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An incomplete read occurred. uint pres_value = 0x%x uint high_value = 0x%x char pname = %s char pddname = %s sfwobjhdr_t *head = 0x%p struct sfw_fencegroup_obj { sfwobjhdr_t *head = 0x%p struct sfw_pprc_group_obj { char uuid = 0x%llx%llx Match found at address: 0x%p An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. char &action_info = 0x%p uint count = %d uint free_count = %d uint pool_index = %d uint alloc_fail = %d void *cb_handle = 0x%p void *pcm_handle = 0x%p void *pcm_hdr = 0x%p void *group_hdr = 0x%p uint reserve_mode = 0x%x uint provider_cnt = 0x%x uint type = 0x%x uint state = 0x%x struct file *fp = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *eh_ptr = 0x%p Usage: %s [-l || -n name] addr uint reset_on_trig = 0x%x sfwobjhdr_t *pcm_head = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *pcm_tail = 0x%p dev64_t devno = 0x%llx dev64_t pdevno = 0x%llx time_t last_action = 0x%x sfwobjhdt_t *eh_ptr = 0x%p sfwevset_t &event_set = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *node_head = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *node_tail = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *fgrp_head = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *fgrp_tail = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *disk_head = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *disk_tail = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *pgrp_head = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *pgrp_tail = 0x%p void *next_in_group = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *event_head = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *event_tail = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *comif_head = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *comif_tail = 0x%p byte node[0] = 0x%02x byte node[1] = 0x%02x byte node[2] = 0x%02x byte node[3] = 0x%02x byte node[4] = 0x%02x byte node[5] = 0x%02x sfwobjhdr_t *listen_head = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *listen_tail = 0x%p unsigned32 time_low = 0x%x unsigned16 time_mid = 0x%x Example: Find object named hdisk5: sfw_offlvl_event_t *next = 0x%p Enter the sfw_info address (in hex): sfwobjhdr_t *cluster_head = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *cluster_tail = 0x%p byte node = 0x%x%x%x%x%x%x { struct object_header *next = 0x%p struct object_header *link = 0x%p uint state = 0x%x sfwobjhdr_t *pcm_hdr = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *first_disk_hdr = 0x%p sfwobjhdr_t *event_obj_hdr[] = 0x%p unsigned8 clock_seq_low = 0x%x sfw_offlvl_event_t * pool = 0x%p int (*callback)(sfwevset_t *) = 0x%p sfwobjhd -n hdisk5 0xF100010029BE9200 ulong long sciolevent_handle = 0x%llx sfw_offlvl_event_t *offlvle_head = 0x%p sfw_offlvl_event_t *offlvle_tail = 0x%p struct intr &offlvl_event_handle = 0x%p uuid_t cuuid = 0x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x { sfw_offlvl_event_pool_t offlvl_event_pool search containing the object name of interest. sfwobjhdr_t *disk_head = 0xF100010029BE9200 unsigned16 time_high_and_version = 0x%x int (*callback)(sfwdset_t *, void **) = 0x%p unsigned8 clock_seq_hi_and_reserved = 0x%x this is a disk object, use the address given for disk_head. In this example, sfw_info prints the following for disk_head: Use the sfw_info command to get the address of the queue you would like to First run 'sfw_info'. This will print addresses of all availabe queues. Since @(#)27 1.10 src/bos/kernext/storfwork/storfwork_kdb.c, sysxsfw, bos720 6/5/12 17:47:05 The '-n name' option will search from the given queue address for matching object name. Warning: An incomplete read occurred. Read %d bytes, expected %d bytes. Src=0x%p Dest=0x%p  `  p h  < " "@ " " #0 "x " " 28&@ 4@ D@ R@ ^@ k@ x@ @ @@@@@  "`! "? "? " ? "(? "0? "8? "@? "H? "P? "X? "`? "h? "x? "? "? "? "? "? "? "? "? "? "? "? "? "? #? #? #? #? # ? #(?/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr_64.o"@VPDstorfwork64.kdb/5765E6200/520 db_registerdb_unregister db_read_mem db_printf db_expr_ad db_get_hex db_more_ondb_symboladdr ___strcmp64 ___bzero64 ___memmove64 ___strcpy64strlen sfwdKdbEntry