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0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int data_size = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x char t10_type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x short rpi = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x char type = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x short rpi = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x nvmeof_wcq* wcq = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int num_act_admin_cmd = 0x%x int num_started_assoc = 0x%x int intr_priority = 0x%x cacheline1_pad[88] = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx fc_list_t comp_list = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx int intr_priority = 0x%x cacheline1_pad[88] = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx int flags = 0x%x short version = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx * login = 0x%llx * payld = 0x%llx * payld = 0x%llx * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x long long resvd = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x cvfc_cmd_t cvfc_cmd = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x short adap_opcode = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x long long flags = 0x%llx int num_pages = 0x%x short dif_app_tag = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x short version = 0x%x long long flags = 0x%llx int handle_to_abt = 0x%x int total_len = 0x%x fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx long long timestamp = 0x%llx nvmeof_wsq* wsq = 0x%llx short cmd_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx Usage: fcnvmeofcmd [-d] [-l] addr Usage: fcnvmeofcmd [-d] [-l] addr Usage: fcnvmeofcmd [-d] [-l] addr long long cmd_baddr = 0x%llx long long rsp_baddr = 0x%llx long long data_size = 0x%llx long long cmd_baddr = 0x%llx long long rsp_baddr = 0x%llx long long data_size = 0x%llx Unable to find int cancel_all_to = 0x%x int async_open_to = 0x%x int intr_priority = 0x%x int num_cmd_elems = 0x%x cacheline1_pad[96] = 0x%llx int intr_priority = 0x%x int intr_priority = 0x%x cacheline2_pad[48] = 0x%llx int intr_priority = 0x%x int intr_priority = 0x%x cacheline3_pad[48] = 0x%llx * ndd_alias = 0x%llx int ndd_flags = 0x%x int ndd_mintu = 0x%x short api_version = 0x%x int max_data_rate = 0x%x short api_version = 0x%x int adap_cmd_size = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx char type = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x short rpi = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x nvmeof_wcq* wcq = 0x%llx char type = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x short rpi = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x nvmeof_wcq* wcq = 0x%llx char type = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x short rpi = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x nvmeof_wcq* wcq = 0x%llx char type = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x short rpi = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x char type = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x nvmeof_wcq* wcq = 0x%llx struct xmem xmp = 0x%llx int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x struct xmem xmp = 0x%llx int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x struct xmem xmp = 0x%llx int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x struct xmem xmp = 0x%llx int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x fc_err_dbg* err_dbg = 0x%llx int flags_bit = 0x%x int sleep_bit = 0x%x short api_version = 0x%x int adap_cmd_size = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx Unable to find target_info* pn_next = 0x%llx target_info* pn_prev = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x adp_rsp[64] = 0x%llx char adap_type = 0x%x reserved[2] = 0x%llx int handle = 0x%x struct dio blist = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_t ctiu_op = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x adp_rsp[64] = 0x%llx char adap_type = 0x%x reserved[2] = 0x%llx int handle = 0x%x struct dio blist = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x adp_rsp[64] = 0x%llx char adap_type = 0x%x reserved[2] = 0x%llx int handle = 0x%x struct dio blist = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x int status = 0x%x pad[32] = 0x%llx int handle = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x struct prli = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x int status = 0x%x pad[32] = 0x%llx int handle = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x struct prli = 0x%llx reserved[7] = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x int handle = 0x%x int handle = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx short work_bit = 0x%x fcnvme_cmd_t prli_op = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x adp_rsp[64] = 0x%llx char adap_type = 0x%x reserved[2] = 0x%llx int handle = 0x%x struct dio blist = 0x%llx target_info* pn_next = 0x%llx target_info* pn_prev = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_t ctiu_op = 0x%llx long long thread_tid = 0x%llx short wsq_per_kt_count = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x * post_proc_data = 0x%llx int num_elems_high = 0x%x short wsq_per_kt_count = 0x%x reserved[7] = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x int status = 0x%x pad[32] = 0x%llx int handle = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x struct prli = 0x%llx ioconn_info* kt_next = 0x%llx ioconn_info* kt_prev = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x int o_s_id = 0x%x struct ctiu = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int opcode = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x short adap_options = 0x%x int prev_adap_work = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx int blist_used = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx int page_count = 0x%x int dsd_offset = 0x%x nvme_list_node* next = 0x%llx nvme_list_node* prev = 0x%llx fcnvme_ersp_iu* ersp = 0x%llx fcnvme_ersp_iu* ersp = 0x%llx int parent_unit_no = 0x%x int filtertype = 0x%x int ndd_refcnt = 0x%x int ndd_hdrlen = 0x%x long long open_event = 0x%llx int adap_set_flags = 0x%x adap_parms[256] = 0x%llx int num_proto_kthreads = 0x%x int adap_resp_size = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x adp_rsp[64] = 0x%llx char adap_type = 0x%x reserved[2] = 0x%llx int handle = 0x%x struct dio blist = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x adp_rsp[64] = 0x%llx char adap_type = 0x%x reserved[2] = 0x%llx int handle = 0x%x struct dio blist = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x adp_rsp[64] = 0x%llx char adap_type = 0x%x reserved[2] = 0x%llx int handle = 0x%x struct dio blist = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x adp_rsp[64] = 0x%llx char adap_type = 0x%x reserved[2] = 0x%llx int handle = 0x%x struct dio blist = 0x%llx struct dio vlist = 0x%llx struct dio blist = 0x%llx struct dio vlist = 0x%llx struct dio blist = 0x%llx struct dio vlist = 0x%llx struct dio blist = 0x%llx struct dio vlist = 0x%llx struct dio blist = 0x%llx long long open_lbolt = 0x%llx reserved[7] = 0x%llx reserved[7] = 0x%llx int filtertype = 0x%x int adap_set_flags = 0x%x int adap_resp_size = 0x%x long long open_lbolt = 0x%llx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "fcnvme_glob_info" address...[0x%p] Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx long long ioctl_event = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx assoc_info* assoc = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx assoc_info* assoc = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx assoc_info* assoc = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx assoc_info* assoc = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx assoc_info* assoc = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_t plogi_op = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char source = 0x%x char domain = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x adp_cmd[128] = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x short reserved0 = 0x%x int retry_count = 0x%x int nport_id_in = 0x%x short reserved2 = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char source = 0x%x char domain = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x adp_cmd[128] = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x short reserved0 = 0x%x int retry_count = 0x%x int nport_id_in = 0x%x short reserved2 = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char source = 0x%x char domain = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x adp_cmd[128] = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x short reserved0 = 0x%x int retry_count = 0x%x int nport_id_in = 0x%x short reserved2 = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx char opcode = 0x%x cmd[128] = 0x%llx char opcode = 0x%x char cancel_allowed = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x cmd[128] = 0x%llx char opcode = 0x%x char cancel_allowed = 0x%x nqn[256] = 0x%llx struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { short resvd = 0x%x int dif_ref_tag = 0x%x char source = 0x%x char domain = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x assoc_info* assoc = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char source = 0x%x char domain = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x adp_cmd[128] = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x short reserved0 = 0x%x int retry_count = 0x%x int nport_id_in = 0x%x short reserved2 = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx long long ioctl_event = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_t plogi_op = 0x%llx struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { fc_simple_lock_t lock = 0x%llx Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx NUM_IOCON CANCEL_STATE IOCONN_LIST Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx nqn[256] = 0x%llx char opcode = 0x%x cmd[128] = 0x%llx char opcode = 0x%x char cancel_allowed = 0x%x (*)() * func = 0x%llx assoc_info* assoc = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx (*)() * cmd_recv = 0x%llx emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx short ox_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x long long wwpn_in = 0x%llx short flags = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short state = 0x%x char resvd1 = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx cmd_elem = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x300 long long ww_name = 0x%llx int blist_index = 0x%x int blist_alloc = 0x%x emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx nvmeof_wcq* p_wcq = 0x%llx cmd_elem = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x300 fcnvme_cmd_iu* fc_cmd = 0x%llx * transport_work_area = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_iu* fc_cmd = 0x%llx * transport_work_area = 0x%llx Usage: fcnvme [-d] [-l] [name|addr] "fcnvme_info_ptrs" address...