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An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. char fatal_cause = 0x%x emfc_ddi_t ddi = 0x%llx resvd2[3] = 0x%llx int num_sids = 0x%x short xm_amr = 0x%x * cmd_buf_pool = 0x%llx * abt_buf_pool = 0x%llx char if_type = 0x%x char ps_ffdc = 0x%x int cqv = 0x%llx int mqv = 0x%llx int wqv = 0x%llx int rqv = 0x%llx int fdb = 0x%llx int tow = 0x%llx int xib = 0x%llx int pref_did = 0x%x char sli_lvl = 0x%x char fcph_lo = 0x%x char fcph_hi = 0x%x int iops_min = 0x%x int iops_max = 0x%x char curr_tf = 0x%x char curr_lu = 0x%x short lp_tov = 0x%x char accept_prli = 0x%x int eyec = 0x%x long long lock = 0x%llx short io_tag = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int data = 0x%x int sli_intf = 0x%x int data = 0x%x queue = 0x%llx short id = 0x%x * base = 0x%llx short id = 0x%x * base = 0x%llx short id = 0x%x * base = 0x%llx short id = 0x%x * base = 0x%llx int num_mqes = 0x%x intr* next = 0x%llx int priority = 0x%x intr* next = 0x%llx int priority = 0x%x intr* next = 0x%llx int priority = 0x%x intr* next = 0x%llx int priority = 0x%x intr* next = 0x%llx int priority = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x char eeh_retries = 0x%x int dev_vend = 0x%x int stat_cmd = 0x%x int reserved = 0x%x int sli_intf = 0x%x int cmd_offs = 0x%x int hdr_log1 = 0x%x int hdr_log2 = 0x%x int hdr_log3 = 0x%x int hdr_log4 = 0x%x int obj_size = 0x%x int fwdump_ldmps = 0x%x int type = 0x%x int obj_size = 0x%x int fwdnld_error = 0x%x * ras_blk_bufx = 0x%llx int bufxdbytelvl = 0x%x * ras_blk_sfdc = 0x%llx int log_size = 0x%x intr* next = 0x%llx int priority = 0x%x intr* next = 0x%llx int priority = 0x%x intr* next = 0x%llx int priority = 0x%x char host_endian = 0x%x char adap_endian = 0x%x int sid_data_len = 0x%x int obj_size = 0x%x int num_mqes = 0x%x short rq0_id = 0x%x short rq1_id = 0x%x short rq0_id = 0x%x short rq1_id = 0x%x int sm_phase = 0x%x char fatal_cause = 0x%x emfc_ddi_t ddi = 0x%llx char if_type = 0x%x char sli_lvl = 0x%x long long lock = 0x%llx int nport_id = 0x%x char eeh_retries = 0x%x Unable to find An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx An incomplete read occurred. int buf_type = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx int dif_hdr_size = 0x%x int dif_blk_size = 0x%x int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx int buf_type = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. char accept_prli = 0x%x int sns_failures = 0x%x An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. emfc_sli_config_mqe_t struct An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. EMFC_MQE_STATUS_RCV_BUF_SMALLEMFC_MQE_STATUS_UNSPT_WARM_STEMFC_MQE_STATUS_ULP_PROC_FAILEMFC_MQE_STATUS_FLASH_UNAVAILEMFC_MQE_STATUS_INV_N_PORT_IDEMFC_MQE_STATUS_INV_REGION_IDEMFC_MQE_STATUS_REGION_UNINITAn incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. int file = 0x%x int line = 0x%x pad1[120] = 0x%llx intr* next = 0x%llx int priority = 0x%x intr* next = 0x%llx int priority = 0x%x int num_sges = 0x%x * sge_pool = 0x%llx char cq_type = 0x%x short id = 0x%x * base = 0x%llx int num_sges = 0x%x * sge_pool = 0x%llx An incomplete read occurred. char cq_type = 0x%x short id = 0x%x * base = 0x%llx int num_sges = 0x%x * sge_pool = 0x%llx int num_sges = 0x%x * sge_pool = 0x%llx An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. intr* next = 0x%llx int priority = 0x%x char intr_masked = 0x%x char intr_masked = 0x%x Unable to find An incomplete read occurred. NAME ADDRESS char is_pciex = 0x%x char msi_intr = 0x%x int max_xfer_size = 0x%x int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x * payld = 0x%llx * payld = 0x%llx int eqav = 0x%llx int cqav = 0x%llx int terp = 0x%llx int fcoe = 0x%llx int assi = 0x%llx int nvme = 0x%llx int efwd = 0x%llx int mdsd = 0x%llx int xecb = 0x%llx char bw_units = 0x%x short e_d_tov = 0x%x short r_a_tov = 0x%x char topology = 0x%x int fcf_index = 0x%x int vfi_index = 0x%x int event_tag = 0x%x char lip_type = 0x%x short r_t_tov = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x int cfg_opn_state = 0x%x int p2p_state = 0x%x char subphase = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx * login = 0x%llx int ctl_n_port_id = 0x%x int cfg_opn_error = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x short rpi = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x short version = 0x%x int max_npivs = 0x%x int state = 0x%x short entries = 0x%x short entries = 0x%x short entries = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x short put = 0x%x short get = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x short put = 0x%x short get = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x short put = 0x%x short get = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x short put = 0x%x short get = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int max_cmd_elems = 0x%x char sns_failures = 0x%x int class_rev = 0x%x msi_cap[4] = 0x%llx int fwop_buf_size = 0x%x char fwdump_state = 0x%x int direction = 0x%x char fwdnld_state = 0x%x int direction = 0x%x int reserved = 0x%llx int sid_data_flag = 0x%x char runtime_ldmp = 0x%x int direction = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x int cfgmmio_index = 0x%x int reserved3 = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int param = 0x%x int reserved3 = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int param = 0x%x short rpi = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x int sid_data_size = 0x%x char topology = 0x%x char subphase = 0x%x int num_of_cfgs = 0x%x; struct cdt *cdt = 0x%p; ras_debug = 0x%x; Usage: emfccmd [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfccmd [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfccmd [-d] [-l] addr short version = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x Usage: emfcctl [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfcctl [-d] [-l] addr short version = 0x%x long long flags = 0x%llx int num_pages = 0x%x short dif_app_tag = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x long long flags = 0x%llx Failure reading input address Failure reading input address Failure reading input address short version = 0x%x EMFC_MQE_STATUS_MEM_ALLOC_FAILEMFC_MQE_STATUS_FAIL_START_DMAEMFC_MQE_STATUS_INV_LINK_SPEEDEMFC_MQE_STATUS_CTL_PROTO_FAILEMFC_MQE_STATUS_RPI_NOT_IN_USEEMFC_MQE_STATUS_INV_DESC_ENTRYEMFC_MQE_STATUS_VFI_REGISTEREDEMFC_MQE_STATUS_FCF_NOT_REGISTEMFC_MQE_STATUS_NO_DATA_REGIONEMFC_MQE_STATUS_INV_REGION_HDREMFC_COMMON_ALLOC_RSRC_EXTENTSEMFC_COMMON_GET_FCN_PRIVILEGES int reg_n_port_id = 0x%x short version = 0x%x int count = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x short entries = 0x%x int max_xfer_size = 0x%x char type = 0x%x short put = 0x%x short get = 0x%x int max_xfer_size = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x short entries = 0x%x char type = 0x%x short put = 0x%x short get = 0x%x short entries = 0x%x int adap_flags = 0x%x char pref_alpa = 0x%x char msix_intr = 0x%x emfc_xmem_t xmem = 0x%llx char pref_alpa = 0x%x char fcoe_mode = 0x%x char link_type = 0x%x short link_num = 0x%x short xri_base = 0x%x short rpi_base = 0x%x short vpi_base = 0x%x short vfi_base = 0x%x short rq_count = 0x%x short eq_count = 0x%x short wq_count = 0x%x short cq_count = 0x%x int privileges = 0x%x short vlan_tag = 0x%x int valid = 0x%llx int valid = 0x%llx char lip_al_ps = 0x%x short fcf_head = 0x%x int status = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x adp_rsp[64] = 0x%llx int privileges = 0x%x struct emfc_domain_proto { char proto_idx = 0x%x struct emfc_domain_proto { char proto_idx = 0x%x int bmbx_state = 0x%x short bus_type = 0x%x short bus_type = 0x%x short bus_type = 0x%x short bus_type = 0x%x short bus_type = 0x%x emfc_public* pub = 0x%llx msix_cap[3] = 0x%llx int err_src_id = 0x%x char act_dump_type = 0x%x int obj_offset = 0x%x int req_length = 0x%x * mapped_buf = 0x%llx int status = 0x%x int curseq = 0x%x int totseq = 0x%x int obj_offset = 0x%x int req_length = 0x%x * mapped_buf = 0x%llx char fwdnld_intrpt = 0x%x int sfdc_trc_state = 0x%x int log_level = 0x%llx int split_log = 0x%llx short bus_type = 0x%x short bus_type = 0x%x short bus_type = 0x%x char fwdump_status = 0x%x char fwdump_policy = 0x%x int obj_offset = 0x%x int req_length = 0x%x * mapped_buf = 0x%llx int bmbx_state = 0x%x int reserved1 = 0x%llx char reserved2 = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int reserved1 = 0x%llx char reserved2 = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int opcode = 0x%x int class = 0x%llx struct emfc_domain_proto { struct emfc_domain_proto { emfc_public* pub = 0x%llx "emfc_global" address...