutRecord` operation requires the name of the stream that captures, stores, and transports the data; a partition key; and the data blob itself. The data blob could be a segment from a log file, geographic/location data, website clickstream data, or any other data type.h,jç hhíh@}rî (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rï (hUXäThis operation puts a data record into an Amazon Kinesis stream from a producer. This operation must be called to send data from the producer into the Amazon Kinesis stream for real-time ingestion and subsequent processing. The rð …rñ }rò (h+XäThis operation puts a data record into an Amazon Kinesis stream from a producer. This operation must be called to send data from the producer into the Amazon Kinesis stream for real-time ingestion and subsequent processing. The h,jë ubjä)ró }rô (h+X `PutRecord`h@}rõ (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jë hL]rö hUX PutRecordr÷ …rø }rù (h+Uh,jó ubah>jìubhUX operation requires the name of the stream that captures, stores, and transports the data; a partition key; and the data blob itself. The data blob could be a segment from a log file, geographic/location data, website clickstream data, or any other data type.rú …rû }rü (h+X operation requires the name of the stream that captures, stores, and transports the data; a partition key; and the data blob itself. The data blob could be a segment from a log file, geographic/location data, website clickstream data, or any other data type.h,jë ubeubhè)rý }rþ (h+X The partition key is used to distribute data across shards. Amazon Kinesis segregates the data records that belong to a data stream into multiple shards, using the partition key associated with each data record to determine which shard a given data record belongs to.rÿ h,jç hhíh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK hKhhL]rhUX The partition key is used to distribute data across shards. Amazon Kinesis segregates the data records that belong to a data stream into multiple shards, using the partition key associated with each data record to determine which shard a given data record belongs to.r…r}r(h+jÿ h,jý ubaubhè)r}r(h+XÀPartition keys are Unicode strings, with a maximum length limit of 256 bytes. An MD5 hash function is used to map partition keys to 128-bit integer values and to map associated data records to shards using the hash key ranges of the shards. You can override hashing the partition key to determine the shard by explicitly specifying a hash value using the `ExplicitHashKey` parameter. For more information, see the `Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_.h,jç hhíh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r(hUXcPartition keys are Unicode strings, with a maximum length limit of 256 bytes. An MD5 hash function is used to map partition keys to 128-bit integer values and to map associated data records to shards using the hash key ranges of the shards. You can override hashing the partition key to determine the shard by explicitly specifying a hash value using the r …r }r (h+XcPartition keys are Unicode strings, with a maximum length limit of 256 bytes. An MD5 hash function is used to map partition keys to 128-bit integer values and to map associated data records to shards using the hash key ranges of the shards. You can override hashing the partition key to determine the shard by explicitly specifying a hash value using the h,jubjä)r }r (h+X`ExplicitHashKey`h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rhUXExplicitHashKeyr…r}r(h+Uh,j ubah>jìubhUX* parameter. For more information, see the r…r}r(h+X* parameter. For more information, see the h,jubj7 )r}r(h+X!`Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_rh,jhj; h@}r(hE]rUid6rahD]hB]hC]hH]UrefidUid5ruhJNhKhhL]rhUX!`Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_r…r}r (h+Uh,jubaubhUX.…r!}r"(h+X.h,jubeubhè)r#}r$(h+X‚`PutRecord` returns the shard ID of where the data record was placed and the sequence number that was assigned to the data record.h,jç hhíh@}r%(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r&(jä)r'}r((h+X `PutRecord`h@}r)(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j#hL]r*hUX PutRecordr+…r,}r-(h+Uh,j'ubah>jìubhUXw returns the shard ID of where the data record was placed and the sequence number that was assigned to the data record.r.…r/}r0(h+Xw returns the shard ID of where the data record was placed and the sequence number that was assigned to the data record.h,j#ubeubhè)r1}r2(h+XÉSequence numbers generally increase over time. To guarantee strictly increasing ordering, use the `SequenceNumberForOrdering` parameter. For more information, see the `Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_.h,jç hhíh@}r3(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r4(hUXbSequence numbers generally increase over time. To guarantee strictly increasing ordering, use the r5…r6}r7(h+XbSequence numbers generally increase over time. To guarantee strictly increasing ordering, use the h,j1ubjä)r8}r9(h+X`SequenceNumberForOrdering`h@}r:(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j1hL]r;hUXSequenceNumberForOrderingr<…r=}r>(h+Uh,j8ubah>jìubhUX* parameter. For more information, see the r?…r@}rA(h+X* parameter. For more information, see the h,j1ubj7 )rB}rC(h+X!`Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_rDh,j1hj; h@}rE(hE]rFUid8rGahD]hB]hC]hH]UrefidUid7rHuhJNhKhhL]rIhUX!`Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_rJ…rK}rL(h+Uh,jBubaubhUX.…rM}rN(h+X.h,j1ubeubhè)rO}rP(h+X¾If a `PutRecord` request cannot be processed because of insufficient provisioned throughput on the shard involved in the request, `PutRecord` throws `ProvisionedThroughputExceededException`.h,jç hhíh@}rQ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK#hKhhL]rR(hUXIf a rS…rT}rU(h+XIf a h,jOubjä)rV}rW(h+X `PutRecord`h@}rX(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jOhL]rYhUX PutRecordrZ…r[}r\(h+Uh,jVubah>jìubhUXr request cannot be processed because of insufficient provisioned throughput on the shard involved in the request, r]…r^}r_(h+Xr request cannot be processed because of insufficient provisioned throughput on the shard involved in the request, h,jOubjä)r`}ra(h+X `PutRecord`h@}rb(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jOhL]rchUX PutRecordrd…re}rf(h+Uh,j`ubah>jìubhUX throws rg…rh}ri(h+X throws h,jOubjä)rj}rk(h+X(`ProvisionedThroughputExceededException`h@}rl(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jOhL]rmhUX&ProvisionedThroughputExceededExceptionrn…ro}rp(h+Uh,jjubah>jìubhUX.…rq}rr(h+X.h,jOubeubhè)rs}rt(h+XlData records are accessible for only 24 hours from the time that they are added to an Amazon Kinesis stream.ruh,jç hhíh@}rv(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK(hKhhL]rwhUXlData records are accessible for only 24 hours from the time that they are added to an Amazon Kinesis stream.rx…ry}rz(h+juh,jsubaubhó)r{}r|(h+Uh,jç hhöh@}r}(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r~hù)r}r€(h+Uh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j{hL]r‚(hþ)rƒ}r„(h+Uh@}r…(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r†hUX Parametersr‡…rˆ}r‰(h+Uh,jƒubah>jubj)rŠ}r‹(h+Uh@}rŒ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rj9)rŽ}r(h+Uh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jŠhL]r‘(j>)r’}r“(h+Uh@}r”(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jŽhL]r•hè)r–}r—(h+Uh@}r˜(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j’hL]r™(j)rš}r›(h+X stream_nameh@}rœ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j–hL]rhUX stream_namerž…rŸ}r (h+Uh,jšubah>j ubhUX (r¡…r¢}r£(h+Uh,j–ubj,)r¤}r¥(h+Uh@}r¦(UreftypejZU reftargetXstringr§U refdomainjŸ hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,j–hL]r¨j])r©}rª(h+j§h@}r«(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j¤hL]r¬hUXstringr­…r®}r¯(h+Uh,j©ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r°}r±(h+Uh,j–ubhUX -- r²…r³}r´(h+Uh,j–ubhUX3The name of the stream to put the data record into.rµ…r¶}r·(h+X3The name of the stream to put the data record into.r¸h,j–ubeh>híubah>jeubj>)r¹}rº(h+Uh@}r»(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jŽhL]r¼hè)r½}r¾(h+Uh@}r¿(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j¹hL]rÀ(j)rÁ}rÂ(h+Xdatah@}rÃ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j½hL]rÄhUXdatarÅ…rÆ}rÇ(h+Uh,jÁubah>j ubhUX (rÈ…rÉ}rÊ(h+Uh,j½ubj,)rË}rÌ(h+Uh@}rÍ(UreftypejZU reftargetXblobrÎU refdomainjŸ hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,j½hL]rÏj])rÐ}rÑ(h+jÎh@}rÒ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jËhL]rÓhUXblobrÔ…rÕ}rÖ(h+Uh,jÐubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r×}rØ(h+Uh,j½ubhUX -- rÙ…rÚ}rÛ(h+Uh,j½ubhUXºThe data blob to put into the record, which is Base64-encoded when the blob is serialized. The maximum size of the data blob (the payload after Base64-decoding) is 50 kilobytes (KB) Set rÜ…rÝ}rÞ(h+XºThe data blob to put into the record, which is Base64-encoded when the blob is serialized. The maximum size of the data blob (the payload after Base64-decoding) is 50 kilobytes (KB) Set h,j½ubjä)rß}rà(h+X `b64_encode`h@}rá(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j½hL]râhUX b64_encoderã…rä}rå(h+Uh,jßubah>jìubhUX& to disable automatic Base64 encoding.ræ…rç}rè(h+X& to disable automatic Base64 encoding.h,j½ubeh>híubah>jeubj>)ré}rê(h+Uh@}rë(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jŽhL]rìhè)rí}rî(h+Uh@}rï(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jéhL]rð(j)rñ}rò(h+X partition_keyh@}ró(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jíhL]rôhUX partition_keyrõ…rö}r÷(h+Uh,jñubah>j ubhUX (rø…rù}rú(h+Uh,jíubj,)rû}rü(h+Uh@}rý(UreftypejZU reftargetXstringrþU refdomainjŸ hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jíhL]rÿj])r}r(h+jþh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jûhL]rhUXstringr…r}r(h+Uh,jubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r}r(h+Uh,jíubhUX -- r …r }r (h+Uh,jíubhUX#Determines which shard in the stream the data record is assigned to. Partition keys are Unicode strings with a maximum length limit of 256 bytes. Amazon Kinesis uses the partition key as input to a hash function that maps the partition key and associated data to a specific shard. Specifically, an MD5 hash function is used to map partition keys to 128-bit integer values and to map associated data records to shards. As a result of this hashing mechanism, all data records with the same partition key will map to the same shard within the stream.r …r }r(h+X#Determines which shard in the stream the data record is assigned to. Partition keys are Unicode strings with a maximum length limit of 256 bytes. Amazon Kinesis uses the partition key as input to a hash function that maps the partition key and associated data to a specific shard. Specifically, an MD5 hash function is used to map partition keys to 128-bit integer values and to map associated data records to shards. As a result of this hashing mechanism, all data records with the same partition key will map to the same shard within the stream.rh,jíubeh>híubah>jeubj>)r}r(h+Uh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jŽhL]rhè)r}r(h+Uh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r(j)r}r(h+Xexplicit_hash_keyh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rhUXexplicit_hash_keyr…r}r(h+Uh,jubah>j ubhUX (r…r }r!