[0x%p] Sizes of common driver structures: struct fcnvme_ddi ddi = 0x%llx parent_lname[16] = 0x%llx int num_nvme_queues = 0x%x int update_vport_to = 0x%x Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx Simple_lock slock = 0x%llx fcnvme_shared* shared = 0x%llx ndd* ndd_next = 0x%llx int ndd_addrlen = 0x%x int ndd_speclen = 0x%x int ndd_2_flags = 0x%x ndd* vlan_ndd = 0x%llx long long fcnvme_lock = 0x%llx * protocol_device = 0x%llx int connection_type = 0x%x fc_query_t adap_query = 0x%llx long long ioctl_event = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx assoc_info* assoc = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char source = 0x%x char domain = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x adp_cmd[128] = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x short reserved0 = 0x%x int retry_count = 0x%x int nport_id_in = 0x%x short reserved2 = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char source = 0x%x char domain = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x adp_cmd[128] = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x short reserved0 = 0x%x int retry_count = 0x%x int nport_id_in = 0x%x short reserved2 = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char source = 0x%x char domain = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x adp_cmd[128] = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x short reserved0 = 0x%x int retry_count = 0x%x int nport_id_in = 0x%x short reserved2 = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char source = 0x%x char domain = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x adp_cmd[128] = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x short reserved0 = 0x%x int retry_count = 0x%x int nport_id_in = 0x%x short reserved2 = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_ddi ddi = 0x%llx parent_lname[16] = 0x%llx fcnvme_shared* shared = 0x%llx long long fcnvme_lock = 0x%llx int connection_type = 0x%x fc_query_t adap_query = 0x%llx long long ioctl_event = 0x%llx struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { struct fcnvme_thresh_info { Usage: fcnvmetinfo [-d] [-l|-p] addr Usage: fcnvmetinfo [-d] [-l|-p] addr Usage: fcnvmetinfo [-d] [-l|-p] addr Usage: fcnvmetinfo [-d] [-l|-p] addr char cancel_assocs_retry = 0x%x long long dyntrk_event = 0x%llx struct wtimer log_wdog = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx int admin_handle = 0x%x int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx int admin_handle = 0x%x int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx int admin_handle = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x bufx* bufx = 0x%llx int time_out = 0x%x reply[64] = 0x%llx int adap_key = 0x%x bufx* bufx = 0x%llx int nport_id = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x bufx* bufx = 0x%llx int time_out = 0x%x reply[64] = 0x%llx int adap_key = 0x%x bufx* bufx = 0x%llx int nport_id = 0x%x free_assoc_list[2048] = 0x%llx long long alt_nport_id = 0x%llx int return_flags = 0x%x long long inp_reqs = 0x%llx long long out_reqs = 0x%llx int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx int dif_hdr_size = 0x%x int dif_blk_size = 0x%x int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx int map_data_buf = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_dsds = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx ioconn_info* iocon = 0x%llx short adap_queue = 0x%x int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx int admin_handle = 0x%x struct wtimer log_wdog = 0x%llx int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x long long kt_sleep_tid = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* head = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* tail = 0x%llx * global_num_elems = 0x%llx Usage: fcnvmeassoc [-d] [-l|-t] addr Usage: fcnvmeassoc [-d] [-l|-t] addr Usage: fcnvmeassoc [-d] [-l|-t] addr Usage: fcnvmeassoc [-d] [-l|-t] addr int return_flags = 0x%x long long io_abort_key = 0x%llx short io_tag = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x bufx* bufx = 0x%llx int time_out = 0x%x reply[64] = 0x%llx int adap_key = 0x%x bufx* bufx = 0x%llx int nport_id = 0x%x watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx long long inp_reqs = 0x%llx long long out_reqs = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char opcode_type = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct cancel = 0x%llx short adap_mb_opcode = 0x%x * adap_ae_work_ptr = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx int nport_id = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x struct marker = 0x%llx int vp_index = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char opcode_type = 0x%x long long assoc_id = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx long long real_cmd = 0x%llx long long active_lbolt = 0x%llx * transport_mapped_sgl = 0x%llx * transport_mapped_sgl = 0x%llx resource_name[16] = 0x%llx * ndd_physaddr = 0x%llx int max_proto_logins = 0x%x int num_proto_queues = 0x%x int proto_qstart_idx = 0x%x long long p2p_nport_id = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx int admin_handle = 0x%x int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx int admin_handle = 0x%x int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx int admin_handle = 0x%x int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx int admin_handle = 0x%x free_target_list[128] = 0x%llx int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x * kt_sleep_tid = 0x%llx resource_name[16] = 0x%llx * ndd_physaddr = 0x%llx int max_proto_logins = 0x%x int num_proto_queues = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct wtimer ctiu_wdog = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x cvfc_cmd_t cvfc_cmd = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x short adap_opcode = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x cvfc_cmd_t cvfc_cmd = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x short adap_opcode = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x cvfc_cmd_t cvfc_cmd = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x short adap_opcode = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx cmd_elem_t cmd_elem = 0x%llx char type = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int data_size = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x char t10_type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x short rpi = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x char type = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x cmd_elem_t cmd_elem = 0x%llx char type = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int data_size = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x char t10_type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x short rpi = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x char type = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x long long alt_node_name = 0x%llx long long prev_nport_id = 0x%llx short port_id = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x long long ctrl_reqs = 0x%llx long long inp_bytes = 0x%llx long long out_bytes = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x long long flags = 0x%llx int num_pages = 0x%x short dif_app_tag = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x short version = 0x%x long long flags = 0x%llx int handle_to_abt = 0x%x int total_len = 0x%x fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx long long timestamp = 0x%llx nvmeof_wsq* wsq = 0x%llx short cmd_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x cvfc_cmd_t cvfc_cmd = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x short adap_opcode = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx struct wtimer ctiu_wdog = 0x%llx long long cfg_sleep_tid = 0x%llx assoc_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x640 short port_id = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x cmd_elem_t cmd_elem = 0x%llx char type = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int data_size = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x char t10_type = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x short rpi = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x char type = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx long long ctrl_reqs = 0x%llx long long inp_bytes = 0x%llx long long out_bytes = 0x%llx assoc_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x640 Usage: fcnvmeioconn [-d] [-l|-t] addr Usage: fcnvmeioconn [-d] [-l|-t] addr Usage: fcnvmeioconn [-d] [-l|-t] addr Usage: fcnvmeioconn [-d] [-l|-t] addr IOCON ASSOC ioconn_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x98 long long connection_id = 0x%llx ioconn_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x98 long long connection_id = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x300 char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int interface = 0x%x union type = 0x%llx struct rrq_els = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short nport_handle_in = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x short timeout = 0x%x int rcv_bytes = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char modifier = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long resid_iov = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x300 long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int