+ HA001_TR: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = UNKN Class = S Err_Desc = 2200 Prob_Causes = 0500, ffff User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = 0500, ffff User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = e810, ffff Detail_Data = 80, 00A2, ALPHA Detail_Data = 150, 001E, ALPHA + HA002_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = 2100 Prob_Causes = 0500, ffff User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = 0500, ffff User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = 2001, 3000, ffff Detail_Data = 80, 00A2, ALPHA Detail_Data = 150, 001E, ALPHA + TS_DCECRED_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0020, "Cannot start. Cannot get DCE credentials for principal ssp/spbgroot"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0021, "DCE is not configured properly or is not active\nKeyfile /spdata/sys1/keyfiles/ssp/{hostname}/spbgroot is corrupted or missing\nFailed to create credential file since the /usr file system is full"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0022, "DCE is not configured properly or is not active\nKeyfile /spdata/sys1/keyfiles/ssp/{hostname}/spbgroot is corrupted or missing\nFailed to create credential file since the /usr file system is full"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0023, "Verify DCE status using command /usr/bin/lsdce. Start DCE using command /bin/start.dce\n See TS_DCECRED_ER section in PSSP Diagnosis Guide for procedures to restore keyfile\n Increase file system size of /usr using command /usr/sbin/chfs\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0024, "The return code from command /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/dsrvtgt"}, DEC Detail_Data = 96, {4, 0025, "See following file for more details"}, ALPHA + TS_KEYS_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0026, "Command ctmsskf failed to get keyfile information"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0027, "Cluster Security Services are not installed or configured properly\nKeyfile /spdata/sys1/keyfiles/rsct/{partition}/hats_ct is corrupted or missing"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0028, "Cluster Security Services are not configured properly or are not active\nKeyfile /spdata/sys1/keyfiles/rsct/{partition}/hats_ct is corrupted or missing"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0029, "Verify Cluster Security Services have been installed and configured\n See TS_KEYS_ER section in PSSP Diagnosis Guide for procedures to restore keyfile\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 002A, "The return code of command /opt/rsct/bin/ctmsskf"}, DEC Detail_Data = 96, {4, 002B, "See following file for more details"}, ALPHA + TS_AUTHMETH_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 002c, "Command lsauthpts failed to get authentication method"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 002d, "System security setting incorrect\nSP security services is not installed or configured properly"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 002e, "System security setting incorrect\nSP security services is not installed or configured properly"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 002f, "If the problem persists, call IBM Service."} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0030, "The return code of command /usr/bin/lsauthpts"}, DEC Detail_Data = 96, {4, 0031, "See following file for more details"}, ALPHA + TS_SYSPAR_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0032, "Cannot start. Cannot get system partition name"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0033, "Command /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spget_syspar\nfailed to retrieve partition name from SDR."} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0036, "SDR daemon on the control workstation is not running\nNetwork problem renders control workstation unreachable\nFile /etc/SDR_dest_info contains incorrect information"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0037, "Verify SDR server status\n Verify network status\n Verify contents of file /etc/SDR_dest_info"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_SP_DIR_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0038, "Cannot start. Cannot create working directory"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0039, "File system full. Can not create necessary directory"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 003a, "File system full. Can not create necessary directory"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 003b, "Increase file system size for /var using command /usr/sbin/chfs"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 003C, "The directory Topology Services script failed to create"}, ALPHA + TS_SDR_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0034, "Cannot start. Cannot access or update data in SDR"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0035, "Topology Services failed to retrieve data or file from SDR\nTopology Services failed to get credentials to write to SDR"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0036, "SDR daemon on the control workstation is not running\nNetwork problem renders control workstation unreachable\nFile /etc/SDR_dest_info contains incorrect information"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0037, "Verify SDR server status\n Verify network status\n Verify contents of file /etc/SDR_dest_info"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_CWSADDR_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 004c, "Cannot start. Control workstation address not found"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 004d, "The Ethernet adapter misconfigured on the CWS\nNo CWS Ethernet adapters reside on same subnet as Ethernet adapters on the nodes\nThe SDR class SP contains incorrect value in cw_ipaddrs attribute"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 004e, "The Ethernet adapter misconfigured on the CWS\nNo CWS Ethernet adapters reside on same subnet as Ethernet adapters on the nodes\nThe SDR class SP contains incorrect value in cw_ipaddrs attribute"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 004f, "Verify and correct the CWS Ethernet adapter configuration\n Verify and correct the CWS Ethernet information in SDR"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_LONGLINE_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0047, "Cannot start. Configuration line too long"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0048, "Length of a line in configuration file exceeds 80 characters"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0049, "Length of a line in configuration file exceeds 80 characters"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 004a, "If the problem persists, call IBM Service."} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 004B, "Topology Services daemon configuration file"}, ALPHA + TS_CMDFLAG_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 003d, "Cannot start. Command-line flag incorrect"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 003e, "Invalid flag letters are given to Topology Services during start-up\nInvalid flags are given to Topology Services during start-up"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 003f, "Invalid flag letters are given to Topology Services during start-up\nInvalid flags are given to Topology Services during start-up"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0040, "Correct the flags or flag letters. Restart Topology Services daemon"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 256, {4, 0041, "See following file for more information"}, ALPHA + TS_DUPNETNAME_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0042, "Cannot start/refresh: duplicated network name"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0043, "HACMP/ES: error in adapter configuration\nHACMP/ES: adapters of different types were configured in the same network\nPSSP: a problem in start-up script"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0044, "HACMP/ES: error in adapter configuration\nHACMP/ES: adapters of different types were configured in the same network\nPSSP: a problem in start-up script"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0045, "HACMP/ES: correct adapter specification\n PSSP: inform IBM Service"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 0046, "Network name that was duplicated"}, ALPHA + TS_START_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {4, 000d, "Topology Services daemon started"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 000f, "Daemon started during system start-up\nDaemon re-started automatically by SRC\nDaemon started during installation\nDaemon started manually by user"} User_Causes = {4, 000e, "Daemon started manually by user"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 0010, "Confirm that this is desirable"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 10, {4, 0011, "Topology Services daemon started by:"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 256, {4, 0012, "Topology Services daemon log file location"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 256, {4, 0013, "Topology Services daemon run directory"}, ALPHA + TS_STOP_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {4, 0014, "Topology Services daemon stopped"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0015, "Daemon stopped by SRC\nDaemon stopped by signal"} User_Causes = {4, 0016, "Daemon stopped by user"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 0017, "Confirm that this is desirable"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 40, {4, 0018, "Topology Services daemon stopped by:"}, ALPHA + TS_NODEDOWN_EM: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PEND Class = U Err_Desc = {4, 0019, "Remote nodes down"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 001a, "Remote nodes powered off\nRemote nodes crashed\nNetworking problems render remote nodes unreachable\nRemote nodes removed from configuration after refresh\nTopology Services daemon on remote nodes stopped"} User_Causes = {4, 001d, "User powered off remote nodes\nRemote nodes removed from configuration after refresh"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 001b, "Remote nodes crashed\nLost connection to remote nodes due to network problems\nRemote nodes hang"} User_Actions = {4, 001e, "Confirm that this is desirable"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 001c, "Get system dump from remote nodes. Re-boot remote nodes\n Clear networking problems\n Re-start Topology Services daemon on remote node\n Contact IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 001F, "File containing down node numbers and associated REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_NODEUP_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {4, 0008, "Remote down nodes came back up"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0009, "Remote nodes powered on\nRemote nodes re-booted\nPrevious network problems corrected"} User_Causes = {4, 000a, "Remote nodes powered on by user\nRemote nodes rebooted by user"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 000b, "Verify that remote nodes are up"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 000C, "File containing up node numbers and associated REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_SHMEMKEY_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0050, "Cannot start. Cannot get inter-process communication key for shared memory segments"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0051, "The path used for creating inter-process communication key does not exist"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0052, "The path used for creating inter-process communication key does not exist"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0053, "Verify that the path used for creating inter-process\n communication key exists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 40, {4, 0054, "Path used for creating inter-process communication key"}, ALPHA + TS_SHMGET_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0055, "Cannot