[0x%p] char list_type = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x int o_s_id = 0x%x struct ctiu = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int opcode = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx int blist_used = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x EMFC_MQE_STATUS_DMA_INTERRUPTEDEMFC_MQE_STATUS_INV_SEC_MGM_REQEMFC_MQE_STATUS_REQ_XRI_NOT_USEEMFC_MQE_STATUS_FCFI_REGISTEREDEMFC_MQE_STATUS_INV_DATA_REGIONEMFC_COMMON_GET_CNTL_ATTRIBUTESEMFC_COMMON_GET_SLI4_PARAMETERSEMFC_COMMON_MODIFY_ASYNC_EVENTS short fc_class_msk = 0x%x short bbcredit = 0x%x short fc_class_msk = 0x%x short bus_type = 0x%x short bus_type = 0x%x emfc_intr_t intr = 0x%llx short bus_type = 0x%x emfc_intr_t intr = 0x%llx int long_term_state = 0x%x int pci_fcn_num = 0x%x int lg_term_dma = 0x%x short max_npivs = 0x%x emfc_io_map_t iom = 0x%llx short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx int multipage_limit = 0x%x int multipage_count = 0x%x int fcp_tm = 0x%llx int xpsgsl = 0x%llx int first_fw_id = 0x%x int ret_vpd_len = 0x%x int act_vpd_len = 0x%x short xri_count = 0x%x short rpi_count = 0x%x short vpi_count = 0x%x short vfi_count = 0x%x int r_a_tov = 0x%x int e_d_tov = 0x%x char using_vlan = 0x%x char lnk_dwn_tf = 0x%x char lnk_dwn_lu = 0x%x char cur_bb_scn = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char cfg_opn_intrpt = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x char source = 0x%x char domain = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x adp_cmd[128] = 0x%llx int first_fw_id = 0x%x reserved2[8] = 0x%llx int num_wqs_cfg = 0x%x int num_wqs_cfg = 0x%x int buffer_size = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short pages = 0x%x int buffer_size = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short pages = 0x%x int buffer_size = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short pages = 0x%x int buffer_size = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short pages = 0x%x short rsrc_type = 0x%x int max_indexes = 0x%x int num_indexes = 0x%x int extent_size = 0x%x short rsrc_type = 0x%x int max_indexes = 0x%x int num_indexes = 0x%x int extent_size = 0x%x short rsrc_type = 0x%x int max_indexes = 0x%x int num_indexes = 0x%x int extent_size = 0x%x short rsrc_type = 0x%x int max_indexes = 0x%x int num_indexes = 0x%x int extent_size = 0x%x short rsrc_type = 0x%x int max_indexes = 0x%x int num_indexes = 0x%x int extent_size = 0x%x int num_pending = 0x%x * scratch_buf = 0x%llx int num_phys_vports = 0x%x char eeh_fail_recov = 0x%x int lat_gnt_int = 0x%x int enh_cap_hdr = 0x%x int pcie_rt_ctl = 0x%x int dev_ctl = 0x%x int lnk_ctl = 0x%x int slt_ctl = 0x%x int dev_ctl = 0x%x int lnk_ctl = 0x%x int slt_ctl = 0x%x int unc_err_msk = 0x%x int unc_err_sev = 0x%x char dump_dev_state = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx obj_name[20] = 0x%llx int mapped_size = 0x%x int fwdump_buf_size = 0x%x * fw_buf_adde = 0x%llx int version = 0x%x int command = 0x%x int control = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x obj_name[20] = 0x%llx int mapped_size = 0x%x volatile ras_flags = 0x%x char log_format = 0x%x int ret_log_len = 0x%x xri_to_rpi[8192] = 0x%llx * sid_data_buffer = 0x%llx obj_name[20] = 0x%llx int mapped_size = 0x%x int num_pending = 0x%x * scratch_buf = 0x%llx char cs_ctl = 0x%x char cs_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char seq_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x char cs_ctl = 0x%x char cs_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char seq_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x int r_a_tov = 0x%x int e_d_tov = 0x%x int num_eqs_created = 0x%x int num_wqs_created = 0x%x int num_cqs_created = 0x%x char status = 0x%x int no_rpi = 0x%llx int long_term_state = 0x%x int num_wqs_cfg = 0x%x int num_wqs_cfg = 0x%x short rsrc_type = 0x%x int max_indexes = 0x%x int num_indexes = 0x%x int extent_size = 0x%x short rsrc_type = 0x%x int max_indexes = 0x%x int num_indexes = 0x%x int extent_size = 0x%x short rsrc_type = 0x%x int max_indexes = 0x%x int num_indexes = 0x%x int extent_size = 0x%x short rsrc_type = 0x%x int max_indexes = 0x%x int num_indexes = 0x%x int extent_size = 0x%x short rsrc_type = 0x%x int max_indexes = 0x%x int num_indexes = 0x%x int extent_size = 0x%x * scratch_buf = 0x%llx char eeh_fail_recov = 0x%x lock_t emfc_lock = 0x%lx; long long ww_name = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx (*)() * cmd_recv = 0x%llx emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx short ox_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx int blist_index = 0x%x int blist_alloc = 0x%x emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx Usage: emfcvport [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfcvport [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfcvport [-d] [-l] addr VPI_INDEX NPORT_ID PORT_NAME vport_entry* next = 0x%llx vport_entry* prev = 0x%llx resvd[2] = 0x%llx vport_entry* next = 0x%llx Usage: emfcabort [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfcabort [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfcabort [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfcabort [-d] [-l] addr EMFC_MQE_STATUS_INV_SLICFG_PAYLDEMFC_MQE_STATUS_WRITE_FLASH_FAILEMFC_MQE_STATUS_INV_CNTL_PROTOCLEMFC_MQE_STATUS_INV_PROTO_SEQNUMEMFC_MQE_STATUS_NOT_LST_EVNT_TAGEMFC_COMMON_GET_RSRC_EXTENT_INFOEMFC_COMMON_DEALLOC_RSRC_EXTENTSUsage: emfclogin [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfclogin [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfclogin [-d] [-l] addr int class1_sp1 = 0x%llx class1_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class2_sp1 = 0x%llx class2_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class3_sp1 = 0x%llx class3_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class4_sp1 = 0x%llx class4_sp[8] = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx Usage: emfcprtwq [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfcprtwq [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfcprtwq [-d] [-l] addr int old_pri = 0x%x int Work_marker = 0x%x volatile flags = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx int multipage_limit = 0x%x int multipage_count = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short pages = 0x%x emfc_eq* p_eq = 0x%llx int multipage_limit = 0x%x int multipage_count = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short pages = 0x%x emfc_eq* p_eq = 0x%llx char connection_type = 0x%x char dif_enabled = 0x%x char ddw_enabled = 0x%x intr_lvl[128] = 0x%llx long long size = 0x%llx emfc_io_map_t iom1 = 0x%llx long long size = 0x%llx * rq_buf_data_pool = 0x%llx int rsp_size = 0x%x int rsp_size = 0x%x thread* thread = 0x%llx thread* thread = 0x%llx char port_status = 0x%x char ps_overtemp = 0x%x int max_mbx_size = 0x%x int if_type = 0x%llx long long wwpn = 0x%llx long long wwnn = 0x%llx char cee_version = 0x%x int first_hw_rev = 0x%x int third_hw_rev = 0x%x int second_fw_id = 0x%x short fcfi_count = 0x%x port_names[8] = 0x%llx int req_features = 0x%x int ret_features = 0x%x fc_map[3] = 0x%llx fc_map[3] = 0x%llx char initial_bbc = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short status = 0x%x int fc_al_to = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short status = 0x%x char subph_state = 0x%x char fail_reason = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x emfc_cmd_t ctl_cmd = 0x%llx int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx int first_hw_rev = 0x%x int third_hw_rev = 0x%x int second_fw_id = 0x%x union link_un = 0x%llx int pci_vpd_size = 0x%x pci_vpd[3840] = 0x%llx short id = 0x%x * base = 0x%llx queue = 0x%llx * p_wq = 0x%llx int fc4_type = 0x%x int size_ctl = 0x%x int fc4_type = 0x%x int size_ctl = 0x%x int fc4_type = 0x%x int construct_eq_idx = 0x%x short entry_size = 0x%x short entry_size = 0x%x short entry_size = 0x%x char consume_cnt = 0x%x char num_filters = 0x%x char domain_type = 0x%x char consume_cnt = 0x%x char num_filters = 0x%x char domain_type = 0x%x char consume_cnt = 0x%x char num_filters = 0x%x char domain_type = 0x%x char consume_cnt = 0x%x char num_filters = 0x%x char domain_type = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short status = 0x%x int msi_cap_offs = 0x%x int pcie_cap_ver = 0x%x int unc_err_stat = 0x%x int corr_err_msk = 0x%x int root_err_cmd = 0x%x int hw_flags = 0x%x short status = 0x%x char command = 0x%x thread* thread = 0x%llx int error_offset = 0x%x int error_id = 0x%x rpi_to_vpi[16384] = 0x%llx thread* thread = 0x%llx char command = 0x%x short status = 0x%x char buffer_type = 0x%x int rq0_baddr_hi = 0x%x int rq0_baddr_lo = 0x%x int rq1_baddr_hi = 0x%x int rq1_baddr_lo = 0x%x char buffer_type = 0x%x int rq0_baddr_hi = 0x%x int rq0_baddr_lo = 0x%x int rq1_baddr_hi = 0x%x int rq1_baddr_lo = 0x%x int total_num_queues = 0x%x thread* thread = 0x%llx short rq0_id = 0x%x short rq1_id = 0x%x char connection_type = 0x%x long long wwpn = 0x%llx long long wwnn = 0x%llx int first_hw_rev = 0x%x int ret_features = 0x%x char subph_state = 0x%x int fc4_type = 0x%x int fc4_type = 0x%x int fc4_type = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char opcode_type = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct cancel = 0x%llx char opcode_type = 0x%x emfc_wqe_t struct 0x%p size: %d vport_entry* vport = 0x%llx vport_entry* vport = 0x%llx vport_entry* vport = 0x%llx long long delay_to = 0x%llx long long stall_to = 0x%llx vport_entry* vport = 0x%llx EMFC_COMMON_READ_EVENT_LOG_STATUS vport_entry* vport = 0x%llx long long last_use = 0x%llx vport_entry* vport = 0x%llx thread* thread = 0x%llx (*)() * start = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx short entry_size = 0x%x long long inp_reqs = 0x%llx long long out_reqs = 0x%llx short entry_size = 0x%x char intr_registered = 0x%x emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx short entry_size = 0x%x cacheline_pad1[8] = 0x%llx thread* thread = 0x%llx char intr_registered = 0x%x emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx thread* thread = 0x%llx int parent_bus_id = 0x%x int intr_priority = 0x%x int max_xfer_size = 0x%x int num_cmd_elems = 0x%x char fab_fc_class = 0x%x int num_io_queues = 0x%x int intr_priority = 0x%x cacheline_pad3[88] = 0x%llx int intr_priority = 0x%x cacheline_pad4[88] = 0x%llx int virt_fcn = 0x%llx int second_hw_rev = 0x%x char our_sku_name = 0x%x int adap_vpd_size = 0x%x adap_vpd[3840] = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x al_pa_map[128] = 0x%llx int conn_features = 0x%x int reserved4 = 0x%x char post_retries = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x short rpi = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x long long ctl_event = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x int second_hw_rev = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x short put = 0x%x short get = 0x%x int num_wqs_reqst = 0x%x int end_iotag = 0x%x int iodma_per_dmn = 0x%x int max_xfer_size = 0x%x int num_wqs_reqst = 0x%x int end_iotag = 0x%x int iodma_per_dmn = 0x%x int max_xfer_size = 0x%x long long baddr = 0x%llx long