dif_sge_count = 0x%x long long dif_baddr = 0x%llx long long real_resp = 0x%llx nvmeof_cmd = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x100 nvmeof_cmd = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x100 int nvme_im_entity_id = 0x%x * ndd_specdemux = 0x%llx * ndd_trace_arg = 0x%llx * ndd_specstats = 0x%llx fcnvme_shared* next = 0x%llx int xmalloc_srad_indx = 0x%x long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int num_queue_entries = 0x%x long long p2p_port_name = 0x%llx long long p2p_node_name = 0x%llx long long dma_flags = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x cvfc_cmd_t cvfc_cmd = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x short adap_opcode = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x cvfc_cmd_t cvfc_cmd = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x short adap_opcode = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x cvfc_cmd_t cvfc_cmd = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x short adap_opcode = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x cvfc_cmd_t cvfc_cmd = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x short adap_opcode = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx fcnvme_adap_fcns_t adap = 0x%llx int nvme_im_entity_id = 0x%x long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx char wait_for_cancel_compl = 0x%x target_info* lookup_next = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x int o_s_id = 0x%x struct ctiu = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int opcode = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x short adap_options = 0x%x int prev_adap_work = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x int o_s_id = 0x%x struct ctiu = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int opcode = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x short adap_options = 0x%x int prev_adap_work = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x int o_s_id = 0x%x struct ctiu = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int opcode = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x short adap_options = 0x%x int prev_adap_work = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x int handle = 0x%x int handle = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx short work_bit = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x int handle = 0x%x int handle = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx short work_bit = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x cmd_elem_t prli_cmd_elem = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx int blist_used = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx int page_count = 0x%x int dsd_offset = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x int o_s_id = 0x%x struct ctiu = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int opcode = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x short adap_options = 0x%x int prev_adap_work = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x fcnvme_kproc_mgmt* kproc = 0x%llx fc_list* comp_list_local = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x int handle = 0x%x int handle = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx short work_bit = 0x%x char wait_for_cancel_compl = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t pay_blist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t rsp_blist = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx int els_opcode = 0x%x struct gen_xchg = 0x%llx struct xmit_seq = 0x%llx * dest_login = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx cvfc_iocb_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx int fbrst_size = 0x%x int xmit_bytes = 0x%x short time_out = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x cvfc_iocb_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx * transport_dd_work_area = 0x%llx * transport_dd_work_area = 0x%llx * ndd_correlator = 0x%llx (*)() * ndd_ctl = 0x%llx int ndd_nobufs = 0x%x int num_allowed_vports = 0x%x int num_nmsrv_qry_failures = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x int o_s_id = 0x%x struct ctiu = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int opcode = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x short adap_options = 0x%x int prev_adap_work = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x int o_s_id = 0x%x struct ctiu = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int opcode = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x short adap_options = 0x%x int prev_adap_work = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x int o_s_id = 0x%x struct ctiu = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int opcode = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x short adap_options = 0x%x int prev_adap_work = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x int o_s_id = 0x%x struct ctiu = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x int opcode = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char phase = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x short adap_options = 0x%x int prev_adap_work = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x long long events = 0x%llx int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x target_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x3a50 long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx (*)() * cmd_recv = 0x%llx emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx short ox_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x long long wwpn_in = 0x%llx short flags = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short state = 0x%x char resvd1 = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx (*)() * cmd_recv = 0x%llx emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx short ox_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x long long wwpn_in = 0x%llx short flags = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short state = 0x%x char resvd1 = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx (*)() * cmd_recv = 0x%llx emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx short ox_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x long long wwpn_in = 0x%llx short flags = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short state = 0x%x char resvd1 = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x int dif_ref_tag = 0x%x char source = 0x%x char domain = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x assoc_info* assoc = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x int dif_ref_tag = 0x%x char source = 0x%x char domain = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x assoc_info* assoc = 0x%llx long long world_wide_name = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx int blist_index = 0x%x int blist_alloc = 0x%x emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx nvmeof_wcq* p_wcq = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx (*)() * cmd_recv = 0x%llx emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx short ox_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x long long wwpn_in = 0x%llx short flags = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short state = 0x%x char resvd1 = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx target_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x3a50 long long world_wide_name = 0x%llx Simple_lock kt_flags_lock = 0x%llx fc_list_t cancel_req_list = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x int dif_ref_tag = 0x%x char source = 0x%x char domain = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x assoc_info* assoc = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx nvme_list_node* dhead = 0x%llx nvme_list_node* dtail = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x struct async_els = 0x%llx * stale_login = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx char entry_type = 0x%x struct login_out = 0x%llx short queue_num = 0x%x struct els_pthru = 0x%llx char els_opcode = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char els_opcode = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char entry_type = 0x%x char entry_type = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx fcnvme_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x1b18 (*)() * ndd_open = 0x%llx int ndd_demuxsource = 0x%x ndd_reserved[12] = 0x%llx * ndd_parent_nddp = 0x%llx int ndd_ierrors = 0x%x int ndd_oerrors = 0x%x int size_extra_sg_space = 0x%x long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx (*)() * cmd_recv = 0x%llx emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx short ox_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x long long wwpn_in = 0x%llx short flags = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short state = 0x%x char resvd1 = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx (*)() * cmd_recv = 0x%llx emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx short ox_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x long long wwpn_in = 0x%llx short flags = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short state = 0x%x char resvd1 = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx (*)() * cmd_recv = 0x%llx emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx short ox_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x long long wwpn_in = 0x%llx short flags = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short state = 0x%x char resvd1 = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx (*)() * cmd_recv = 0x%llx emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx short ox_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x short rx_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short ox_id = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x long long wwpn_in = 0x%llx short flags = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short state = 0x%x char resvd1 = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx fc_pfs_reg_info* pfs_info = 0x%llx fcnvme_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x1b18 STATE LOGIN_HDL NPORT_ID fc_simple_lock_t spin_lock = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char