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Expected Symbol or address. int r_a_tov = 0x%x int e_d_tov = 0x%x int async_class = 0x%x An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. intr* next = 0x%llx int priority = 0x%x char eeh_enabled = 0x%x char ring_intrpt = 0x%x char open_intrpt = 0x%x int abort_to = 0x%x int flogi_to = 0x%x int intr_lvl = 0x%x char ever_opened = 0x%x char pcicfgsaved = 0x%x efc_slim* slim = 0x%llx int pciMSIoffset = 0x%x int pciMSImsgctl = 0x%x int pciEadverrcc = 0x%x int pciErterrcmd = 0x%x int pciErterrsta = 0x%x int pciEerrsrcid = 0x%x int link_retries = 0x%x * iocb_dma_rsp = 0x%llx * ctl_reg_addr = 0x%llx int bus_addr = 0x%x int time_out = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short status = 0x%x int curr_tf = 0x%llx int curr_lu = 0x%llx char command = 0x%x short status = 0x%x int reserved = 0x%x int fc_al_to = 0x%x short reason = 0x%x short reason = 0x%x short reason = 0x%x int num_sids = 0x%x short xm_amr = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int adap_tag = 0x%x long long lock = 0x%llx short status = 0x%x char command = 0x%x char eeh_retries = 0x%x char intr_masked = 0x%x intr* next = 0x%llx int priority = 0x%x short reason = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int bufxdbytelvl = 0x%x char fw_dmp_mode = 0x%x char accept_prli = 0x%x short reason = 0x%x char ever_opened = 0x%x efc_slim* slim = 0x%llx int link_retries = 0x%x long long lock = 0x%llx char eeh_retries = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x char accept_prli = 0x%x An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. Usage: efccmd [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efccmd [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efccmd [-d] [-l] addr An incomplete read occurred. char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x Usage: efcctl [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efcctl [-d] [-l] addr An incomplete read occurred. int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx An incomplete read occurred. * head_pending = 0x%llx * tail_pending = 0x%llx * head_flush_q = 0x%llx * tail_flush_q = 0x%llx int size_ctl = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx int fc4_type = 0x%x * head_pending = 0x%llx * tail_pending = 0x%llx * head_flush_q = 0x%llx * tail_flush_q = 0x%llx An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. char accept_prli = 0x%x An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. NAME ADDRESS long long state = 0x%llx int size_iocb_rsc = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x char full_rpi = 0x%x char is_pciex = 0x%x char msi_intr = 0x%x char link_ever_up = 0x%x int max_data_rate = 0x%x int last_nport_id = 0x%x int pciMSImsgaddr = 0x%x int pciMSImsgdata = 0x%x int pciEenhoffset = 0x%x int pciEuncerrsta = 0x%x int pciEuncerrmsk = 0x%x int pciEuncerrsev = 0x%x long long lbolt = 0x%llx int lip_f7_tx_cnt = 0x%x int lip_f7_rx_cnt = 0x%x int lip_f8_tx_cnt = 0x%x int lip_f8_rx_cnt = 0x%x int abort_retries = 0x%x * async_dma_buf = 0x%llx int iocb_dma_size = 0x%x char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx char type = 0x%x * vport = 0x%llx int data_size = 0x%x * qhead = 0x%llx int event_tag = 0x%x char lip_type = 0x%x char topology = 0x%x short version = 0x%x short version = 0x%x int aspace_id = 0x%x short l2psize = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char fc_class = 0x%x int adap_work = 0x%x int adap_key2 = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x int endec_rev = 0x%x int fcph_vers = 0x%x char alpa_cnt = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char sli3_enabled = 0x%x efc_public* pub = 0x%llx int conn_features = 0x%x int ctl_n_port_id = 0x%x char cmd_code = 0x%x char page_len = 0x%x rft_id_union[] = 0x%llx long long state = 0x%llx long long lbolt = 0x%llx int abort_retries = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char sli3_enabled = 0x%x efc_public* pub = 0x%llx int conn_features = 0x%x rft_id_union[] = 0x%llx "efc_global" address...[0x%p] int num_opens = 0x%x; int num_of_cfgs = 0x%x; int num_dmp_adaps = 0x%x; struct cdt *cdt = 0x%p; short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x int adap_pl_index = 0x%x int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x int parameter = 0x%x int total_len = 0x%x ADDRESS IDX TYPE int end_iotag = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x * head_held_off = 0x%llx * tail_held_off = 0x%llx * head_held_off = 0x%llx * tail_held_off = 0x%llx rft_id_union[] = 0x%llx rft_id_union[] = 0x%llx short version = 0x%x struct intr intr = 0x%llx short bus_type = 0x%x char initff_issued = 0x%x char trace_enabled = 0x%x char o_parms_valid = 0x%x short fc_class_msk = 0x%x char pref_alpa = 0x%x char al_pa_map = 0x%x int cfgport_to = 0x%x int adap_flags = 0x%x int other_nport_id = 0x%x int pciXcmd_offset = 0x%x char num_qbufs = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x int inb_status = 0x%x int pciEcorrerrsta = 0x%x int pciEcorrerrmsk = 0x%x int lip_rst_tx_cnt = 0x%x int lip_rst_rx_cnt = 0x%x char dwnld_fail_rc = 0x%x * iocb_dma_payld = 0x%llx efc_ring ring[3] = 0x%llx int num_active = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char num_iocbs = 0x%x int num_active = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char num_iocbs = 0x%x int num_active = 0x%x char resvd = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char state = 0x%x int dmp_to = 0x%x int status = 0x%x char num_iocbs = 0x%x short type = 0x%x char state = 0x%x reserved[4] = 0x%llx char reserved3 = 0x%x char pref_alpa = 0x%x char lip_al_ps = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%llx int reserved3 = 0x%llx short bbcredit = 0x%x short bbcredit = 0x%x struct xmem xmem = 0x%llx char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x efc_cmd_t dd_cmd = 0x%llx char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x char adap_type = 0x%x char cmd_flags = 0x%x int payld_size = 0x%x efc_cmd abt[100] = 0x%llx long long io_dma = 0x%llx struct dio vlist = 0x%llx struct dio blist = 0x%llx efc_bde* sg_list = 0x%llx al_pas[127] = 0x%llx wake_up[15] = 0x%llx short reserved = 0x%x short bus_type = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x short fc_class_msk = 0x%x char num_qbufs = 0x%x efc_ring ring[3] = 0x%llx char num_iocbs = 0x%x char num_iocbs = 0x%x char num_iocbs = 0x%x short bbcredit = 0x%x long long io_dma = 0x%llx efc_bde* sg_list = 0x%llx lock_t efc_lock = 0x%lx; char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x * ctl_offset = 0x%llx char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x char max_iocb4qbuf = 0x%x char max_iocb4qbuf = 0x%x Usage: efcvport [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efcvport [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efcvport [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efclogin [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efclogin [-d] [-l] addr Usage: efclogin [-d] [-l] addr login_tble* next = 0x%llx login_tble* prev = 0x%llx short fc_class_msk = 0x%x short bbcredit = 0x%x short fc_class_msk = 0x%x Usage: efcs [-d] [-l] [-f] addr Usage: efcs [-d] [-l] [-f] addr cacheline_pad[8] = 0x%llx short init_link = 0x%x char sw_link_up = 0x%x char tm_enabled = 0x%x short max_npivs = 0x%x int rcv_iocb_to = 0x%x int retry_count = 0x%x int bus_io_addr = 0x%x int lg_term_dma = 0x%x int small_xfers = 0x%x char cfginit_active = 0x%x char cfgterm_active = 0x%x char other_fc_class = 0x%x reserved[32] = 0x%llx reserved2[8] = 0x%llx int inb_counter = 0x%x int pciMSImsgupaddr = 0x%x struct io_map iom = 0x%llx volatile ras_flags = 0x%x resvd[2] = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx long long sli1_mb = 0x%llx * cmd_put_ptr = 0x%llx * rsp_get_ptr = 0x%llx * head_active = 0x%llx * tail_active = 0x%llx char opcode = 0x%x int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx char qbuf_iocbs = 0x%x int num_pending = 0x%x * cmd_put_ptr = 0x%llx * rsp_get_ptr = 0x%llx * head_active = 0x%llx * tail_active = 0x%llx char opcode = 0x%x int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx char qbuf_iocbs = 0x%x int num_pending = 0x%x * cmd_put_ptr = 0x%llx * rsp_get_ptr = 0x%llx * head_active = 0x%llx * tail_active = 0x%llx char opcode = 0x%x int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx int pu = 0x%llx int ir = 0x%llx char qbuf_iocbs = 0x%x int num_pending = 0x%x int num_pending = 0x%x port_name[2] = 0x%llx node_name[2] = 0x%llx short reserved2 = 0x%x int lnk_dwn_tf = 0x%llx int lnk_dwn_lu = 0x%llx int class1_sp1 = 0x%llx class1_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class2_sp1 = 0x%llx class2_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class3_sp1 = 0x%llx class3_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class4_sp1 = 0x%llx class4_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class1_sp1 = 0x%llx class1_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class2_sp1 = 0x%llx class2_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class3_sp1 = 0x%llx class3_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class4_sp1 = 0x%llx class4_sp[8] = 0x%llx int crc_err_cnt = 0x%x int prim_seq_to = 0x%x short xmemflags = 0x%x short prexflags = 0x%x efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x efc_cmd_t scr_cmd = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x efc_cmd_t ctl_cmd = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x efc_cmd_t adp_cmd = 0x%llx efc_cmd* next = 0x%llx efc_cmd* prev = 0x%llx char adap_state = 0x%x efc_bde* bdes = 0x%llx int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int tag = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x * bpl = 0x%llx int tag = 0x%x int vpi = 0x%x int rpi = 0x%x els_free_list[2] = 0x%llx efc_cmd q_cmd[25] = 0x%llx int bde_table_words = 0x%x d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx d_iovec* dvec = 0x%llx union un_aic = 0x%llx * download_buffer = 0x%llx char sli3_ext_flags = 0x%x char init_link_done = 0x%x vpi_free_list[8] = 0x%llx char resvd1 = 0x%x char class_3_fabric = 0x%x * head_active = 0x%llx * tail_active = 0x%llx char qbuf_iocbs = 0x%x int num_pending = 0x%x * head_active = 0x%llx * tail_active = 0x%llx char qbuf_iocbs = 0x%x int num_pending = 0x%x * head_active = 0x%llx * tail_active = 0x%llx char qbuf_iocbs = 0x%x int num_pending = 0x%x char sli3_ext_flags = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx * spc_head_active = 0x%llx * spc_tail_active = 0x%llx int start_iotag = 0x%x int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx (*)() * recv_fcn = 0x%llx int high_num_active = 0x%x * spc_head_active = 0x%llx * spc_tail_active = 0x%llx int high_num_active = 0x%x VPI_INDEX NPORT_ID PORT_NAME vport_entry* next = 0x%llx vport_entry* prev = 0x%llx resvd[2] = 0x%llx int class1_sp1 = 0x%llx class1_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class2_sp1 = 0x%llx class2_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class3_sp1 = 0x%llx class3_sp[8] = 0x%llx int class4_sp1 = 0x%llx class4_sp[8] = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx char connection_type = 0x%x char download_intrpt = 0x%x char restart_retries = 0x%x char perm_slot_error = 0x%x struct efc_ddi ddi = 0x%llx char sw_fc_class = 0x%x int init_link_to = 0x%x int ext_cfgspace = 0x%x char dif_enabled = 0x%x int num_ip_iocbs = 0x%x long long size = 0x%llx d_handle* d_handle = 0x%llx * adap_info_ras_cb = 0x%llx int ffer1_fail_count = 0x%x int ffer2_fail_count = 0x%x int ffer4_fail_count = 0x%x int ffer7_fail_count = 0x%x int ffer8_fail_count = 0x%x pthru_mb_buf[128] = 0x%llx char dwnld_fail_resp = 0x%x long long ss_event = 0x%llx int kill_brd_preempt = 0x%x long long mb_baddr = 0x%llx * head_pending = 0x%llx * tail_pending = 0x%llx * head_flush_q = 0x%llx * tail_flush_q = 0x%llx int size_ctl = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx int fc4_type = 0x%x * head_pending = 0x%llx * tail_pending = 0x%llx * head_flush_q = 0x%llx * tail_flush_q = 0x%llx int size_ctl = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx int fc4_type = 0x%x * head_pending = 0x%llx * tail_pending = 0x%llx * head_flush_q = 0x%llx * tail_flush_q = 0x%llx int size_ctl = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int adap_key = 0x%x int nport_id = 0x%x int own = 0x%llx int own = 0x%llx int fc4_type = 0x%x short reason = 0x%x int lnk_fail_cnt = 0x%x int inv_word_cnt = 0x%x struct wtimer wdog = 0x%llx long long size = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx char adap_opcode = 0x%x * buf1 = 0x%llx * buf2 = 0x%llx qbuf_free_list[2] = 0x%llx sg_list_base[249] = 0x%llx int firmware_rev = 0x%x char type_un_aic = 0x%x char intr_registered = 0x%x int num_avail_vports = 0x%x int ctl_failure_type = 0x%x * bufx_info_ras_cb = 0x%llx short resvd2 = 0x%x char connection_type = 0x%x struct efc_ddi ddi = 0x%llx int num_ip_iocbs = 0x%x * head_pending = 0x%llx * tail_pending = 0x%llx int fc4_type = 0x%x * head_pending = 0x%llx * tail_pending = 0x%llx int fc4_type = 0x%x * head_pending = 0x%llx * tail_pending = 0x%llx int fc4_type = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x struct rft_id = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx int high_num_pending = 0x%x int heldoff_num_cmds = 0x%x int high_num_pending = 0x%x int heldoff_num_cmds = 0x%x vport_entry* vport = 0x%llx vport_entry* vport = 0x%llx char open_seq_retries = 0x%x short init_link_flags = 0x%x char wait_rdy_retries = 0x%x char keep_link_up = 0x%x char firmware_dmp = 0x%x char poll_enabled = 0x%x int num_cmd_elems = 0x%x int parent_bus_id = 0x%x int max_xfer_size = 0x%x int intr_priority = 0x%x cacheline2_pad[72] = 0x%llx efc_adap_info* next = 0x%llx efc_adap_info* prev = 0x%llx fields[31] = 0x%llx cacheline3_pad[72] = 0x%llx cacheline4_pad[40] = 0x%llx Simple_lock tx_lock = 0x%llx int node_type = 0x%x ip_addr[2] = 0x%llx char dwnld_fail_flags = 0x%x long long ctl_event = 0x%llx long long reserved5 = 0x%llx long long pcb_baddr = 0x%llx int end_iotag = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x * head_held_off = 0x%llx * tail_held_off = 0x%llx int end_iotag = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x * head_held_off = 0x%llx * tail_held_off = 0x%llx int end_iotag = 0x%x short version = 0x%x char ctl_type = 0x%x char op_flags = 0x%x int entity_id = 0x%x int resp_size = 0x%x bufx* bufxp = 0x%llx short rel_cnt = 0x%x * head_held_off = 0x%llx * tail_held_off = 0x%llx active_mb[128] = 0x%llx int loss_sync_cnt = 0x%x efc_cmd_t flogi_cmd = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x efc_cmd_t abort_cmd = 0x%llx short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x short xri = 0x%x struct abt = 0x%llx int adap_pl_index = 0x%x char failure_type = 0x%x async_free_list[2] = 0x%llx qiocb_free_list[1] = 0x%llx int proto_acc_rev = 0x%x iotag_free_list[9] = 0x%llx vport_entry* vports = 0x%llx int adap_num_act_cmds = 0x%x short payload_len = 0x%x efc_adap_info* next = 0x%llx long long ctl_event = 0x%llx * head_held_off = 0x%llx * tail_held_off = 0x%llx * head_held_off = 0x%llx * tail_held_off = 0x%llx * head_held_off = 0x%llx * tail_held_off = 0x%llx vport_entry* vports = 0x%llx uchar firmware_dmp = 0x%x; uchar num_quasi_opens = 0x%x; efc_cmd = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xd8 long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx efc_cmd = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xd8 long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x long long resvd = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int node_type = 0x%x ip_addr[2] = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx ADDRESS FLAGS ENTITIES long long node_name = 0x%llx int async_context_tag = 0x%x long long node_name = 0x%llx (*)() * handler = 0x%llx int previous_event_tag = 0x%x char flogi_on_open = 0x%x char cl2_ack_0_spt = 