long baddr = 0x%llx long long baddr = 0x%llx int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x short entries = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x short entries = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x short entries = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x short entries = 0x%x short max_extents = 0x%x short num_extents = 0x%x short max_extents = 0x%x short num_extents = 0x%x short max_extents = 0x%x short num_extents = 0x%x short max_extents = 0x%x short num_extents = 0x%x short max_extents = 0x%x short num_extents = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x emfc_wdog_t mb_wdog = 0x%llx emfc_tmr_t bmbx_tmr = 0x%llx vport_entry* vports = 0x%llx int num_client_vports = 0x%x char dump_rdy_retries = 0x%x int msix_cap_offs = 0x%x int pcie_cap_offs = 0x%x int enhanced_offs = 0x%x int corr_err_stat = 0x%x int root_err_stat = 0x%x int actual_length = 0x%x char reset_needed = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char reserved = 0x%x int actual_length = 0x%x char reset_needed = 0x%x int intr_priority = 0x%x int state = 0x%x int lbolt = 0x%x char user_ldmp_policy = 0x%x int intr_priority = 0x%x * dumpsave_fwop_buf = 0x%llx int actual_length = 0x%x char reset_needed = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x fc_err_dbg* err_dbg = 0x%llx int end_sequence = 0x%llx short seq_cnt = 0x%x int end_sequence = 0x%llx short seq_cnt = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char pend_work_intrpt = 0x%x int intr_priority = 0x%x short vcc = 0x%x int reserved3 = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int param = 0x%x adap_vpd[3840] = 0x%llx int conn_features = 0x%x long long ctl_event = 0x%llx int num_wqs_reqst = 0x%x int num_wqs_reqst = 0x%x short max_extents = 0x%x short max_extents = 0x%x short max_extents = 0x%x short max_extents = 0x%x short max_extents = 0x%x emfc_wdog_t mb_wdog = 0x%llx vport_entry* vports = 0x%llx fc_err_dbg_t *err_dbg = 0x%p; char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int interface = 0x%x union type = 0x%llx struct rrq_els = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int dif_sge_count = 0x%x long long dif_baddr = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long dly_start = 0x%llx int node_type = 0x%x ip_addr[2] = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx Usage: emfcwqe addr [num_records] Usage: emfcwqe addr [num_records] Usage: emfcmqe addr [num_records] Usage: emfcmqe addr [num_records] Usage: emfcaeqelem [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfcaeqelem [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfcaeqelem [-d] [-l] addr Usage: emfcaeqelem [-d] [-l] addr statblk[9] = 0x%llx * login = 0x%llx * login = 0x%llx * login = 0x%llx * login = 0x%llx int flags = 0x%x ADDRESS FLAGS ENTITIES long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int intr_priority = 0x%x cacheline_pad1[88] = 0x%llx int num_elems = 0x%x long long baddr = 0x%llx d_iovec* iovec_pool = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t io_vlist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t io_blist = 0x%llx short entries = 0x%x long long baddr = 0x%llx short entries = 0x%x long long baddr = 0x%llx int intr_priority = 0x%x cacheline_pad2[80] = 0x%llx cacheline_pad1[120] = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x cacheline_pad2[104] = 0x%llx long long seq_number = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* next = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* prev = 0x%llx int reserved2 = 0x%llx char sli_hint1 = 0x%x int reserved3 = 0x%llx int sli_hint2 = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx int reserved5 = 0x%llx int eqe_sizes = 0x%llx int reserved6 = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%llx int reserved9 = 0x%llx int cqe_sizes = 0x%llx int wqe_sizes = 0x%llx int rqe_sizes = 0x%llx int resrc_ext = 0x%llx char resrc_extents = 0x%x char link_data_val = 0x%x short fc_class_msk = 0x%x short bbcredit = 0x%x int reserved1 = 0x%llx int reserved1 = 0x%llx int max_port_speed = 0x%x int cur_port_speed = 0x%x char read_top_misc = 0x%x char al_pa_granted = 0x%x char lnk_dwn_state = 0x%x char max_bb_credit = 0x%x int other_nport_id = 0x%x char reserved1 = 0x%x int cur_tx_bbc = 0x%x char reserved1 = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%llx int tx_seq_cnt = 0x%x int rx_seq_cnt = 0x%x char setup_retries = 0x%x char flogi_retries = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x adp_rsp[64] = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x int o_s_id = 0x%x struct ctiu = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int opcode = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x long long intr_count = 0x%llx * ctl_offset = 0x%llx * ctl_offset = 0x%llx char cur_valid_bit = 0x%x char cur_valid_bit = 0x%x char cur_valid_bit = 0x%x int construct_resource = 0x%x char reserved1 = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x (*)() * handler = 0x%llx (*)() * handler = 0x%llx (*)() * handler = 0x%llx (*)() * handler = 0x%llx (*)() * handler = 0x%llx emfc_pcicfg_t pcicfg = 0x%llx int lnk_status = 0x%x int lnk_status = 0x%x int ucode_size = 0x%x reserved[7] = 0x%llx int driver = 0x%x int errnum = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x int bw_min = 0x%x int bw_max = 0x%x int al_tov = 0x%x int num_async_regs = 0x%x (*)() * handler = 0x%llx (*)() * handler = 0x%llx (*)() * handler = 0x%llx char reserved1 = 0x%x int element_count = 0x%llx int element_count = 0x%llx short bbcredit = 0x%x short temp = 0x%x int reserved1 = 0x%llx char reserved2 = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int sm_phase_state = 0x%x emfc_adap_info* next = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* prev = 0x%llx short fc_class_msk = 0x%x long long intr_count = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t pay_blist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t rsp_blist = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx int els_opcode = 0x%x struct gen_xchg = 0x%llx struct xmit_seq = 0x%llx * dest_login = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx ADDRESS FLAGS ENTITIES long long dly_expiry = 0x%llx char node_mgmt = 0x%x short udp_port = 0x%x Error displaying struct emfc_wqe_t Usage: emfcwcqe addr [num_records] Usage: emfcwcqe addr [num_records] An incomplete vport read occurred. short com_features = 0x%x version_lvl[16] = 0x%llx long long kt_tid = 0x%llx (*)() * handler = 0x%llx (*)() * handler = 0x%llx * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x char cur_valid_bit = 0x%x long long no_sge_cnt = 0x%llx cacheline_pad2[100] = 0x%llx * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x char cur_valid_bit = 0x%x emfc_eq = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x180 (*)() * handler = 0x%llx char cur_valid_bit = 0x%x long long intr_count = 0x%llx cacheline_pad3[124] = 0x%llx emfc_eq = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x180 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sizes of common driver structures: int num_pci_devices = 0x%x int intrs_allocated = 0x%x int num_nvme_queues = 0x%x char nvme_supported = 0x%x long long busaddr = 0x%llx long long busaddr = 0x%llx Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx reserved1[3] = 0x%llx int sli_family = 0x%llx short reserved7 = 0x%x int reserved10 = 0x%llx int reserved30 = 0x%llx char reserved11 = 0x%x int reserved12 = 0x%llx int reserved13 = 0x%llx int reserved14 = 0x%llx int reserved16 = 0x%llx int reserved17 = 0x%llx int reserved18 = 0x%llx int reserved31 = 0x%llx char reserved19 = 0x%x int reserved20 = 0x%llx int reserved21 = 0x%llx int reserved22 = 0x%llx int reserved23 = 0x%llx int reserved24 = 0x%llx int reserved25 = 0x%llx int reserved26 = 0x%llx int reserved27 = 0x%llx char reserved28 = 0x%x char feature_lvl_lo = 0x%x char feature_lvl_hi = 0x%x int class1_sp1 = 0x%llx class1_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class2_sp1 = 0x%llx class2_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class3_sp1 = 0x%llx class3_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class4_sp1 = 0x%llx class4_sp[8] = 0x%llx int pseudo_fcf = 0x%llx short fcf_index = 0x%x short fcf_state = 0x%x reserved2[4] = 0x%llx int pseudo_fcf = 0x%llx short fcf_index = 0x%x short fcf_state = 0x%x reserved2[4] = 0x%llx char attention_type = 0x%x char curr_lnk_state = 0x%x char curr_lnk_speed = 0x%x char acquired_al_pa = 0x%x short last_fcf_read = 0x%x int crc_err_cnt = 0x%x int prim_seq_to = 0x%x int cur_rcv_bbc = 0x%x reserved3[3] = 0x%llx char post_abt_phase = 0x%x char fabops_retries = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x char source = 0x%x char domain = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x adp_cmd[128] = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx (*)() * cmd_recv = 0x%llx emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx short ox_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x union all_sku_un = 0x%llx int drp_unsolicited_cnt = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short pages = 0x%x int global_num_comp = 0x%x int num_eqs_created = 0x%x int num_cqs_created = 0x%x int num_wqs_created = 0x%x int global_num_comp = 0x%x int start_iotag = 0x%x (*)() * recv_fcn = 0x%llx int num_eqs_created = 0x%x int num_cqs_created = 0x%x int num_wqs_created = 0x%x int global_num_comp = 0x%x int start_iotag = 0x%x (*)() * recv_fcn = 0x%llx fc_list_t pending = 0x%llx fc_list_t pending = 0x%llx fc_list_t pending = 0x%llx fc_list_t pending = 0x%llx long long i_count = 0x%llx long long i_count = 0x%llx long long i_count = 0x%llx long long i_count = 0x%llx long long i_count = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t post_wdog = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t link_wdog = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx msix_vector[512] = 0x%llx