opcode_type = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct cancel = 0x%llx short adap_mb_opcode = 0x%x * adap_ae_work_ptr = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx int nport_id = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x struct marker = 0x%llx int vp_index = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char opcode_type = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct cancel = 0x%llx short adap_mb_opcode = 0x%x * adap_ae_work_ptr = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx int nport_id = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x struct marker = 0x%llx int vp_index = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x fcnvme_cmd_t move_login_op = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char opcode_type = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct cancel = 0x%llx short adap_mb_opcode = 0x%x * adap_ae_work_ptr = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx int nport_id = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x struct marker = 0x%llx int vp_index = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int buf_type = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx int dif_hdr_size = 0x%x int dif_blk_size = 0x%x int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx int map_data_buf = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_dsds = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx ioconn_info* iocon = 0x%llx short adap_queue = 0x%x fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int buf_type = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx int dif_hdr_size = 0x%x int dif_blk_size = 0x%x int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx int map_data_buf = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_dsds = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx ioconn_info* iocon = 0x%llx short adap_queue = 0x%x struct fc = 0x%llx char opcode_type = 0x%x long long assoc_id = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx long long real_cmd = 0x%llx long long active_lbolt = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char opcode_type = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct cancel = 0x%llx short adap_mb_opcode = 0x%x * adap_ae_work_ptr = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx int nport_id = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x struct marker = 0x%llx int vp_index = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x fcnvme_cmd_t move_login_op = 0x%llx fc_list* cancel_list_local = 0x%llx fc_simple_lock_t spin_lock = 0x%llx long long admin_connect_id = 0x%llx struct fc = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int buf_type = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx int dif_hdr_size = 0x%x int dif_blk_size = 0x%x int sge_used = 0x%x * abt_info = 0x%llx * proto_wq = 0x%llx int map_data_buf = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_dsds = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx ioconn_info* iocon = 0x%llx short adap_queue = 0x%x long long admin_connect_id = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx char entry_count = 0x%x struct adap_reset = 0x%llx int abort_handle = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec_list = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx cvfc_iocb_t reply_iocb = 0x%llx char entry_count = 0x%x char entry_count = 0x%x long long dma_addr = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* data_dsd = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec_list = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_iu* cmd_payload = 0x%llx nvmeof_cmd* nvmeof_cmd = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_iu* cmd_payload = 0x%llx Usage: fcnvme [-d] [-l] [-f] [name|addr] Usage: fcnvme [-d] [-l] [-f] [name|addr] fc_simple_lock_t spin_lock = 0x%llx int num_buffers1 = 0x%x int buffer_size1 = 0x%x int num_buffers2 = 0x%x int buffer_size2 = 0x%x (*)() * ndd_close = 0x%llx (*)() * nd_status = 0x%llx (*)() * ndd_trace = 0x%llx long long arp_priv = 0x%llx (*)() * cmd_entry_fcn_ptr = 0x%llx fc_filter_isr_t filter_isr = 0x%llx fc_status_isr_t status_isr = 0x%llx fc_link_setup_t link_setup = 0x%llx long long fabric_node_name = 0x%llx struct wtimer send_seq_tmr = 0x%llx target_info* target_pn[32] = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char opcode_type = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct cancel = 0x%llx short adap_mb_opcode = 0x%x * adap_ae_work_ptr = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx int nport_id = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x struct marker = 0x%llx int vp_index = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char opcode_type = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct cancel = 0x%llx short adap_mb_opcode = 0x%x * adap_ae_work_ptr = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx int nport_id = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x struct marker = 0x%llx int vp_index = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char opcode_type = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct cancel = 0x%llx short adap_mb_opcode = 0x%x * adap_ae_work_ptr = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx int nport_id = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x struct marker = 0x%llx int vp_index = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x char opcode_type = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x char ph_prog = 0x%x struct cancel = 0x%llx short adap_mb_opcode = 0x%x * adap_ae_work_ptr = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx int nport_id = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x short status = 0x%x struct marker = 0x%llx int vp_index = 0x%x char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x long long used = 0x%llx long long used = 0x%llx struct fc_dma_init pay_dma = 0x%llx long long used = 0x%llx struct fc_dma_init rsp_dma = 0x%llx long long used = 0x%llx fc_simple_lock_t spin_lock = 0x%llx fc_link_setup_t link_setup = 0x%llx target_info* target_pn[32] = 0x%llx struct wtimer prli_dly_wdog = 0x%llx char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int interface = 0x%x union type = 0x%llx struct rrq_els = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short nport_handle_in = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x short timeout = 0x%x int rcv_bytes = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char modifier = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long resid_iov = 0x%llx char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int interface = 0x%x union type = 0x%llx struct rrq_els = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short nport_handle_in = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x short timeout = 0x%x int rcv_bytes = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char modifier = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long resid_iov = 0x%llx char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int interface = 0x%x union type = 0x%llx struct rrq_els = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short nport_handle_in = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x short timeout = 0x%x int rcv_bytes = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char modifier = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long resid_iov = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x long long flags = 0x%llx int num_pages = 0x%x short dif_app_tag = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x short version = 0x%x long long flags = 0x%llx int handle_to_abt = 0x%x int total_len = 0x%x fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx long long timestamp = 0x%llx nvmeof_wsq* wsq = 0x%llx short cmd_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x long long flags = 0x%llx int num_pages = 0x%x short dif_app_tag = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x short version = 0x%x long long flags = 0x%llx int handle_to_abt = 0x%x int total_len = 0x%x fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx long long timestamp = 0x%llx nvmeof_wsq* wsq = 0x%llx short cmd_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x int addr_type = 0x%x struct net = 0x%llx int flags = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int dif_sge_count = 0x%x long long dif_baddr = 0x%llx long long real_resp = 0x%llx char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int interface = 0x%x union type = 0x%llx struct rrq_els = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short nport_handle_in = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x short timeout = 0x%x int rcv_bytes = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char modifier = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long resid_iov = 0x%llx volatile kt_management_flags = 0x%x (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx (*)() * post_proc_func = 0x%llx * global_num_elems_high = 0x%llx int addr_type = 0x%x struct net = 0x%llx int flags = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x long long flags = 0x%llx int num_pages = 0x%x short dif_app_tag = 0x%x int rpi_index = 0x%x int xri_index = 0x%x int sge_index = 0x%x int sge_alloc = 0x%x short rel_cnt = 0x%x short version = 0x%x long long flags = 0x%llx int handle_to_abt = 0x%x int total_len = 0x%x fcnvme_info* fcnvme = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx long long timestamp = 0x%llx nvmeof_wsq* wsq = 0x%llx short cmd_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short with_per_kt_assoc_table = 0x%x fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx char entry_status = 0x%x struct ct_iu_pthru = 0x%llx int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x int col_n_port_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx long long page_size = 0x%llx long long nvme_assoc_id = 0x%llx long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx char entry_status = 0x%x char entry_status = 0x%x long long page_size = 0x%llx int transport_mapped_sgl_size = 0x%x int transport_mapped_sgl_size = 0x%x fc_simple_lock_t