(h+Uh,jubj,)r"}r#(h+Uh@}r$(UreftypejZU reftargetXstringr%U refdomainjŸ hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jhL]r&j])r'}r((h+j%h@}r)(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j"hL]r*hUXstringr+…r,}r-(h+Uh,j'ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r.}r/(h+Uh,jubhUX -- r0…r1}r2(h+Uh,jubhUXzThe hash value used to explicitly determine the shard the data record is assigned to by overriding the partition key hash.r3…r4}r5(h+XzThe hash value used to explicitly determine the shard the data record is assigned to by overriding the partition key hash.r6h,jubeh>híubah>jeubj>)r7}r8(h+Uh@}r9(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jŽhL]r:hè)r;}r<(h+Uh@}r=(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j7hL]r>(j)r?}r@(h+Xsequence_number_for_orderingh@}rA(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j;hL]rBhUXsequence_number_for_orderingrC…rD}rE(h+Uh,j?ubah>j ubhUX (rF…rG}rH(h+Uh,j;ubj,)rI}rJ(h+Uh@}rK(UreftypejZU reftargetXstringrLU refdomainjŸ hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,j;hL]rMj])rN}rO(h+jLh@}rP(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jIhL]rQhUXstringrR…rS}rT(h+Uh,jNubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…rU}rV(h+Uh,j;ubhUX -- rW…rX}rY(h+Uh,j;ubhUX}Guarantees strictly increasing sequence numbers, for puts from the same client and to the same partition key. Usage: set the rZ…r[}r\(h+X}Guarantees strictly increasing sequence numbers, for puts from the same client and to the same partition key. Usage: set the h,j;ubjä)r]}r^(h+X`SequenceNumberForOrdering`h@}r_(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j;hL]r`hUXSequenceNumberForOrderingra…rb}rc(h+Uh,j]ubah>jìubhUXÆ of record n to the sequence number of record n-1 (as returned in the PutRecordResult when putting record n-1 ). If this parameter is not set, records will be coarsely ordered based on arrival time.rd…re}rf(h+XÆ of record n to the sequence number of record n-1 (as returned in the PutRecordResult when putting record n-1 ). If this parameter is not set, records will be coarsely ordered based on arrival time.h,j;ubeh>híubah>jeubj>)rg}rh(h+Uh@}ri(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jŽhL]rjhè)rk}rl(h+Uh@}rm(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jghL]rn(j)ro}rp(h+X b64_encodeh@}rq(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jkhL]rrhUX b64_encoders…rt}ru(h+Uh,joubah>j ubhUX (rv…rw}rx(h+Uh,jkubj,)ry}rz(h+Uh@}r{(UreftypejZU reftargetXbooleanr|U refdomainjŸ hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jkhL]r}j])r~}r(h+j|h@}r€(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jyhL]rhUXbooleanr‚…rƒ}r„(h+Uh,j~ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r…}r†(h+Uh,jkubhUX -- r‡…rˆ}r‰(h+Uh,jkubhUXWhether to Base64 encode rŠ…r‹}rŒ(h+XWhether to Base64 encode h,jkubjä)r}rŽ(h+X`data`h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jkhL]rhUXdatar‘…r’}r“(h+Uh,jubah>jìubhUX. Can be set to r”…r•}r–(h+X. Can be set to h,jkubj;)r—}r˜(h+X ``False``h@}r™(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jkhL]ršhUXFalser›…rœ}r(h+Uh,j—ubah>jFubhUX if rž…rŸ}r (h+X if h,jkubjä)r¡}r¢(h+X`data`h@}r£(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jkhL]r¤hUXdatar¥…r¦}r§(h+Uh,j¡ubah>jìubhUX/ is already encoded to prevent double encoding.r¨…r©}rª(h+X/ is already encoded to prevent double encoding.h,jkubeh>híubah>jeubeh>j²ubah>jubeh>jubaubeubeubhi)r«}r¬(h+Uh,h3hhmh@}r­(hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]Uentries]r®(hpX<split_shard() (boto.kinesis.layer1.KinesisConnection method)hUtr¯auhJNhKhhL]ubh0)r°}r±(h+Uh,h3hhyh@}r²(h{‰h|Xpyr³hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}Xmethodr´hj´uhJNhKhhL]rµ(h)r¶}r·(h+XQKinesisConnection.split_shard(stream_name, shard_to_split, new_starting_hash_key)h,j°hh…h@}r¸(hE]r¹hahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1rº…r»}r¼bhD]hB]hC]hH]r½hahŽXKinesisConnection.split_shardhj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]r¾(hœ)r¿}rÀ(h+X split_shardh,j¶hhŸh@}rÁ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rÂhUX split_shardrÃ…rÄ}rÅ(h+Uh,j¿ubaubh¥)rÆ}rÇ(h+Uh,j¶hh¨h@}rÈ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rÉ(h«)rÊ}rË(h+X stream_nameh@}rÌ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÆhL]rÍhUX stream_namerÎ…rÏ}rÐ(h+Uh,jÊubah>h³ubh«)rÑ}rÒ(h+Xshard_to_splith@}rÓ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÆhL]rÔhUXshard_to_splitrÕ…rÖ}r×(h+Uh,jÑubah>h³ubh«)rØ}rÙ(h+Xnew_starting_hash_keyh@}rÚ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÆhL]rÛhUXnew_starting_hash_keyrÜ…rÝ}rÞ(h+Uh,jØubah>h³ubeubeubh-)rß}rà(h+Uh,j°hh½h@}rá(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]râ(hè)rã}rä(h+X%This