int adv_err_cap_ctl = 0x%x int fw_bufsize_adde = 0x%x short reserved2 = 0x%x short reserved3 = 0x%x Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx emfc_elog_t sense = 0x%llx char fields = 0x%x int r_a_tov = 0x%x int e_d_tov = 0x%x int r_t_tov = 0x%x char opened = 0x%x char resvd0 = 0x%x emfc_freemap* io_tags = 0x%llx long long i_count = 0x%llx long long i_count = 0x%llx emfc_intr_t offl_aism = 0x%llx long long i_count = 0x%llx Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx short rq0_rqe_index = 0x%x short rq1_rqe_index = 0x%x int sequence_length = 0x%x short rq0_rqe_index = 0x%x short rq1_rqe_index = 0x%x int sequence_length = 0x%x int class1_sp1 = 0x%llx class1_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class2_sp1 = 0x%llx class2_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class3_sp1 = 0x%llx class3_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class4_sp1 = 0x%llx class4_sp[8] = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx int desc_length = 0x%x char cs_ctl = 0x%x char cs_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char seq_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x int global_num_comp = 0x%x int global_num_comp = 0x%x int global_num_comp = 0x%x emfc_wdog_t post_wdog = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t link_wdog = 0x%llx emfc_cmd = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x258 long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x struct async_els = 0x%llx * stale_login = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x emfc_cmd = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x258 long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx emfc_rnid_data_t rnid = 0x%llx global_id[2] = 0x%llx int port_number = 0x%x char ip_version = 0x%x Error displaying emfc_generic_mqe_t ae_q_elem = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xa8 ae_q_elem = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xa8 emfc_abort_info* next = 0x%llx emfc_abort_info* prev = 0x%llx emfc_abort_info* next = 0x%llx emfc_abort_info* prev = 0x%llx emfc_login_elem* next = 0x%llx emfc_login_elem* prev = 0x%llx emfc_login_elem* next = 0x%llx Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx emfc_wq_proto* wq = 0x%llx long long i_count = 0x%llx long long i_count = 0x%llx fc_list_t active_list = 0x%llx d_handle* d_handle_io = 0x%llx long long io_dma_size = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx fc_list_t active_list = 0x%llx fc_list_t active_list = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx fc_list_t active_list = 0x%llx long long i_count = 0x%llx Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx resource_name[16] = 0x%llx d_handle* d_handle_ctl = 0x%llx long long used = 0x%llx long long iodma_per_wq = 0x%llx emfc_cmd_rsc_t cmd_rsc = 0x%llx eeh_handle* eeh_handle = 0x%llx int eq_page_cnt = 0x%llx int cq_page_cnt = 0x%llx int mq_page_cnt = 0x%llx short reserved15 = 0x%x int wq_page_cnt = 0x%llx int rq_page_cnt = 0x%llx short reserved29 = 0x%x resserved4[3] = 0x%llx first_fw_name[16] = 0x%llx int fip_priority = 0x%x int sol_in_prog = 0x%llx int fip_priority = 0x%x int sol_in_prog = 0x%llx int lnk_fail_cnt = 0x%x int inv_word_cnt = 0x%x int rcv_eofa_cnt = 0x%x int rcv_soff_cnt = 0x%x int tx_frame_cnt = 0x%x int rx_frame_cnt = 0x%x int rx_p_bsy_cnt = 0x%x int rx_f_bsy_cnt = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char p2p_con_retries = 0x%x int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char opcode_type = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct cancel = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx emfc_cmd* abt_cmd_pool = 0x%llx fc_list_t abt_cmd_free = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx emfc_vpd_buf_t vpd_buf = 0x%llx union stds_spt_un = 0x%llx struct fields = 0x%llx char fcph_lo = 0x%x char fcph_hi = 0x%x struct fields = 0x%llx first_fw_name[16] = 0x%llx port_names[8] = 0x%llx long long data = 0x%llx emfc_wq_admin_t wq = 0x%llx char cq_type = 0x%x short id = 0x%x * base = 0x%llx int num_sges = 0x%x * sge_pool = 0x%llx int construct_wq_idx = 0x%x int construct_wq_idx = 0x%x emfc_queue* parent = 0x%llx emfc_queue* parent = 0x%llx emfc_queue* parent = 0x%llx short entry_size = 0x%x short entry_size = 0x%x short entry_size = 0x%x emfc_rq_info_t scsi_rq = 0x%llx short entry_size = 0x%x emfc_freemap* free = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* free = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* free = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* free = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* free = 0x%llx emfc_mb_info_t mb_info = 0x%llx int offl_comp_status = 0x%x reserved2[63] = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx emfc_intr_t offl_start = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t abort_wdog = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t delay_wdog = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t coord_wdog = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx resource_name[16] = 0x%llx char sliport_rdy_retries = 0x%x emfc_rdwr_obj* cur_obj = 0x%llx long long fwdnld_event = 0x%llx char version = 0x%x int num_wqes = 0x%x int num_mqes = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int lt_state = 0x%x int fc_al_to = 0x%x resvd1[2] = 0x%llx resvd2[8] = 0x%llx resvd3[8] = 0x%llx resvd4[8] = 0x%llx resvd5[8] = 0x%llx resvd6[8] = 0x%llx char fwdump_reset_needed = 0x%x char fwdmp_physdev_ready = 0x%x char runtime_ldmp_policy = 0x%x int offl_comp_status = 0x%x reserved2[63] = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx int desc_tag = 0x%x int desc_tag = 0x%x short tx_pwr = 0x%x short rx_pwr = 0x%x int desc_tag = 0x%x int desc_tag = 0x%x int desc_tag = 0x%x char buffer_type = 0x%x int rq0_baddr_hi = 0x%x int rq0_baddr_lo = 0x%x int rq1_baddr_hi = 0x%x int rq1_baddr_lo = 0x%x vport_entry* vport = 0x%llx first_fw_name[16] = 0x%llx emfc_vpd_buf_t vpd_buf = 0x%llx emfc_wq_admin_t wq = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* free = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* free = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* free = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* free = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* free = 0x%llx emfc_mb_info_t mb_info = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t abort_wdog = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec_list = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx short disc_flags = 0x%x Error displaying emfc_wcqe_generic_t fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int nport_id = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x emfc_login_elem* login = 0x%llx emfc_login_elem* login = 0x%llx EMFC_COMMON_QUERY_MAX_MBX_BUFFER_SIZE int class1_validity = 0x%llx int class2_validity = 0x%llx int class3_validity = 0x%llx int class4_validity = 0x%llx thread* thread = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx fc_list_t pending_list = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_t waiting_list = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx emfc_queue* parent = 0x%llx long long no_iovec_cnt = 0x%llx short entry_size = 0x%x fc_list_t pending_list = 0x%llx fc_list_t waiting_list = 0x%llx fc_list_t pending_list = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_t waiting_list = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx emfc_queue* parent = 0x%llx short entry_size = 0x%x fc_list_t pending_list = 0x%llx fc_list_t waiting_list = 0x%llx emfc_queue* parent = 0x%llx int sec_btwn_linkstat = 0x%x char user_ldmp_policy = 0x%x d_handle* d_handle_adap = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx char ps_err_trans_cnt = 0x%x int sli_revision = 0x%llx int eqe_cnt_meth = 0x%llx int cqe_cnt_meth = 0x%llx int mqe_cnt_meth = 0x%llx int wqe_cnt_meth = 0x%llx int rqe_cnt_meth = 0x%llx int els_auto_reg = 0x%llx int perf_hint_on = 0x%llx int pause_resume = 0x%llx int boundary_4gb = 0x%llx int sgl_page_cnt = 0x%llx char sgl_pp_align = 0x%x second_fw_name[16] = 0x%llx int max_recv_size = 0x%x char mac_provider = 0x%x int max_recv_size = 0x%x char mac_provider = 0x%x char lnk_dwn_tx_state = 0x%x short specified_al_pa = 0x%x int initial_n_port_id = 0x%x int loss_sync_cnt = 0x%x int advert_tx_bbc = 0x%x int rcv_eofni_cnt = 0x%x int tx_kbytes_cnt = 0x%x int rx_kbytes_cnt = 0x%x int tot_xchg_orig = 0x%x int tot_xchg_resp = 0x%x char post_hbeat_phase = 0x%x long long hbeat_int = 0x%llx emfc_cmd_t aism_cmd = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x long long cfg_opn_event = 0x%llx char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int interface = 0x%x union type = 0x%llx struct rrq_els = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx char link_num = 0x%x char link_val = 0x%x second_fw_name[16] = 0x%llx int max_num_cmd_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x int num_elems = 0x%x short entries = 0x%x char type = 0x%x short put = 0x%x short get = 0x%x int global_num_active = 0x%x long long resvd = 0x%llx int num_wqs_allocated = 0x%x int global_num_active = 0x%x long long resvd = 0x%llx int num_wqs_allocated = 0x%x int global_num_active = 0x%x long long resvd = 0x%llx long long baddr = 0x%llx emfc_rq_info_t admin_rq = 0x%llx long long baddr = 0x%llx long long baddr = 0x%llx long long baddr = 0x%llx emfc_queue* construct_q = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx vport_entry* phys_vport = 0x%llx int total_intr_registered = 0x%x long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx char var_type = 0x%x char subphase = 0x%x int ebuf_over = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x short vpi = 0x%x short rpi = 0x%x short rpi = 0x%x struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx short tx_bias = 0x%x short sfpflgs = 0x%x int end_sequence = 0x%llx short seq_cnt = 0x%x long long cfg_opn_event = 