ioctl_lock = 0x%llx int entity_number = 0x%x int buf_threshold = 0x%x (*)() * ndd_output = 0x%llx (*)() * nd_receive = 0x%llx long long p2p_port_name = 0x%llx long long p2p_node_name = 0x%llx long long adap_resume_event = 0x%llx char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int interface = 0x%x union type = 0x%llx struct rrq_els = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short nport_handle_in = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x short timeout = 0x%x int rcv_bytes = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char modifier = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long resid_iov = 0x%llx char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int interface = 0x%x union type = 0x%llx struct rrq_els = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short nport_handle_in = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x short timeout = 0x%x int rcv_bytes = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char modifier = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long resid_iov = 0x%llx char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int interface = 0x%x union type = 0x%llx struct rrq_els = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short nport_handle_in = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x short timeout = 0x%x int rcv_bytes = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char modifier = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long resid_iov = 0x%llx struct fcnvme_cmd rft_id_op = 0x%llx char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int interface = 0x%x union type = 0x%llx struct rrq_els = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short nport_handle_in = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x short timeout = 0x%x int rcv_bytes = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char modifier = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int cmd_bytes = 0x%x int rsp_bytes = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx long long cur_state = 0x%llx volatile * kt_flags = 0x%llx fc_simple_lock_t ioctl_lock = 0x%llx struct fcnvme_cmd rft_id_op = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t pay_blist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t rsp_blist = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx int els_opcode = 0x%x struct gen_xchg = 0x%llx struct xmit_seq = 0x%llx * dest_login = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx cvfc_iocb_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx int fbrst_size = 0x%x int xmit_bytes = 0x%x short time_out = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t pay_blist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t rsp_blist = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx int els_opcode = 0x%x struct gen_xchg = 0x%llx struct xmit_seq = 0x%llx * dest_login = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx cvfc_iocb_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx int fbrst_size = 0x%x int xmit_bytes = 0x%x short time_out = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t pay_blist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t rsp_blist = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx int els_opcode = 0x%x struct gen_xchg = 0x%llx struct xmit_seq = 0x%llx * dest_login = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx cvfc_iocb_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx int fbrst_size = 0x%x int xmit_bytes = 0x%x short time_out = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx char list_type = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx int blist_used = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx int page_count = 0x%x int dsd_offset = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx int blist_used = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx int page_count = 0x%x int dsd_offset = 0x%x int returned_flags = 0x%x int trans_type = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x cvfc_iocb_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t pay_blist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t rsp_blist = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx int els_opcode = 0x%x struct gen_xchg = 0x%llx struct xmit_seq = 0x%llx * dest_login = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx cvfc_iocb_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx int fbrst_size = 0x%x int xmit_bytes = 0x%x short time_out = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx int returned_flags = 0x%x int trans_type = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx int blist_used = 0x%x char rdy_entry = 0x%x char rdy_issue = 0x%x char list_type = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx int page_count = 0x%x int dsd_offset = 0x%x struct wtimer cancel_io_wdog = 0x%llx nvme_list_node* next = 0x%llx nvme_list_node* prev = 0x%llx nvme_list_node* next = 0x%llx nvme_list_node* prev = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx struct xmit_bls_rsp = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x * alt_correlator = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx emfc_ctl_elem_blk_t ctl_elem = 0x%llx emfc_buf_info_t buf_info = 0x%llx long long key_to_hash_wq = 0x%llx long long issue_timebase = 0x%llx long long cmplt_timebase = 0x%llx fcnvme_ersp_iu* resp_payload = 0x%llx fcnvme_ersp_iu* resp_payload = 0x%llx fc_simple_lock_t errlog_lock = 0x%llx int ndd_ibytes_msw = 0x%x int ndd_ibytes_lsw = 0x%x int ndd_obytes_msw = 0x%x int ndd_obytes_lsw = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t pay_blist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t rsp_blist = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx int els_opcode = 0x%x struct gen_xchg = 0x%llx struct xmit_seq = 0x%llx * dest_login = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx cvfc_iocb_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx int fbrst_size = 0x%x int xmit_bytes = 0x%x short time_out = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t pay_blist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t rsp_blist = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx int els_opcode = 0x%x struct gen_xchg = 0x%llx struct xmit_seq = 0x%llx * dest_login = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx cvfc_iocb_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx int fbrst_size = 0x%x int xmit_bytes = 0x%x short time_out = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t pay_blist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t rsp_blist = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx int els_opcode = 0x%x struct gen_xchg = 0x%llx struct xmit_seq = 0x%llx * dest_login = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx cvfc_iocb_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx int fbrst_size = 0x%x int xmit_bytes = 0x%x short time_out = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t pay_blist = 0x%llx emfc_dio_t rsp_blist = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx int els_opcode = 0x%x struct gen_xchg = 0x%llx struct xmit_seq = 0x%llx * dest_login = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx cvfc_iocb_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx int fbrst_size = 0x%x int xmit_bytes = 0x%x short time_out = 0x%x * correlator = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx fcnvme_kthread_mgmt* kt_info = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx struct wtimer cancel_all_wdog = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x struct async_els = 0x%llx * stale_login = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx char entry_type = 0x%x struct login_out = 0x%llx short queue_num = 0x%x struct els_pthru = 0x%llx char els_opcode = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char els_opcode = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x struct async_els = 0x%llx * stale_login = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx char entry_type = 0x%x struct login_out = 0x%llx short queue_num = 0x%x struct els_pthru = 0x%llx char els_opcode = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char els_opcode = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x struct async_els = 0x%llx * stale_login = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx char entry_type = 0x%x struct login_out = 0x%llx short queue_num = 0x%x struct els_pthru = 0x%llx char els_opcode = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char els_opcode = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx int blist_index = 0x%x int blist_alloc = 0x%x emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx nvmeof_wcq* p_wcq = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx int blist_index = 0x%x int blist_alloc = 0x%x emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx nvmeof_wcq* p_wcq = 0x%llx long long alt_world_wide_name = 0x%llx short controller_id = 0x%x short controller_id = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char entry_type = 0x%x char entry_type = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x struct async_els = 0x%llx * stale_login = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx char entry_type = 0x%x struct login_out = 0x%llx short queue_num = 0x%x struct els_pthru = 0x%llx char els_opcode = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char els_opcode = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx Usage: fcnvmekthwqinfo kt_wsq_wcq_ptrs_addr Usage: fcnvmekthwqinfo kt_wsq_wcq_ptrs_addr Usage: fcnvmekthwqinfo kt_wsq_wcq_ptrs_addr Usage: fcnvmekthwqinfo kt_wsq_wcq_ptrs_addr short controller_id = 0x%x short controller_id = 0x%x long long ww_name = 0x%llx int blist_index = 0x%x int blist_alloc = 0x%x emfc_sge* sgl = 0x%llx nvmeof_wcq* p_wcq = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx char vendor = 0x%x long long ww_name = 0x%llx struct nvme_ls_pthru = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long key_to_hash_chn = 0x%llx fc_simple_lock_t spc_tag_lock = 0x%llx Complex_lock ndd_lock = 0x%llx int ndd_xmitque_max = 0x%x int ndd_xmitque_ovf = 0x%x int ndd_ibadpackets = 