'ResB = ''{0}''))"} -w,--where QueryString Query string. Example: "((prodid = ''NB'') && (stdate >= ''{0}''))" ܂Could not display all the log files because the file versions are incompatible. Please use the latest version of the Logging tool.܆ -b,--stdate StartDate Retrieve the log files beginning with those created at the given start date.ܠ -v,--version Display the version of the vxlogmgr command. -h,--help Display vxlogmgr usage information. Usage: vxlogcfg -a -p ProductID -c ConfigPath -n Names [-q] vxlogcfg -a -p ProductID -o OriginatorID -s KeyName=value [-q] vxlogcfg -a -p ProductID -g LogSet -s KeyName=value [-q] vxlogcfg -d -p ProductID vxlogcfg -l [-p ProductID [-o OriginatorID]] [-q] vxlogcfg -l [-p ProductID [-g LogSet]] [-q] vxlogcfg -r -p ProductID [-o OriginatorID] [-s KeyName] [-q] vxlogcfg -r -p ProductID [-g LogSet] [-s KeyName] [-q] vxlogcfg -h vxlogcfg -v -a,--all Display all log messages for multiple installed products. -l,--locale Locale Display messages for a given locale. The default is English. -z,--timezone {GMT+hh:mm | GMT-hh:mm} Use -z with other options to display messages with the time for the given timezone. -v,--version Display the version of the vxlogview command. -h,--help Display vxlogview usage information. pactions: -A,--arch FileName Create archive named FileName for the specified set of conditions. Requires WinZip and wzzip on Windows. Requires a tar utility and GnuZip on UNIX. -c,--cp Copy the log files from the log folder to the specified folder. -d,--del Delete the log files from the folder configured by the product. -m,--mv Move the log files from the log folder to the specified folder. -s,--vw View the log files. ߍUsage: vxlogmgr {-c|-m} -f AbsoluteDir [-a] vxlogmgr {-d|-F} [-a] vxlogmgr {-c|-m|-A FileName} -f AbsoluteDir [-p ProductID] [-o OriginatorID] [-n Days] [-t Time] [-b StartDate] [-g LogSet] [-e EndDate] [-q] [-z] vxlogmgr {-c|-m|-A FileName} -f AbsoluteDir -w QueryString [-q] [-z] vxlogmgr {-d|-F|-s} [-p ProductID] [-o OriginatorID] [-n Days] [-t Time] [-g LogSet] [-b StartDate] [-e EndDate] [-q] [-z] vxlogmgr {-d|-F|-s} -w QueryString [-q] [-z] vxlogmgr -v vxlogmgr -h  Usage: vxloggen -L {-M|-C|-E|-W|-F} [-O] [-S] [-T] -p ProductID -o OriginatorID [-i FileID] [-w Who] {-m TextID | -f FormatString | -m TextID -f FormatString} [ FormatArgs... ] vxloggen -D -l Level -p ProductID -o OriginatorID [-i FileID] -w Who -f FormatString [ ... ] [-S] vxloggen -A -s Subject -r Result -p ProductID -o OriginatorID [-i FileID] {-m TextID | -f FormatString | -m TextID -f FormatString} [ ForamtArgs... ] vxloggen -I -l Level -p ProductID -o OriginatorID [-i FileID] {-m TextID | -f FormatString | -m TextID -f FormatString} -w Who [-S] [ ... ] vxloggen -h vxloggen -v 0 -d,--display DisplayOption[,DisplayOption(s)...] Use -d with other vxlogview options such as -p, -o, and so on, to display fields of a log message. DisplayOption is case-sensitive and can be one or more of the following options. Multiple DisplayOptions must be separated by a comma. all - Display all fields of the log record c - Display context token D - Display date i - Display short name for a product m - Display message type n - Display Debug/Diagnostic log level O - Display originator id o - Display short name for an originator P - Display product id p - Display process id s - Display application log entry severity T - Display timestamp t - Display thread id u - Display application or diagnostic Unique Message ID w - Display who logged the Application, Diagnostic or Debug message x - Display the text of the log message 9options: -a,--auto Manage the log files based on the NumberOfLogFiles configuration settings. -F,--flush Deletes all log files for the host originating this command except the most current log file. Note: If the host running this command is using a shared directory, all log files for all hosts using the same directory will be removed except the current log file for the originating host. -f,--dir AbsoluteDir Copy, move or archive the log files to the absolute directory name AbsoluteDir. This option is mandatory for the action type cp, mv or arch. -n,--days Days Retrieve the log files that were created within the last number of days specified. -o,--orgid OriginatorID Retrieve the log files for a given originator ID. -g,--logset LogSet Retrieve the log files