0x%llx int global_num_active = 0x%x int num_wqs_allocated = 0x%x int global_num_active = 0x%x int num_wqs_allocated = 0x%x int global_num_active = 0x%x struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx long long page_size = 0x%llx long long nvme_assoc_id = 0x%llx long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx vport_entry = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xa8 int num_att_nodes = 0x%x vport_entry = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xa8 fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx int port_page = 0x%x int fpin_word = 0x%x int conn_type = 0x%x EMFC_COMMON_GET_ALLOCATED_RSRC_EXTENTS long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int class1_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class1_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class1_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class1_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class2_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class2_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class2_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class2_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class3_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class3_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class3_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class3_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class4_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class4_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class4_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class4_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int intr_priority = 0x%x emfc_freemap* iovec_map = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long baddr = 0x%llx long long baddr = 0x%llx char tce_64k_supported = 0x%x long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t cmd_buf_vlist = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t cmd_buf_blist = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t abt_buf_vlist = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t abt_buf_blist = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx char protocol_type = 0x%x char eq_page_sizes = 0x%x char cq_page_sizes = 0x%x char mq_page_sizes = 0x%x char wq_page_sizes = 0x%x char rq_page_sizes = 0x%x int perf_hint_off = 0x%llx int multi_wqe_xri = 0x%llx int hi_login_mode = 0x%llx short phys_xri_max = 0x%x short phys_rpi_max = 0x%x short phys_vpi_max = 0x%x short phys_vfi_max = 0x%x char read_cfg_topology = 0x%x short com_features = 0x%x version_lvl[16] = 0x%llx fcf_mac_addr[6] = 0x%llx char fcf_available = 0x%x fcf_mac_addr[6] = 0x%llx char fcf_available = 0x%x char read_top_topology = 0x%x char lnk_dwn_rcv_state = 0x%x char lnk_dwn_lnk_speed = 0x%x char curr_lnk_tx_state = 0x%x int advert_rcv_bbc = 0x%x int rcv_eofdit_cnt = 0x%x emfc_aism_info_t sm_info = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x int o_s_id = 0x%x struct ctiu = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int opcode = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t pay_blist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t rsp_blist = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx int els_opcode = 0x%x struct gen_xchg = 0x%llx struct xmit_seq = 0x%llx * dest_login = 0x%llx emfc_rq_buf* rq_buf_pool = 0x%llx char link_type = 0x%x int global_num_pending = 0x%x int global_num_pending = 0x%x int global_num_pending = 0x%x emfc_rq_info_t master_rq = 0x%llx * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x char cur_valid_bit = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x char cur_valid_bit = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x char cur_valid_bit = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x char cur_valid_bit = 0x%x emfc_post_xri_t post_xri = 0x%llx long long bmbx_baddr = 0x%llx * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x ae_q_elem* ae_qelem_pool = 0x%llx emfc_intr_t offl_mb_comp = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t dmp_msg_wdog = 0x%llx emfc_dma_test_t dma_test = 0x%llx long long fwop_buf_baddr = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx char conn_type = 0x%x int r_nport_id = 0x%x int privileges = 0x%x int resvd1 = 0x%x long long bmbx_baddr = 0x%llx * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x short com_features = 0x%x version_lvl[16] = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int element_count = 0x%llx emfc_aism_info_t sm_info = 0x%llx int global_num_pending = 0x%x int global_num_pending = 0x%x int global_num_pending = 0x%x ae_q_elem* ae_qelem_pool = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx struct xmit_bls_rsp = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx emfc_buf_info_t buf_info = 0x%llx long long key_to_hash_wq = 0x%llx emfc_buf_info_t buf_info = 0x%llx int prli_flags = 0x%x int conn_speed = 0x%x int conn_flags = 0x%x int max_vports = 0x%x int conn_speed = 0x%x fcph_serv_parms_t params = 0x%llx short bbrecv_data_size = 0x%x int class1_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class1_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class1_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class1_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class1_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class1_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class2_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class2_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class2_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class2_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class2_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class2_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class3_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class3_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class3_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class3_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class3_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class3_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class4_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class4_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class4_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class4_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class4_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class4_serv_opts5 = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x fc_list_t offl_comp_list = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx char cur_valid_bit = 0x%x emfc_tmr_t pending_q_tmr = 0x%llx fc_list_t offl_comp_list = 0x%llx fc_list_t offl_comp_list = 0x%llx char cur_valid_bit = 0x%x fc_list_t offl_comp_list = 0x%llx emfceq [-s] [adapaddr/adapname] emfceq [-s] [adapaddr/adapname] emfceq [-s] [adapaddr/adapname] Enter the emfc_global address (in hex): long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx int fcn_buf_reg_rq = 0x%llx int sgl_pre_reg_rq = 0x%llx int perf_hint_wqid = 0x%llx int terp_conf_comp = 0x%llx int loopback_scope = 0x%llx char sgl_page_sizes = 0x%x int max_rq_buf_size = 0x%x vlan_bitmap[128] = 0x%llx vlan_bitmap[128] = 0x%llx char curr_lnk_rcv_state = 0x%x char loop_port_bypassed = 0x%x int loss_signal_cnt = 0x%x int primseq_err_cnt = 0x%x int clear_counters = 0x%llx int empty_rq_to_cnt = 0x%x long long init_status = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx (*)() * cmd_recv = 0x%llx emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx short ox_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x struct async_els = 0x%llx * stale_login = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short pages = 0x%x emfc_eq* p_eq = 0x%llx short num_since_consume = 0x%x short num_since_consume = 0x%x short num_since_consume = 0x%x fc_list_t outstanding = 0x%llx fc_list_t outstanding = 0x%llx emfc_rq_info_t measure_rq = 0x%llx fc_list_t outstanding = 0x%llx fc_list_t outstanding = 0x%llx emfc_resource resource[5] = 0x%llx int max_allowed_indexes = 0x%x int max_allowed_indexes = 0x%x int max_allowed_indexes = 0x%x int max_allowed_indexes = 0x%x int max_allowed_indexes = 0x%x long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t sm_hbeat_wdog = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t lnk_stat_wdog = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t livedump_wdog = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t fwop_buf_vlist = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t fwop_buf_blist = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx int download_buffer = 0x%x char link_speed = 0x%x int crc_err_cnt = 0x%x int prim_seq_to = 0x%x short vfi_count = 0x%x short vpi_count = 0x%x short rpi_count = 0x%x short xri_count = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x char resvd1 = 0x%x fc_pfs_reg_info* pfs_info = 0x%llx long long pend_work_event = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx int desc_length = 0x%x int desc_length = 0x%x int desc_length = 0x%x int desc_length = 0x%x int desc_length = 0x%x short rq0_rqe_index = 0x%x short rq1_rqe_index = 0x%x int sequence_length = 0x%x long long init_status = 0x%llx emfc_resource resource[5] = 0x%llx Enter the emfc_global address (in hex): long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx char vendor = 0x%x * nmsrv_login = 0x%llx int async_flags = 0x%x * nmsrv_login = 0x%llx char restrict_entity_id = 0x%x ADDRESS IDX DMN PENDING Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx emfc_domain_proto* domain = 0x%llx fc_list_t spc_active_list = 0x%llx short num_since_consume = 0x%x emfc_sge_resource_t sge_r = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* sge_map = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx fc_list_t spc_active_list = 0x%llx emfc_sge_resource_t sge_r = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* sge_map = 0x%llx fc_list_t spc_active_list = 0x%llx short num_since_consume = 0x%x emfc_sge_resource_t sge_r = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* sge_map = 0x%llx fc_list_t spc_active_list = 0x%llx emfc_sge_resource_t sge_r = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* sge_map = 0x%llx ADDRESS IDX TYPE STATE short num_since_consume = 0x%x Enter the emfc_global address (in hex): long long bus_mem_addr = 0x%llx char runtime_ldmp_policy = 0x%x long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx emfc_simple_lock_t tx_lock = 0x%llx emfc_simple_lock_t rx_lock = 0x%llx emfc_port_info_t port_info = 0x%llx short eqe_count_mask = 0x%x short cqe_count_mask = 0x%x short mqe_count_mask = 0x%x short wqe_count_mask = 0x%x short rqe_count_mask = 0x%x int rq_dbell_window = 0x%llx int terp_data_retry = 0x%llx int rx_seq_coalesce = 0x%llx int class1_validity = 0x%llx int class2_validity = 0x%llx int class3_validity = 0x%llx int class4_validity = 0x%llx emfc_link_info_t link_info = 0x%llx int drop_f_no_RQ_cnt = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char opcode_type = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct cancel = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x char feat_lvl_lo = 0x%x char feat_lvl_hi = 0x%x short entry_size = 0x%x int global_num_comp_high = 0x%x long long inp_reqs = 0x%llx long long out_reqs = 0x%llx emfc_wq_proto* wq_pool = 0x%llx int global_num_comp_high = 0x%x long long inp_reqs = 0x%llx long long out_reqs = 0x%llx emfc_wq_proto* wq_pool = 0x%llx int global_num_comp_high = 0x%x long long inp_reqs = 0x%llx long long out_reqs = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx emfc_queue* parent = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx emfc_queue* parent = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx emfc_queue* parent = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx emfc_queue* parent = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx emfc_mqe_info slot[11] = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t admin_wqe_wdog = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t vport_dly_wdog = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long source_baddr = 0x%llx long long target_baddr = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx emfc_rdwr_obj_t fwdump_obj = 0x%llx long long mapped_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_rdwr_obj_t fwdnld_obj = 0x%llx long long mapped_baddr = 0x%llx resource_name[16] = 0x%llx long long wwpn = 0x%llx char fatal_cause = 0x%x int inv_word_cnt = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x short resvd2 = 0x%x int last_use = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x long long mapped_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx emfc_mqe_info slot[11] = 0x%llx int class1_validity = 0x%llx int class2_validity = 0x%llx int class3_validity = 0x%llx int class4_validity = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t pend_work_wdog = 0x%llx long long expiry_lbolt = 0x%llx long long wwnn = 0x%llx long long wwpn = 0x%llx emfc_port_info_t port_info = 0x%llx emfc_link_info_t link_info = 0x%llx int global_num_comp_high = 0x%x emfc_wq_proto* wq_pool = 0x%llx int global_num_comp_high = 0x%x emfc_wq_proto* wq_pool = 0x%llx int global_num_comp_high = 0x%x emfc_mqe_info slot[11] = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct ba_acc = 0x%llx struct ba_rjt = 0x%llx emfc_generic_mqe_t struct 0x%p size: %d emfc_wcqe_generic_t struct 0x%p size %d fc_async_statblk_t statblk = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x struct async_logo = 0x%llx struct async_prli = 0x%llx struct async_prlo = 0x%llx struct async_rscn = 0x%llx struct async_fpin = 0x%llx int p2p_nport_id = 0x%x fc_async_statblk_t statblk = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* eligible_xri = 0x%llx emfc_wq_proto = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x680 emfc_simple_lock_t tx_lock = 0x%llx long long kt_sleep_tid = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx emfc_kproc_mgmt* kproc = 0x%llx fc_list_t spc_pending_list = 0x%llx d_handle* d_handle_sge = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx emfc_queue* parent = 0x%llx long long no_dma_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx emfc_wq_proto = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x680 fc_list_t spc_pending_list = 0x%llx d_handle* d_handle_sge = 0x%llx emfc_wq_admin = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x308 fc_list_t spc_pending_list = 0x%llx fc_list_t offl_resume_list = 0x%llx emfc_queue* parent = 0x%llx d_handle* d_handle_sge = 0x%llx emfc_wq_admin = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x308 fc_list_t spc_pending_list = 0x%llx fc_list_t offl_resume_list = 0x%llx d_handle* d_handle_sge = 0x%llx emfc_simple_lock_t rx_lock = 0x%llx emfc_simple_lock_t rx_lock = 0x%llx long long bus_mem_addr2 = 0x%llx long long total_io_dma_size = 0x%llx long long d_handle_ctl_size = 0x%llx long long rsp_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_cmd_ioba_t dd_ioba = 0x%llx long long rsp_baddr = 0x%llx int sge_supported_len = 0x%x short min_rq_buf_size = 0x%x long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int class1_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class1_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class1_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class1_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class2_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class2_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class2_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class2_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class3_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class3_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class3_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class3_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class4_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class4_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class4_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class4_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int drop_f_no_xri_cnt = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int interface = 0x%x union type = 0x%llx struct rrq_els = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx char our_sku_name = 0x%x long long baddr = 0x%llx short entries = 0x%x long long ctrl_reqs = 0x%llx long long inp_bytes = 0x%llx long long out_bytes = 0x%llx int adap_num_act_cmds = 0x%x long long ctrl_reqs = 0x%llx long long inp_bytes = 0x%llx long long out_bytes = 0x%llx int adap_num_act_cmds = 0x%x long long ctrl_reqs = 0x%llx long long inp_bytes = 0x%llx long long out_bytes = 0x%llx int adap_num_act_cmds = 0x%x short max_allowed_extents = 0x%x short max_allowed_extents = 0x%x short max_allowed_extents = 0x%x short max_allowed_extents = 0x%x short max_allowed_extents = 0x%x long long scratch_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_login_elem* login_pool = 0x%llx emfc_login_elem* login_head = 0x%llx emfc_login_elem* login_tail = 0x%llx fc_list_t aeqelem_free_list = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx fc_list_t aeqelem_offl_list = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx emfc_intr_t offl_comp_admin = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t wait_plogi_wdog = 0x%llx struct err_rec0 errhead = 0x%llx int link_fail_cnt = 0x%x int loss_sync_cnt = 0x%x short phys_vports = 0x%x int vpi_index = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x char entities = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x emfc_intr_t offl_resume_cmd = 0x%llx long long scratch_baddr = 0x%llx fcph_serv_parms_t parms = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int class1_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class1_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class1_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class1_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class2_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class2_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class2_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class2_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class3_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class3_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class3_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class3_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class4_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class4_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class4_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class4_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int payload_word0 = 0x%x emfc_login_elem* login_pool = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx struct reset_interface = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx emfc_login_elem* login_head = 0x%llx emfc_login_elem* login_tail = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx struct async_login = 0x%llx struct async_login = 0x%llx emfc_abort_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x58 emfc_abort_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x58 emfc_login_elem = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xc8 emfc_login_elem = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xc8 emfcprtwq [-s] [adapaddr/adapname] emfcprtwq [-s] [adapaddr/adapname] emfcprtwq [-s] [adapaddr/adapname] emfc_kthread_mgmt_t kthread = 0x%llx emfc_simple_lock_t lock = 0x%llx long long cfg_sleep_tid = 0x%llx struct fc_list req_list = 0x%llx emfc_intr_t offl_start_scsi = 0x%llx emfc_intr_t offl_comp_proto = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx long long sge_pool_size = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx long