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SCSI_BUS OPENED Invalid option -%c DEVNO %s device not found int bus_id = 0x%x; Usage: sscsi [-t] [addr] Usage: sscsi [-t] [addr] uchar &ccin[8] = 0x%p; uint &vpd_data= 0x%p; uint *p_hrrq_end= 0x%p; io_handle_t ioh = 0x%p; An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS uint *p_hrrq_start= 0x%p; ushort reg_mailbox = 0x%d; struct dio &blist = 0x%p{ struct dio &vlist = 0x%p{ uint eeh_enabled = 0x%d; uint hrrq_toggle_bit= 0x%x; struct io_map &iom = 0x%p; Unable to find dev_t devno = 0x%lx; uint in_a_bad_way = 0x%d; uint reset_pending = 0x%d; uint eeh_temp_offline= 0x%d; uint ct_buf_valid = 0x%d; uint octl_pending = 0x%d; uint csid_pending = 0x%d; uint error_logged = 0x%d; uint bus_inited = 0x%x; uint bus_opened = 0x%x; uint pcii_not_masked = 0x%x; uint ha_capable = 0x%d; ushort reg_sense_pcii = 0x%d; ushort reg_set_pcii = 0x%d; ushort reg_clr_pcii = 0x%d; ushort reg_set_uproci = 0x%d; ushort reg_clr_uproci = 0x%d; uint ha_secondary = 0x%d; uint eeh_reset_pending= 0x%d; uint dumpwrite_occured= 0x%d; struct ioa_md *p_ioa_md= 0x%p; ulong &ioa_md_base[%d] = 0x%p; struct dev_md *p_dev_md= 0x%p; ulong &dev_md_base[%d] = 0x%p; ulong &vset_md_base[%d]= 0x%p; uint firmware_version = 0x%x; ushort reg_sense_uproci = 0x%d; ushort reg_ioarrin_port = 0x%d; d_iovec_t dvec = 0x%p; d_iovec_t dvec = 0x%p; d_handle_t d_handle = 0x%p; d_iovec_t blist_array = 0x%p; eeh_handle_t *eeh_handle = 0x%p; ushort reg_clr_pcii_mask = 0x%d; struct vset_md *p_vset_md= 0x%p; volatile uint *p_hrrq_curr= 0x%p; uint adapter_opened = 0x%d; ushort reg_set_pcii_mask = 0x%d; Simple_lock &mp_lock = 0x%p; Simple_lock &ioctl_lock = 0x%p; Simple_lock &ioctl_mp_lock= 0x%p; struct wd_timer &ioctl_wdog= 0x%p; uint saved_pcix_command_reg = 0x%x; d_iovec_t vset_blist_array= 0x%p; ushort reg_sense_pcii_mask = 0x%d; struct sc_buf *p_op_pend_head= 0x%p; struct sc_buf *p_op_pend_tail= 0x%p; struct sc_buf *p_op_doom_head= 0x%p; struct sc_buf *p_op_doom_tail= 0x%p; struct sc_buf *p_op_csid_head= 0x%p; struct sc_buf *p_op_csid_tail= 0x%p; struct sc_buf *p_op_ioctl_head= 0x%p; struct sc_buf *p_op_ioctl_tail= 0x%p; struct sc_buf *p_vset_pend_head= 0x%p; struct sc_buf *p_vset_pend_tail= 0x%p; int32long64_t bytes_done = 0x%lx; int32long64_t bytes_done = 0x%lx; Memory allocation for sis_kdb_slist failed Enter the sis_global_hash address (in hex): int32long64_t used_iovecs = 0x%lx; int32long64_t used_iovecs = 0x%lx; struct hcam_controls &hcam_cntls= 0x%p; struct epow_controls &epow_cntls= 0x%p; struct hash_entry &bus_hash_entry= 0x%p; struct wd_timer &cfg_or_open_wdog= 0x%p; int32long64_t total_iovecs = 0x%lx; int32long64_t total_iovecs = 0x%lx; struct scsi_tm_dev &*p_tmdev[%d] = 0x%p; Memory reallocation for sis_kdb_slist failed int &active_initiator_scsi_id[%d] = 0x%p; int &stored_initiator_scsi_id[%d] = 0x%p; struct scsi_dev *p_dev[%d][%d][%d] = 0x%p; struct cmd_resource *p_free_cr_head = 0x%p; struct cmd_resource *p_free_cr_tail = 0x%p; uchar saved_pcix_command_reg_offset = 0x%x; struct shutdown_controls &shdn_cntls= 0x%p; struct vset_dev &*p_vdev[%d][0-%d] = 0x%p; struct hash_entry &adapter_hash_entry= 0x%p; struct hash_entry &log_bus_hash_entry= 0x%p; struct ioa_reset_controls &rst_cntls = 0x%p; uint saved_pci_cfg_bist_and_other_reg = 0x%x; struct af_startup_controls &afst_cntls= 0x%p; struct sisraid_log_bus_ddi &log_bus_ddi= 0x%p; struct af_dasd_dev &*p_afdev[%d][0-%d] = 0x%p; uint &device_special_status[%d][0-%d] = 0x%p; struct sisraid_adapter_ddi &adapter_ddi = 0x%p; struct cmd_resource *p_free_emer_cr_head= 0x%p; struct cmd_resource *p_free_emer_cr_tail= 0x%p; struct cmd_resource *p_free_vset_cr_head= 0x%p; struct cmd_resource *p_free_vset_cr_tail= 0x%p; struct sisraid_phys_bus_ddi &phys_bus_ddi[4]= 0x%p;  x x  ` 28$@ 2@ B@ P@ \@ i@ v@ @ @ @ @@@ @  H! H? P? `? h? x? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? /usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr_64.o @VPDsisraid64.kdb/5765E6200/520 db_registerdb_unregister db_read_mem db_printf db_expr_ad db_get_hexdb_usage_lookupdb_str_lookupdb_eoldb_symboladdr ___strcmp64 ___memset64reallocmallocsis_kdb_entry