for a a given logset. -p,--prodid ProductID Retrieve the log files for a given product ID. -q,--quiet Do not display any messages; quiet mode. -t,--tail Time Retrieve the log files that were created within the time specified. Time should be in format hh:mm:ss. -z,--displaytimezone Display timezone information along with log file listing. Usage: vxlogview [-A] [-b StartDate] [-e EndDate] [-D] [-G Directory] [-I] [-i FileID] [-K HostName] [-L SeverityLevel] [-m Entity] [-N Level MsgTypes] [-n NumberofDays] [-o OriginatorID] [-P ProcessID] [-p ProductID] [-r Result] [-s Subject] [-T ThreadID] [-t hh:mm:ss] [-g LogSet] [-X ContextToken] [-y] {[-d DisplayOption] [-R ResourceDirectory] [-z TimeZone] [-l Locale]} vxlogview -a [-p ProductID] {[-d DisplayOption] [-R ResourceDirectory] [-z TimeZone] [-l Locale]} vxlogview -q QueryName -f FileName {[-d DisplayOption] [-R ResourceDirectory] [-z TimeZone] [-l Locale]} vxlogview -p ProductID -i FileID {[-d DisplayOption] [-R ResourceDirectory] [-z TimeZone] [-l Locale] [-c] [-S]} vxlogview -p ProductID -g LogSet {[-d DisplayOption] [-R ResourceDirectory] [-z TimeZone] [-l Locale] [-c] [-S]} vxlogview -w QueryString -p ProductID {[-d DisplayOption] [-R ResourceDirectory] [-z TimeZone] [-l Locale]} vxlogview -v vxlogview -h options: -L,--app Log an application message. -D,--debug Log a debug message. -A,--audit Log an audit message. -I,--diag Log a diagnostic message. -M,--emerg Log an application message of severity type emergency. -C,--crit Log an application message of severity type critical. -E,--err Log an application message of severity type error. -W,--warning Log an application message of severity type warning. -F,--info Log an application message of severity type info. -l,--level Level Set the level of the debug/diag message being logged. -w,--who Who Specify a name identifying who is logging the message -s,--subject Subject Set the security-related subject to be specified in an audit message. -r,--result Result Set the result of the security-related event being audited. A result of 0 indicates success and -1 indicates failure. -p,--prodid ProductID Specify a unique identifier for a given application. -o,--orgid OriginatorID Assign a unique identifier to the module that has generated the message. -i,--fileid FileID Log messages to shared originator's log file. -O,--oslog Also send the log message to the operating system log Write to UNIX syslog or the Windows NT Event log. -S,--stdout Also send the log message to standard output. -T,--stderr Also send the log message to standard error. -m,--textid TextID Assign a unique text ID to the message that is used for message localization. -f,--format FormatString Define the printf style format string and default English message. The string must be enclosed in ... double-quotes. Variable arguments correspond to format specifiers for format. The variable arguments must be the last parameters. Any parameters passed after variable arguments are treated as variable arguments. -q,--quiet Do not display error messages; quiet mode. This should be the first option on the command line. -h,--help Display vxloggen usage information. -v,--version Display the version of the vxloggen command. options: -a,--add Create the product log configuration settings. The existing settings will be overwritten. -c,--config ConfigPath Provide the absolute path to the product log config file. On Windows, provide the path to the registry settings, for example: SOFTWARE\\VERITAS\\PRODUCTA On UNIX, provide the path to the config file, for example: /opt/vrts/ProductA/log.conf -d,--delete If there are no originator IDs configured for this product, use this option to unregister and remove the product log config settings from the main config file. The corresponding product log config file is also deleted. -h,--help Display vxlogcfg usage information. -l,--list List all of the configured products, all of the originator IDs and logset for a product, or all of the configuration settings defined for a product ID and originator ID OR product ID and LogSet pair. -n,--names Names Specify abbreviated or short names for the product. Multiple names must be separated by a comma. -o,--orgid OriginatorID Add or modify log config settings for the given originator ID. OriginatorID can be passed as either a valid OriginatorID (a