0x%x int enabled_ring_intrs = 0x%x long long seq_number = 0x%llx char cmd_iocb_size = 0x%x char rsp_iocb_size = 0x%x int num_admn_iocbs = 0x%x int num_scsi_iocbs = 0x%x char reg_log_elems = 0x%x cacheline5_pad[120] = 0x%llx Simple_lock rcv_lock = 0x%llx cacheline6_pad[120] = 0x%llx char node_mgmt = 0x%x short udp_port = 0x%x char dwnld_fail_status = 0x%x long long open_event = 0x%llx long long ring_event = 0x%llx int async_dma_buf_size = 0x%x long long slim_baddr = 0x%llx * ctl_offset = 0x%llx char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x char max_iocb4qbuf = 0x%x * ctl_offset = 0x%llx char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x char max_iocb4qbuf = 0x%x * ctl_offset = 0x%llx char dif_flags = 0x%x * ulp_handle = 0x%llx int payld_size = 0x%x char max_iocb4qbuf = 0x%x struct efc_mbox mbox = 0x%llx char al_pa_granted = 0x%x int lnk_dwn_state = 0x%llx short com_features = 0x%x version_lvl[16] = 0x%llx short com_features = 0x%x version_lvl[16] = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x struct farp = 0x%llx char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char r_ctl = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x char flags = 0x%x efc_cmd els_cmds[49] = 0x%llx int bde_table_cur_word = 0x%x char bde_table_cur_bit = 0x%x d_iovec* blist_start = 0x%llx long long tv_sec = 0x%llx struct efcdd_vpd vpd = 0x%llx int rosize = 0x%x int rwsize = 0x%x int spare1 = 0x%x int spare2 = 0x%x int rosize = 0x%x int rwsize = 0x%x int spare2 = 0x%x (*)() * handler = 0x%llx char already_connected = 0x%x char ring_reset_needed = 0x%x int adap_num_pend_cmds = 0x%x struct fcp_prli prli = 0x%llx char type_code = 0x%x long long seq_number = 0x%llx char cmd_iocb_size = 0x%x char rsp_iocb_size = 0x%x int num_admn_iocbs = 0x%x int num_scsi_iocbs = 0x%x long long open_event = 0x%llx long long ring_event = 0x%llx long long slim_baddr = 0x%llx struct efc_mbox mbox = 0x%llx short com_features = 0x%x struct efcdd_vpd vpd = 0x%llx char already_connected = 0x%x struct fcp_prli prli = 0x%llx (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x int heldoff_high_water = 0x%x char node_mgmt = 0x%x short udp_port = 0x%x An incomplete vport read occurred. short com_features = 0x%x version_lvl[16] = 0x%llx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ long long i_count = 0x%llx char num_init_links = 0x%x char poll_threshold = 0x%x int init_link_mb_to = 0x%x char link_down_on_close = 0x%x char num_xmit_iocbs = 0x%x char num_qbuf_iocbs = 0x%x long long busaddr = 0x%llx struct rnid_data rnid = 0x%llx global_id[2] = 0x%llx int port_number = 0x%x char ip_version = 0x%x * spc_head_active = 0x%llx * spc_tail_active = 0x%llx int start_iotag = 0x%x int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx (*)() * recv_fcn = 0x%llx int high_num_active = 0x%x * spc_head_active = 0x%llx * spc_tail_active = 0x%llx int start_iotag = 0x%x int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx (*)() * recv_fcn = 0x%llx int high_num_active = 0x%x * spc_head_active = 0x%llx * spc_tail_active = 0x%llx int start_iotag = 0x%x int status = 0x%llx int status = 0x%llx (*)() * recv_fcn = 0x%llx int high_num_active = 0x%x char attention_type = 0x%x int curr_lnk_state = 0x%llx char curr_lnk_speed = 0x%x (*)() * func = 0x%llx efc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx int loss_signal_cnt = 0x%x int primseq_err_cnt = 0x%x (*)() * func = 0x%llx efc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx efc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx efc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx long long busaddr = 0x%llx struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x struct login = 0x%llx char df_ctl = 0x%x char df_ctl = 0x%x short resvd = 0x%x int download_buffer = 0x%x int dbgsize = 0x%x int dbgtype = 0x%x int area_id = 0x%x int dbgsize = 0x%x int dbgtype = 0x%x struct intr offl_intr = 0x%llx long long i_count = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx efc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx char need_early_cleanup = 0x%x int ctl_fail_reason_exp = 0x%x int spurious_intr_count = 0x%x int adap_act_high_water = 0x%x short dev_flags = 0x%x (*)() * func = 0x%llx efc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx char num_xmit_iocbs = 0x%x char num_qbuf_iocbs = 0x%x (*)() * recv_fcn = 0x%llx int high_num_active = 0x%x (*)() * recv_fcn = 0x%llx int high_num_active = 0x%x (*)() * recv_fcn = 0x%llx int high_num_active = 0x%x char need_early_cleanup = 0x%x int spurious_intr_count = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx efc_ring = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x378 efc_cmd* qbuf_pending = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx efc_ring = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x378 efc_cmd* qbuf_pending = 0x%llx struct rnid_data rnid = 0x%llx global_id[2] = 0x%llx int port_number = 0x%x char ip_version = 0x%x char restart_adp_retries = 0x%x resource_name[16] = 0x%llx char xmit_free_words = 0x%x char num_async_iocbs = 0x%x char qbuf_free_words = 0x%x volatile status = 0x%x short disc_flags = 0x%x long long LIPCount = 0x%llx long long NOSCount = 0x%llx char interrupts_disabled = 0x%x d_handle* d_handle_ctl = 0x%llx eeh_handle* eeh_handle = 0x%llx struct dio