operation splits a shard into two new shards in the stream, to increase the stream's capacity to ingest and transport data. `SplitShard` is called when there is a need to increase the overall capacity of stream because of an expected increase in the volume of data records being ingested.h,jßhhíh@}ræ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rç(hUXThis operation splits a shard into two new shards in the stream, to increase the stream's capacity to ingest and transport data. rè…ré}rê(h+XThis operation splits a shard into two new shards in the stream, to increase the stream's capacity to ingest and transport data. h,jãubjä)rë}rì(h+X `SplitShard`h@}rí(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jãhL]rîhUX SplitShardrï…rð}rñ(h+Uh,jëubah>jìubhUX˜ is called when there is a need to increase the overall capacity of stream because of an expected increase in the volume of data records being ingested.rò…ró}rô(h+X˜ is called when there is a need to increase the overall capacity of stream because of an expected increase in the volume of data records being ingested.h,jãubeubhè)rõ}rö(h+X `SplitShard` can also be used when a given shard appears to be approaching its maximum utilization, for example, when the set of producers sending data into the specific shard are suddenly sending more than previously anticipated. You can also call the `SplitShard` operation to increase stream capacity, so that more Amazon Kinesis applications can simultaneously read data from the stream for real-time processing.h,jßhhíh@}r÷(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rø(jä)rù}rú(h+X `SplitShard`h@}rû(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jõhL]rühUX SplitShardrý…rþ}rÿ(h+Uh,jùubah>jìubhUXñ can also be used when a given shard appears to be approaching its maximum utilization, for example, when the set of producers sending data into the specific shard are suddenly sending more than previously anticipated. You can also call the r…r}r(h+Xñ can also be used when a given shard appears to be approaching its maximum utilization, for example, when the set of producers sending data into the specific shard are suddenly sending more than previously anticipated. You can also call the h,jõubjä)r}r(h+X `SplitShard`h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jõhL]rhUX SplitShardr…r}r (h+Uh,jubah>jìubhUX— operation to increase stream capacity, so that more Amazon Kinesis applications can simultaneously read data from the stream for real-time processing.r …r }r (h+X— operation to increase stream capacity, so that more Amazon Kinesis applications can simultaneously read data from the stream for real-time processing.h,jõubeubhè)r }r(h+X«The `SplitShard` operation requires that you specify the shard to be split and the new hash key, which is the position in the shard where the shard gets split in two. In many cases, the new hash key might simply be the average of the beginning and ending hash key, but it can be any hash key value in the range being mapped into the shard. For more information about splitting shards, see the `Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_.h,jßhhíh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r(hUXThe r…r}r(h+XThe h,j ubjä)r}r(h+X `SplitShard`h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]rhUX SplitShardr…r}r(h+Uh,jubah>jìubhUXy operation requires that you specify the shard to be split and the new hash key, which is the position in the shard where the shard gets split in two. In many cases, the new hash key might simply be the average of the beginning and ending hash key, but it can be any hash key value in the range being mapped into the shard. For more information about splitting shards, see the r…r}r(h+Xy operation requires that you specify the shard to be split and the new hash key, which is the position in the shard where the shard gets split in two. In many cases, the new hash key might simply be the average of the beginning and ending hash key, but it can be any hash key value in the range being mapped into the shard. For more information about splitting shards, see the h,j ubj7 )r}r(h+X!`Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_r h,j hj; h@}r!(hE]r"Uid10r#ahD]hB]hC]hH]UrefidUid9r$uhJNhKhhL]r%hUX!`Amazon Kinesis Developer Guide`_r&…r'}r((h+Uh,jubaubhUX.…r)}r*(h+X.h,j ubeubhè)r+}r,(h+XÁYou can use the DescribeStream operation to determine the shard ID and hash key values for the `ShardToSplit` and `NewStartingHashKey` parameters that are specified in the `SplitShard` request.h,jßhhíh@}r-(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r.