number),"Default" or "ALL". If OriginatorID is "Default" then the setting given by -s will become the default setting. If originator ID is "ALL" then the -s setting will be given to all the originators of the given product ID. -g,--logset LogSet Add or modify log config settings for the given LogSet. LogSet can be passed as a either string ,"Default" or "ALL". If LogSet is "Default" then the setting given by -s will become the default setting. If LogSet is "ALL" then the -s setting will be given to all the LogSet of the given product ID. -p,--prodid ProductID Add or modify configuration settings for the given ProductID. -r,--remove Unregister and remove the log config settings for the product and originatorID from the main logging config file. The individual product log config file is unchanged. -s,--setting KeyName=value Use this option with the -a, add option. Set OR individual configuration settings. KeyName is the configuration settings name and value is the value for that setting. Multiple settings can be added by providing multiple -s options. -s,--setting KeyName Use this option with the -r, remove option. While removing a configuration setting, provide only "keyname". Multiple settings can be removed by providing multiple -s options. -q,--quiet Do not display messages to the console; quiet mode. -v,--version Display the version of the vxlogcfg command. options: -A,--audit Display audit messages. -D,--debug Display debug log messages. -c,--showcorrupt Show corrupt messages. -f,--filename FileName The path and filename of a file that contains one or more queries. Use with the -q option. -G,--logdir Directory Display logs from a given directory instead of the configured log directory. -I,--diag Display diagnostic log messages. -i,--fileid FileID Display messages logged by a given FileID. A FileID is a shared orig ID or an OriginatorID not shared by any other ID. -K,--hostname HostName Display logs for the specified host name. -L,--app SeverityLevel Display application log messages for SeverityLevel of -C, -E, -F, -M, or -W. -C,--crit Critical - An error has occurred which may impact the availability of the application. -E,--err Error - An error has occurred but does not affect the entire application. -F,--info Info - An informational message. -M,--emerg Emergency - A condition exists that may result in operating system failure or shutdown. -W,--warning Warning - A problem has been detected. -m,--who Entity Display messages logged by the given entity method name or function name. -N,--level Level MsgTypes Display debug (-D) and/or diagnostic (-I) message types for the given Level (1-6). -n,--days Days Display log messages created within the number of days specified. -o,--orgid OriginatorID Display messages logged by a given originator ID. You can use the ID number or short name. -g,--logset LogSet Display messages logged by a given logset. -P,--pid ProcessID Display messages logged by a given process ID. -p,--prodid ProductID Display messages logged by a given product ID. -q,--query QueryName Query logfiles using a query set up in a file. The format of the query in the file is QueryName=Query. QueryName cannot contain single quotes and Query has the format of QueryString of the -w option except for the double quotes at start and end. -R,--resdir ResourceDirectory Use -R with other options to use the specified Resource from the specified Directory instead of using the configured originator resource directory. -r,--result Result Display audit messages for a given result (0 or 1). -S,--tailloop Continuously display new messages logged under a given ProductID and FileID OR ProductID and LogSet. See -i for FileID and -g for LogSet info. Use Ctrl-c to stop the loop. -s,--subject Subject Display audit messages for a given subject. -T,--tid ThreadID Display messages logged by a given thread ID. -t,--tail Time Display messages logged within the time specified. Time should be in format hh:mm:ss. -X,--ctx ContextToken Display messages belonging to the given context instance. Use 'ALL' to display all of the context instances. -y,--displayhost Display hostname along with the log. pv K\A1%f>> " vK   ]  OeTp?8r.{ 8 ^  &  u6  pO DZ (: . >NF " e mS}9>>E /CR   W u J =aE /C N2d j~f M](4RgI>v`2`vw3w5w;RgzwA`TwT``!U`Rdzw^`H`C`.` RM Z)gzwa`'```0`9` `` +wu`>`*` R )gzw```2`"`e%`$h`(`w``A` i;Dp <, <7