qbufs_vlist = 0x%llx struct dio qbufs_blist = 0x%llx int fan_loop_fabric_addr = 0x%x efc_cmd* head_cmd_mb_q = 0x%llx efc_cmd* tail_cmd_mb_q = 0x%llx int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx int high_num_pending = 0x%x int heldoff_num_cmds = 0x%x int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx int high_num_pending = 0x%x int heldoff_num_cmds = 0x%x int num_buf_info = 0x%x int buf_data_len = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x char command = 0x%x int buf_type = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x * buf_list = 0x%llx fcp_cdb* payld = 0x%llx int high_num_pending = 0x%x int heldoff_num_cmds = 0x%x long long mb_event = 0x%llx struct wtimer wdog = 0x%llx int class1_validity = 0x%llx int class2_validity = 0x%llx int class3_validity = 0x%llx int class4_validity = 0x%llx int class1_validity = 0x%llx int class2_validity = 0x%llx int class3_validity = 0x%llx int class4_validity = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx struct wtimer rcv_wdog = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx long long used = 0x%llx struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x struct logout = 0x%llx int ring_num = 0x%x int ring_num = 0x%x short io_tag = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int xmit_rpi = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%x int bpl_size = 0x%x struct ipaddr = 0x%llx struct cancel = 0x%llx struct rft_id = 0x%llx char fail_reason_exp = 0x%x login_tble* login_pool = 0x%llx int reloc_br = 0x%x int zinit_br = 0x%x int entry_br = 0x%x int exit_swi = 0x%x int reloc_br = 0x%x int zinit_br = 0x%x int entry_br = 0x%x int kversion = 0x%x watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx resource_name[16] = 0x%llx int ctl_fail_reason_code = 0x%x int adap_pend_high_water = 0x%x struct wtimer eeh_wdog = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx char xmit_free_words = 0x%x char num_async_iocbs = 0x%x char qbuf_free_words = 0x%x efc_cmd* head_cmd_mb_q = 0x%llx efc_cmd* tail_cmd_mb_q = 0x%llx int high_num_pending = 0x%x int heldoff_num_cmds = 0x%x int high_num_pending = 0x%x int heldoff_num_cmds = 0x%x int high_num_pending = 0x%x int heldoff_num_cmds = 0x%x login_tble* login_pool = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx long long cmdring_base = 0x%llx long long rspring_base = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk_t ctl_blk = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx long long inp_reqs = 0x%llx long long out_reqs = 0x%llx long long cmdring_base = 0x%llx long long rspring_base = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk_t ctl_blk = 0x%llx short disc_flags = 0x%x login_tble = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xb0 int class1_validity = 0x%llx int class2_validity = 0x%llx int class3_validity = 0x%llx int class4_validity = 0x%llx login_tble = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xb0 int sec_btwn_linkstat = 0x%x short total_num_iocbs = 0x%x char async_free_words = 0x%x char qiocb_free_words = 0x%x volatile command = 0x%x efc_cmd* flush_cmd_mb_q = 0x%llx int num_att_nodes = 0x%x long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx efc_iocbs_rsc* iocb_dma = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long host_pg_baddr = 0x%llx long long port_gp_baddr = 0x%llx long long iocb_mb_baddr = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x long long resvd = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x long long resvd = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int parameter = 0x%x int reserved2 = 0x%x int num_bdes = 0x%llx int total_len = 0x%x int split_dma = 0x%x long long resvd = 0x%llx int lnk_dwn_tx_state = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int class1_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class1_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class1_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class1_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class2_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class2_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class2_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class2_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class3_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class3_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class3_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class3_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class4_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class4_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class4_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class4_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int class1_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class1_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class1_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class1_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class2_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class2_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class2_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class2_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class3_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class3_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class3_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class3_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class4_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class4_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class4_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class4_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct wtimer farp_wdog = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx * _subspace_ptr = 0x%llx struct xmem_phys xp = 0x%llx long long total = 0x%llx long long s_vpn = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long bde_baddr = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x struct snd_seq = 0x%llx int n_port_id = 0x%x char fc4_type = 0x%x short rcv_xri = 0x%x struct gen_req = 0x%llx char fc4_type = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x int n_port_id = 0x%x char fail_reason_code = 0x%x long long abort_key = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx long long resid_iov = 0x%llx int post_firmware_rev = 0x%x int zinitsize = 0x%x int imagebase = 0x%x int workspace = 0x%x int data_base = 0x%x int debug_swi = 0x%x int zinitsize = 0x%x int imagebase = 0x%x int area_size = 0x%x int data_base = 0x%x int debug_swi = 0x%x struct wtimer flush_tmr = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx int adap_heldoff_num_cmds = 0x%x struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx short total_num_iocbs = 0x%x char async_free_words = 0x%x char qiocb_free_words = 0x%x efc_cmd* flush_cmd_mb_q = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx STATE ACT/SPC_ACT_CNT PEND_CNT long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x long long ctrl_reqs = 0x%llx long long inp_bytes = 0x%llx long long out_bytes = 0x%llx int num_att_nodes = 0x%x long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int class1_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class1_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class1_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class1_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class2_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class2_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class2_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class2_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class3_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class3_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class3_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class3_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx int class4_ack_0_spt = 0x%llx int class4_ack_n_spt = 0x%llx int class4_rcp_ack_0 = 0x%llx int class4_rcp_ack_n = 0x%llx Enter the efc_global address (in hex): long long port_map_lbolt = 0x%llx long long download_event = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long fan_fport_name = 0x%llx efc_cmd* head_wait_rcv_q = 0x%llx efc_cmd* tail_wait_rcv_q = 0x%llx long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x int heldoff_high_water = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x int heldoff_high_water = 0x%x long long lun_id = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x char resv3 = 0x%x char resv1 = 0x%x int resv2 = 0x%llx reserved[3] = 0x%llx int reserved4 = 0x%llx char reserved5 = 0x%x int page_count = 0x%x int bde_offset = 0x%x int heldoff_high_water = 0x%x efc_mb_info mbox[14] = 0x%llx int lnk_dwn_rcv_state = 0x%llx char lnk_dwn_lnk_speed = 0x%x int curr_lnk_tx_state = 0x%llx short bbrecv_data_size = 0x%x int class1_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class1_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class1_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class1_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class1_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class1_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class2_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class2_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class2_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class2_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class2_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class2_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class3_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class3_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class3_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class3_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class3_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class3_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class4_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class4_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class4_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class4_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class4_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class4_serv_opts5 = 0x%x short bbrecv_data_size = 0x%x int