(hUX_You can use the DescribeStream operation to determine the shard ID and hash key values for the r/…r0}r1(h+X_You can use the DescribeStream operation to determine the shard ID and hash key values for the h,j+ubjä)r2}r3(h+X`ShardToSplit`h@}r4(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j+hL]r5hUX ShardToSplitr6…r7}r8(h+Uh,j2ubah>jìubhUX and r9…r:}r;(h+X and h,j+ubjä)r<}r=(h+X`NewStartingHashKey`h@}r>(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j+hL]r?hUXNewStartingHashKeyr@…rA}rB(h+Uh,j<ubah>jìubhUX& parameters that are specified in the rC…rD}rE(h+X& parameters that are specified in the h,j+ubjä)rF}rG(h+X `SplitShard`h@}rH(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j+hL]rIhUX SplitShardrJ…rK}rL(h+Uh,jFubah>jìubhUX request.rM…rN}rO(h+X request.h,j+ubeubhè)rP}rQ(h+XP`SplitShard` is an asynchronous operation. Upon receiving a `SplitShard` request, Amazon Kinesis immediately returns a response and sets the stream status to UPDATING. After the operation is completed, Amazon Kinesis sets the stream status to ACTIVE. Read and write operations continue to work while the stream is in the UPDATING state.h,jßhhíh@}rR(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]rS(jä)rT}rU(h+X `SplitShard`h@}rV(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jPhL]rWhUX SplitShardrX…rY}rZ(h+Uh,jTubah>jìubhUX0 is an asynchronous operation. Upon receiving a r[…r\}r](h+X0 is an asynchronous operation. Upon receiving a h,jPubjä)r^}r_(h+X `SplitShard`h@}r`(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jPhL]rahUX SplitShardrb…rc}rd(h+Uh,j^ubah>jìubhUX request, Amazon Kinesis immediately returns a response and sets the stream status to UPDATING. After the operation is completed, Amazon Kinesis sets the stream status to ACTIVE. Read and write operations continue to work while the stream is in the UPDATING state.re…rf}rg(h+X request, Amazon Kinesis immediately returns a response and sets the stream status to UPDATING. After the operation is completed, Amazon Kinesis sets the stream status to ACTIVE. Read and write operations continue to work while the stream is in the UPDATING state.h,jPubeubhè)rh}ri(h+XYou can use `DescribeStream` to check the status of the stream, which is returned in `StreamStatus`. If the stream is in the ACTIVE state, you can call `SplitShard`. If a stream is in CREATING or UPDATING or DELETING states, then Amazon Kinesis returns a `ResourceInUseException`.h,jßhhíh@}rj(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK#hKhhL]rk(hUX You can use rl…rm}rn(h+X You can use h,jhubjä)ro}rp(h+X`DescribeStream`h@}rq(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhhL]rrhUXDescribeStreamrs…rt}ru(h+Uh,joubah>jìubhUX9 to check the status of the stream, which is returned in rv…rw}rx(h+X9 to check the status of the stream, which is returned in h,jhubjä)ry}rz(h+X`StreamStatus`h@}r{(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhhL]r|hUX StreamStatusr}…r~}r(h+Uh,jyubah>jìubhUX5. If the stream is in the ACTIVE state, you can call r€…r}r‚(h+X5. If the stream is in the ACTIVE state, you can call h,jhubjä)rƒ}r„(h+X `SplitShard`h@}r…(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhhL]r†hUX SplitShardr‡…rˆ}r‰(h+Uh,jƒubah>jìubhUX[. If a stream is in CREATING or UPDATING or DELETING states, then Amazon Kinesis returns a rŠ…r‹}rŒ(h+X[. If a stream is in CREATING or UPDATING or DELETING states, then Amazon Kinesis returns a h,jhubjä)r}rŽ(h+X`ResourceInUseException`h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhhL]rhUXResourceInUseExceptionr‘…r’}r“(h+Uh,jubah>jìubhUX.…r”}r•(h+X.h,jhubeubhè)r–}r—(h+XÌIf the specified stream does not exist, Amazon Kinesis returns a `ResourceNotFoundException`. If you try to create more shards than are authorized for your account, you receive a `LimitExceededException`.h,jßhhíh@}r˜(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK)hKhhL]r™(hUXAIf the specified stream does not exist, Amazon Kinesis returns a rš…r›}rœ(h+XAIf the specified stream does not exist, Amazon Kinesis returns a h,j–ubjä)r}rž(h+X`ResourceNotFoundException`h@}rŸ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j–hL]r hUXResourceNotFoundExceptionr¡…r¢}r£(h+Uh,jubah>jìubhUXW. If you try to create more shards than are authorized for your account, you receive a r¤…r¥}r¦(h+XW. If you try to create more shards than are authorized for your account, you receive a h,j–ubjä)r§}r¨(h+X`LimitExceededException`h@}r©(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j–hL]rªhUXLimitExceededExceptionr«…r¬}r­(h+Uh,j§ubah>jìubhUX.…r®}r¯(h+X.h,j–ubeubhè)r°}r±(h+X½**Note:** The default limit for an AWS account is two shards per stream. If you need to create a stream with more than two shards, contact AWS Support to increase the limit on your account.h,jßhhíh@}r²(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK.hKhhL]r³(j)r´}rµ(h+X **Note:**h@}r¶(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j°hL]r·hUXNote:r¸…r¹}rº(h+Uh,j´ubah>j ubhUX´ The default limit for an AWS account is two shards per stream. If you need to create a stream with more than two shards, contact AWS Support to increase the limit on your account.r»…r¼}r½(h+X´ The default limit for an AWS account is two shards per stream. If you need to create a stream with more than two shards, contact AWS Support to increase the limit on your account.h,j°ubeubhè)r¾}r¿(h+XŸIf you try to operate on too many streams in parallel using CreateStream, DeleteStream, MergeShards or SplitShard, you will receive a `LimitExceededException`.h,jßhhíh@}rÀ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK3hKhhL]rÁ(hUX†If you try to operate on too many streams in parallel using CreateStream, DeleteStream, MergeShards or SplitShard, you will receive a rÂ…rÃ}rÄ(h+X†If you try to operate on too many streams in parallel using CreateStream, DeleteStream, MergeShards or SplitShard, you will receive a h,j¾ubjä)rÅ}rÆ(h+X`LimitExceededException`h@}rÇ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j¾hL]rÈhUXLimitExceededExceptionrÉ…rÊ}rË(h+Uh,jÅubah>jìubhUX.