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WWPN NUM_LUNS int async_state = 0x%x dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx Expected Symbol or address. int async_state = 0x%x Expected Symbol or address. efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x Expected Symbol or address. char opcode = 0x%x int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx Expected Symbol or address. * kva = 0x%llx Expected Symbol or address. union un = 0x%llx char dump_state = 0x%x resvd[1] = 0x%llx int num_targets = 0x%x * address = 0x%llx * address = 0x%llx * address = 0x%llx * address = 0x%llx * address = 0x%llx int async_state = 0x%x char open_state = 0x%x char tm_started = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x int num_targets = 0x%x char open_state = 0x%x char tm_started = 0x%x short flags = 0x%x Expected Symbol or address. * address = 0x%llx Expected Symbol or address. Expected Symbol or address. cmd_elem* cmd = 0x%llx cmd_elem* cmd = 0x%llx An incomplete read occurred. "efsc_info" address...[0x%p] An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. int eyec = 0x%x int eyec = 0x%x An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. char prlog_retry = 0x%x int brev_scsi_id = 0x%x int eyec = 0x%x int eyec = 0x%x int eyec = 0x%x int eyec = 0x%x char prlog_retry = 0x%x An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. dev_info* next = 0x%llx dev_info* prev = 0x%llx char dev_queuing = 0x%x char wwn_changed = 0x%x char cdar_reason = 0x%x dev_info* next = 0x%llx dev_info* prev = 0x%llx char dev_queuing = 0x%x char wwn_changed = 0x%x char cdar_reason = 0x%x An incomplete read occurred. short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x An incomplete read occurred. short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx An incomplete read occurred. bufx* data = 0x%llx cmd_elem_t cmd = 0x%llx cmd_elem_t cmd = 0x%llx An incomplete read occurred. int eyec = 0x%x An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. char relogin = 0x%x int pdisc_to = 0x%x int prlog_to = 0x%x int reset_to = 0x%x int num_cfgs = 0x%x char pending_err = 0x%x char open_intrpt = 0x%x int size_ctl = 0x%x int brev_scsi_id = 0x%x int eyec = 0x%x int eyec = 0x%x int eyec = 0x%x int eyec = 0x%x int eyec = 0x%x int waiting_open = 0x%x intr* next = 0x%llx int priority = 0x%x int bufxdbytelvl = 0x%x int num_cfgs = 0x%x Usage: Usage: efsctminf addr An incomplete read occurred. int max_tmlogins = 0x%x int no_buf_count = 0x%x int max_tmlogins = 0x%x int no_buf_count = 0x%x An incomplete read occurred. short prli_flags = 0x%x int eyec = 0x%x int eyec = 0x%x int eyec = 0x%x short prli_flags = 0x%x An incomplete read occurred. char version = 0x%x int data_len = 0x%x char b_error = 0x%x char flags_class = 0x%x short contxt_tag = 0x%x int fcp_cntl = 0x%x int sense_length = 0x%x char flags_class = 0x%x short contxt_tag = 0x%x int fcp_cntl = 0x%x int sense_length = 0x%x Usage: eitinfo [-d] [-l] addr Usage: eitinfo [-d] [-l] addr Usage: eitinfo [-d] [-l] addr char initr_detail = 0x%x long long event = 0x%llx long long lbolt = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx int save_time = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int dma_flags = 0x%x * vaddr = 0x%llx int dma_flags = 0x%x * vaddr = 0x%llx * caller_handle = 0x%llx char initr_detail = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx * caller_handle = 0x%llx char cancel_retry = 0x%x char gid_pn_retry = 0x%x char stop_pending = 0x%x int npiv_hdr_size = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x short preempt = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x short preempt = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x short preempt = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x short preempt = 0x%x char cancel_retry = 0x%x char stop_pending = 0x%x int npiv_hdr_size = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx dev_info* tnext = 0x%llx dev_info* tprev = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx char cancel_retry = 0x%x char stop_pending = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x short preempt = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x short preempt = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x short preempt = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x short preempt = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x short preempt = 0x%x dev_info* tnext = 0x%llx dev_info* tprev = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx char cancel_retry = 0x%x char stop_pending = 0x%x Usage: efsccmd [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efsccmd [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efsccmd [-d] [-l] addr short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x char link_retries = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx char link_retries = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x short preempt = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x scsi_info* next = 0x%llx long long devno = 0x%llx char fc_class = 0x%x char reserved = 0x%x int cancel_to = 0x%x int linkup_to = 0x%x int cmd_delay = 0x%x int rft_id_to = 0x%x int p_unit_no = 0x%x int end_iotag = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char sli3_ext = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char proc_results = 0x%x char timer_status = 0x%x int max_data_rate = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x tm_info* tminfo = 0x%llx char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int dma_flags = 0x%x * vaddr = 0x%llx int dma_flags = 0x%x * vaddr = 0x%llx int dma_flags = 0x%x * vaddr = 0x%llx int rsp_pool_size = 0x%x int dma_flags = 0x%x * vaddr = 0x%llx int bde_pool_size = 0x%x int dma_flags = 0x%x * vaddr = 0x%llx int save_time = 0x%x scsi_info* next = 0x%llx long long devno = 0x%llx int p_unit_no = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char sli3_ext = 0x%x char proc_results = 0x%x int max_data_rate = 0x%x tm_info* tminfo = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx int dma_flags = 0x%x * vaddr = 0x%llx * tminfo_ras_cb = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx * tminfo_ras_cb = 0x%llx int new_n_port_id = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char cmd_type = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int save_time = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x * data_addr = 0x%llx buf* b_forw = 0x%llx buf* b_back = 0x%llx vnode* b_vp = 0x%llx union b_un = 0x%llx int b_options = 0x%x * vaddr = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx tm_info* tminfo = 0x%llx int bytes_xferred = 0x%x int bytes_overrun = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx tm_info* tminfo = 0x%llx int bytes_xferred = 0x%x int bytes_overrun = 0x%x int kernext_starts = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x Specify either -l or -p option char trace_enabled = 0x%x char relogin_retry = 0x%x char start_pending = 0x%x short device_flags = 0x%x short fc_class_msk = 0x%x short dyntrk_retry = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x int kernext_starts = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x scsi_buf* bp = 0x%llx char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x scsi_buf* bp = 0x%llx char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x scsi_buf* bp = 0x%llx char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x scsi_buf* bp = 0x%llx char relogin_retry = 0x%x char start_pending = 0x%x short device_flags = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x Specify either -l or -t option char trace_enabled = 0x%x int kernext_starts = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx short num_act_cmds = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x scsi_buf* bp = 0x%llx char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x scsi_buf* bp = 0x%llx char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x scsi_buf* bp = 0x%llx char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x scsi_buf* bp = 0x%llx char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x scsi_buf* bp = 0x%llx char ioctl_pending = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx short num_act_cmds = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char ioctl_pending = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x * npiv_scsi_elem = 0x%llx * npiv_scsi_elem = 0x%llx short type = 0x%x int adap_resid = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x scsi_buf* bp = 0x%llx short type = 0x%x short type = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x short type = 0x%x int gen_req_to = 0x%x int max_events = 0x%x short vlan = 0x%x int dump_state = 0x%x int filtertype = 0x%x * ctl_offset = 0x%llx int max_vports = 0x%x short rft_id_retry = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x int num_events = 0x%x int event_size = 0x%x short bus_type = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x int dump_state = 0x%x int max_vports = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x int tm_login_count = 0x%x * qbuf_data_pool = 0x%llx long long lun_id = 0x%llx long long handle = 0x%llx int tm_login_count = 0x%x * qbuf_data_pool = 0x%llx long long lun_id = 0x%llx long long handle = 0x%llx char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x int unit_attention = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x char cmd_state = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x short timer_id = 0x%x int unit_attention = 0x%x buf* av_forw = 0x%llx buf* av_back = 0x%llx * b_addr = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* next = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* prev = 0x%llx sense_data[256] = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* next = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* prev = 0x%llx long long scsi_id = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x union _u = 0x%llx * rpn = 0x%llx union _u = 0x%llx * rpn = 0x%llx long long scsi_id = 0x%llx Unable to find Usage: etinfo [-d] [-l|-p] addr Usage: etinfo [-d] [-l|-p] addr Usage: etinfo [-d] [-l|-p] addr Usage: etinfo [-d] [-l|-p] addr char dyntrk_pending = 0x%x target_info* next = 0x%llx target_info* prev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx char opcode = 0x%x int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int retry_count = 0x%x efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int retry_count = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx char opcode = 0x%x int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx long long scsi_id = 0x%llx char dyntrk_pending = 0x%x target_info* next = 0x%llx target_info* prev = 0x%llx long long scsi_id = 0x%llx Usage: edinfo [-d] [-l|-t] addr Usage: edinfo [-d] [-l|-t] addr Usage: edinfo [-d] [-l|-t] addr Usage: edinfo [-d] [-l|-t] addr long long scsi_id = 0x%llx cacheline_pad[8] = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx char opcode = 0x%x int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int retry_count = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int retry_count = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int retry_count = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx char opcode = 0x%x int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx * dev_info_ras_cb = 0x%llx long long scsi_id = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx Usage: efcmdelem [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efcmdelem [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efcmdelem [-d] [-l] addr int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx cmd_elem* add_cmd = 0x%llx Usage: efscnpivs [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efscnpivs [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efscnpivs [-d] [-l] addr int version = 0x%x char resvd3 = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx * kva = 0x%llx * kva = 0x%llx * kva = 0x%llx long long lun = 0x%llx char opcode = 0x%x int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx Usage: efscnpiva [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efscnpiva [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efscnpiva [-d] [-l] addr int version = 0x%x char resvd3 = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx * kva = 0x%llx * kva = 0x%llx * kva = 0x%llx efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x Unable to find int retry_count = 0x%x int ndd_mtu = 0x%x * ndd_ptr = 0x%llx int start_iotag = 0x%x long long scsi_id = 0x%llx char fw_version = 0x%x int used_vports = 0x%x int adap_bus_id = 0x%x volatile ras_flags = 0x%x char dyntrk_results = 0x%x char resume_results = 0x%x dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x union _u = 0x%llx * rpn = 0x%llx union _u = 0x%llx * rpn = 0x%llx union _u = 0x%llx * rpn = 0x%llx union _u = 0x%llx * rpn = 0x%llx union _u = 0x%llx * rpn = 0x%llx int lost_events = 0x%x dev_info* dev = 0x%llx long long scsi_id = 0x%llx char fw_version = 0x%x int adap_bus_id = 0x%x char dyntrk_results = 0x%x char resume_results = 0x%x union _u = 0x%llx * rpn = 0x%llx Usage: efsctmlog [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efsctmlog [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efsctmlog [-d] [-l] addr long long ww_name = 0x%llx efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x efc_cmd_t cmd = 0x%llx short resvd = 0x%x char opcode = 0x%x char status = 0x%x union un = 0x%llx char resvd2 = 0x%x dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx dev_info* dev = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx Usage: efsctmbuf [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efsctmbuf [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efsctmbuf [-d] [-l] addr short user_flag = 0x%x int tv_nsec = 0x%x union _u = 0x%llx * rpn = 0x%llx long long lun = 0x%llx int response_length = 0x%x long long lun = 0x%llx int response_length = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x int num_sids = 0x%x short xm_amr = 0x%x int num_sids = 0x%x short xm_amr = 0x%x struct wtimer wdog = 0x%llx short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx struct wtimer wdog = 0x%llx char need_resume_set = 0x%x char aca_error_state = 0x%x scsi_buf* head_act = 0x%llx scsi_buf* tail_act = 0x%llx struct wtimer wdog = 0x%llx short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx long long dev_lock = 0x%llx char aca_error_state = 0x%x scsi_buf* head_act = 0x%llx scsi_buf* tail_act = 0x%llx struct wtimer wdog = 0x%llx long long dev_lock = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx char pending_retries = 0x%x long long real_cmd = 0x%llx long long real_bde = 0x%llx char pending_retries = 0x%x long long real_cmd = 0x%llx long long real_bde = 0x%llx short opcode = 0x%x short resvd2 = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx short opcode = 0x%x short opcode = 0x%x short resvd2 = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short opcode = 0x%x char sw_fc_class = 0x%x int tg_cancel_to = 0x%x int nport_log_to = 0x%x int gid_pn_delay = 0x%x drc_name[256] = 0x%llx * ndd_name = 0x%llx int ndd_type = 0x%x int num_of_opens = 0x%x cmd_elem* cmd_pool = 0x%llx char used_nameserver = 0x%x efc_connect_t conn = 0x%llx * scsi_info_ras_cb = 0x%llx dev_info* dev[256] = 0x%llx short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x int num_sids = 0x%x short xm_amr = 0x%x int num_sids = 0x%x short xm_amr = 0x%x int num_sids = 0x%x short xm_amr = 0x%x int num_sids = 0x%x short xm_amr = 0x%x int num_sids = 0x%x short xm_amr = 0x%x short num_initiators = 0x%x * scsi_bufx_ras_cb = 0x%llx int num_of_opens = 0x%x efc_connect_t conn = 0x%llx dev_info* dev[256] = 0x%llx short num_initiators = 0x%x char tm_stop_pending = 0x%x int inquiry_data_len = 0x%x inquiry_data[256] = 0x%llx int num_sids = 0x%x short xm_amr = 0x%x * tm_data_buf_pool = 0x%llx (*)() * recv_func = 0x%llx char tm_stop_pending = 0x%x int inquiry_data_len = 0x%x inquiry_data[256] = 0x%llx * tm_data_buf_pool = 0x%llx (*)() * recv_func = 0x%llx short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x long long last_use = 0x%llx long long last_use = 0x%llx long long buf_size = 0x%llx int num_sids = 0x%x short xm_amr = 0x%x struct fcp_cdb cdb = 0x%llx long long buf_size = 0x%llx struct fcp_cdb cdb = 0x%llx %suint64_t inp_reqs = 0x%llx %suint64_t out_reqs = 0x%llx %suint64_t ctrl_reqs = 0x%llx %suint64_t inp_bytes = 0x%llx %suint64_t out_bytes = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx struct xmem xmp = 0x%llx int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x struct xmem xmp = 0x%llx int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x long long node_name = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x char link_retries = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short cmd_buf_tag = 0x%x short els_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x char link_retries = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short cmd_buf_tag = 0x%x short els_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x char link_retries = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x char link_retries = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx free_lun_list[128] = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long resvd = 0x%llx struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { long long node_name = 0x%llx struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { target_info* target = 0x%llx char prev_dev_queuing = 0x%x scsi_buf* head_pend = 0x%llx scsi_buf* tail_pend = 0x%llx long long dev_event = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x char link_retries = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short cmd_buf_tag = 0x%x short els_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x char link_retries = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short cmd_buf_tag = 0x%x short els_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x char link_retries = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short cmd_buf_tag = 0x%x short els_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x char link_retries = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x char link_retries = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx long long resvd = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx char prev_dev_queuing = 0x%x scsi_buf* head_pend = 0x%llx scsi_buf* tail_pend = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx long long real_resp = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx long long real_resp = 0x%llx int resp_size = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x char link_retries = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx int resp_size = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x int resvd = 0x%x int flags = 0x%x struct efsc_cmd cmd = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd cmd = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx "efsc_scsi_ptrs" address...[0x%p] char fc_err_recov = 0x%x int num_cmd_elems = 0x%x int async_open_to = 0x%x int intr_priority = 0x%x scsi_shared* shared = 0x%llx * ndd_alias = 0x%llx int ndd_flags = 0x%x int ndd_mintu = 0x%x long long scsi_lock = 0x%llx cacheline3_pad[16] = 0x%llx short api_version = 0x%x int max_data_rate = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx struct xmem xmp = 0x%llx int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x struct xmem xmp = 0x%llx int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x struct xmem xmp = 0x%llx int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x struct xmem xmp = 0x%llx int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x struct xmem xmp = 0x%llx int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x int num_scsi_act_cmds = 0x%x efsc_intr_t offl_tm = 0x%llx struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_shared* shared = 0x%llx long long scsi_lock = 0x%llx short api_version = 0x%x int num_scsi_act_cmds = 0x%x struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct efsc_thresh_info { struct xmem xmp = 0x%llx int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x free_buf_list[128] = 0x%llx long long resvd = 0x%llx free_buf_list[128] = 0x%llx tm_login_info* next = 0x%llx tm_login_info* prev = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short pay_buf_tag = 0x%x short rsp_buf_tag = 0x%x short bde_buf_tag = 0x%x scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx scsi_info* scsi = 