start. Cannot get a shared memory segment"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0056, "A shared memory identifier exists for the key parameter\nAvailable physical memory not sufficient to hold the shared memory segment"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0057, "Available physical memory not sufficient to hold the shared memory segment"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0058, "Use /bin/ipcrm command to remove unused shared memory identifiers"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0059, "The key parameter value"}, HEX Detail_Data = 4, {4, 005A, "The number of bytes of requested shared memory"}, DEC + TS_SEMGET_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 005b, "Cannot start. Cannot get or initialize a semaphore"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 005c, "A semaphore identifier exists for the key parameter\nAvailable physical memory not sufficient for initializing the semaphore"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 005d, "Available physical memory not sufficient for initializing the semaphore"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 005e, "Use /bin/ipcrm command to remove unused semaphore sets"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 005F, "The key parameter value"}, HEX Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0060, "The errno value"}, DEC + TS_SHMAT_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0061, "Cannot start. Cannot attach to a shared memory segment"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0062, "An invalid shared memory identifier is used\nAvailable physical memory not sufficient to hold the shared memory segment"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0063, "Available physical memory not sufficient to hold the shared memory segment"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0064, "Use /bin/ipcrm command to remove one or more shared memory identifiers"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0065, "The shared memory identifier"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0066, "The number of bytes of requested shared memory"}, DEC + TS_SPNODENEG_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0223, "Cannot start or refresh. Bad node number"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0224, "Node number is out of range in configuration file"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0225, "The adapter_type or node_number attributes of SDR class Adapter\nindicates that node number is out of range"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0228, "List all interfaces in the cluster to find out\n\tthe correct node number for the network interface\n\tUnconfigure the network interface to the operating\n\tsystem and then re-add it after a few minutes\n\tIf problem persists then remove node from the cluster\n\tand re-add it after a few minutes\n\tContact IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 30, {4, 0229, "The adapter type"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 022A, "The invalid node number"}, DEC + TS_HANODENEG_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0223, "Cannot start or refresh. Bad node number"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0224, "Node number is out of range in configuration file"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0226, "ODM indicates that node number is out of range"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0228, "List all interfaces in the cluster to find out\n\tthe correct node number for the network interface\n\tUnconfigure the network interface to the operating\n\tsystem and then re-add it after a few minutes\n\tIf problem persists then remove node from the cluster\n\tand re-add it after a few minutes\n\tContact IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 30, {4, 0229, "The adapter type"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 022A, "The invalid node number"}, DEC + TS_CTNODENEG_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0223, "Cannot start or refresh. Bad node number"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0224, "Node number is out of range in configuration file"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0227, "The repository indicates that node number is out of range"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0228, "List all interfaces in the cluster to find out\n\tthe correct node number for the network interface\n\tUnconfigure the network interface to the operating\n\tsystem and then re-add it after a few minutes\n\tIf problem persists then remove node from the cluster\n\tand re-add it after a few minutes\n\tContact IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 30, {4, 0229, "The adapter type"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 022A, "The invalid node number"}, DEC + TS_SPNODEDUP_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0067, "Cannot start or refresh. Node number duplicated in configuration file"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0068, "Same node number appears more than once on one network"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = {4, 0069, "The adapter_type or node_number attributes of SDR class Adapter\nindicates that same node number appears more than once on one network"} Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = {4, 006c, "Verify and remove the duplication"} Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 30, {4, 006D, "The adapter type"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 006E, "The duplicated node number"}, DEC + TS_HANODEDUP_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0067, "Cannot start or refresh. Node number duplicated in configuration file"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0068, "Same node number appears more than once on one network"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = {4, 006a, "ODM indicates that same node number appears more than once on one network"} Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = {4, 006c, "Verify and remove the duplication"} Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 30, {4, 006D, "The adapter type"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 006E, "The duplicated node number"}, DEC + TS_CTNODEDUP_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0067, "Cannot start or refresh. Node number duplicated in configuration file"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0068, "Same node number appears more than once on one network"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = {4, 006b, "The repository indicates that same node number appears more than once on one network"} Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = {4, 006c, "Verify and remove the duplication"} Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 30, {4, 006D, "The adapter type"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 006E, "The duplicated node number"}, DEC + TS_SPIPDUP_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 006f, "Cannot start or refresh. IP address duplicated in configuration file"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0070, "Same IP address appears more than once on the system"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = {4, 0071, "The netaddr or node_number attributes of SDR class Adapter\nindicates that same IP address appears more than once on one network"} Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = {4, 0074, "Verify and remove the duplication"} Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0075, "The node number where IP address duplication occurs"}, DEC Detail_Data = 46, {4, 0076, "The duplicated IP address"}, ALPHA + TS_HAIPDUP_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 006f, "Cannot start or refresh. IP address duplicated in configuration file"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0070, "Same IP address appears more than once on the system"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = {4, 0072, "ODM indicates that same IP address appears more than once on the system"} Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = {4, 0074, "Verify and remove the duplication"} Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0075, "The node number where IP address duplication occurs"}, DEC Detail_Data = 46, {4, 0076, "The duplicated IP address"}, ALPHA + TS_CTIPDUP_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 006f, "Cannot start or refresh. IP address duplicated in configuration file"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0070, "Same IP address appears more than once on the system"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = {4, 0073, "The repository indicates that same IP address appears more than once on the system"} Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = {4, 0074, "Verify and remove the duplication"} Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0075, "The node number where IP address duplication occurs"}, DEC Detail_Data = 46, {4, 0076, "The duplicated IP address"}, ALPHA + TS_IPADDR_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0077, "Cannot start or refresh. Cannot convert an IP address to number"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0078, "IP address in SDR Adapter class has invalid format\nTopology Services configuration file corrupted"} User_Causes = {4, 0079, "IP address in SDR Adapter class has invalid format\nTopology Services configuration file corrupted"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 007a, "Verify and correct the IP address format stored in SDR Adapter class\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 46, {4, 007B, "The IP address in dot notation"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 007C, "The node number where this IP address is on"}, DEC + TS_NODENUM_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 007d, "Cannot start. Cannot get local node number"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 007e, "Command /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/node_number failed"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = {4, 007f, "Command /usr/lpp/ssp/install/bin/node_number failed"} Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = {4, 0080, "Verify contents of ODM class CuAt\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_LSOCK_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0081, "Cannot start. Cannot open listening socket for client connection"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0082, "System resources are not sufficient to complete the request\nFile name for UNIX domain socket already in use"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0083, "System resources are not sufficient to complete the request\nFile name for UNIX domain socket already in use"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0084, "Re-boot the node\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 60, {4, 0085, "Daemon can not open socket because of following reason"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0086, "System errno value"}, DEC + TS_RSOCK_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0087, "Cannot start. Cannot open UDP socket for daemon communications"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0088, "System resources are not sufficient to complete the request\nPort number already in use"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0089, "System resources are not sufficient to complete the request\nPort number already in use"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 008a, "Re-start Topology Services daemon\n Re-boot the node if problem persists\n If the problem persists after re-booting the node, call IBM Service."} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 60, {4, 008B, "Daemon can not open socket because of following reason"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 008C, "System errno value"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 008D, "The port number used by Topology Services daemon"}, DEC + TS_LOGFILE_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 008e, "Cannot start or continue. Cannot open private log file"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 008f, "The log file can not be opened because file system is full\nA message catalog mismatch prevented the log from being opened"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0090, "The log file can not be opened because file system is full\nA message catalog mismatch prevented the log from being opened"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0091, "Remove unused files in /var directory\n Increase file system size for /var using command /usr/sbin/chfs\n Remove or rename the message catalog, hats.cat"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 256, {4, 0092, "The name of the log file daemon attempts to open"}, ALPHA + TS_SERVICE_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0093, "Cannot start or refresh. No service entry in /etc/services"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0094, "A service entry for Topology Services does not exist in /etc/services"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = {4, 0095, "A service entry for Topology Services does not exist in /etc/services"} Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = {4, 0096, "Run the following commands:\n /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/syspar_ctrl -c\n /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/syspar_ctrl -A\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 40, {4, 0097, "The service name used as search key to query /etc/services"}, ALPHA + TS_IOCTL_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0098, "Cannot retrieve network interface configuration using ioctl"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0099, "The remote socket file descriptor is not valid"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 009a, "The remote socket file descriptor is not valid"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 009b, "Run the following commands:\n /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/syspar_ctrl -s\n to re-start the Topology Service daemon\n If the problem persists, call IBM Service."} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_THATTR_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 009c, "Cannot start. Cannot create or destroy a thread attributes object"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 009d, "There is not sufficient memory to create the thread attribute object"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 009e, "There is not sufficient memory to create the thread attribute object"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 009f, "Verify and reduce system memory consumption\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 40, {4, 00A0, "The thread for which an attributes object can not be created"}, ALPHA + TS_THCREATE_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 00a1, "Cannot start. A thread can not be created"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00a2, "The system lacks the necessary resources to create another thread"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00a3, "The system lacks the necessary resources to create another thread"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 00a4, "If the problem persists, call IBM Service."} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 40, {4, 00A5, "The thread that can not be created"}, ALPHA + TS_LIBERR_EM: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PEND Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 00a6, "Topology Services client library encountered internal error"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00a7, "Discrepancy in configuration data"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00a8, "Topology Services daemon failed to update configuration data for library"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 00a9, "If the problem persists, call IBM Service."} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 00AA, "Topology Services library encounters error with the following errno"}, DEC + TS_ASSERT_EM: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PEND Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 00ab, "Topology Services daemon exit abnormally"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00ac, "Unrecoverable internal failure in Topology Services daemon"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00ad, "Unrecoverable internal failure in Topology Services daemon"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 00ae, "Verify that Topology Services daemon has been re-started\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 40, {4, 00AF, "Core file location"}, ALPHA + TS_MISCFG_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = U Err_Desc = {4, 0001, "Local adapter misconfiguration detected"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0002, "Local adapter assigned incorrect IP address"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = {4, 0003, "Local adapter assigned incorrect IP address"} Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = {4, 0004, "Correct adapter IP address\n If the problem persists, restart Topology Services daemon."} Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 36, {4, 0005, "Adapter interface name"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0006, "Adapter offset"}, DEC Detail_Data = 46, {4, 0007, "Adapter expected IP address"}, ALPHA + TS_DEATH_TR: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = UNKN Class = U Err_Desc = {4, 00b0, "Contact with a neighboring adapter lost"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00b1, "The neighboring adapter mal-functioned\nNetworking problem renders neighboring adapter unreachable"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00b2, "The neighboring adapter mal-functioned\nProblem with the network"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 00b3, "Verify status of the faulty adapter\n Verify status of network"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 46, {4, 00B4, "The IP address of the faulty adapter"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 00B5, "Node number where the adapter is located"}, DEC + TS_LATEHB_PE: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERF Class = U Err_Desc = {4, 00b6, "Late in sending heartbeat"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00b7, "Heavy CPU load\nSevere physical memory shortage\nHeavy I/O activities"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00b8, "Daemon can not get required system resource"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 00b9, "Reduce the system load"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 00BA, "A heartbeat is late by the following number of seconds"}, DEC + TS_MIGRATE_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 00bb, "Error encountered during migration-refresh operation"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00bc, "Adapters configured at incorrect address\nErrors in Topology Services configuration file"} User_Causes = {4, 00bd, "Adapters configured at incorrect address\nErrors in Topology Services configuration file"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 00be, "Collect Data for problem determination and inform IBM Service Organization"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_UNS_SIN_TR: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = UNKN Class = U Err_Desc = {4, 00bf, "Local adapter disabled after unstable singleton for long time"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00c0, "Adapter misconfigured\nAdapter can receive broadcast but not unicast messages\nAdapter's IP address used by another adapter"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00c1, "Network problem"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 00c2, "Verify adapter configuration\n Verify network connectivity"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 36, {4, 00C3, "Adapter interface name"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 00C4, "Adapter offset"}, DEC Detail_Data = 46, {4, 00C5, "Adapter IP address"}, ALPHA + TS_SECURITY_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {4, 00c6, "Message authentication failure in Topology Services"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00c7, "Message got corrupted during transmission, causing decryption error\nMessage got delayed during transmission and was considered as replay\nThe Topology Services keyfiles are not synchronized across all nodes\nUnknown outside sources injecting and replaying corrupted messages on networks"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00c8, "Message got corrupted during transmission, causing decryption error\nMessage got delayed during transmission and was considered as replay\nThe Topology Services keyfiles are not synchronized across all nodes"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 00c9, "Verify that networks are functioning correctly\n Verify that networks are secured\n Verify that the Topology Services keyfiles are synchronized\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 46, {4, 00CA, "Presumed source of the corrupted message"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 00CB, "Number of seconds this message was late"}, DEC + TS_SECURITY2_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {4, 00cc, "More authentication failures during certain interval"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00cd, "Messages got corrupted during transmission, causing decryption error\nMessages got delayed during transmission and was considered as replay\nUnknown outside sources injecting and replaying corrupted messages on networks"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00ce, "Message got corrupted during transmission, causing decryption error\nMessage got delayed during transmission and was considered as replay"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 00cf, "Verify that networks are functioning correctly\n Verify that networks are secured\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 00D0, "Interval length in seconds"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 00D1, "Number of messages that failed authentication during above interval"}, DEC + TS_SECMODE_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {4, 00d2, "Local DCE security mode can not be verified"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00d3, "The security services library (/usr/lib/libspsec.a) is not installed\nCalls to security services routines failed\nThe local node is not configured in DCE-only mode\nTopology Services daemon on the CWS could not determine security state"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00d4, "The security services library (/usr/lib/libspsec.a) is not installed\nCalls to security services routines failed\nThe local node is not configured as in DCE-only mode\nTopology Services daemon on the CWS could not determine security state"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 00d5, "If the problem persists, call IBM Service."} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 256, {4, 00D6, "See following file for more details"}, ALPHA + TS_SECKEY_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {4, 00d7, "Daemon was unable to read keys from keyfile"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00d8, "Keyfile is corrupt or missing\nKeyfile permissions are incorrect"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00d9, "Keyfile is corrupt or missing\nKeyfile permissions are incorrect"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 00da, "Ensure the creation of a valid keyfile\nVerify Cluster Security Services have been installed and configured"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 00DB, "File that could not be processed"}, ALPHA + TS_LOC_DOWN_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 00dc, "Possible malfunction on local adapter"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00dd, "Local adapter mal-functioned\nLocal adapter lost connection to network\nLocal adapter mis-configured"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00de, "Local adapter mal-functioned\nLocal adapter lost connection to network\nLocal adapter mis-configured"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 00df, "Verify adapter configuration\n Verify network connectivity"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 36, {4, 00C3, "Adapter interface name"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 00C4, "Adapter offset"}, DEC Detail_Data = 46, {4, 00C5, "Adapter IP address"}, ALPHA + TS_MACHLIST_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 00e0, "Cannot start or refresh. Cannot open configuration file"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00e1, "The configuration file can not be created because file system is full"} User_Causes = {4, 00e4, "Environment variables HB_MACHINES_LIST or HB_RUNDIR assigned incorrect\nvalues in the Topology Services start-up script"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00e2, "The configuration file can not be created because file system is full"} User_Actions = {4, 00e5, "Restore original script created during installation\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 00e3, "Remove unused files in /var directory\n Increase file system size for /var using command /usr/sbin/chfs"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 00E6, "Name of the configuration file the daemon can not open"}, ALPHA + TS_SPLOCAL_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = U Err_Desc = {4, 00e7, "Local adapters missing in configuration file"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00e8, "Local adapter information missing in SDR\nLocal adapter information incorrect in SDR"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = {4, 00e9, "Local adapter information missing in SDR\nLocal adapter information incorrect in SDR"} Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = {4, 00ea, "Use commands spethernet/spadaptrs to enter local adapter information in SDR\n Use command SDRGetObjects to verify and correct local adapter information in SDR"} Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_HALOCAL_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = U Err_Desc = {4, 00e7, "Local adapters missing in configuration file"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00eb, "Local adapter information missing in ODM\nLocal adapter information incorrect in ODM"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = {4, 00ec, "Local adapter information missing in ODM\nLocal adapter information incorrect in ODM"} Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = {4, 00ed, "Enter local adapter information in ODM\n Verify and correct local adapter information in ODM"} Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_CTLOCAL_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = U Err_Desc = {4, 00e7, "Local adapters missing in configuration file"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00ee, "Local adapter information missing in the repository\nLocal adapter information incorrect in the repository"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = {4, 00ef, "Local adapter information missing in the repository\nLocal adapter information incorrect in the repository"} Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = {4, 00f0, "Enter local adapter information in the repository\n Verify and correct local adapter information in the repository"} Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_REFRESH_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = U Err_Desc = {4, 00f1, "Error encountered during refresh operation"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00f2, "Topology Service configuration file contains different configId value\nTopology Service configuration file contains invalid interface name"} User_Causes = {4, 00f3, "Topology Service configuration file contains different configId value\nTopology Service configuration file contains invalid interface name"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 00f4, "Call IBM Service"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_DMS_WARNING_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 00f5, "DeadMan Switch (DMS) close to trigger"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00f6, "Topology Services daemon cannot get timely access to CPU"} User_Causes = {4, 00f9, "Excessive I/O load is causing high I/O interrupt traffic\nExcessive memory consumption is causing high memory contention"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00f7, "Problem in Operating System prevents processes from running\nExcessive I/O interrupt traffic prevents processes from running\nExcessive virtual memory activity prevents Topology Services from making progress\nThe system clock was set forward"} User_Actions = {4, 00fa, "Reduce application load on the system\n Change (relax) Topology Services tunable parameters\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 00f8, "Examine I/O and memory activity on the system\n Reduce load on the system\n Change (relax) Topology Services tunable parameters\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 00FB, "Time remaining until DMS triggers (in msec)"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 00FC, "DMS trigger interval (in msec)"}, DEC + TS_THREAD_STUCK_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 00fd, "Main thread blocked: exiting"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 00fe, "Topology Services daemon's main thread has been blocked too long\nTopology Services daemon cannot get timely access to CPU"} User_Causes = {4, 0101, "Excessive memory consumption is causing high memory contention\nExcessive disk I/O is causing high memory contention"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00ff, "A problem in the Topology Services daemon\nA problem in a library invoked by the Topology Services daemon\nExcessive virtual memory activity prevents Topology Services from making progress\nExcessive disk I/O traffic is interfering with paging I/O"} User_Actions = {4, 0102, "Examine I/O and memory activity on the system\n Reduce load on the system\n Tune virtual memory parameters\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0100, "Examine I/O and memory activity on the system\n Reduce load on the system\n Tune virtual memory parameters\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0103, "Number of seconds where main thread made no progress"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0104, "Number of page faults with disk I/O during period"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0105, "Interval in milliseconds where page faults occurred"}, DEC + TS_CPU_USE_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0106, "Using too much CPU: exiting"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0107, "Topology Services daemon attempting to use all CPU cycles available"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0108, "A problem in the Topology Services daemon\nA problem in a library invoked by the Topology Services daemon"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0109, "Call IBM Service"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 010A, "CPU usage in milliseconds"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 010B, "Interval in milliseconds where CPU usage was measured"}, DEC + TS_INVALIDMESG_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {4, 010c, "Received large number of invalid messages"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 010d, "Unknown outside sources sending invalid messages to Topology Services port"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 010e, "Unknown outside sources sending invalid messages to Topology Services port"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 010f, "Inform system administrator immediately"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 46, {4, 0110, "Presumed source of the corrupted message"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0111, "Number of invalid messages received in the past 5 seconds"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0112, "Total number of invalid messages received"}, DEC + TS_FD_INVAL_ADDR_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {4, 0113, "Missing or incorrect adapter address"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0114, "Adapter is not configured\nAdapter has no address\nAdapter has an address that is outside the configuration"} User_Causes = {4, 0117, "Adapter was incorrectly configured "} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0115, "A problem occurred when configuring the adapter"} User_Actions = {4, 0118, "Correct adapter configuration: its address must match the boot-time\n address expected by Topology Services"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0116, "Correct adapter configuration: its address must match the boot-time\n address expected by Topology Services"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 36, {4, 0119, "Interface name"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 46, {4, 011A, "Actual address"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 46, {4, 011B, "Expected boot-time address"}, ALPHA + TS_FD_INTFC_NAME_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 011c, "Adapter interface name missing"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 011d, "HACMP: there is no interface name for adapter in HACMPadapter class"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 011e, "HACMP: Interface name was not filled by HACMP at topology synchronization\nHACMP: Adapter boot-time address is different from that specified\nfor HACMP"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 011f, "HACMP: Verify whether boot-time addresses match the HACMP configuration\n HACMP: Verify whether Topology Services\n was able to assign an interface for the adapter\n If the problem persists, contact IBM Service."} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 46, {4, 0120, "Address in Topology Services configuration"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 36, {4, 0121, "Interface name assigned by Topology Services"}, ALPHA + TS_OFF_LIMIT_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0122, "Number of networks exceeds limit, extra networks ignored."} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0123, "System configured with too many networks/adapters"} User_Causes = {4, 0124, "System configured with too many networks/adapters\nNon-IP networks in irregular configuration are using up available offsets"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 0125, "Reduce number of networks\n Rearrange non-ip networks\n Call IBM Service"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 48, {4, 0126, "The first network to be ignored"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0127, "Maximum number of networks allowed"}, DEC + TS_NIM_DIED_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0128, "NIM process died"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0129, "Network Interface Module (NIM) process terminated abnormally"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 012a, "NIM process had an internal error\nNIM process was terminated by a signal"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 012b, "If IBM-created NIM, contact IBM Service\n NIM will be automatically restarted by Topology Services daemon"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 012C, "Exit value, if not terminated with a signal"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 012D, "Signal number (0: no signal)"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 012E, "Core file created (1: core file; 0: no core file)"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 012F, "Process PID"}, DEC Detail_Data = 36, {4, 0130, "Interface name"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 50, {4, 0131, "Pathname of NIM executable file"}, ALPHA + TS_NIM_NETMON_ERROR: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0132, "Error in netmon library"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0133, "Internal error in netmon library"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0134, "A problem in the netmon library code\nA possible non-supported adapter in the configuration"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0135, "Verify