…rÌ}rÍ(h+X.h,j¾ubeubhè)rÎ}rÏ(h+X@`SplitShard` has limit of 5 transactions per second per account.h,jßhhíh@}rÐ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK7hKhhL]rÑ(jä)rÒ}rÓ(h+X `SplitShard`h@}rÔ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÎhL]rÕhUX SplitShardrÖ…r×}rØ(h+Uh,jÒubah>jìubhUX4 has limit of 5 transactions per second per account.rÙ…rÚ}rÛ(h+X4 has limit of 5 transactions per second per account.h,jÎubeubhó)rÜ}rÝ(h+Uh,jßhhöh@}rÞ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rßhù)rà}rá(h+Uh@}râ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÜhL]rã(hþ)rä}rå(h+Uh@}ræ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jàhL]rçhUX Parametersrè…ré}rê(h+Uh,jäubah>jubj)rë}rì(h+Uh@}rí(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jàhL]rîj9)rï}rð(h+Uh@}rñ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jëhL]rò(j>)ró}rô(h+Uh@}rõ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jïhL]röhè)r÷}rø(h+Uh@}rù(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jóhL]rú(j)rû}rü(h+X stream_nameh@}rý(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j÷hL]rþhUX stream_namerÿ…r}r(h+Uh,jûubah>j ubhUX (r…r}r(h+Uh,j÷ubj,)r}r(h+Uh@}r(UreftypejZU reftargetXstringrU refdomainj³hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,j÷hL]r j])r }r (h+jh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r hUXstringr…r}r(h+Uh,j ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r}r(h+Uh,j÷ubhUX -- r…r}r(h+Uh,j÷ubhUX+The name of the stream for the shard split.r…r}r(h+X+The name of the stream for the shard split.rh,j÷ubeh>híubah>jeubj>)r}r(h+Uh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jïhL]rhè)r}r(h+Uh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r!(j)r"}r#(h+Xshard_to_splith@}r$(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r%hUXshard_to_splitr&…r'}r((h+Uh,j"ubah>j ubhUX (r)…r*}r+(h+Uh,jubj,)r,}r-(h+Uh@}r.(UreftypejZU reftargetXstringr/U refdomainj³hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jhL]r0j])r1}r2(h+j/h@}r3(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j,hL]r4hUXstringr5…r6}r7(h+Uh,j1ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r8}r9(h+Uh,jubhUX -- r:…r;}r<(h+Uh,jubhUX#The shard ID of the shard to split.r=…r>}r?(h+X#The shard ID of the shard to split.r@h,jubeh>híubah>jeubj>)rA}rB(h+Uh@}rC(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jïhL]rDhè)rE}rF(h+Uh@}rG(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jAhL]rH(j)rI}rJ(h+Xnew_starting_hash_keyh@}rK(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jEhL]rLhUXnew_starting_hash_keyrM…rN}rO(h+Uh,jIubah>j ubhUX (rP…rQ}rR(h+Uh,jEubj,)rS}rT(h+Uh@}rU(UreftypejZU reftargetXstringrVU refdomainj³hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,jEhL]rWj])rX}rY(h+jVh@}rZ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jShL]r[hUXstringr\…r]}r^(h+Uh,jXubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…r_}r`(h+Uh,jEubhUX -- ra…rb}rc(h+Uh,jEubhUXÊA hash key value for the starting hash key of one of the child shards created by the split. The hash key range for a given shard constitutes a set of ordered contiguous positive integers. The value for rd…re}rf(h+XÊA hash key value for the starting hash key of one of the child shards created by the split. The hash key range for a given shard constitutes a set of ordered contiguous positive integers. The value for h,jEubjä)rg}rh(h+X`NewStartingHashKey`h@}ri(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jEhL]rjhUXNewStartingHashKeyrk…rl}rm(h+Uh,jgubah>jìubhUXD must be in the range of hash keys being mapped into the shard. The rn…ro}rp(h+XD must be in the range of hash keys being mapped into the shard. The h,jEubjä)rq}rr(h+X`NewStartingHashKey`h@}rs(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jEhL]rthUXNewStartingHashKeyru…rv}rw(h+Uh,jqubah>jìubhUXÁ hash key value and all higher hash key values in hash key range are distributed to one of the child shards. All the lower hash key values in the range are distributed to the other child shard.rx…ry}rz(h+XÁ hash key value and all higher hash key values in hash key range are distributed to one of the child shards. All the lower hash key values in the range are distributed to the other child shard.h,jEubeh>híubah>jeubeh>j²ubah>jubeh>jubaubeubeubeubhhyh@}r{(h{‰h|Xpyr|hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]h}Xmethodr}hj}uhJNhKhhL]r~(h)r}r€(h+X9KinesisConnection.create_stream(stream_name, shard_count)h,h1hh…h@}r(hE]r‚hahˆh‰Xboto.kinesis.layer1rƒ…r„}r…bhD]hB]hC]hH]r†hahŽXKinesisConnection.create_streamhj–h‘‰uhJNhKhhL]r‡(hœ)rˆ}r‰(h+X create_streamh,jhhŸh@}rŠ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r‹hUX create_streamrŒ…r}rŽ(h+Uh,jˆubaubh¥)r}r(h+Uh,jhh¨h@}r‘(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r’(h«)r“}r”(h+X stream_nameh@}r•(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r–hUX stream_namer—…r˜}r™(h+Uh,j“ubah>h³ubh«)rš}r›(h+X shard_counth@}rœ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]rhUX shard_countrž…rŸ}r (h+Uh,jšubah>h³ubeubeubh.eubhh½h@}r¡(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r¢(hè)r£}r¤(h+XcThis operation adds a new Amazon Kinesis stream to your AWS account. A stream captures and transports data records that are continuously emitted from different data sources or producers . Scale-out within an Amazon Kinesis stream is explicitly supported by means of shards, which are uniquely