0x%llx long long resvd = 0x%llx tm_login_info* next = 0x%llx tm_login_info* prev = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long b_dev = 0x%llx int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x initiator_info* next = 0x%llx initiator_info* prev = 0x%llx long long stop_lbolt = 0x%llx char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x struct dio vlist = 0x%llx struct dio blist = 0x%llx struct dio vlist = 0x%llx struct dio blist = 0x%llx initiator_info* next = 0x%llx initiator_info* prev = 0x%llx int npiv_blk_data_size = 0x%x target_info* pn_next = 0x%llx target_info* pn_prev = 0x%llx char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x * npiv_scsi_elem = 0x%llx char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x * npiv_scsi_elem = 0x%llx char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x * npiv_scsi_elem = 0x%llx char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x * npiv_scsi_elem = 0x%llx * target_info_ras_cb = 0x%llx int npiv_blk_data_size = 0x%x target_info* pn_next = 0x%llx target_info* pn_prev = 0x%llx long long handle = 0x%llx char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x * npiv_scsi_elem = 0x%llx char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x * npiv_scsi_elem = 0x%llx char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x * npiv_scsi_elem = 0x%llx char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x * npiv_scsi_elem = 0x%llx char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x * npiv_scsi_elem = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x fcp_cdb* cmd_payload = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* cmd_payload = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x * cmd_handle = 0x%llx long long io = 0x%llx char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x * npiv_scsi_elem = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x * cmd_handle = 0x%llx char r_ctl = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x cacheline1_pad[112] = 0x%llx int prli_cmd_delay = 0x%x int parent_unit_no = 0x%x int filtertype = 0x%x int ndd_refcnt = 0x%x int ndd_hdrlen = 0x%x cacheline4_pad[112] = 0x%llx short fc_class_msk = 0x%x adap_parms[256] = 0x%llx long long open_event = 0x%llx long long rft_handle = 0x%llx char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x struct dio vlist = 0x%llx struct dio blist = 0x%llx struct dio vlist = 0x%llx struct dio blist = 0x%llx struct dio vlist = 0x%llx struct dio blist = 0x%llx struct dio vlist = 0x%llx struct dio blist = 0x%llx struct dio vlist = 0x%llx struct dio blist = 0x%llx long long open_lbolt = 0x%llx int num_scsi_pend_cmds = 0x%x (*)() * handler = 0x%llx long long handle = 0x%llx int filtertype = 0x%x long long open_lbolt = 0x%llx int num_scsi_pend_cmds = 0x%x tm_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x5d0 efsc_qbuf* qbuf_pool = 0x%llx struct dio vlist = 0x%llx struct dio blist = 0x%llx tm_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x5d0 efsc_qbuf* qbuf_pool = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* head_act = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* tail_act = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* head_ulp = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* tail_ulp = 0x%llx char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x tm_efscbuf* head_act = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* tail_act = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* head_ulp = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* tail_ulp = 0x%llx long long lun_id = 0x%llx tmscsi_buf* next = 0x%llx struct buf bufstruct = 0x%llx long long b_work = 0x%llx long long issue_time = 0x%llx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (*)() * func = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx cmd_elem* add_cmd = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx cmd_elem* add_cmd = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx cmd_elem* add_cmd = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx cmd_elem* add_cmd = 0x%llx long long alt_scsi_id = 0x%llx long long ioctl_event = 0x%llx long long ioctl_event = 0x%llx dev_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xe98 dev_info* lookup_next = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx cmd_elem* add_cmd = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx cmd_elem* add_cmd = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx cmd_elem* add_cmd = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx cmd_elem* add_cmd = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx cmd_elem* add_cmd = 0x%llx long long pend_q_time = 0x%llx dev_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xe98 efsc_cmd = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x138 struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x efsc_cmd = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x138 cmd_elem = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x238 int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx cmd_elem = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x238 char resvd4 = 0x%x char chn_id = 0x%x * npiv_handle = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx cmd_elem* add_cmd = 0x%llx npiv_cmd = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x228 char resvd4 = 0x%x char chn_id = 0x%x * npiv_handle = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx npiv_cmd = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x228 Usage: efscsi [-d] [-l] [name|addr] struct efscsi_ddi ddi = 0x%llx parent_lname[16] = 0x%llx char nmsrv_fc_class = 0x%x char dyntrk_enabled = 0x%x int sc_im_entity_id = 0x%x int update_vport_to = 0x%x ndd* ndd_next = 0x%llx int ndd_addrlen = 0x%x int ndd_speclen = 0x%x int ndd_2_flags = 0x%x ndd* vlan_ndd = 0x%llx scsi_shared* next = 0x%llx * protocol_device = 0x%llx Simple_lock spin_lock = 0x%llx char adap_set_flags = 0x%x long long any_waiting = 0x%llx long long ioctl_event = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx dev_info* dev[%d] = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x fcp_cdb* payload_pool = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x short select_event_flag = 0x%x int event_buf_index = 0x%x long long i_count = 0x%llx struct scsi_npiv npiv = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx struct efscsi_ddi ddi = 0x%llx scsi_shared* next = 0x%llx Simple_lock spin_lock = 0x%llx char adap_set_flags = 0x%x long long ioctl_event = 0x%llx dev_info* dev[%d] = 0x%llx struct scsi_npiv npiv = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x long long tmlog_event = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* head_pend = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* tail_pend = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * npiv_admin_elem = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx long long tmlog_event = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* head_pend = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* tail_pend = 0x%llx struct tmscsi_buf buf = 0x%llx long long user_id = 0x%llx char adapter_status = 0x%x long long b_flags = 0x%llx (*)() * b_iodone = 0x%llx long long b_blkno = 0x%llx long long b_resid = 0x%llx long long b_event = 0x%llx short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx struct wtimer log_wdog = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx char pending_retries = 0x%x long long real_cmd = 0x%llx long long real_bde = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx char pending_retries = 0x%x long long real_cmd = 0x%llx long long real_bde = 0x%llx int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx char pending_retries = 0x%x int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx char pending_retries = 0x%x long long prev_scsi_id = 0x%llx long long inp_reqs = 0x%llx long long out_reqs = 0x%llx int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x struct wtimer log_wdog = 0x%llx int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x scsi_buf* cmd_save_ptr = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx char pending_retries = 0x%x long long real_cmd = 0x%llx long long real_bde = 0x%llx int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx char pending_retries = 0x%x long long real_cmd = 0x%llx long long real_bde = 0x%llx int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx char pending_retries = 0x%x long long real_cmd = 0x%llx long long real_bde = 0x%llx int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx char pending_retries = 0x%x int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx char pending_retries = 0x%x long long inp_reqs = 0x%llx long long out_reqs = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx long long work = 0x%llx int strip_merge_size = 0x%x int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx char pending_retries = 0x%x long long real_cmd = 0x%llx long long real_bde = 0x%llx long long work = 0x%llx long long nport_id = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx resource_name[16] = 0x%llx * ndd_physaddr = 0x%llx Simple_lock ioctl_lock = 0x%llx char connection_type = 0x%x int max_proto_logins = 0x%x int num_ring_entries = 0x%x long long dyntrk_event = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx free_target_list[128] = 0x%llx int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx * ndd_physaddr = 0x%llx Simple_lock ioctl_lock = 0x%llx char connection_type = 0x%x int max_proto_logins = 0x%x long long dyntrk_event = 0x%llx int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x int total_errors = 0x%x long long tminfo_event = 0x%llx long long inp_reqs = 0x%llx long long out_reqs = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx struct wtimer log_wdog = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx long long inp_reqs = 0x%llx long long out_reqs = 0x%llx struct wtimer log_wdog = 0x%llx char status_validity = 0x%x long long b_bcount = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx int scsi_data_length = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx int scsi_data_length = 0x%x Enter the efsc_info address (in hex): struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct wtimer cdar_wdog = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx long long real_resp = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx long long real_resp = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx long long alt_node_name = 0x%llx long long ctrl_reqs = 0x%llx long long inp_bytes = 0x%llx long long out_bytes = 0x%llx npiv_cmd_elem* head_act = 0x%llx npiv_cmd_elem* tail_act = 0x%llx struct wtimer cdar_wdog = 0x%llx npiv_cmd_elem* head_act = 0x%llx npiv_cmd_elem* tail_act = 0x%llx LUN_ID QSTATE ACT_CNT (*)() * async_func = 0x%llx char taskmgm_cancel_retry = 0x%x scsi_buf* head_adp_pend = 0x%llx scsi_buf* tail_adp_pend = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx long long real_resp = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx long long real_resp = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx long long real_resp = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx long long ctrl_reqs = 0x%llx long long inp_bytes = 0x%llx long long out_bytes = 0x%llx scsi_buf* head_adp_pend = 0x%llx scsi_buf* tail_adp_pend = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x npiv_com_elem_t com = 0x%llx * target_handle = 0x%llx int fc_type_error = 0x%x int fc_reason_exp = 0x%x int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx long long real_resp = 0x%llx npiv_com_elem_t com = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx npiv_admin_elem_t admin = 0x%llx npiv_com_elem_t com = 0x%llx * target_handle = 0x%llx int fc_type_error = 0x%x int fc_reason_exp = 0x%x struct relogin = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx npiv_admin_elem_t admin = 0x%llx npiv_com_elem_t com = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx scsi_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x1e38 * ndd_specdemux = 0x%llx * ndd_trace_arg = 0x%llx * ndd_specstats = 0x%llx int xmalloc_srad_indx = 0x%x long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct wtimer flush_tmr = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx target_info* target[32] = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx (*)() * async_func = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx scsi_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x1e38 long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx target_info* target[32] = 0x%llx long long ctrl_reqs = 0x%llx long long inp_bytes = 0x%llx long long out_bytes = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x char log_in_out_recvd = 0x%x target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx target_info* target = 0x%llx long long ctrl_reqs = 0x%llx long long inp_bytes = 0x%llx long long out_bytes = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x2a8 struct xmem b_xmemd = 0x%llx char scsi_op_code = 0x%x scsi_bytes[15] = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x2a8 char scsi_op_code = 0x%x scsi_bytes[15] = 0x%llx int num_nmsrv_qry_failures = 0x%x struct wtimer update_tmr = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct wtimer update_tmr = 0x%llx target_info* lookup_next = 0x%llx long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x fcp_cdb* cmd_payload = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd pdisc_op = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct efsc_cmd plogi_op = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x fcp_cdb* cmd_payload = 0x%llx long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x npiv_cmd_elem* head_pend = 0x%llx npiv_cmd_elem* tail_pend = 0x%llx int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x struct efsc_cmd pdisc_op = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd plogi_op = 0x%llx npiv_cmd_elem* head_pend = 0x%llx npiv_cmd_elem* tail_pend = 0x%llx int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x HEAD_ACT HEAD_PEND long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x fcp_cdb* cmd_payload = 0x%llx long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x fcp_cdb* cmd_payload = 0x%llx long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x fcp_cdb* cmd_payload = 0x%llx long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx long long io = 0x%llx long long io = 0x%llx long long io = 0x%llx long long status = 0x%llx long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x fcp_cdb* cmd_payload = 0x%llx long long status = 0x%llx long long io = 0x%llx long long io = 0x%llx long long io = 0x%llx long long status = 0x%llx * serv_parms = 0x%llx * serv_parms = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x long long status = 0x%llx int starve_delay_delta = 0x%x * ndd_correlator = 0x%llx (*)() * ndd_ctl = 0x%llx int ndd_nobufs = 0x%x int num_allowed_vports = 0x%x int num_nmsrv_qry_failures = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char event_bufs_avail_flag = 0x%x int high_num_scsi_act_cmds = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int high_num_scsi_act_cmds = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int current_errors = 0x%x int nolun_inquiry_data_len = 0x%x nolun_inquiry_data[256] = 0x%llx long long qbuf_pool_size = 0x%llx efsc_qbuf* head_qbuf_act = 0x%llx efsc_qbuf* tail_qbuf_act = 0x%llx long long ulp_correlator = 0x%llx long long qbuf_pool_size = 0x%llx efsc_qbuf* head_qbuf_act = 0x%llx efsc_qbuf* tail_qbuf_act = 0x%llx long long ulp_correlator = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x long long adap_devno = 0x%llx long long tv_sec = 0x%llx long long world_wide_name = 0x%llx target_info* nmsrv_target = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x long long world_wide_name = 0x%llx target_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x1378 long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx struct wtimer cancel_wdog = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx long long world_wide_name = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx target_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x1378 struct wtimer cancel_wdog = 0x%llx long long world_wide_name = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx scsi_buf* dev_restart_cmd = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx struct wtimer starve_wdog = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx struct wtimer cancel_wdog = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx struct wtimer starve_wdog = 0x%llx struct wtimer cancel_wdog = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x (*)() * ndd_open = 0x%llx int ndd_demuxsource = 0x%x ndd_reserved[12] = 0x%llx * ndd_parent_nddp = 0x%llx int ndd_ierrors = 0x%x int ndd_oerrors = 0x%x target_info* nmsrv_target = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx struct wtimer rft_id_wdog = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct efsc_cmd rft_id_op = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x int high_num_scsi_pend_cmds = 0x%x fc_pfs_reg_info* pfs_info = 0x%llx struct wtimer thrshld_tmr = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd rft_id_op = 0x%llx int high_num_scsi_pend_cmds = 0x%x efsc_qbuf* head_qbuf_pend = 0x%llx efsc_qbuf* tail_qbuf_pend = 0x%llx efsc_qbuf* head_qbuf_pend = 0x%llx efsc_qbuf* tail_qbuf_pend = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx target_info* target_pn[32] = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx long long used = 0x%llx long long used = 0x%llx target_info* target_pn[32] = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx struct wtimer gen_req_wdog = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd gen_req_op = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx long long num_started_luns = 0x%llx long long num_dev_restarts = 0x%llx struct wtimer gen_req_wdog = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd gen_req_op = 0x%llx long long num_started_luns = 0x%llx long long num_dev_restarts = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx npiv_cmd_elem = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x330 npiv_scsi_elem_t npiv_scsi = 0x%llx long long task_tag = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx npiv_cmd_elem = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x330 npiv_scsi_elem_t npiv_scsi = 0x%llx long long task_tag = 0x%llx struct move_login = 0x%llx int return_flags = 0x%x int return_flags = 0x%x struct send_ct_iu = 0x%llx int return_flags = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx Usage: efscsi [-d] [-l] [-f] [name|addr] Usage: efscsi [-d] [-l] [-f] [name|addr] int num_buffers1 = 0x%x int buffer_size1 = 0x%x int num_buffers2 = 0x%x int buffer_size2 = 0x%x (*)() * ndd_close = 0x%llx (*)() * nd_status = 0x%llx (*)() * ndd_trace = 0x%llx long long arp_priv = 0x%llx (*)() * cmd_entry_fcn_ptr = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx struct wtimer send_seq_tmr = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx target_info* target_pn[32] = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx long long used = 0x%llx long long used = 0x%llx long long used = 0x%llx long long used = 0x%llx long long used = 0x%llx long long no_cmd_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx long long cur_async_handle = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx target_info* target_pn[32] = 0x%llx long long used = 0x%llx tm_login_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x560 struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd gen_req_op = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx struct wtimer gen_req_wdog = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tmlogin = 0x%llx tm_login_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x560 struct efsc_cmd gen_req_op = 0x%llx struct wtimer gen_req_wdog = 0x%llx long long used = 0x%llx initiator_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x590 long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd send_seq_op = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx initiator_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x590 struct efsc_cmd send_seq_op = 0x%llx struct wtimer prli_dly_wdog = 0x%llx long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x long long num_act_admin_cmd = 0x%llx long long num_act_admin_cmd = 0x%llx struct wtimer lun_cdar_wdog = 0x%llx long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x struct wtimer lun_cdar_wdog = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx npiv_com_elem* next = 0x%llx npiv_com_elem* prev = 0x%llx long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x npiv_com_elem* next = 0x%llx npiv_com_elem* prev = 0x%llx npiv_com_elem* next = 0x%llx npiv_com_elem* prev = 0x%llx long long abort_key = 0x%llx struct update_npiv = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx npiv_com_elem* next = 0x%llx npiv_com_elem* prev = 0x%llx int entity_number = 0x%x int buf_threshold = 0x%x (*)() * ndd_output = 0x%llx (*)() * nd_receive = 0x%llx efc_filter_isr_t filter_isr = 0x%llx efc_status_isr_t status_isr = 0x%llx long long adap_resume_event = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* free_cmd_head = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* free_cmd_tail = 0x%llx target_info* target[%d] = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd rst_ring_op = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd canc_cmd_op = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd send_seq_op = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx struct efc_dma_init pay_dma = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx struct efc_dma_init rsp_dma = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx struct efc_dma_init bde_dma = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx long long event_buf_top = 0x%llx int num_used_npiv_targets = 0x%x efsc_thresharray_t cat_link = 0x%llx target_info* target[%d] = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd rst_ring_op = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd send_seq_op = 0x%llx int num_used_npiv_targets = 0x%x efsc_thresharray_t cat_link = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* tm_efscbuf_pool = 0x%llx tm_efscbuf* tm_efscbuf_pool = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx struct wtimer move_log_wdog = 0x%llx struct wtimer move_log_wdog = 0x%llx long long tm_correlator = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx Enter the efsc_scsi_ptrs address (in hex): int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx efsc_cmd_buffer* cmd_buf = 0x%llx efsc_cmd_buffer* els_buf = 0x%llx efsc_rsp_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx efsc_cmd_buffer* cmd_buf = 0x%llx efsc_cmd_buffer* els_buf = 0x%llx efsc_rsp_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx efsc_thresh_info type[4] = 0x%llx efsc_thresh_info type[4] = 0x%llx edinfo [-s] [-f] [scsiname|scsiaddr edinfo [-s] [-f] [scsiname|scsiaddr edinfo [-s] [-f] [scsiname|scsiaddr edinfo [-s] [-f] [scsiname|scsiaddr char notify_task_mgm_event = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx efsc_cmd_buffer* cmd_buf = 0x%llx efsc_cmd_buffer* els_buf = 0x%llx efsc_rsp_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx efsc_cmd_buffer* cmd_buf = 0x%llx efsc_cmd_buffer* els_buf = 0x%llx efsc_rsp_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx efsc_cmd_buffer* cmd_buf = 0x%llx efsc_cmd_buffer* els_buf = 0x%llx efsc_rsp_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx struct ctl_elem_blk ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx long long eyecatcher = 0x%llx int fc_reason_exp_code = 0x%x long long total_len_data = 0x%llx int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx long long eyecatcher = 0x%llx int fc_reason_exp_code = 0x%x struct passthru_els = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx Enter the efsc_scsi_ptrs address (in hex): int ndd_ibytes_msw = 0x%x int ndd_ibytes_lsw = 0x%x int ndd_obytes_msw = 0x%x int ndd_obytes_lsw = 0x%x struct wtimer rft_id_dly_tmr = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx efsc_event_info_t event_info = 0x%llx target_info* efsc_log_target = 0x%llx int num_allowed_initiators = 0x%x char notify_task_mgm_event = 0x%x long long cur_strttgt_handle = 0x%llx efsc_thresh_info type[4] = 0x%llx efsc_thresh_info type[4] = 0x%llx int num_allowed_initiators = 0x%x efsc_thresh_info type[4] = 0x%llx efsc_thresh_info type[4] = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tm_login_pool = 0x%llx long long tm_login_pool_size = 0x%llx tm_login_info* head_tm_login = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tail_tm_login = 0x%llx struct efc_dma_init qbuf_dma = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tm_login_pool = 0x%llx long long tm_login_pool_size = 0x%llx tm_login_info* head_tm_login = 0x%llx tm_login_info* tail_tm_login = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x efsc_els_buffer* pay_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* bde_buf = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx etinfo [-s] [-f] [scsiname|scsiaddr] etinfo [-s] [-f] [scsiname|scsiaddr] etinfo [-s] [-f] [scsiname|scsiaddr] etinfo [-s] [-f] [scsiname|scsiaddr] initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd move_login_op = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long alt_world_wide_name = 0x%llx efsc_thresharray_t cat_target = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd move_login_op = 0x%llx efsc_thresharray_t cat_target = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long timeout = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx efc_iocb_rsp_t reply_iocb = 0x%llx struct iotag = 0x%llx struct ebde2 = 0x%llx int re = 0x%llx int ae = 0x%llx int ge = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp_payload = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp_payload = 0x%llx kva_io_addr_t payload = 0x%llx kva_io_addr_t strip_merge = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx kva_io_addr_t payload = 0x%llx int serv_parms_size = 0x%x int serv_parms_size = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx char io_thrshld_tmr_enabled = 0x%x Complex_lock ndd_lock = 0x%llx int ndd_xmitque_max = 0x%x int ndd_xmitque_ovf = 0x%x int ndd_ibadpackets = 0x%x int ndd_xmitque_cur = 0x%x (*)() * ndd_arpinput = 0x%llx efsc_cmd_buffer* head_cmd_buf = 0x%llx efsc_cmd_buffer* tail_cmd_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* head_els_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* tail_els_buf = 0x%llx efsc_rsp_buffer* head_rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_rsp_buffer* tail_rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* head_bde_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* tail_bde_buf = 0x%llx struct async_timer async_wdog = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx struct wtimer reset_ring_wdog = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd flush_qbuf_op = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx scsi_event_buf* event_buf = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx efsc_cmd_buffer* head_cmd_buf = 0x%llx efsc_cmd_buffer* tail_cmd_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* head_els_buf = 0x%llx efsc_els_buffer* tail_els_buf = 0x%llx efsc_rsp_buffer* head_rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_rsp_buffer* tail_rsp_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* head_bde_buf = 0x%llx efsc_bde_buffer* tail_bde_buf = 0x%llx struct async_timer async_wdog = 0x%llx struct wtimer reset_ring_wdog = 0x%llx long long qbuf_data_pool_size = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long qbuf_data_pool_size = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd log_in_out_op = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd move_login_op = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx initiator_info* initiator = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd log_in_out_op = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd move_login_op = 0x%llx long long world_wide_name = 0x%llx Memory allocation for efsc_kdb_slist failed eitinfo [-s] [-f] [scsiname|scsiaddr] eitinfo [-s] [-f] [scsiname|scsiaddr] eitinfo [-s] [-f] [scsiname|scsiaddr] target_info* target_pn[%d] = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx target_info* target_pn[%d] = 0x%llx TARGET SCSI/INITIATOR FLAGS long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx DEV TARGET FLAGS long long async_correlator = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx struct spc_cmd_elem abort_elem = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx struct spc_cmd_elem abort_elem = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx kva_io_addr_t response = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx kva_io_addr_t response = 0x%llx long long reserved = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx int ndd_elapsed_time = 0x%x int ndd_ipackets_msw = 0x%x int ndd_ipackets_lsw = 0x%x int ndd_recvintr_msw = 0x%x int ndd_recvintr_lsw = 0x%x int ndd_opackets_msw = 0x%x int ndd_opackets_lsw = 0x%x int ndd_xmitintr_msw = 0x%x int ndd_xmitintr_lsw = 0x%x target_info* target_pn[%d] = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx int num_allowed_npiv_targets = 0x%x long long async_correlator = 0x%llx efsc_thresharray_t cat_adapter = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx dev_info* dev_fair_process_ptr = 0x%llx target_info* target_pn[%d] = 0x%llx int num_allowed_npiv_targets = 0x%x efsc_thresharray_t cat_adapter = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long last_failure = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long tm_efscbuf_pool_size = 0x%llx long long tm_efscbuf_pool_size = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct timestruc_t b_start = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd update_vport_op = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x struct efc_dma_init seq_pay_dma = 0x%llx struct efc_dma_init seq_rsp_dma = 0x%llx struct efsc_cmd update_vport_op = 0x%llx short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int invp = 0x%llx int hwmp = 0x%llx efc_iocb_ext_t iocb_ext = 0x%llx short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x ns_demuxer* ndd_demuxer = 0x%llx ns_dmx_ctl* ndd_nsdemux = 0x%llx int ndd_global_array_slot = 0x%x int ndd_ipackets_drop = 0x%x int ndd_opackets_drop = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x struct efc_dma_init seq_pay_dma = 0x%llx struct efc_dma_init seq_rsp_dma = 0x%llx npiv_com_elem* flush_npiv_q = 0x%llx npiv_com_elem* flush_npiv_q = 0x%llx long long tm_data_buf_pool_size = 0x%llx long long tm_data_buf_pool_size = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x Memory reallocation for efsc_kdb_slist failed fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx struct ctl_elem_blk ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx struct ctl_elem_blk ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx struct ctl_elem_blk ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx struct ctl_elem_blk ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx struct ctl_elem_blk ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx struct ctl_elem_blk ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx struct ctl_elem_blk ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx struct ctl_elem_blk ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx struct ctl_elem_blk ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx int bgstat = 0x%x struct efc_buf_info buf_info = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx kva_io_addr_t mapped_buf = 0x%llx struct ctl_elem_blk ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx kva_io_addr_t mapped_buf = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx struct iocb_filter im_filter = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx struct iocb_filter im_filter = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx struct scsi_cdb scsi_cmd_blk = 0x%llx struct scsi_cdb scsi_cmd_blk = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long timeout = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long timeout = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long _xm_globamr = 0x%llx long long _xm_globamr = 0x%llx efc_iocb_rsp_t reply_iocb = 0x%llx struct iotag = 0x%llx struct ebde2 = 0x%llx int re = 0x%llx int ae = 0x%llx int ge = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp_payload = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long timeout = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long timeout = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long 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= 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx long long _subspace_id = 0x%llx long long _subspace_id = 0x%llx int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx struct spc_cmd_elem prlog_cmd_elem = 0x%llx int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx struct cancel_cmd_elem cancel_elem = 0x%llx int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx struct spc_cmd_elem prlog_cmd_elem = 0x%llx struct cancel_cmd_elem cancel_elem = 0x%llx struct spc_cmd_elem lun_reset_elem = 0x%llx int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx struct spc_cmd_elem clear_aca_elem = 0x%llx int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx struct cancel_cmd_elem cancel_elem = 0x%llx int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx struct spc_cmd_elem lun_reset_elem = 0x%llx struct spc_cmd_elem clear_aca_elem = 0x%llx struct cancel_cmd_elem cancel_elem = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx efc_iocb_rsp_ext_t rsp_ext = 0x%llx int iotag64_high = 0x%x int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx long long old_nport_id = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx Simple_lock ndd_demux_lock = 0x%llx ndd_stat_reserved[23] = 0x%llx struct ns_com_status status_filter = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long 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