0x%x int ndd_xmitque_cur = 0x%x (*)() * ndd_arpinput = 0x%llx int size_extra_dif_sg_space = 0x%x struct async_timer async_wdog = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x struct async_els = 0x%llx * stale_login = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx char entry_type = 0x%x struct login_out = 0x%llx short queue_num = 0x%x struct els_pthru = 0x%llx char els_opcode = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char els_opcode = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx struct fcnvme_cmd canc_cmd_op = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x struct async_els = 0x%llx * stale_login = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx char entry_type = 0x%x struct login_out = 0x%llx short queue_num = 0x%x struct els_pthru = 0x%llx char els_opcode = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char els_opcode = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx struct fcnvme_cmd send_seq_op = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x struct async_els = 0x%llx * stale_login = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx char entry_type = 0x%x struct login_out = 0x%llx short queue_num = 0x%x struct els_pthru = 0x%llx char els_opcode = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char els_opcode = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x struct async_els = 0x%llx * stale_login = 0x%llx char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx char entry_type = 0x%x struct login_out = 0x%llx short queue_num = 0x%x struct els_pthru = 0x%llx char els_opcode = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char els_opcode = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long kthread_attach_fail = 0x%llx struct async_timer async_wdog = 0x%llx struct fcnvme_cmd send_seq_op = 0x%llx Enter the fcnvme_glob_info address (in hex): TARGET FCNVME ADDRESS FLAGS fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx char entry_count = 0x%x struct adap_reset = 0x%llx int abort_handle = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx char entry_count = 0x%x struct adap_reset = 0x%llx int abort_handle = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx char entry_count = 0x%x struct adap_reset = 0x%llx int abort_handle = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx char opcode_type = 0x%x long long assoc_id = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx long long real_cmd = 0x%llx long long active_lbolt = 0x%llx char opcode_type = 0x%x long long assoc_id = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx long long real_cmd = 0x%llx long long active_lbolt = 0x%llx fcnvme_thresh_info type[4] = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec_list = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx cvfc_iocb_t reply_iocb = 0x%llx char entry_count = 0x%x char entry_count = 0x%x long long dma_addr = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* data_dsd = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec_list = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_iu* cmd_payload = 0x%llx nvmeof_cmd* nvmeof_cmd = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx char entry_count = 0x%x struct adap_reset = 0x%llx int abort_handle = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx fcnvme_thresh_info type[4] = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long wsq_wcq_alloc_bitmap = 0x%llx long long wsq_wcq_alloc_bitmap = 0x%llx ASSOC TARGET STATE char opcode_type = 0x%x long long assoc_id = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx char sysdef1 = 0x%x reserved2[54] = 0x%llx long long real_cmd = 0x%llx long long active_lbolt = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct ba_acc = 0x%llx struct ba_rjt = 0x%llx cvfc_ctl_elem_blk_t cvctl_elem = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_buffer* cmd_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_rsp_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx Enter the fcnvme_info_ptrs address (in hex): struct fc_filter im_filter = 0x%llx int ndd_elapsed_time = 0x%x int ndd_ipackets_msw = 0x%x int ndd_ipackets_lsw = 0x%x int ndd_recvintr_msw = 0x%x int ndd_recvintr_lsw = 0x%x int ndd_opackets_msw = 0x%x int ndd_opackets_lsw = 0x%x int ndd_xmitintr_msw = 0x%x int ndd_xmitintr_lsw = 0x%x long long fabric_node_name = 0x%llx target_info* target_pn[%d] = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx char entry_count = 0x%x struct adap_reset = 0x%llx int abort_handle = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx char entry_count = 0x%x struct adap_reset = 0x%llx int abort_handle = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx char entry_count = 0x%x struct adap_reset = 0x%llx int abort_handle = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx int old_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x int new_nport_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx char entry_count = 0x%x struct adap_reset = 0x%llx int abort_handle = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct fc_dma_init seq_pay_dma = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct fc_dma_init seq_rsp_dma = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx target_info* fcnvme_log_target = 0x%llx fcnvme_thresh_info type[4] = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx fcnvme_thresh_group_t cat_link = 0x%llx fcnvme_thresh_info type[4] = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx fcnvme_async_mgmt_t async_mgmt = 0x%llx int nvmeof_entity_registered = 0x%x struct fc_filter im_filter = 0x%llx target_info* target_pn[%d] = 0x%llx fcnvme_thresh_info type[4] = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx fcnvme_thresh_group_t cat_link = 0x%llx fcnvme_thresh_info type[4] = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx Enter the fcnvme_info_ptrs address (in hex): Memory allocation for fcnvme_kdb_slist failed fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx char entry_status = 0x%x struct ct_iu_pthru = 0x%llx int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x int col_n_port_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx char entry_status = 0x%x struct ct_iu_pthru = 0x%llx int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x int col_n_port_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx char entry_status = 0x%x struct ct_iu_pthru = 0x%llx int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x int col_n_port_id = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int dif_sge_count = 0x%x long long dif_baddr = 0x%llx long long real_resp = 0x%llx long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int dif_sge_count = 0x%x long long dif_baddr = 0x%llx long long real_resp = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx long long page_size = 0x%llx long long nvme_assoc_id = 0x%llx long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx char entry_status = 0x%x char entry_status = 0x%x long long page_size = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx char entry_status = 0x%x struct ct_iu_pthru = 0x%llx int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x int col_n_port_id = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int dif_sge_count = 0x%x long long dif_baddr = 0x%llx long long real_resp = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx struct reset_interface = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx ns_demuxer* ndd_demuxer = 0x%llx ns_dmx_ctl* ndd_nsdemux = 0x%llx int ndd_global_array_slot = 0x%x int ndd_ipackets_drop = 0x%x int ndd_opackets_drop = 0x%x fcnvme_cmd_buffer* head_cmd_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_buffer* tail_cmd_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* head_els_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* tail_els_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_rsp_buffer* head_rsp_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_rsp_buffer* tail_rsp_buf = 0x%llx struct fcnvme_cmd rst_intfce_op = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx char entry_status = 0x%x struct ct_iu_pthru = 0x%llx int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x int col_n_port_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx char entry_status = 0x%x struct ct_iu_pthru = 0x%llx int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x int col_n_port_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx char entry_status = 0x%x struct ct_iu_pthru = 0x%llx int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x int col_n_port_id = 0x%x fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx char entry_status = 0x%x struct ct_iu_pthru = 0x%llx int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x int col_n_port_id = 0x%x fcnvme_cmd_buffer* head_cmd_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_buffer* tail_cmd_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* head_els_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_els_buffer* tail_els_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_rsp_buffer* head_rsp_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_rsp_buffer* tail_rsp_buf = 0x%llx struct wtimer cancel_assocs_wdog = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx struct xmit_bls_rsp = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x * alt_correlator = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx struct xmit_bls_rsp = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x * alt_correlator = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx struct xmit_bls_rsp = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x * alt_correlator = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x cvfc_iocb_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x cvfc_iocb_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx fcnvme_async_event_buf* next = 0x%llx fcnvme_async_event_buf* prev = 0x%llx int returned_flags = 0x%x short port_num = 0x%x fcnvme_thresh_group_t cat_target = 0x%llx emfc_ctl_elem_blk_t ctl_elem = 0x%llx emfc_buf_info_t buf_info = 0x%llx long long key_to_hash_wq = 0x%llx long long issue_timebase = 0x%llx long long cmplt_timebase = 0x%llx