if there is a non-supported type of adapter in the configuration\n Contact IBM Service"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0136, "Errno value"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0137, "Error code from netmon library"}, DEC Detail_Data = 50, {4, 0138, "Function name in library that presented a problem"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 36, {4, 0139, "Interface name"}, ALPHA + TS_NIM_OPEN_ERROR_E: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 013a, "Failed to open NIM connection"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 013b, "A problem occurred in the Network Interface Module (NIM)\nor in the communication with the NIM"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 013c, "NIM process got blocked while responding to NIM open command\nNIM failed to open non-IP device\nNIM received an unexpected error code from a system call\nTopology Services daemon failed to created Unix-domain socket"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 013d, "Open operation will be retried\n If problem persists contact IBM Service"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 36, {4, 013E, "Interface name"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 10, {4, 013F, "Description 1"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 30, {4, 0140, "Description 2"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0141, "Value 1"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0142, "Value 2"}, DEC + TS_CL_FATAL_GEN_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0143, "Unrecoverable error in Cluster start-up script"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0144, "Internal error in Topology Services's cluster start-up script"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0145, "Internal error in Topology Services's cluster start-up script"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0146, "Call IBM Service"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 0147, "Error Description"}, ALPHA + TS_CL_NO_TSTBL_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0148, "The refresh operation failed: Topology Services table not present"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0149, "Topology Services table does not exist in the Registry"} User_Causes = {4, 014c, "A refresh was attempted before the first 'cttopsvcsctrl -s' in a node"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 014a, "A problem occurred when trying to read the Topology Services table\nA problem occurred when trying to write the Topology Services table"} User_Actions = {4, 014d, "Run /opt/rsct/bin/cttopsvcsctrl -s to start subsystem and create table\n Verify that Registry subsystem is working\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 014b, "Run /opt/rsct/bin/cttopsvcsctrl -s to start subsystem and create table\n Verify that Registry subsystem is working\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_CL_CLINFO_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 014e, "Cannot refresh/start-up: cannot get cluster information"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 014f, "Execution of cluster information program failed"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = {4, 0150, "Installation problem: cluster information program is missing"} Fail_Causes = {4, 0152, "Cluster is not configured on the node\nThere is no space in /tmp or /var"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = {4, 0151, "Verify installation of RSCT"} Fail_Actions = {4, 0153, "Verify that cluster is configured on the node\n Verify disk space on /tmp and /var\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 0154, "Execution code"}, ALPHA + TS_CL_CMDFAIL_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0155, "Cannot refresh/start-up: a command failed"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0156, "No disk space left on /var\nInternal error in cttopsvcs script"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0157, "No disk space left on /var\nInternal error in cttopsvcs script"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0158, "Verify space in /var\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 70, {4, 0159, "Command name and parameters"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 30, {4, 015A, "Execution code"}, ALPHA + TS_CL_CLINFOFMT_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 015b, "Cannot refresh/start-up: unexpected output format from cluster information"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 015c, "Unexpected output format from cluster information program"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 015d, "No disk space in /tmp or /var\nError in cluster information program\nInternal error in cttopsvcs script"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 015e, "Verify disk space in /tmp and /var\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 50, {4, 015F, "Cluster information marker"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 50, {4, 0160, "Free space in 1Kb-blocks in /var and /tmp"}, ALPHA + TS_CL_INVCLINFO_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0161, "Cannot refresh/start-up: unexpected cluster information"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0162, "Unexpected output from cluster information program"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0163, "Incorrect node number, cluster id, or cluster name\nError in cluster information program\nInternal error in cttopsvcs script"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0164, "Verify node number, cluster id, and cluster name\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 10, {4, 0165, "Local node number"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 15, {4, 0166, "Cluster id"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 75, {4, 0167, "Cluster name"}, ALPHA + TS_CL_CLREG_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0168, "Cannot refresh/start-up: cannot read data from Registry"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0169, "cttopsvcs could not execute ctdumpadapters\nctdumpadapters failed to read information from System Registry"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 016a, "A Problem with the System Registry subsystem\nNeeded tables are missing from System Registry\nA Problem with ctdumpadapters program"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 016b, "Verify if System Registry is operational\n Verify if Network, Subnet, and Adapter tables are present in Registry\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 016C, "Execution code"}, ALPHA + TS_CL_NODENUM_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 016d, "Cannot refresh/start-up: incorrect node number for adapter"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 016e, "An adapter read from the System Registry has an incorrect node number"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 016f, "An adapter in the System Registry has an incorrect node number\nInternal error in ctdumpadapters or cttopsvcs"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0170, "Verify adapter configuration in System Registry\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 20, {4, 0171, "Adapter's node number"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 40, {4, 0172, "Adapter's address"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 40, {4, 0173, "Adapter's interface name"}, ALPHA + TS_CL_DUPINFO_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0174, "Cannot refresh/start-up: duplicated adapter information"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0175, "There is duplicated or inconsistent adapter information in System Registry"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0176, "Different adapters in same or different nodes have the same address\nDifferent adapters in same node have the same interface name\nInternal error in ctdumpadapters or cttopsvcs"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0177, "Verify adapter configuration in System Registry\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 20, {4, 0178, "Adapter's node number"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 40, {4, 0179, "Adapter's address"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 40, {4, 017A, "Adapter's Interface name"}, ALPHA + TS_CL_CLREGWR_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 017b, "Cannot refresh/start-up: cannot write data to Registry"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 017c, "cttopsvcs could not execute cttopsvcs_write_table\ncttopsvcs_write_table failed to write information into System Registry"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 017d, "A Problem with the System Registry subsystem\nTopology Services table missing from System Registry (and not first start-up)\nA Problem with cttopsvcs_write_table program"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 017e, "Verify if System Registry is operational\n Verify if Topology Services table is present in Registry\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 017F, "Execution code"}, ALPHA + TS_CL_INVTUNABLE_DE: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = UNKN Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0180, "Incorrect tunable value: ignored"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0181, "An incorrect tunable value was chosen for Topology Services"} User_Causes = {4, 0182, "An incorrect tunable value was chosen for Topology Services"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 0183, "Change the value of global/per-network tunable\n If no action is taken Topology Services will use default values"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 30, {4, 0184, "Tunable name"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 40, {4, 0185, "Network name"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 30, {4, 0186, "Tunable value"}, ALPHA + TS_CL_MAXRINGS_DE: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = UNKN Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0187, "Too many heartbeat rings"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0188, "Too many adapters and networks are specified in System Registry"} User_Causes = {4, 0189, "Too many IP and non-IP adapters and networks are present in the cluster"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 018a, "Reduce the number of IP and non-IP adapters and networks\n Mark some of the networks as 'disabled for heartbeating'\n If no action is taken, some networks will not be monitored"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 80, {4, 018B, "One of the networks that is not going to be monitored"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 20, {4, 018C, "Ring index in this network"}, ALPHA + TS_CL_PTPENDPT_DE: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = UNKN Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 018d, "Point-to-point network does not have 2 end-points"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 018e, "Point-to-point network in System Registry does not have 2 interfaces"} User_Causes = {4, 018f, "Information about point-to-point networks was incorrectly entered in Registry"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 0190, "Ensure that all point-to-point networks have exactly 2 interfaces"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 80, {4, 0191, "Network name"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 20, {4, 0192, "Number of interfaces in the network"}, ALPHA + TS_CL_PTPOFFSETS_DE: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = UNKN Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0193, "Point-to-point network uses too many heartbeat rings"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0194, "Too many point-to-point interfaces have been defined\nPoint-to-point networks are too strongly connected"} User_Causes = {4, 0195, "Too many point-to-point interfaces have been defined\nPoint-to-point networks are too strongly connected"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 0196, "Remove some of the point-to-point networks\n Mark some of the networks as 'disabled for heartbeating'\n Configure point-to-point networks in a ring topology\n Without action, some point-to-point networks will not be monitored"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 0197, "Network type for which the problem occurred"}, ALPHA + TS_CL_PTPADAPS_DE: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = UNKN Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0198, "Too many point-to-point interfaces"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0199, "Too many point-to-point interfaces have been defined"} User_Causes = {4, 019a, "Too many point-to-point interfaces have been defined"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 019b, "Remove some of the point-to-point networks\n Mark some of the networks as 'disabled for heartbeating'\n Without action, some point-to-point networks will not be monitored"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 019C, "Network type for which the problem occurred"}, ALPHA + TS_DIFF_INST_NUM_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = U Err_Desc = {4, 019d, "Message received with different instance number\nTopology Services being shutdown to avoid false network partition."} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 019e, "A node is running with a different version of the configuration"} User_Causes = {4, 019f, "Cluster was started on a node during a Topology DARE operation\nA node exists with an outdated version of the HACMP configuration\nA node was down during a Topology DARE operation"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 01a0, "Locate all nodes with an outdated version of the cluster configuration\n Run a Topology DARE to propagate configuration to all the nodes\n Restart cluster on nodes that were down during Topology DARE"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01A1, "Message instance number"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01A2, "Recipient's instance number"}, DEC Detail_Data = 56, {4, 01A3, "Originator of message"}, ALPHA + TS_PORT_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 01a4, "hats port mismatch: /etc/services and SDR Syspar_ports"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 01a5, "Change of port number was done incorrectly or was not propagated"} User_Causes = {4, 01a6, "User changed hats port in /etc/services but not in Syspar_port SDR class"}, {4, 01a7, "User changed hats port in Syspar_ports class without restoring Topology Services"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 01aa, "An internal error caused topology services to fail to reset the port number"} User_Actions = {4, 01a8, "Change hats port in Syspar_ports class if incorrect"}, {4, 01a9, "Restore topology services (syspar_ctrl -R hats)"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 01ab, "Repeat restore of topology services (syspar_ctrl -R hats)"}, {4, 01ac, "Check for other error messages"} + TS_NIM_ERROR_STUCK_: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 01ad, "NIM thread blocked"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 022e, "A thread in a Topology Services Network Interface Module (NIM) process\nwas blocked\nTopology Services NIM process cannot get timely access to CPU"} User_Causes = {4, 022f, "Excessive memory consumption is causing high memory contention\nExcessive disk I/O is causing high memory contention"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 01af, "Excessive virtual memory activity prevents NIM from making progress\nExcessive disk I/O traffic is interfering with paging I/O"} User_Actions = {4, 01b2, "Examine I/O and memory activity on the system\n Reduce load on the system\n Tune virtual memory parameters\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 01b0, "Examine I/O and memory activity on the system\n Reduce load on the system\n Tune virtual memory parameters\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 70, {4, 01B3, "Thread which was blocked"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01B4, "Interval in seconds during which process was blocked"}, DEC Detail_Data = 36, {4, 01B5, "Interface name"}, ALPHA + TS_NIM_ERROR_INTERN: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 01b6, "NIM internal error"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 01b7, "Internal error in Topology Services Network Interface Module (NIM) process\nUnrecognized error code generated by the NIM"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 01b8, "NIM program failed an assert statement\nNIM exceeded some internal limit"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 01b9, "If the problem persists, call IBM Service."} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01BA, "Error level (1: serious 2: error 3: info) "}, DEC Detail_Data = 60, {4, 01BB, "Error detailed information"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01BC, "Error data 1"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01BD, "Error data 2"}, DEC Detail_Data = 36, {4, 01BE, "Interface name"}, ALPHA + TS_NIM_ERROR_RDWR_E: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 01bf, "NIM read/write error"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 01c0, "Topology Services Network Interface Module (NIM) error:\nRead error while trying to retrieve packets\nWrite error while trying to send packets"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 01c1, "Lack of 'mbufs'\nNetwork is down\nI/O errors while accessing heartbeating device\nRemote side is not present"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 01c2, "Correct device or network problem\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01C3, "1: read operation 0: write operation"}, DEC Detail_Data = 60, {4, 01C4, "Error detailed information"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01C5, "Error data 1"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01C6, "Error data 2"}, DEC Detail_Data = 36, {4, 01C7, "Interface name"}, ALPHA + TS_NIM_ERROR_TRAF_E: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 01c8, "NIM excessive packet traffic"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 022b, "Topology Services Network Interface Module (NIM) error:\nToo much outbound packet traffic\nSend thread is blocked\nToo much inbound packet traffic"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 022c, "No IP connection remains: Group Services traffic using non-IP link\nExcessive message traffic created by Group Services or application\nSend thread blocked while sending a packet\nNon-IP link is too slow for the Group Services traffic"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 022d, "Ensure the IP connections are working\n Use a faster baud rate if RS232 device in use\n Use a faster non-IP connection between nodes\n Send thread blocked: terminate NIM process\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01CC, "1: input traffic 0: output traffic"}, DEC Detail_Data = 60, {4, 01CD, "Error detailed information"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01CE, "Error data 1"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01CF, "Error data 2"}, DEC Detail_Data = 36, {4, 01D0, "Interface name"}, ALPHA + TS_NIM_ERROR_MSG_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 01d1, "Unexpected messages from NIM: restarting NIM"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 01d2, "Network Interface Module (NIM) sent an incorrect message to the daemon\nNIM sent a message that daemon cannot process"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 01d3, "A problem in NIM that causes it to send an incorrect notification\nNIM and daemon are using different versions of protocol"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 01d4, "Verify that correct NIM is being used\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01D5, "Last error (nim_message_stat_t)"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01D6, "Last packet type (nim_msg_type_t)"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01D7, "Number of errors"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01D8, "Message protocol version"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01D9, "Daemon protocol version"}, DEC Detail_Data = 36, {4, 01DA, "Interface name"}, ALPHA + TS_NIM_BCASTADDR_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0208, "Inconsistent Broadcast Address"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0209, "Broadcast address inconsistent with subnet mask\nIncorrect subnet mask"} User_Causes = {4, 020a, "Broadcast address or subnet mask set incorrectly"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 020b, "Correct broadcast address or subnet mask\n (broadcast_address = address | (~ subnet_mask))\n Subnet mask must be of the form 11...100...0"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 36, {4, 020C, "Interface name"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 46, {4, 020D, "Address"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 46, {4, 020E, "Computed broadcast address"}, ALPHA + TS_NIM_NO_RESP_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0217, "NIM Unresponsive"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0218, "Topology Services NIM failed to respond to liveness messages"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0219, "Threads in the NIM process got blocked\nCondition in operating system prevents the threads from making progress"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 021a, "Corresponding adapter will be marked as down\n Investigate cause for the blockage\n Terminate NIM process (via 'kill -6')\n A new NIM process is started once the previous instance terminates\n If the problem persists, call IBM Service."} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 36, {4, 021B, "Interface name"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 021C, "Process ID"}, DEC + TS_CRITICAL_CLNT_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0201, "Critical client blocked/exited"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0202, "Group Services daemon was blocked too long or exited"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0203, "Group Services daemon blocked: resource contention\nGroup Services daemon blocked: protocol problems\nGroup Services daemon exited: internal failure\nGroup Services daemon exited: critical client failure\n"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0204, "Group Services daemon blocked: reduce system load\n Group Services daemon exited: diagnose Group Services"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 30, {4, 0205, "Critical client - program name"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 30, {4, 0206, "Failure Code"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 30, {4, 0207, "Action"}, ALPHA + TS_NO_DISK_SPACE_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 020f, "Not enough disk space to start"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0210, "File system is full"} User_Causes = {4, 0213, "Not enough space was reserved for file system"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0211, "Subsystems wrote too much data (likely into /var)"} User_Actions = {4, 0214, "Clean-up space in file system\n Extend file system"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0212, "Clean-up space in file system\n Extend file system"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 96, {4, 0215, "Directory where data needs to be written"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0216, "Free space in 1 Kbyte-blocks"}, DEC + TS_ALL_NIMS_DEAD_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0230, "All NIMs have died: main daemon exiting"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0231, "There are no Network Interface Module (NIM) processes left\nto monitor interfaces on this node"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0232, "All NIM processes had multiple internal errors\nAll NIM processes were repeatedly terminated by a signal"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0233, "See prior TS_NIM_DIED_ER errors\n Examine if signals are being sent to processes in the system\n Contact IBM