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8K8K8z4KA(A8z(KA(8z TKA(8z KA(8z (8KA(8z (8KA(8z $ KA(8z X(KA(8z`0KA(8z8KyA(8z@KiA(D(@X8`8zHKMA(8zHK=A(8zPK-A(8z0Xc%KA(8z8K A(KP8K8zKA(KX, @ ;:pKX, @ ;:}&.8騑``}!qA$8eoޭ8((A8$KA(,=:oޭA(@$8u48N;88((?A8YKA(8uAKA(8uKA(8u K}A(8u (KmA(8u \K]A(8uD"KMA(8ux&K=A($,A\,AD8u(KA(b0c| @| @A8up@KA(8u 8KA(8u KA(8u @KA(8u [?]UNCONFIG_PENDINGline: %d file: %sdrdma_num_mappers%016x %016lx %c%016x %016lx %cdrdma_migrate_timeList all PCI BusesTCE# RPN drdma_max_query_mapsdrdma_failed_migratesdrdma_expire_in_query DR DMA statistics dr_dma_handler_anchor%08X %016lx %016lxPCI Bus debug optionsDisplay PCI DMA handledrdma_max_migrate_maps DMA Handle @ %016p drdma_migrates_this_lmbdrdma_disabled_migrates TCE private @ %016p Display Master TCE tabledrdma_expire_after_query No PCI Bus at slot: %08x No PCI Bus for BID: %08x PCI DMA handle @ %016p Master TCE table@ %016p PCI BUS details @ %016p Incomplete db_regions read Summary of all PCI Buses Unable to read time of last H-CALL migrate Unable to read Unable to read Registered DR DMA Mappers -tm [?] [-B [-s ]]Incomplete read of DR DMA handler details @ %016p PCI Bus CFG details @ %016p LSPCI usage: lspci [] [?] Incomplete read No registered DR DMA handlers %d registered DR DMA handlers No PCI DMA handle for BID: %08x Unable to read free_list@%016lx BID(s) sharing this TCE table Unable to find symbol Summary of all PCI DMA handles No PCI DMA handle at index: %08x Unable to find symbol No symbol %08x %016p %016p %016lx Unable to find symbol %08x %08x %08x %016lx %016p %sUnable to find symbol No Master TCE table for BID: %08x nanoseconds (tv_nsec): %08x Incomplete read of TCE mirrorentry %08x %08x Incomplete read of pci_bus @ %016lx Incomplete read of pci_bus @ %016lx Unable to find symbol Summary of all Master TCE tables No Master TCE table at index: %08x Incomplete read of pci_bus @ %016lx Unable to find symbol seconds (tv_sec): %016lx %016lx %08x %016x %08x %016p Incomplete read of d_handle @ %016lx Incomplete read of tce_info @ %016lx Incomplete read of tce_info @ %016lx Incomplete read of DR DMA statistics %08x %08x %016p %016lx %016lx %08x Enter the pci_table address (in hex): Enter the pci_table address (in hex): Enter the pci_table address (in hex): Enter the tce_anchor address (in hex): Unable to read Enter the handle_head address (in hex): Enter the handle_head address (in hex): Unable to read from %016lx %016p %08x %016lx Window Type (window_type): %08x %s Search RPN %016lx in dhandle:%016lx BID:%08xSearch RPN %016lx in dhandle:%016lx BID:%08xbridge across HB peer-to-peer (peers): %s bridge supports 64bit addressing(64bit): %s start_word start_mask EEH enabled (eeh_default): %s %08x PCI DMA handle(s) found for BID: %08x bus identifier (bid): %08x device identifier (id): %08x device capabilities (flags): %08x bus id (bid): %08x bus id of PHB (phb_bid): %08x physical bus number (bus_specific_data): %08x no of regions supported (num_regions): %08x size of TCE table in bytes (tce_size): %08x status (status): %08x PCI bus@ (pci_bus@): %016p RAS control block@ (rascb@): %016p ID (id): %016p flags (flags): %016p Bus ID (bid): %016p RAS update ongoing (ras_update_inprog): %016p RAS trace lock (trace_lock): %016p VRME handle (vhandle@): %016p BULK TCE enabled (bulk_tce): %016p HCALL buf virt addr (h_buffer_virt): %016p HCALL buf real addr (h_buffer_real): %016p Eyecatcher (pcih_eyecatcher): %016p DMA to sys trans@ (bus_sys_xlate_ptr): %016p > (DMA_TCE_BULK)..........Bulk Tce map/unmap MIN Map Space (min_mapmem): %016p DES Map Space (des_mapmem): %016p MAX Map Space (max_mapmem): %016p d_map_page routine (d_map_page@): %016p d_unmap_page routine (d_unmap_page@): %016p d_map_list routine (d_map_list@): %016p d_unmap_list routine (d_unmap_list@): %016p d_map_slave routine (d_map_slave@): %016p d_unmap_slave routine (d_unmap_slave@): %016p d_map_disable routine (d_map_disable@): %016p d_map_enable routine (d_map_enable@): %016p d_map_clear routine (d_map_clear@): %016p d_sync_mem routine (d_sync_mem@): %016p d_map_attr routine (d_map_attr@): %016p -b [?] [-B ] | [-s ] | [-e ]-d [?] [-B ] | [-i ] | [-e ]-t [?] [-B ] | [-i ] | [-e ]TCE pagesize for this window (pagesize): %016lx link register for debug use (link_reg): %016lx unmaplinkreg for debug (unmap_link_reg): %016lx minimum VRME desired (min_mapmem): %016lx VRME desired (des_mapmem): %016lx maximum VRME desired (max_mapmem): %016lx > (DMA_SLAVE)............ device is a DMA slavehardware unit id (PHB_Unit_ID): %016lx system base (bus_sys_xlate.sys_base): %016lx alias base (bus_sys_xlate.alias_base): %016lx base address of TCE table (tce_addr): %016lx start of perih memory (bpm): %016lx last addressable byte pm (tpm): %016lx start of base sys control (bsca): %016lx start of RTAS area (brtas): %016lx last addressable byte RTAS (trtas): %016lx pci_bus next (next@): %016lx device number (devno): %016lx master TCE table (tbl@): %016lx regions to exclude (exclusions@): %016lx Unable to read pci_bus from %016lx mapping is in progress (map_active): (%x) %s > (DMA_MASTER)........... device is a DMA masternext in TCE anchor list (anchor_next@): %016p > (DMA_CONTIGUOUS)....... only continous mapping no.of TCEs in private pool (num_tces): %08x how many tce's rep by bit (cluster): %08x no.of words in list (list_words): %08x index to look at next time (wordindex): %08x xmemdma critical section (xmemdma_cs): %08x retranslation count (xmemdma_retry): %08x DR_DMA_RPN_QUERY delay (delay_query): %08x Total retries in d_map_list (total_retries): %08x displays DR DMA statistics and registered handlers > (DMA_ADDRESS_64_BIT)... can drive 64Bit address > (DMA_NO_ZERO_ADDR)..... cannot drive bus addr 0 > (DMA_HUGE)............. Full 64Bit DMA enabled master TCE table (tbl@): %016p allocation bit mask (free_list@): %016p allocation bit mask (defer_list@): %016p allocation bit mask (migrate_list@): %016p starting tce number (start_tce): %016p TCE mirror n list (tce_mirror@): %016p TCE table lock word (tce_lock@): %016p PCI DMA handle of this TCE table (ph@): %016p DR Event handler (handler@): %016p DR handler next@ (next@): %016p active mapping list (active@): %016p > (DMA_ENABLE_64)........ 64Bit interfaces enabled > (DMA_MAXMIN_%s)....... %s byte max minxfer size rpn to TCE table (rpn_to_tce@): %016lx TCE mapping with same rpn (tce_alias@): %016lx TCE mappings indexed by rpn (tce_mappings@): %016lx DR DMA handler (drh@): %016lx handler data (handler_data): %016lx starting real page for removal (lmb_start): %016lx size of LMB in pages (lmb_size): %016lx memory removal generation cnt (gencount@): %016lx Unable to read from %016lx @ idx:%08x no.of total TCEs (num_tces): %08x PCI buses sharing this TCE table (use_count): %08x DMA handles using this Window (handle_count): %08x TCE's represented by bit (cluster): %08x no.of words in list (list_words): %08x index to look at next time (wordindex): %08x token for TCE table (LPAR only) (tce_bus_num): %08x next master TCE table (next@): %016p TCE table lock (tce_lock@): %016p allocation bit mask (free_list@): %016p io_map handle (nonLPAR only) (ioh): %016p next DR DMA handler (next@): %016p active mapping list (active@): %016p event handler (handler@): %016p base real address of TCE table (tce_base): %016lx starting tce number (start_tce): %016lx > (DMA_NO_MIRROR).........TCE mirror is not presented Bulk update in progress? (bulk_inprog): (%08x) %s serialization on? (serialize): (%08x) %s rmlmb in progress? (rmlmb_inprog): (%08x) %s handler data (handler_data@): %016lx data field1 for DR (dr_data1@): %016lx Fail to getTCE entry@ liobn:%016p ioba:%016p hrc=%016p TCE# ENTRY RPN ACCESS data field2 for DR (dr_data2@): %016lx Unable to read tce_info from tce.tbl>%016lx NO MIRROR d_handle_pci@ LIOBN: SIOBA: pci bus status (status): (%02x) %s %s %s %s %s > (DMA_64_BIT_PATH)...... 64Bit addressing path to sytem memory BID d_handle_pci@ tce_mirror@ tce_base no.of registered DR DMA Mappers (drdma_num_mappers): %08x max mappings ever seen in query (drdma_max_query_maps): %08x max mappings ever seen in migrates (drdma_max_migrate_maps): %08x no.of H-call migrates (drdma_migrates): %08x no.of H-CALL migrates this LMB (drdma_migrates_this_lmb): %08x no.of failed H-CALL migrates drdma_failed_migrates): %08x no.of skipped H-CALL migrates (drdma_disabled_migrates): %08x no.of maps expired in query (drdma_expire_in_query): %08x no.of maps expired before migrate (drdma_expire_after_query): %08x %sTCE_BASE NUM_TCES START_TCE USE_COUNT TCETBL@ > (DMA_MAXMIN_MAPSPACE).. No non-page aligned transfers of size MAXMIN %sBID PHBBID BUSNO PHBUnitID pci_bus@ DDW %sBID DEVID PCI_DH@ PCIBUS@ TCE_PRIV@ TCE_PGSZ 6 8 8 l 9  9D  8 8 &[[-b] | [-d] | [-t] | [-tm] | [-dr] | [?]] command without argument displays summary of all PCI Buses V = valid, F = free, R = remote, H = VRM, RO=read-only WO=write-only RW=read-write NA=no access/not available@(#)28 src/rspc/kernext/pci/pci_busdd/pci_bus_kdb.c, rspcios, rspc72Q, q2019_13A8 3/18/19 10:49:18 : displays all PCI Buses summary -B: to display PCI Bus by bus id -s: to display PCI Bus at number -e: to display PCI Bus @ : display or search for a real page in TCE mirror -B: display all TCE mirror entries for -s: search matching in all dhandles or for : displays all master TCE tables summary -B: display master TCE table for -i: to display master TCE table at -e: display master TCE table @ : displays all PCI DMA handles summary -B: to display all PCI DMA handles for -i: to display PCI DMA handle at -e: to display PCI DMA handle @? -h-?-i-s-B-e-i-eNo%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s -sdYeseeh[?]%08x %08x pcieehUsage: pci %sat slotfor BID eeh %s eeh %s at index@addressby index@addressIndex DEAD_STATEDEBUG_STATE|BROADCAST |BROADCAST Index SUSPEND_STATEUNKNOWN STATE EEH_MASTER sd_handle_headACTIVATE_STATEBUSY_EEH_STATEeeh_handle_headBUSY_DEAD_STATENORMAL_EEH_STATEDEACTIVATE_STATERESUME_EEH_STATEline: %d file: %sRESUME_DEAD_STATEDEBUG_RESET_STATEDisplay EEH handleTEMP_UNAVAIL_STATETEMP_FWRESET_STATESUSPEND_RESET_STATE EEH_DD_PIO_ENABLED EEH_DD_DMA_ENABLED PCI EEH debug optionsDisplay EEHshared domainRESUME_TEMP_UNAVAIL_STATERESUME_TEMP_FWRESET_STATE%016lx %016p %c %s No EEH handle at slot: %08x No EEH handle for BID: %08x Summary of all EEH handles No EEH handle at index: %08x EEH handle details @ %016p Unable to read %08x %08x %016lx %c %016p %016p Unable to read EEH multi_dd details @ %016p -sd [?] [-i ] | [-e ] Summary of all EEH Shared Domains No EEH Shared Domain at index: %08x EEH shared domain details @ %016p Incomplete read of eeh_handle @ %016lx Unable to find symbol Unable to find symbol Incomplete read of eeh_shared_domain @ %016lx -h [?] [-B ] | [-s ] | [-e ]seconds in temp_unavail (unavail_time): %d multiple functions in HW (is_shared): %s N @ O ?8 OL %08x EEH handle handle(s) found for BID: %08x HOT FLR configuration addr space (config_addr): %08x EEH mode (eeh_mode): %08x %08x EEH handle handle(s) found at slot: %08x Enter the sd_handle_head address (in hex): config addr of top of PE domain : %08x FUND device driver dds pointer (eeh_dds_ptr): %016p Device driver EEH handle (eeh_handle): %016p EEH handle next (next@): %016p eeh_clear routine (eeh_clear@): %016p eeh_enable_pio routine (eeh_enable_pio@): %016p eeh_enable_dma routine (eeh_enable_dma@): %016p eeh_reset_slot routine (eeh_reset_slot@): %016p eeh_enable_slot (eeh_enable_slot@): %016p eeh_disable_slot (eeh_disable_slot@): %016p eeh_read_slot_state(eeh_read_slot_state@): %016p eeh_slot_error routine (eeh_slot_error@): %016p configure bridge (eeh_configure_bridge@): %016p Enter the eeh_handle_head address (in hex): Unable to read from %016lx @ idx:%08x EEH iodone buf struct (eeh_buf@): %016p EEH shared domain next (next@): %016p EEH shared domain lock (sdlock@): %016p iodone lock (iodone_lock@): %016p EEH kernel wait timer (eeh_kern_trb@): %016p EEH user wait timer (eeh_usr_trb@): %016p EEH flags (flag): %016lx Device driver callback function@ : %016p BID (bid): %016lx slot passed to eeh_init (slot): %016lx flag passed to eeh_init (flag): %016lx PHBUnit ID (PHB_Unit_ID): %016lx parent shared domain (parent_sd@): %016p eeh_broadcast routine (eeh_broadcast@): %016p Unable to read from %016lx @ idx:%08x device driver reset time (dd_trb_timer): %016lx device driver reset time (dd_trb_timer_ms): %016lx PHB Unit ID (PHB_Unit_ID): %016lx busy callback saved state(busy_save_state): %016lx EEH busy state caller (busy_caller): %016lx bit message event list (eeh_broadcast_msg): %016lx left over busy callback msgs (busy_msgs): %016lx misc state flags (flags): %016lx EEH_SAFE eye-catcher (eeh_eyecatcher): eehhPCIB eye-catcher (eeh_eyecatcher): eehhINVL eye-catcher (eeh_eyecatcher): ???????? EEH event count (eeh_event_count): (%016lx) User Message State (usr_msg_state): (%016lx) EEH Initiator Index (eeh_initiator_index): (%016lx) EEH Recovery Info (recovery_info): (%016lx) EEH Firmware Reset Type (fw_reset_type): (%016lx) %sPHBUnitID EEH_SHARED_DOMAIN@ MF_HW STATE EEH event state (state): (%016lx) %s EEH_CONFIGURE IODONE pending re-read slot delay (retry_delay): %08x (in seconds) nested recovery safe read-slot-state2 safe %sSlot BID PHBUnitID MF PARENT_SD@ EEH_HANDLE@ [[-h] | [-sd] [?]] command without argument displays summary of all EEH handles @(#)64 src/rspc/kernext/pci/pci_busdd/pci_eeh_kdb.c, rspcios, rspc72L, l2018_02A1 12/19/17 12:34:19 : displays all EEH shared domain summary -i: to display EEH shared domain at -e: to display EEH shared domain @ : displays all EEH handles summary -B: to display all EEH handles for -s: to display EEH handle at -i: to display EEH handle at -e: to display EEH handle @9 P- P+@ PS P  Q P P : P Y(X *2*8X&@ 4@ D@ R@ ^@ k@ x@ @ @ @ @ P! 6h? 6x? 6? 6? 6? 6? 6? 6? 6? 6? 6? A? A ? A(? A0? A8? P? P? P? P? P? P? P? P? P? P? Q? Q? Q? Q? Q ? Q(? Q0? Q8? Q@? QH? QP? QX? Q`? Qh? Qp? Qx?/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr_64.o"@VPDpci_busdd64.kdb/5765E6200/520 db_registerdb_unregister db_read_mem db_printf db_expr_ul db_get_hexdb_usage_lookupdb_str_lookupdb_eoldb_symboladdr ___memmove64pci_busdd_kdb_entry