identified groups of data records in an Amazon Kinesis stream.r¥h,h.hhíh@}r§(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r¨hUXcThis operation adds a new Amazon Kinesis stream to your AWS account. A stream captures and transports data records that are continuously emitted from different data sources or producers . Scale-out within an Amazon Kinesis stream is explicitly supported by means of shards, which are uniquely identified groups of data records in an Amazon Kinesis stream.r©…rª}r«(h+j¥h,j£ubaubhè)r¬}r­(h+XºYou specify and control the number of shards that a stream is composed of. Each shard can support up to 5 read transactions per second up to a maximum total of 2 MB of data read per second. Each shard can support up to 1000 write transactions per second up to a maximum total of 1 MB data written per second. You can add shards to a stream if the amount of data input increases and you can remove shards if the amount of data input decreases.r®h,h.hhíh@}r¯(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r°hUXºYou specify and control the number of shards that a stream is composed of. Each shard can support up to 5 read transactions per second up to a maximum total of 2 MB of data read per second. Each shard can support up to 1000 write transactions per second up to a maximum total of 1 MB data written per second. You can add shards to a stream if the amount of data input increases and you can remove shards if the amount of data input decreases.r±…r²}r³(h+j®h,j¬ubaubhè)r´}rµ(h+X$The stream name identifies the stream. The name is scoped to the AWS account used by the application. It is also scoped by region. That is, two streams in two different accounts can have the same name, and two streams in the same account, but in two different regions, can have the same name.r¶h,h.hhíh@}r·(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r¸hUX$The stream name identifies the stream. The name is scoped to the AWS account used by the application. It is also scoped by region. That is, two streams in two different accounts can have the same name, and two streams in the same account, but in two different regions, can have the same name.r¹…rº}r»(h+j¶h,j´ubaubhè)r¼}r½(h+X5`CreateStream` is an asynchronous operation. Upon receiving a `CreateStream` request, Amazon Kinesis immediately returns and sets the stream status to CREATING. After the stream is created, Amazon Kinesis sets the stream status to ACTIVE. You should perform read and write operations only on an ACTIVE stream.h,h.hhíh@}r¾(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r¿(jä)rÀ}rÁ(h+X`CreateStream`h@}rÂ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j¼hL]rÃhUX CreateStreamrÄ…rÅ}rÆ(h+Uh,jÀubah>jìubhUX0 is an asynchronous operation. Upon receiving a rÇ…rÈ}rÉ(h+X0 is an asynchronous operation. Upon receiving a h,j¼ubjä)rÊ}rË(h+X`CreateStream`h@}rÌ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j¼hL]rÍhUX CreateStreamrÎ…rÏ}rÐ(h+Uh,jÊubah>jìubhUXé request, Amazon Kinesis immediately returns and sets the stream status to CREATING. After the stream is created, Amazon Kinesis sets the stream status to ACTIVE. You should perform read and write operations only on an ACTIVE stream.rÑ…rÒ}rÓ(h+Xé request, Amazon Kinesis immediately returns and sets the stream status to CREATING. After the stream is created, Amazon Kinesis sets the stream status to ACTIVE. You should perform read and write operations only on an ACTIVE stream.h,j¼ubeubhè)rÔ}rÕ(h+XrYou receive a `LimitExceededException` when making a `CreateStream` request if you try to do one of the following:h,h.hhíh@}rÖ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJKhKhhL]r×(hUXYou receive a rØ…rÙ}rÚ(h+XYou receive a h,jÔubjä)rÛ}rÜ(h+X`LimitExceededException`h@}rÝ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÔhL]rÞhUXLimitExceededExceptionrß…rà}rá(h+Uh,jÛubah>jìubhUX when making a râ…rã}rä(h+X when making a h,jÔubjä)rå}ræ(h+X`CreateStream`h@}rç(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jÔhL]rèhUX CreateStreamré…rê}rë(h+Uh,jåubah>jìubhUX/ request if you try to do one of the following:rì…rí}rî(h+X/ request if you try to do one of the following:h,jÔubeubj9)rï}rð(h+Uh,h.hj²h@}rñ(j+ X+hE]hD]hB]hC]hH]uhJK"hKhhL]rò(j>)ró}rô(h+XGHave more than five streams in the CREATING state at any point in time.h,jïhjeh@}rõ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]röhè)r÷}rø(h+XGHave more than five streams in the CREATING state at any point in time.rùh,jóhhíh@}rú(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK"hL]rûhUXGHave more than five streams in the CREATING state at any point in time.rü…rý}rþ(h+jùh,j÷ubaubaubj>)rÿ}r(h+X:Create more shards than are authorized for your account. h,jïhjeh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rhè)r}r(h+X8Create more shards than are authorized for your account.rh,jÿhhíh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK$hL]rhUX8Create more shards than are authorized for your account.r…r }r (h+jh,jubaubaubeubhè)r }r (h+X½**Note:** The default limit for an AWS account is two shards per stream. If you need to create a stream with more than two shards, contact AWS Support to increase the limit on your account.h,h.hhíh@}r (hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK'hKhhL]r(j)r}r(h+X **Note:**h@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j hL]rhUXNote:r…r}r(h+Uh,jubah>j ubhUX´ The default limit for an AWS account is two shards per stream. If you need to create a stream with more than two shards, contact AWS Support to increase the limit on your account.r…r}r(h+X´ The default limit for an AWS account is two shards per stream. If you need to create a stream with more than two shards, contact AWS Support to increase the limit on your account.h,j ubeubhè)r}r(h+XkYou can use the `DescribeStream` operation to check the stream status, which is returned in `StreamStatus`.h,h.hhíh@}r(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK,hKhhL]r(hUXYou can use the r…r}r(h+XYou can use the h,jubjä)r }r!