long sge_pool_size = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx STATE CONNECTION_TYPE PHASE OPENED long long d_handle_adap_size = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t adap_q_pool_vlist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t adap_q_pool_blist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t rq_buf_data_vlist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t rq_buf_data_blist = 0x%llx emfc_cmd_ioba_t ctl_ioba = 0x%llx short bbrecv_data_size = 0x%x int class1_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class1_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class1_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class1_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class1_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class1_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class2_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class2_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class2_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class2_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class2_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class2_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class3_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class3_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class3_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class3_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class3_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class3_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class4_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class4_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class4_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class4_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class4_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class4_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int empty_xri_pool_cnt = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t pay_blist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t rsp_blist = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx int els_opcode = 0x%x struct gen_xchg = 0x%llx struct xmit_seq = 0x%llx * dest_login = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx struct xmit_bls_rsp = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx emfc_cmd* async_rsp_cmd_pool = 0x%llx fc_list_t async_rsp_cmd_free = 0x%llx * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x char cur_valid_bit = 0x%x int global_num_active_high = 0x%x int adap_num_pend_cmds = 0x%x long long no_sge_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_xri_cnt = 0x%llx int global_num_active_high = 0x%x int adap_num_pend_cmds = 0x%x long long no_sge_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_xri_cnt = 0x%llx int global_num_active_high = 0x%x int adap_num_pend_cmds = 0x%x long long no_sge_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_xri_cnt = 0x%llx long long bmbx_poll_time = 0x%llx emfc_intr_t offl_start_admin = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t port_status_wdog = 0x%llx emfc_cfg_ucode32_t ucode = 0x%llx long long r_wwpn = 0x%llx int link_stat_freq = 0x%x emfc_async_list_t async_list = 0x%llx long long bmbx_poll_time = 0x%llx short bbrecv_data_size = 0x%x int class1_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class1_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class1_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class1_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class1_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class1_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class2_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class2_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class2_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class2_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class2_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class2_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class3_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class3_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class3_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class3_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class3_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class3_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class4_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class4_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class4_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class4_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class4_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class4_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int global_num_active_high = 0x%x int global_num_active_high = 0x%x int global_num_active_high = 0x%x emfcvport [-s] [-f] emfcvport [-s] [-f] emfcvport [-s] [-f] emfc_sub_mqe_hdr_p struct 0x%p size %d emfclogin [-s] [-f] emfclogin [-s] [-f] emfclogin [-s] [-f] long long sge_pool_baddr = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long other_map_fail_cnt = 0x%llx long long sge_pool_baddr = 0x%llx long long sge_pool_baddr = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long sge_pool_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x32b28 long long total_dma_size_used = 0x%llx long long _xm_globamr = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx int cqe_count_mask_ext = 0x%llx int wqe_count_mask_ext = 0x%llx int rqe_count_mask_ext = 0x%llx int rpi_hdr_buf_reg_rq = 0x%llx int terp_task_retry_id = 0x%llx int fip_keep_alive_time = 0x%x long long fabric_name = 0x%llx long long switch_name = 0x%llx int fip_keep_alive_time = 0x%x long long fabric_name = 0x%llx long long switch_name = 0x%llx long long other_port_name = 0x%llx long long other_node_name = 0x%llx int elastic_buf_overrun = 0x%x int rcv_drop_no_aer_cnt = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x struct async_els = 0x%llx * stale_login = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx char vendor = 0x%x long long spurious_intr_count = 0x%llx emfc_domain_admin_t admin_dmn = 0x%llx fc_list_t active_list = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx int global_num_pending_high = 0x%x int adap_act_high_water = 0x%x int global_num_pending_high = 0x%x int adap_act_high_water = 0x%x int global_num_pending_high = 0x%x int adap_act_high_water = 0x%x short num_since_consume = 0x%x short num_since_consume = 0x%x short num_since_consume = 0x%x short num_since_consume = 0x%x emfc_generic_mqe* last_mb = 0x%llx emfc_intr_t offl_xri_sm_abort = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t admin_cancel_wdog = 0x%llx emfc_adap_port_log_t adap_log = 0x%llx int loss_signal_cnt = 0x%x int primseq_err_cnt = 0x%x short client_vports = 0x%x short cfg_opn_state = 0x%x emfc_intr_t offl_continue_rst = 0x%llx emfc_generic_mqe* last_mb = 0x%llx emfc_cfgmmio_entry cfgmmio[8] = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payld_t plogi_payld = 0x%llx emfc_simple_lock_t abort_lock = 0x%llx emfc_seq_rpt_buf_t sr_buf = 0x%llx long long kthread_attach_fail = 0x%llx emfc_adap_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x32b28 long long spurious_intr_count = 0x%llx emfc_domain_admin_t admin_dmn = 0x%llx int global_num_pending_high = 0x%x int global_num_pending_high = 0x%x int global_num_pending_high = 0x%x emfc_generic_mqe* last_mb = 0x%llx Memory allocation for emfc_kdb_slist failed struct async_link_up = 0x%llx int num_scsi_queues = 0x%x int num_nvme_queues = 0x%x int scsi_qstart_idx = 0x%x int nvme_qstart_idx = 0x%x long long conn_id = 0x%llx RPI NPORT_ID PORT_NAME VPORT emfc_dio_t sge_pool_vlist = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t sge_pool_blist = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx short num_since_consume = 0x%x long long multipage_limit_cnt = 0x%llx long long client_map_fail_cnt = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t sge_pool_vlist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t sge_pool_blist = 0x%llx short num_since_consume = 0x%x emfc_dio_t sge_pool_vlist = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t sge_pool_blist = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t sge_pool_vlist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t sge_pool_blist = 0x%llx long long max_pci_dma_size = 0x%llx long long _subspace_id = 0x%llx long long fabric_node_name = 0x%llx char p2p_async_flogi_retries = 0x%x fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct ba_acc = 0x%llx struct ba_rjt = 0x%llx emfc_abort_info* abt_info_pool = 0x%llx fc_list_t pending_list = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_t waiting_list = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx emfc_queue* parent = 0x%llx short entry_size = 0x%x int adap_pend_high_water = 0x%x long long no_iovec_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_iotag_cnt = 0x%llx emfc_domain_proto proto_dmn[2] = 0x%llx int desired_queue_pair_count = 0x%x fc_filter_isr_t filter_isr = 0x%llx int adap_pend_high_water = 0x%x long long no_iovec_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_iotag_cnt = 0x%llx int desired_queue_pair_count = 0x%x fc_filter_isr_t filter_isr = 0x%llx int adap_pend_high_water = 0x%x long long no_iovec_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_iotag_cnt = 0x%llx emfc_bmbx_buf* bmbx_buffer = 0x%llx fc_list_t mqe_pending_list = 0x%llx emfc_wdog_t adde_fw_dwnld_wdog = 0x%llx long long ucode_buffer = 0x%llx int size_download_buffer = 0x%x long long wwpn = 0x%llx int reg_nport_id = 0x%x long long wwpn = 0x%llx emfc_simple_lock_t fw_dmp_lock = 0x%llx emfc_bmbx_buf* bmbx_buffer = 0x%llx fc_list_t mqe_pending_list = 0x%llx emfc_seq_rpt_buf_t flogi_srbuf = 0x%llx emfc_seq_rpt_buf_t plogi_srbuf = 0x%llx emfc_async_rdp_info_t rdp_info = 0x%llx emfc_domain_proto