Service"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_ILLEGAL_ALIAS_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0234, "Illegal alias present: daemon exiting"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0235, "Service address has been aliased to a boot or standby adapter"} User_Causes = {4, 0236, "Service address has been aliased to a boot or standby adapter"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 0237, "Remove alias address"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 36, {4, 0238, "Interface name"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 16, {4, 0239, "Base address"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 16, {4, 023A, "Alias"}, ALPHA + TS_CUHAIFS_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 023b, "Error retrieving local network interfaces"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 023c, "Error in base Operating System Function"} User_Causes = {4, 023d, "Unsupported network adapter being used\nA problem in the Operating System function which lists the local\nnetwork interfaces"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 023e, "Contact IBM Service if problem persists"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 023F, "Return code"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 0240, "System error value"}, DEC + TS_MACHLST_ADAP_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0241, "Unable to parse adapter specification"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0242, "Network adapter information in machines.lst file retrieved incorrectly"} User_Causes = {4, 0243, "A problem in start-up script which generates machines.lst file\nNetwork interface or device name is too long\nIncorrect subnet prefix"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 0244, "Verify cluster network adapter configuration\n Contact IBM Service if problem persists"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 0245, "Location of machines.lst file"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 0246, "Contents of line which could not be parsed"}, ALPHA + TS_MIXADDRTYP_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 0247, "Network has mixed address types"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 0248, "Network includes some adapters with IPv4 and others with IPv6 addresses"} User_Causes = {4, 0249, "A problem with the cluster configuration infrastructure"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {4, 024a, "Verify cluster network adapter configuration\n Contact IBM Service if problem persists"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 024B, "Network name"}, ALPHA + TS_DMS_EXPIRING_EM: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PEND Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 024c, "Dead Man Switch being allowed to expire.\nIf a TS_DMS_RESTORED_TE error appears after this, that will indicate this\ncondition has been recovered from. Otherwise, a DMS-triggered node failure\nshould be expected to occur after the time indicated in the Detail Data."} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 024d, "Topology Services has detected blockage that puts it in danger of suffering\na sundered network. This is due to all viable NIM processes experiencing\nblockage, or the daemon's main thread being hung for too long."} User_Causes = {4, 00f9, "Excessive I/O load is causing high I/O interrupt traffic\nExcessive memory consumption is causing high memory contention"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 00f7, "Problem in Operating System prevents processes from running\nExcessive I/O interrupt traffic prevents processes from running\nExcessive virtual memory activity prevents Topology Services from making progress"} User_Actions = {4, 00fa, "Reduce application load on the system\n Change (relax) Topology Services tunable parameters\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 00f8, "Examine I/O and memory activity on the system\n Reduce load on the system\n Change (relax) Topology Services tunable parameters\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 00FB, "Time remaining until DMS triggers (in msec)"}, DEC Detail_Data = 4, {4, 00FC, "DMS trigger interval (in msec)"}, DEC + TS_DMS_RESTORED_TE: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = TEMP Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 024e, "Dead Man Switch will once again be reset.\nDepending on how long the DMS was allowed to expire before recovery\noccurred, a TS_DMS_WARNING_ST error may also be seen at this time."} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 024f, "The conditions which led to an earlier TS_DMS_EXPIRING_EM error\nare no longer present on the system."} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0250, "The conditions which led to an earlier TS_DMS_EXPIRING_EM error\nare no longer present on the system."} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0251, "The previous TS_DMS_EXPIRING_EM error should be investigated to\n determine the cause of that problem."} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA + TS_UNSUPPORT_SYS_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {4, 01db, "Cannot start. Unsupported operating system/machine"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 01dc, "The operating system or machine is not supported"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 01dd, "The operating system or machine is not supported"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 01de, "None"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 50, {4, 01DF, "Operating system"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 50, {4, 01E0, "Machine"}, ALPHA + TS_SYNTAX_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 01e1, "Cannot start. Syntax error in command line options"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 01e2, "Incorrect syntax used when starting subsystem"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 01e3, "Unknown option\nAt least one option is needed\nOption needs a parameter\nOption syntax error\nOption data type mismatch\nOption data out of range\n"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 01e4, "Check subsystem documentation for correct syntax"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 01E5, "Option in error"}, ALPHA + TS_CONFIG_SYNTAX_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 01e6, "Cannot build configuration file. Syntax error"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 01e7, "Syntax errors found in configuration data provided to Topology Services"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 01e8, "The cluster is not properly configured"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 01e9, "Check if the cluster is properly configured\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 01EA, "Error explanation"}, ALPHA + TS_FILE_ACCESS_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 01eb, "Cannot start or continue. File or directory access failed"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 01ec, "File or directory is not accessible"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 01ed, "File or directory does not exist\nUser does not have read, write, or execute permission to file or directory\nFilesystem is full\n"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 01ee, "Check if the file or directory exists\n Check if access permission is correctly set\n Remove unused files to create some free space\n In AIX, increase the filesystem size using command /usr/sbin/chfs if the filesystem is full\n"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 01EF, "File or directory name"}, ALPHA + TS_EXEC_COMMAND_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 01f0, "Cannot continue. External command exited with error"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 01f1, "External command invoked by the subsystem failed"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 01f2, "A required command did not perform its function successfully. The Topology Services subsystem cannot correctly operate."} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 01f3, "Check command documentation for the failure reason"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 96, {4, 01F4, "Command"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01F5, "Exit code"}, DEC + TS_REPOSITORY_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = S Err_Desc = {4, 01f6, "Cannot start or continue. Repository access error"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 01f7, "Cannot access or update data in the repository"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 01f8, "The repository subsystem is not running\nThe repository is not configured correctly\nThe network is not working correctly\nThe /var filesystem is full\n"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 01f9, "Check if the repository subsystem is up and running\n Check if the repository is configured correctly\n Check if the network is functioning properly\n Increase the /var filesystem size using command /usr/sbin/chfs if the /var filesystem is full\n"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 96, {4, 01FA, "Repository access command"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 4, {4, 01FB, "Exit code"}, DEC + TS_KEYFILE_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {4, 01fc, "Cannot start. Security keyfile corrupted"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 01fd, "The cluster is not correctly configured"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 01fe, "The cluster is not correctly configured"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 01ff, "Recreate the security keyfile in the cluster\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 0200, "Keyfile path"}, ALPHA + TS_NOINTERFACE_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {4, 021e, "Cannot start. Interface name missing"} Catname = "hats.cat" Prob_Causes = {4, 021f, "There may have been an HACMP configuration problem\n Adapter configuration changes may have been made without sychronizing"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {4, 0220, "There may have been an HACMP configuration problem\n Adapter configuration changes may have been made without sychronizing"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {4, 0221, "The interface in question must have a name configured\n Run 'smitty cm_update_hacmp_interface_with_aix_settings' and then\n Synchronize the cluster so HACMP can re-harvest the interfaces\n Call IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {4, 0222, "Address of interface"}, ALPHA + GS_START_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0001, "Group Services daemon started"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 0002, "Daemon started during system startup\nDaemon re-started automatically by SRC\nDaemon started during installation\nDaemon started manually by user"} User_Causes = {5, 0003, "Daemon started manually by user"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {5, 0004, "Check that Group Services daemon is running"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_STOP_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0005, "Group Services daemon stopped"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 0006, "Daemon stopped by SRC\nDaemon stopped by signal"} User_Causes = {5, 0007, "Daemon stopped manually by user"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {5, 0008, "Check that Group Services daemon is stopped"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_STARTERR_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0009, "Internal logic error in Group Services daemon"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 000a, "Fail to retrieve data from SDR or ODM\nSubsystem configuration is not valid\nFile system full. Cannot create necessary directory"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 000b, "Fail to retrieve data from SDR or ODM\nSubsystem configuration is not valid\nFile system full. Cannot create necessary directory"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 000c, "Verify the system status\nVerify Group Services configuration"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_ASSERT_EM: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PEND Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 000d, "Group Services daemon exits abnormally"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 000e, "Unrecoverable internal failure in daemon"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 000f, "Unrecoverable internal failure in daemon"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 0010, "Verify that Group Services daemon has been restarted\nCall IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_ERROR_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0011, "Internal logic error in Group Services daemon"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 0012, "An internal logic failure occurs in daemon\nUnexpected program failure"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 0013, "Unrecoverable logic failure in daemon"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 0014, "Verify that Group Services daemon is still running\nVerify that Group Services daemon has been restarted\nCall IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_MESSAGE_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0015, "Group Services informational message"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 0016, "Informational message"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 0017, "Informational message"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 0018, "NONE"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_DOM_NOT_FORM_WA: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0019, "Group Services domain has not been established."} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 001a, "Remote Group Services daemons may not be running\nGroup Services daemon has been waiting for the remote node responses"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 001b, "Network communication has been blocked.\nRemote Group Services daemons have been stopped."} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 001c, "Check the network connection.\nCheck the Topology Services.\nVerify that remote Group Services daemons are running\nCall IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_DOM_MERGE_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 001d, "Group Services daemon exit to merge domains"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 001e, "Network between two node groups has repaired"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 001f, "Network communication has been blocked.\nTopology Services has been partitioned."} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 0020, "Check the network connection.\nCheck the Topology Services.\nVerify that Group Services daemon has been restarted\nCall IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_XSTALE_PRCLM_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0021, "Group Services daemon exit to re-join the domain"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 0022, "Topology Services daemon reports inconsistent node down and up events"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 0023, "Network has been a temporal problem"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 0024, "Verify that Group Services daemon has been restarted\nCall IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_INVALID_MSG_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0025, "Group Services daemon received an unknown message"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 0026, "Group Services message has been corrupted"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 0027, "Group Services message has been corrupted"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 0028, "Verify that Group Services daemon has been restarted\nCall IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_TS_RETCODE_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0029, "Connection failure between Group Services and Topology Services"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 002a, "Topology Services daemon is not running\nTopology Services daemon has died\nTopology Services library has detected an error"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 002b, "Group Services detects an error condition of Topology Services"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 002c, "Check the Topology Services daemon\nVerify that Group Services daemon has been restarted\nCall IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_CLNT_SOCK_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 002d, "Connection failure on the Group Services client socket"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 002e, "System resources are not sufficient to complete the request"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 002f, "System resources are not sufficient to complete the request"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 0030, "Restart the Group Services daemon\nCall IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_AUTH_DENIED_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0031, "User is not allowed to use Group Services daemon"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 0032, "The user is not the root user\nThe user is not a member of hagsuser group"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 0033, "Group Services does not allow the user"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 0034, "Check whether the user is the root\nCheck whether the user is a member of hagsuser group"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_DEACT_FAIL_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0035, "Group Services daemon is unable to run the deactivate-script"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 0036, "The deactivate script does not exist.\nThe system resource is not sufficient to complete the request"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 0037, "Group Services daemon can not find the script\nGroup Services daemon can not change the EUID/EGID"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 0038, "Check the deactivate-script"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_GLSM_START_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0039, "Group Services GLSM daemon started"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 003a, "Daemon started during system startup\nDaemon re-started automatically by SRC\nDaemon started during installation\nDaemon started manually by user"} User_Causes = {5, 003b, "Daemon started manually by user"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {5, 003c, "Check that the daemon is running"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_GLSM_STOP_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 003d, "Group Services GLSM daemon stopped"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 003e, "Daemon stopped by SRC\nDaemon stopped by signal"} User_Causes = {5, 003f, "Daemon stopped manually by user"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {5, 0040, "Check that the daemon is stopped"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_GLSM_ERROR_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0041, "Group Services GLSM daemon exits"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 0042, "Unrecoverable logic failure in daemon"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 0043, "Unrecoverable logic failure in daemon"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 0044, "Verify that the daemon has been restarted\nCall IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_GLSM_STARTERR_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0045, "Internal logic error in Group Services daemon"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 0046, "Group Services daemon is not running\nSubsystem configuration is not valid"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 0047, "Group Services daemon is not running\nSubsystem configuration is not valid"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 0048, "Verify the Group Services status"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_MASTER_NOT_RESPO: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 004a, "Master daemon(IBM.ConfigRM) is not responding"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 004b, "IBM.ConfigRM daemon misbehaves, or may be blocked.\nSystem may be overloaded"} User_Causes = {5, 004c, "None"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {5, 004d, "Check the IBM.ConfigRM daemon"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_MASTER_STOPPED_W: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 004e, "Master daemon(IBM.ConfigRM or rmcd) is stopped improperly"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 004f, "Master daemon (IBM.ConfigRM or rmcd) must be stopped improperly\nMaster daemon (IBM.ConfigRM or rmcd) may be aborted"} User_Causes = {5, 0050, "Master daemon (IBM.ConfigRM or rmcd) process is inadvertently killed."} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {5, 0051, "Check the Master daemon (IBM.ConfigRM or rmcd)"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_HATS_BLOCKED_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0052, "Topology Services subsystem is unresponsive"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 0053, "Topology Services daemon blocked for too long"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 0054, "Daemon blocked due to resource contention"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 0055, "Determine reason for Topology Services daemon blockage"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_DAEMON_UNRESP_WA: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0056, "Daemon is not responding"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 0057, "RSCT daemon is not working correctly or may be blocked.\nRSCT subsystem may be overloaded"} User_Causes = {5, 0058, "None"} Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = ffff User_Actions = {5, 0059, "Check the RSCT daemons"} Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = ffff Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_SITE_DISSOLVE_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 005a, "Group Services daemon exit to merge/split sites"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 005b, "Network between two sites has repaired"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 005c, "CAA Services has been partitioned and/or merged."} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 005d, "Check the CAA policies.\nVerify that CAA has been restarted\nCall IBM Service if problem persists"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_MASTER_FAILED_ER: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = PERM Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 005e, "Master daemon (IBM.ConfigRMd or rmcd) has been failed and not rejoined too long to Group Services."} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 005f, "Master daemon (IBM.ConfigRMd or rmcd) has been failed and may not be able to rejoin to Group Services."} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 0060, "Master daemon (IBM.ConfigRMd or rmcd) may have an internal error, and it may be failed to start or fail to connect to Group Services."} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 0061, "Check if the critical daemon (IBM.ConfigRMd or rmcd) has been restarted and joined to Group Services successfully."} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA + GS_MASTER_REJOIN_ST: Report = TRUE Log = TRUE Alert = FALSE Err_Type = INFO Class = O Err_Desc = {5, 0062, "Master daemon (IBM.ConfigRMd or rmcd) rejoined to GS successfully"} Catname = "ha_gs.cat" Prob_Causes = {5, 0063, "Informational message"} User_Causes = ffff Inst_Causes = ffff Fail_Causes = {5, 0064, "Informational message"} User_Actions = ffff Inst_Actions = ffff Fail_Actions = {5, 0065, "NONE"} Detail_Data = 46, {0, 00A2, "DETECTING MODULE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, EB2B, "ERROR ID"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 42, {0, 0030, "REFERENCE CODE"}, ALPHA Detail_Data = 100, {5, 0049, "DIAGNOSTIC EXPLANATION"}, ALPHA