                         PBX VCS Configuration Script

On Unix,  PBX cluster configuration is  invoked through CPI installer  on any of
the nodes in the cluster. User needs to supply list of system names (separted by
space), Cluster Name  and Port Number.  This generates  the required input files
for the scripts.

On Windows, You would need to  generate the input file manually.  You can modify
the  template  vxWinClConfInput.txt and  change  the  values  according to  your

Once the input files are generated, configuration is a two step process.

1. The agents scripts need to be copied  to VCS directories.  This is to be done
   on all nodes by invoking the following command:

                    VxPBXclconf.pl -cvxWinClConfInput.txt -i

3. The following command creates the PBX  resources and brings PBX online on the
   cluster nodes.

                     VxPBXclconf.pl -cvxWinClConfInput.txt