(h+X`DescribeStream`h@}r"(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r#hUXDescribeStreamr$…r%}r&(h+Uh,j ubah>jìubhUX< operation to check the stream status, which is returned in r'…r(}r)(h+X< operation to check the stream status, which is returned in h,jubjä)r*}r+(h+X`StreamStatus`h@}r,(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r-hUX StreamStatusr.…r/}r0(h+Uh,j*ubah>jìubhUX.…r1}r2(h+X.h,jubeubhè)r3}r4(h+XD`CreateStream` has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account.h,h.hhíh@}r5(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK/hKhhL]r6(jä)r7}r8(h+X`CreateStream`h@}r9(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j3hL]r:hUX CreateStreamr;…r<}r=(h+Uh,j7ubah>jìubhUX6 has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account.r>…r?}r@(h+X6 has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account.h,j3ubeubhó)rA}rB(h+Uh,h.hhöh@}rC(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]rDhù)rE}rF(h+Uh@}rG(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jAhL]rH(hþ)rI}rJ(h+Uh@}rK(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jEhL]rLhUX ParametersrM…rN}rO(h+Uh,jIubah>jubj)rP}rQ(h+Uh@}rR(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jEhL]rSj9)rT}rU(h+Uh@}rV(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jPhL]rW(j>)rX}rY(h+Uh@}rZ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jThL]r[hè)r\}r](h+Uh@}r^(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jXhL]r_(j)r`}ra(h+X stream_nameh@}rb(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j\hL]rchUX stream_namerd…re}rf(h+Uh,j`ubah>j ubhUX (rg…rh}ri(h+Uh,j\ubj,)rj}rk(h+Uh@}rl(UreftypejZU reftargetXstringrmU refdomainj|hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,j\hL]rnj])ro}rp(h+jmh@}rq(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jjhL]rrhUXstringrs…rt}ru(h+Uh,joubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…rv}rw(h+Uh,j\ubhUX -- rx…ry}rz(h+Uh,j\ubhUXCA name to identify the stream. The stream name is scoped to the AWS account used by the application that creates the stream. It is also scoped by region. That is, two streams in two different AWS accounts can have the same name, and two streams in the same AWS account, but in two different regions, can have the same name.r{…r|}r}(h+XCA name to identify the stream. The stream name is scoped to the AWS account used by the application that creates the stream. It is also scoped by region. That is, two streams in two different AWS accounts can have the same name, and two streams in the same AWS account, but in two different regions, can have the same name.h,j\ubeh>híubah>jeubj>)r~}r(h+Uh@}r€(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jThL]rhè)r‚}rƒ(h+Uh@}r„(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j~hL]r…(j)r†}r‡(h+X shard_counth@}rˆ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j‚hL]r‰hUX shard_countrŠ…r‹}rŒ(h+Uh,j†ubah>j ubhUX (r…rŽ}r(h+Uh,j‚ubj,)r}r‘(h+Uh@}r’(UreftypejZU reftargetXintegerr“U refdomainj|hE]hD]U refexplicit‰hB]hC]hH]uh,j‚hL]r”j])r•}r–(h+j“h@}r—(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,jhL]r˜hUXintegerr™…rš}r›(h+Uh,j•ubah>jeubah>j0ubhUX)…rœ}r(h+Uh,j‚ubhUX -- rž…rŸ}r (h+Uh,j‚ubhUX¯The number of shards that the stream will use. The throughput of the stream is a function of the number of shards; more shards are required for greater provisioned throughput.r¡…r¢}r£(h+X¯The number of shards that the stream will use. The throughput of the stream is a function of the number of shards; more shards are required for greater provisioned throughput.h,j‚ubeh>híubah>jeubeh>j²ubah>jubeh>jubaubjü )r¤}r¥(h+Uh,h.hjÿ h@}r¦(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJNhKhhL]r§j )r¨}r©(h+X½**Note:** The default limit for an AWS account is two shards per stream. If you need to create a stream with more than two shards, contact AWS Support to increase the limit on your account.h,j¤hj h@}rª(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK?hL]r«(j )r¬}r­(h+X@**Note:** The default limit for an AWS account is two shards perh,j¨hj h@}r®(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK?hL]r¯(j)r°}r±(h+X **Note:**h@}r²(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j¬hL]r³hUXNote:r´…rµ}r¶(h+Uh,j°ubah>j ubhUX7 The default limit for an AWS account is two shards perr·…r¸}r¹(h+X7 The default limit for an AWS account is two shards perh,j¬ubeubj )rº}r»(h+Uh@}r¼(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uh,j¨hL]r½hè)r¾}r¿(h+X|stream. If you need to create a stream with more than two shards, contact AWS Support to increase the limit on your account.rÀh,jºhhíh@}rÁ(hB]hC]hD]hE]hH]uhJK?hL]rÂhUX|stream. 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