fcnvme_ersp_iu* resp_payload = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx struct xmit_bls_rsp = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x * alt_correlator = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcnvme_thresh_group_t cat_target = 0x%llx fcnvme_kthread_mgmt = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xd80 fcnvme_kthread_mgmt = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xd80 fcnvme_async_event_buf* next = 0x%llx fcnvme_async_event_buf* prev = 0x%llx int returned_flags = 0x%x short port_num = 0x%x cancel_cmd_elem_t cancel_io_elem = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx long long expiry = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x cvfc_iocb_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short new_nport_handle = 0x%x short wrk_nport_handle = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short col_nport_handle = 0x%x long long data_dsd_baddr = 0x%llx fcnvme_kthread_mgmt* kthread = 0x%llx int size_extra_ileave_sg_space = 0x%x long long dma_size_per_proto = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx struct xmit_bls_rsp = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x * alt_correlator = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx struct xmit_bls_rsp = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x * alt_correlator = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx struct xmit_bls_rsp = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x * alt_correlator = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx struct xmit_bls_rsp = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x short nport_handle = 0x%x short rsp_num_dsds = 0x%x int prli_rsp_flags = 0x%x * alt_correlator = 0x%llx short nport_handle = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_wdog_prli_to = 0x%llx Memory reallocation for fcnvme_kdb_slist failed long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx char vendor = 0x%x long long ww_name = 0x%llx struct nvme_ls_pthru = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx char vendor = 0x%x long long ww_name = 0x%llx struct nvme_ls_pthru = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx char vendor = 0x%x long long ww_name = 0x%llx struct nvme_ls_pthru = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char entry_type = 0x%x char entry_type = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx cancel_cmd_elem_t cancel_all_elem = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char entry_type = 0x%x char entry_type = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long key_to_hash_chn = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx char vendor = 0x%x long long ww_name = 0x%llx struct nvme_ls_pthru = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx Usage: fcnvmeassoc [-s] [-f] [fcnvmeX|adapaddr] Usage: fcnvmeassoc [-s] [-f] [fcnvmeX|adapaddr] Usage: fcnvmeassoc [-s] [-f] [fcnvmeX|adapaddr] Usage: fcnvmeassoc [-s] [-f] [fcnvmeX|adapaddr] long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx long long arrival = 0x%llx char entry_type = 0x%x char entry_type = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct cvfc_buf_info buf_info = 0x%llx int ndd_global_array_slot_2 = 0x%x long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx char vendor = 0x%x long long ww_name = 0x%llx struct nvme_ls_pthru = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx char vendor = 0x%x long long ww_name = 0x%llx struct nvme_ls_pthru = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx char vendor = 0x%x long long ww_name = 0x%llx struct nvme_ls_pthru = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx char vendor = 0x%x long long ww_name = 0x%llx struct nvme_ls_pthru = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long _xm_globamr = 0x%llx long long _xm_globamr = 0x%llx long long _xm_globamr = 0x%llx long long _xm_globamr = 0x%llx fcnvme_thresh_group_t cat_adapter = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_init_adap_cmd = 0x%llx fcnvme_thresh_group_t cat_adapter = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct ba_acc = 0x%llx struct ba_rjt = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct ba_acc = 0x%llx struct ba_rjt = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct ba_acc = 0x%llx struct ba_rjt = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec_list = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx cvfc_iocb_t reply_iocb = 0x%llx char entry_count = 0x%x char entry_count = 0x%x long long dma_addr = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* data_dsd = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec_list = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_iu* cmd_payload = 0x%llx nvmeof_cmd* nvmeof_cmd = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec_list = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx cvfc_iocb_t reply_iocb = 0x%llx char entry_count = 0x%x char entry_count = 0x%x long long dma_addr = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* data_dsd = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec_list = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_iu* cmd_payload = 0x%llx nvmeof_cmd* nvmeof_cmd = 0x%llx fcnvme_async_event_buf_t async_buf = 0x%llx union un_addr = 0x%llx fc_fc4_traffic_stat_t traffic_stat = 0x%llx cvfc_ctl_elem_blk_t cvctl_elem = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_buffer* cmd_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_rsp_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct ba_acc = 0x%llx struct ba_rjt = 0x%llx fcnvme_async_event_buf_t async_buf = 0x%llx union un_addr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec_list = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* next = 0x%llx fc_list_elem* prev = 0x%llx cvfc_iocb_t reply_iocb = 0x%llx char entry_count = 0x%x char entry_count = 0x%x long long dma_addr = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* data_dsd = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec_list = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_iu* cmd_payload = 0x%llx nvmeof_cmd* nvmeof_cmd = 0x%llx fc_fc4_traffic_stat_t traffic_stat = 0x%llx Usage: fcnvmeioconn [-s] [-f] [fcnvmeX|adapaddr] Usage: fcnvmeioconn [-s] [-f] [fcnvmeX|adapaddr] Usage: fcnvmeioconn [-s] [-f] [fcnvmeX|adapaddr] Usage: fcnvmeioconn [-s] [-f] [fcnvmeX|adapaddr] char last_seq_id = 0x%x short lo_seq_cnt = 0x%x short hi_seq_cnt = 0x%x char reason_code = 0x%x long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx cvfc_crc_context* context_area = 0x%llx Simple_lock ndd_demux_lock = 0x%llx ndd_stat_reserved[23] = 0x%llx struct ns_com_status status_filter = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct ba_acc = 0x%llx struct ba_rjt = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct ba_acc = 0x%llx struct ba_rjt = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct ba_acc = 0x%llx struct ba_rjt = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct ba_acc = 0x%llx struct ba_rjt = 0x%llx long long _subspace_id = 0x%llx long long _subspace_id = 0x%llx long long _subspace_id = 0x%llx long long _subspace_id = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_proc_adap_plog = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx struct reset_interface = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx struct reset_interface = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx struct reset_interface = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx long long page_size = 0x%llx long long nvme_assoc_id = 0x%llx long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx char entry_status = 0x%x char entry_status = 0x%x long long page_size = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx long long page_size = 0x%llx long long nvme_assoc_id = 0x%llx long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx char entry_status = 0x%x char entry_status = 0x%x long long page_size = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx struct reset_interface = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx fcnvmekthread [-s] [fcnvmename|fcnvmeaddr] fcnvmekthread [-s] [fcnvmename|fcnvmeaddr] fcnvmekthread [-s] [fcnvmename|fcnvmeaddr] ioconn_info* per_kthread_iocon_list = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx long long page_size = 0x%llx long long nvme_assoc_id = 0x%llx long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx emfc_req_private_t adap = 0x%llx long long sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_list_elem_t list_hdr = 0x%llx char entry_status = 0x%x char entry_status = 0x%x long long page_size = 0x%llx ioconn_info* per_kthread_iocon_list = 0x%llx struct nvme_linked_list active_list = 0x%llx char seq_id_valid = 0x%x long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx struct reset_interface = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx struct reset_interface = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx struct reset_interface = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx struct reset_interface = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwpn = 0x%llx long long resp_wwnn = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx _simple_lock* kt_flags_lock = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_build_adap_plog = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_adap_build_ctiu = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_validate_io_tag = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_log_err_cmddata = 0x%llx Available FCNVME protocol driver kdb subcommands short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short new_nport_handle = 0x%x short wrk_nport_handle = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short col_nport_handle = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short new_nport_handle = 0x%x short wrk_nport_handle = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short col_nport_handle = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short new_nport_handle = 0x%x short wrk_nport_handle = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short col_nport_handle = 0x%x cancel_cmd_elem_t cancel_assocs_elem = 0x%llx emfc_ctl_elem_blk_t ctl_elem = 0x%llx emfc_buf_info_t buf_info = 0x%llx long long key_to_hash_wq = 0x%llx long long issue_timebase = 0x%llx long long cmplt_timebase = 0x%llx fcnvme_ersp_iu* resp_payload = 0x%llx emfc_ctl_elem_blk_t ctl_elem = 0x%llx emfc_buf_info_t buf_info = 0x%llx long long key_to_hash_wq = 0x%llx long long issue_timebase = 0x%llx long long cmplt_timebase = 0x%llx fcnvme_ersp_iu* resp_payload = 0x%llx int returned_flags = 0x%x int s_addr = 0x%x int returned_flags = 0x%x long long data_dsd_baddr = 0x%llx fcnvme_kthread_mgmt* kthread = 0x%llx short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short new_nport_handle = 0x%x short wrk_nport_handle = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short col_nport_handle = 0x%x nvme_linked_list* wsq_cmd_list_local = 0x%llx int returned_flags = 0x%x int s_addr = 0x%x int returned_flags = 0x%x emfc_ctl_elem_blk_t ctl_elem = 0x%llx emfc_buf_info_t buf_info = 0x%llx long long key_to_hash_wq = 0x%llx long long issue_timebase = 0x%llx long long cmplt_timebase = 0x%llx fcnvme_ersp_iu* resp_payload = 0x%llx struct nvme_list_node dummy_head = 0x%llx struct nvme_list_node dummy_tail = 0x%llx long long transport_mapped_sgl_baddr = 0x%llx long long transport_mapped_sgl_baddr = 0x%llx fc_entity_info_t entity_info = 0x%llx int ndd_ifOutUcastPkts_msw = 0x%x int ndd_ifOutUcastPkts_lsw = 0x%x int ndd_ifOutMcastPkts_msw = 0x%x int ndd_ifOutMcastPkts_lsw = 0x%x int ndd_ifOutBcastPkts_msw = 0x%x int ndd_ifOutBcastPkts_lsw = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short new_nport_handle = 0x%x short wrk_nport_handle = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short col_nport_handle = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short new_nport_handle = 0x%x short wrk_nport_handle = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short col_nport_handle = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short new_nport_handle = 0x%x short wrk_nport_handle = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short col_nport_handle = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short new_nport_handle = 0x%x short wrk_nport_handle = 0x%x short alt_nport_handle = 0x%x short col_nport_handle = 0x%x (*)() * fcnvme_prli_check_error = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_log_err_cmd_elem = 0x%llx long long key_to_hash_chn = 0x%llx long long key_to_hash_chn = 0x%llx struct cvfc_buf_info buf_info = 0x%llx long long key_to_hash_chn = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx emfc_ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx cvfc_ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx nvmeof_get_async_t get_async_info = 0x%llx nvmeof_register_async_t reg_async = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_adap_build_cancel = 0x%llx fcnvmetinfo [-s] [-f] [fcnvmename|fcnvmeaddr] fcnvmetinfo [-s] [-f] [fcnvmename|fcnvmeaddr] fcnvmetinfo [-s] [-f] [fcnvmename|fcnvmeaddr] fcnvmetinfo [-s] [-f] [fcnvmename|fcnvmeaddr] char last_seq_id = 0x%x short lo_seq_cnt = 0x%x short hi_seq_cnt = 0x%x char reason_code = 0x%x long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx char last_seq_id = 0x%x short lo_seq_cnt = 0x%x short hi_seq_cnt = 0x%x char reason_code = 0x%x long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx char last_seq_id = 0x%x short lo_seq_cnt = 0x%x short hi_seq_cnt = 0x%x char reason_code = 0x%x long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx cvfc_ctl_elem_blk_t cvctl_elem = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_buffer* cmd_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_rsp_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx cvfc_ctl_elem_blk_t cvctl_elem = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_buffer* cmd_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_rsp_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx nvmeof_get_async_q_t async_q_event = 0x%llx long long nport_id = 0x%llx cvfc_crc_context* context_area = 0x%llx char last_seq_id = 0x%x short lo_seq_cnt = 0x%x short hi_seq_cnt = 0x%x char reason_code = 0x%x long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx nvmeof_get_async_q_t async_q_event = 0x%llx long long nport_id = 0x%llx cvfc_ctl_elem_blk_t cvctl_elem = 0x%llx fcnvme_cmd_buffer* cmd_buf = 0x%llx fcnvme_rsp_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx char last_seq_id = 0x%x short lo_seq_cnt = 0x%x short hi_seq_cnt = 0x%x char reason_code = 0x%x long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx char last_seq_id = 0x%x short lo_seq_cnt = 0x%x short hi_seq_cnt = 0x%x char reason_code = 0x%x long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx char last_seq_id = 0x%x short lo_seq_cnt = 0x%x short hi_seq_cnt = 0x%x char reason_code = 0x%x long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx char last_seq_id = 0x%x short lo_seq_cnt = 0x%x short hi_seq_cnt = 0x%x char reason_code = 0x%x long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx cvfc_dsd* dsd_list_ptr = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_adap_init_prli_cmd = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_adap_init_ctiu_cmd = 0x%llx char seq_id_valid = 0x%x long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx char seq_id_valid = 0x%x long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx char seq_id_valid = 0x%x long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx char seq_id_valid = 0x%x long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx char explanation_code = 0x%x char seq_id_valid = 0x%x long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx char seq_id_valid = 0x%x long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx char seq_id_valid = 0x%x long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx char seq_id_valid = 0x%x long long mask_to_abort = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_issue_adap_prli_cmd = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_clear_adap_prli_cmd = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_build_adap_ctl_elem = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_process_response_iu = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_init_adap_cmd_elems = 0x%llx long long data_dsd_baddr = 0x%llx fcnvme_kthread_mgmt* kthread = 0x%llx long long data_dsd_baddr = 0x%llx fcnvme_kthread_mgmt* kthread = 0x%llx long long data_dsd_baddr = 0x%llx fcnvme_kthread_mgmt* kthread = 0x%llx struct ndd_genstats ndd_genstats = 0x%llx fcnvme_async_event_buf* event_q_head = 0x%llx fcnvme_async_event_buf* event_q_tail = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx struct cvfc_buf_info buf_info = 0x%llx struct cvfc_buf_info buf_info = 0x%llx emfc_ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx cvfc_ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx struct cvfc_buf_info buf_info = 0x%llx Sizes of kernel/application accommodation structures: struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx cvfc_crc_context* context_area = 0x%llx cvfc_crc_context* context_area = 0x%llx union u6_addr = 0x%llx union u6_addr = 0x%llx cvfc_crc_context* context_area = 0x%llx NAME ADDRESS STATE OPENED FCNVME_LOCK (*)() * fcnvme_proc_adap_reply_status = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_adap_update_assoc_cmds = 0x%llx char explanation_code = 0x%x char explanation_code = 0x%x char explanation_code = 0x%x char explanation_code = 0x%x char explanation_code = 0x%x char explanation_code = 0x%x char explanation_code = 0x%x char explanation_code = 0x%x (*)() * fcnvme_build_adap_send_seq_cmd = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_adap_update_target_cmds = 0x%llx struct in_addr addr4 = 0x%llx struct in_addr addr4 = 0x%llx uint32_t (*)() * fcnvme_adap_get_spc_tag = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_adap_build_movelogin_cmd = 0x%llx emfc_ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx cvfc_ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx emfc_ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx cvfc_ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct in6_addr addr6 = 0x%llx u6_addr32[4] = 0x%llx u6_addr16[8] = 0x%llx u6_addr8[16] = 0x%llx struct in6_addr addr6 = 0x%llx u6_addr32[4] = 0x%llx u6_addr16[8] = 0x%llx u6_addr8[16] = 0x%llx emfc_ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx struct cvfc_iocb_hdr iocb_hdr = 0x%llx cvfc_ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_adap_init_cancel_cmd_elem = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_adap_issue_canc_cmd_entry = 0x%llx (*)() * fcnvme_cleanup_adap_send_sequence = 0x%llx struct fcnvme_driver_err_data fcnvme_log_driver = 0x%llx fcnvme_shared_wsq_wcq_ptrs_info kt_wsq_wcq_ptrs[64] = 0x%llx fcnvmecmdelm [-d] [-l] addr : Display cmd_elem fcnvmecmd [-d] [-l] addr : Display fcnvme_cmd fcnvmeofcmd [-d] [-l] addr : Display nvmeof_cmd fcnvmeassoc [-d] [-l|-t] addr : Display assoc_info fcnvme [-d] [-l] [-f] [name|addr] : Display fcnvme_info fcnvmeioconn [-d] [-l|-t] addr : Display ioconn_info fcnvmetinfo [-d] [-l|-p] addr : Display target_info fcnvmeglob addr : Display fcnvme_glob_info fcnvmeassoc [-s] [-f] [fcnvmeX|adapaddr] : Display assoc_info summary fcnvmeioconn [-s] [-f] [fcnvmeX|adapaddr] : Display ioconn_info summary fcnvmekthread [-d] addr : Display fcnvme_kthread_mgmt fcnvmetinfo [-s] [-f] [fcnvmename|fcnvmeaddr] : Display summary of targets on given protocol fcnvmekthread [-s] [fcnvmename|fcnvmeaddr] : Display summary of kthreads on given protocol @(#)58 1.16 src/bos/kernext/emfcnvme/fcnvme_kdb.c, sysxemfcnvme, bos72X, x2021_11B4 3/16/21 04:52:20 0@r 0@C 0@p 0@m` 0@j 0@d` 0@^@ 0@X 0@Q 0@N` 0@  1 /P /h / / / / / / 0 0(028%@ 3@ C@ Q@ ]@ j@ w@ @ @ @ @@@ @ @ @  /8! /8? /@? /P? /X? /h? /p? /? /? /? /? /? /? /? /? /? /? /? 0? 0? 0? 0(? 00? 0@? 0H? 0P? 0X? 0`? 0h? 0p? 0x? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 1? 1?/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr_64.o!@VPDemfcnvme64.kdb/5765E6200/520 db_registerdb_unregister db_read_mem db_printf db_expr_ad db_get_hexdb_usage_lookupdb_str_lookupdb_eoldb_symboladdr ___strcmp64 ___memset64reallocmallocstrlenstrncmpfcnvme_kdb_entry