proto_dmn[2] = 0x%llx emfc_bmbx_buf* bmbx_buffer = 0x%llx char last_seq_id = 0x%x short lo_seq_cnt = 0x%x short hi_seq_cnt = 0x%x char reason_code = 0x%x long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx emfc_ctl_elem_blk = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x280 emfc_ctl_elem_blk = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x280 long long vp_pname = 0x%llx long long vp_pname = 0x%llx long long vp_pname = 0x%llx long long vp_pname = 0x%llx long long vp_pname = 0x%llx long long vp_pname = 0x%llx int max_proto_logins = 0x%x long long assoc_id = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long time_last_adp_rst = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx struct reset_interface = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long baddr = 0x%llx int adap_heldoff_num_cmds = 0x%x int adap_heldoff_num_cmds = 0x%x int adap_heldoff_num_cmds = 0x%x (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx cfg_ucode_adde_t ucode_adde = 0x%llx emfc_mb_info_t dumpsave_mb_info = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx char pn_port_phy_type = 0x%x Memory reallocation for emfc_kdb_slist failed char seq_id_valid = 0x%x long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long reserved1 = 0x%llx long long reserved2 = 0x%llx long long reserved3 = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long reserved3 = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx struct async_lip_lnkdn = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx emfc_cmd_ioba abt_ioba[1024] = 0x%llx long long meas_ticks_per_sec = 0x%llx fcph_serv_parms_t serv_parms = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx struct xmit_bls_rsp = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fc_list_t offl_comp_list = 0x%llx char cur_valid_bit = 0x%x emfc_reg_rx_filter filter[6] = 0x%llx emfc_reg_rx_filter filter[6] = 0x%llx emfc_reg_rx_filter filter[6] = 0x%llx emfc_reg_rx_filter filter[6] = 0x%llx long long bmbx_max_wait_time = 0x%llx emfc_login_elem* free_login_head = 0x%llx emfc_login_elem* free_login_tail = 0x%llx long long bmbx_max_wait_time = 0x%llx fcls_rdp_acc_payld_t rdp_rsp = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* active_cmd_indices = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx char vendor = 0x%x long long time_of_last_stat_reset = 0x%llx fc_list_t spc_active_list = 0x%llx short num_since_consume = 0x%x emfc_sge_resource_t sge_r = 0x%llx emfc_freemap* sge_map = 0x%llx int adap_heldoff_high_water = 0x%x long long no_xri_warnings = 0x%llx int adap_heldoff_high_water = 0x%x long long no_xri_warnings = 0x%llx int adap_heldoff_high_water = 0x%x long long no_xri_warnings = 0x%llx emfc_pcie_cap_regs_t pcie_cap = 0x%llx emfc_ucode_adde_t ucode_adde_info = 0x%llx emfc_simple_lock_t error_log_lock = 0x%llx emfc_elog_common_t common = 0x%llx long long init_status = 0x%llx emfc_rdwr_obj_t dumpsave_obj_info = 0x%llx struct emfc_adap_info *ap_ptr[%02d] = 0x%p; emfc_ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct async_adap_resume = 0x%llx Available SLI-4 adapter driver kdb subcommands emfc_sli4_fc_desc_t parameters = 0x%llx emfc_fcf_table_entry_t alt_fcf = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct ba_acc = 0x%llx struct ba_rjt = 0x%llx char last_seq_id = 0x%x short lo_seq_cnt = 0x%x short hi_seq_cnt = 0x%x char reason_code = 0x%x long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx emfc_abort_info* abt_info_act_head = 0x%llx emfc_abort_info* abt_info_act_tail = 0x%llx fc_list_t spc_pending_list = 0x%llx fc_list_t offl_resume_list = 0x%llx emfc_queue* parent = 0x%llx d_handle* d_handle_sge = 0x%llx long long no_dma_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_dma_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_dma_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx emfc_pcie_cap_regs_t pcie_cap2 = 0x%llx short oper_speed_cap = 0x%x long long no_dma_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_dma_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_dma_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx long long multimap_client_page_cnt = 0x%llx emfc_fcf_table_entry_t pref_fcf = 0x%llx int rcv_drop_no_avail_rpi_cnt = 0x%x int rcv_drop_no_avail_xri_cnt = 0x%x long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx struct reset_interface = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx char seq_id_valid = 0x%x long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx emfc_abort_info* abt_info_free_head = 0x%llx emfc_abort_info* abt_info_free_tail = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx long long sge_pool_size = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long no_adap_elems_cnt = 0x%llx long long rq_empty_warnings = 0x%llx long long no_adap_elems_cnt = 0x%llx long long rq_empty_warnings = 0x%llx long long no_adap_elems_cnt = 0x%llx long long rq_empty_warnings = 0x%llx struct emfc_error_log_def error_log = 0x%llx emfc_elog_vport_t vport = 0x%llx emfc_elog_login_t login = 0x%llx emfc_elog_variant_t variant = 0x%llx emfc_bmbx_buf* dumpsave_bmbx_buffer = 0x%llx fcph_fr_hdr_brev_t frame_header = 0x%llx fcph_fr_hdr_brev_t frame_header = 0x%llx short curr_oper_speed = 0x%x int invalid_crc_count = 0x%x long long no_adap_elems_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_adap_elems_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_adap_elems_cnt = 0x%llx char explanation_code = 0x%x long long p2p_port_name = 0x%llx long long p2p_node_name = 0x%llx emfc_ctl_elem_blk* active_cmd_array = 0x%llx emfc_read_status_mqe_t rd_status = 0x%llx long long sge_pool_baddr = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long other_map_fail_cnt = 0x%llx long long other_map_fail_cnt = 0x%llx long long other_map_fail_cnt = 0x%llx emfc_generic_mqe_t resp_pthru_mb = 0x%llx emfc_generic_mqe_t resp_pthru_mb = 0x%llx int link_failure_count = 0x%x int loss_of_sync_count = 0x%x int invalid_trans_word = 0x%x emfc_cmd_ioba async_rsp_ioba[512] = 0x%llx emfc_read_lnk_stat_mqe_t lnk_stat = 0x%llx emfc_fcf_table_node fcf_table[32] = 0x%llx short num_since_consume = 0x%x emfc_dio_t sge_pool_vlist = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t sge_pool_blist = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long multipage_limit_cnt = 0x%llx long long client_map_fail_cnt = 0x%llx long long multipage_limit_cnt = 0x%llx long long client_map_fail_cnt = 0x%llx long long multipage_limit_cnt = 0x%llx long long client_map_fail_cnt = 0x%llx struct async_nvme_disconnect = 0x%llx SPC_PEND ACTIVE SPC_ACTIVE WAITING OFFLEVEL char last_seq_id = 0x%x short lo_seq_cnt = 0x%x short hi_seq_cnt = 0x%x char reason_code = 0x%x long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx fc_fc4_traffic_stat_t traffic_stat = 0x%llx fc_fc4_traffic_stat_t traffic_stat = 0x%llx fc_fc4_traffic_stat_t traffic_stat = 0x%llx int loss_of_signal_count = 0x%x long long fabric_node_name = 0x%llx emfcwqe addr : Display WQE emfcmqe addr : Display CQE char seq_id_valid = 0x%x long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx char explanation_code = 0x%x fcph_fr_hdr_brev_t frame_header = 0x%llx emfc_async_stat_info async_entity[6] = 0x%llx int primitive_seq_prot_err = 0x%x fcph_rnid_acc_com_nid_t com_nid_data = 0x%llx Sizes of kernel/application accommodation structures: fcph_rnid_topdisc_data_t spec_id_data = 0x%llx emfctrc [-p] addr [num_records] : Display traces fc_adap_driver_info_t adap_driver_info = 0x%llx long long multimap_client_page_cnt = 0x%llx fc_adap_driver_info_t adap_driver_info = 0x%llx long long multimap_client_page_cnt = 0x%llx fc_adap_driver_info_t adap_driver_info = 0x%llx long long multimap_client_page_cnt = 0x%llx fc_adap_driver_info_t adap_driver_info = 0x%llx long long multimap_client_page_cnt = 0x%llx fc_adap_driver_info_t adap_driver_info = 0x%llx long long multimap_client_page_cnt = 0x%llx fc_adap_driver_info_t adap_driver_info = 0x%llx long long multimap_client_page_cnt = 0x%llx emfceq [-d] addr : Display emfc_eq char explanation_code = 0x%x fcls_sfp_diag_param_desc_t sfp_desc = 0x%llx emfccmd [-d] [-l] addr : Display emfc_cmd emfcaeqelem [-d] [-l] addr : Display ae_q_elem fcls_link_service_inf_desc_t link_desc = 0x%llx fcls_port_speed_desc_t port_speed_desc = 0x%llx fcls_port_names_desc_t port_names_desc = 0x%llx emfcbfxtrc [-p] addr [num_records] : Display bufx traces fcph_rpsc_port_speed_t port_speed_cap = 0x%x emfcsglob : Display emfc_global emfcvport [-d] [-l] addr : Display vport_entry emfcprtwq [-d] [-l] addr : Display emfc_wq_proto emfcadmwq [-d] [-l] addr : Display emfc_wq_admin fcfs_link_err_status_blk_t status_blk = 0x%llx emfclogin [-d] [-l] addr : Display emfc_login_elem emfcabort [-d] [-l] addr : Display emfc_abort_info emfcctl [-d] [-l] addr : Display emfc_ctl_elem_blk emfcwcqe addr : Display emfc_wcqe_generic fcls_link_err_status_blk_desc_t link_err_desc = 0x%llx emfcs [-h] [-d] [-l] [-f] [adapname|addr] : Display emfc_adap_info emfceq [-s] [adapname|adapaddr] : Display summary of emfc_eq emfcvport [-s] [-f ] : Dispaly vport_entry's summary emfclogin [-s] [-f] : Dispaly emfc_login_elem's summary emfcprtwq [-s] [adapname|adapaddr] : Display summary of emfc_wq_protos emfctrc [-p] base_addr end_addr inptr_addr [num_records] : Display all traces emfcbfxtrc [-p] base_addr end_addr inptr_addr [num_records] : Display all bufx traces @(#)95 src/rspc/kernext/pci/emfcs/emfc_kdb.c, sysxemfc, rspc72X, x2021_50A9 11/25/21 05:52:04^dfxfxffffxfxfxffxfxffxfxfffxfffxffffxfxfxffxgg ggg$fxg,g4fxg<gDgLgT_`l`t__`|__`____``_________``____````____________``a_a ______aa __a(a4a@aH_bb bbb$b,_b4kdklkkkl klkkkklkkkkkl$kl,l4kl<klDkklLklTkl\??@D@D?(@D@D@D?8@D@D@D?H@D@D@D?X@D@D@D?h@D@D@D?x@D?@D?@D@D@D?@D@D@D?Q WA W Wy WB W W Wm Wg WZ WV@ WK W(@ W W@ W X P Vx V V V V V W W W8 WP Wh W W W2@r8"@ 0@ @@ N@ Z@ g@ t@ @ @ @ @ @@@ @ @  V`! 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