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An incomplete read occurred. dev_t devno = 0x%lx; An incomplete read occurred. void *mpio_ptr = 0x%p; An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. ushort type = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; ushort type = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; ushort type = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; ushort type = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; ushort type = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; ushort type = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; ushort type = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; ushort type = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; uchar cmd_pending = 0x%x; ushort type = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; ushort type = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; ushort type = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; ushort type = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; ushort type = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; ushort type = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; "scdisk_list" address...[0x%p] ushort reset_count = 0x%x; uchar group_type = 0x%x; ushort retry_count = 0x%x; uchar error_type = 0x%x; uint soft_resid = 0x%x; uint reset_count = 0x%x; size64_t scsi_id = 0x%llx; size64_t lun_id = 0x%llx; ushort reset_count = 0x%x; uchar buffer_ratio = 0x%x; uchar async_flag = 0x%x; uchar cmd_tag_q = 0x%x; uchar q_status = 0x%x; uchar scsi_flags = 0x%x; uchar restart_unit = 0x%x; uchar retry_flag = 0x%x; uchar ioctl_pending = 0x%x; ushort cmds_out = 0x%x; struct buf *currbuf = 0x%p; struct buf *low = 0x%p; struct dk_cmd *next = 0x%p; struct dk_cmd *prev = 0x%p; uchar saved_sense[1..%d] = ushort restart_unit = 0x%x; ushort rw_timeout = 0x%x; ushort queue_depth = 0x%x; uint cfg_block_size = 0x%x; spin_lock offset = 0x%x; uchar reset_failures = 0x%x; struct sc_buf *scbuf = 0x%p; Unable to find uchar valid_cd_modes = 0x%x; ushort queue_depth = 0x%x; uchar opened = 0x%x; uchar q_status = 0x%x; struct buf *currbuf = 0x%p; struct file *adapt_fp = 0x%p; uchar sense_buf[0..%d] = 0x%p; dev_t devno = 0x%lx; uint64_t max_request = 0x%llx; dev64_t adapt_devno = 0x%llx; uchar sense_buf[0..%d] = 0x%p;"scdisk_open_list" address...[0x%p] NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS dev64_t adapter_devno = 0x%llx; struct dk_cmd &dmp_cmd = 0x%p { NAME ADDRESS dev64_t adapter_devno = 0x%llx; DEVNO STATE CMDS_OUT uchar retain_reservation = 0x%x; time_t b_start.tv_sec = %ld; struct dk_cmd &reset_cmd = 0x%p { struct dk_cmd &reset_cmd = 0x%p { struct dk_cmd &reqsns_cmd = 0x%p { struct dk_cmd &writev_cmd = 0x%p { struct dk_cmd *checked_cmd = 0x%p; struct dk_cmd &reqsns_cmd = 0x%p { struct dk_cmd &pcm_inband = 0x%p { Usage: scdisk [-o] [-h] [diskname|addr] Usage: scdisk [-o] [-h] [diskname|addr] struct dk_cmd &q_recov_cmd = 0x%p { struct dk_cmd &q_recov_cmd = 0x%p { unsigned long long scsi_id = 0x%llx; unsigned long long lun_id = 0x%llx; simple_lock_data _slock = 0x%lx; struct dk_cmd *dk_cmd_q_head = 0x%p; struct dk_cmd *dk_cmd_q_tail = 0x%p; struct dk_cmd *checked_cmd = 0x%p; struct dk_cmd &extra_io_cmd = 0x%p { struct dk_cmd &reassign_cmd = 0x%p { unsigned long long scsi_id = 0x%llx; unsigned long long lun_id = 0x%llx; struct dk_cmd *dk_cmd_q_head = 0x%p; struct dk_cmd *dk_cmd_q_tail = 0x%p; struct buf &sc_buf.bufstruct = 0x%p; Enter the "scdisk_list" address (in hex): STATE CMDS_OUT CURRBUF LOW STATE CMDS_OUT CURRBUF LOW Memory allocation for kdb_disklist failed suseconds_t b_start.tv_nsec = %ld; struct dk_bp_queue &dk_bp_queue = 0x%p; struct io_handle &pathio_handle = 0x%p; struct dk_cmd &restart_dev_cmd = 0x%p { Memory reallocation for kdb_disklist failed struct dk_cmd &target_lun_reset = 0x%p { struct scdisk_diskinfo *diskinfo = 0x%p; struct dk_cmd &target_lun_reset = 0x%p { struct scdisk_diskinfo *next = 0x%p; struct scdisk_diskinfo *next_open = 0x%p; char sc_buf.bufstruct.b_error = 0x%x; Enter the "scdisk_open_list" address (in hex): struct scdisk_timer &watchdog_timer = 0x%p; struct drvr_path_attr *path_pvt[%02d] = 0x%p; struct drvr_path_attr *path_pvt[%02d] = 0x%p; ushort path_pvt[%02d]->state = 0x%x; ushort path_pvt[%02d]->q_status = 0x%x; ushort path_pvt[%02d]->cmds_out = 0x%x; uchar scbuf.scsi_command.scsi_cmd.lun = 0x%x; uint64_t path_pvt[%02d]->scsi_id = 0x%llx; uint64_t path_pvt[%02d]->lun_id = 0x%llx; uchar scbuf.scsi_command.scsi_cmd.scsi_bytes = ushort path_pvt[%02d]->reset_count = 0x%x; dk_cmd *path_pvt[%02d]->checked_cmd = 0x%p; struct drvr_path_attr *path_pvt[0...0x%x] = NULL; struct drvr_path_attr *path_pvt[0...0x%x] = NULL; struct lock_data_instrumented *_slockp = 0x%p; dev64_t path_pvt[%02d]->adapt_devno = 0x%llx; __ulong64_t sc_buf.bufstruct.b_bcount = 0x%lx; __ulong64_t sc_buf.bufstruct.b_resid = 0x%lx; ushort path_pvt[%02d]->starting_close = 0x%x; uchar path_pvt[%02d]->reset_failures = 0x%x; uchar scbuf.scsi_command.scsi_cmd.scsi_op_code = 0x%x; @(#)24 1.4 src/bos/kernext/disk/scdisk_kdb.c, sysxdisk, bos720 8/21/07 04:24:58@ ,H` ,H ,H ,H , , ,0 ,28#@ 1@ A@ O@ [@ h@ u@ @ @ @ @ @@@@ @ @  + ! +? +? ,? ,? ,? , ? ,0? ,8? ,H? ,P? ,X? ,`? ,h? ,p? ,x? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? /usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr_64.o@VPDscdisk64.kdb/5765E6200/520 db_registerdb_unregister db_read_mem db_printf db_expr_ad db_get_hexdb_usage_lookupdb_str_lookup db_more_on db_more_offdb_symboladdr ___strcmp64 ___memset64 ___memmove64reallocmallocstrlenscdisk_kdb_entry