class1_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class1_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class1_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class1_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class1_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class1_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class2_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class2_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class2_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class2_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class2_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class2_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class3_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class3_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class3_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class3_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class3_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class3_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class4_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class4_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class4_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class4_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class4_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class4_serv_opts5 = 0x%x (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x (*)() * return_addr = 0x%llx long long resp_baddr = 0x%llx struct xmit_rsp = 0x%llx int rel_offset = 0x%x long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long bytes_done = 0x%llx long long program_id = 0x%llx char type_code_ext = 0x%x efc_cmd* head_wait_rcv_q = 0x%llx efc_cmd* tail_wait_rcv_q = 0x%llx int heldoff_high_water = 0x%x int heldoff_high_water = 0x%x int heldoff_high_water = 0x%x Enter the efc_global address (in hex): Enter the efc_global address (in hex): fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx long long cmd_ring_baddr = 0x%llx long long rsp_ring_baddr = 0x%llx int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx long long cmd_ring_baddr = 0x%llx long long rsp_ring_baddr = 0x%llx vport_entry = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x1b0 vport_entry = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x1b0 fcph_serv_parms_t params = 0x%llx short bbrecv_data_size = 0x%x int class1_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class1_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class1_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class1_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class1_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class1_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class2_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class2_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class2_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class2_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class2_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class2_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class3_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class3_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class3_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class3_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class3_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class3_serv_opts5 = 0x%x int class4_serv_opts1 = 0x%llx char class4_serv_opts2 = 0x%x int class4_serv_opts3 = 0x%llx int class4_serv_opts4 = 0x%llx char class4_serv_opts5 = 0x%x char class4_serv_opts5 = 0x%x struct efc_mailbox mb = 0x%llx efc_iocb_rsp iocb[50] = 0x%llx struct efc_trb poll_timer = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx efc_qbufs_dma hostrsp[50] = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx struct efc_trb link_timer = 0x%llx long long fan_fabric_name = 0x%llx efc_cmd* qbuf_pending = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx efc_cmd* qbuf_pending = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx efc_cmd* qbuf_pending = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx int last_entry = 0x%llx (*)() * func = 0x%llx efc_adap_info* ap = 0x%llx int curr_lnk_rcv_state = 0x%llx fcph_serv_parms_t l_parms = 0x%llx fcph_serv_parms_t o_parms = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx int elastic_buf_overrun = 0x%x long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx struct io_map iom_sli1_mb = 0x%llx long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x long long payld_baddr = 0x%llx struct queue_buf = 0x%llx int baddr1_size = 0x%x int baddr2_size = 0x%x char adap_flags = 0x%x char adap_state = 0x%x long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx long long used_iovecs = 0x%llx struct timestruc_t time_s = 0x%llx long long start_flash = 0x%llx int compress_br = 0x%x int compress_br = 0x%x int copy_exp_start_addr = 0x%x long long restart = 0x%llx int adap_heldoff_high_water = 0x%x int orig_proc_assoc = 0x%x int resp_proc_assoc = 0x%x fc_pfs_reg_info* pfs_info = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx struct efc_mailbox mb = 0x%llx struct efc_trb link_timer = 0x%llx fcph_serv_parms_t l_parms = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long timeout = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x1c0 efc_iocb_rsp_t reply_iocb = 0x%llx struct iotag = 0x%llx struct ebde2 = 0x%llx int re = 0x%llx int ae = 0x%llx int ge = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0x1c0 efc_iocb_rsp_t reply_iocb = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx long long bus_mem_addr = 0x%llx efc_iocb_cmd* ip_iocbs_cmd = 0x%llx efc_iocb_rsp* ip_iocbs_rsp = 0x%llx efc_cmd* qbuf_head_pending = 0x%llx long long DumpedFrames = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx efc_cmd* qbuf_tail_pending = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct efc_trb plogi_timer = 0x%llx struct efc_trb delay_timer = 0x%llx int kill_brd_delay_retry_cnt = 0x%x long long iocb_async_baddr = 0x%llx long long cmdring_base = 0x%llx long long rspring_base = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk_t ctl_blk = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx long long inp_reqs = 0x%llx long long out_reqs = 0x%llx long long cmdring_base = 0x%llx long long rspring_base = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk_t ctl_blk = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx long long inp_reqs = 0x%llx long long out_reqs = 0x%llx long long cmdring_base = 0x%llx long long rspring_base = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk_t ctl_blk = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* next = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* prev = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx union un1 = 0x%llx union un2 = 0x%llx short contxt_tag = 0x%x int flags_class = 0x%llx long long inp_reqs = 0x%llx long long out_reqs = 0x%llx watchdog* next = 0x%llx watchdog* prev = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx struct ring_reset = 0x%llx int payload_size = 0x%x int payload_size = 0x%x struct move_login = 0x%llx struct queue_list = 0x%llx efc_cmd async_els_cmds[49] = 0x%llx login_tble* login_tble[32] = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx long long total_iovecs = 0x%llx struct al_pa_map al_pa_map = 0x%llx int size_download_buffer = 0x%x int address_mode = 0x%x zinitcode[15] = 0x%llx int address_mode = 0x%x zinitcode[15] = 0x%llx Simple_lock error_log_lock = 0x%llx efc_iocb_cmd* ip_iocbs_cmd = 0x%llx efc_iocb_rsp* ip_iocbs_rsp = 0x%llx struct efc_trb plogi_timer = 0x%llx struct efc_trb delay_timer = 0x%llx login_tble* login_tble[32] = 0x%llx struct al_pa_map al_pa_map = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx login_tble* login_tble[32] = 0x%llx login_tble* login_tble[32] = 0x%llx efc_adap_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xf668 long long bus_mem_addr2 = 0x%llx struct efc_iocb_sizes sizes = 0x%llx efc_iocb_cmd* fcp_iocbs_cmd = 0x%llx efc_iocb_rsp* fcp_iocbs_rsp = 0x%llx efc_iocbs_rsc2* iocb_mb_dma = 0x%llx long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long hbq_entries_baddr = 0x%llx long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x long long ctrl_reqs = 0x%llx long long inp_bytes = 0x%llx long long out_bytes = 0x%llx long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x long long ctrl_reqs = 0x%llx long long inp_bytes = 0x%llx long long out_bytes = 0x%llx long long abort_key = 0x%llx int reserved8 = 0x%x long long ctrl_reqs = 0x%llx long long inp_bytes = 0x%llx long long out_bytes = 0x%llx struct watchdog dog = 0x%llx long long count = 0x%llx struct lnk_stat_tmr lnkstat = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x fcph_logi_payload* resp = 0x%llx struct flush_qbufs = 0x%llx int response_size = 0x%x int response_size = 0x%x int old_n_port_id = 0x%x int new_n_port_id = 0x%x login_tble* free_login_head = 0x%llx login_tble* free_login_tail = 0x%llx short wake_up_parms_valid = 0x%x fc_error_log_def* error_log = 0x%llx efc_adap_info = 0x%p { size(64bit)=0xf668 struct efc_iocb_sizes sizes = 0x%llx efc_iocb_cmd* fcp_iocbs_cmd = 0x%llx efc_iocb_rsp* fcp_iocbs_rsp = 0x%llx long long hbq_entries_baddr = 0x%llx login_tble* free_login_head = 0x%llx login_tble* free_login_tail = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int invp = 0x%llx int hwmp = 0x%llx efc_iocb_ext_t iocb_ext = 0x%llx Usage: efcring [-d] [-l] efcring [-s] [-f] Usage: efcring [-d] [-l] efcring [-s] [-f] Usage: efcring [-d] [-l] efcring [-s] [-f] Usage: efcring [-d] [-l] efcring [-s] [-f] Usage: efcring [-d] [-l] efcring [-s] [-f] efc_filter_isr_t filter_isr = 0x%llx short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx long long no_sglist_cnt = 0x%llx efc_filter_isr_t filter_isr = 0x%llx efcvport [-s] [-f] efcvport [-s] [-f] efcvport [-s] [-f] ADDRESS FLAGS ENTITIES STATE long long port_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx efclogin [-s] [-f] efclogin [-s] [-f] efclogin [-s] [-f] efc_iocb_cmd* admn_iocbs_cmd = 0x%llx efc_buf_entry hbq_entries[3] = 0x%llx struct efc_trb restart_timer = 0x%llx struct efc_trb adp_rst_timer = 0x%llx long long ip_iocbs_cmd_baddr = 0x%llx long long ip_iocbs_rsp_baddr = 0x%llx long long cmd_ring_baddr = 0x%llx long long rsp_ring_baddr = 0x%llx int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx long long cmd_ring_baddr = 0x%llx long long rsp_ring_baddr = 0x%llx int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx long long cmd_ring_baddr = 0x%llx long long rsp_ring_baddr = 0x%llx int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char csctl_pri = 0x%x int abort_mxri_key = 0x%x char reserved6 = 0x%x int reserved7 = 0x%llx char csctl_pri = 0x%x ext_bde1[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde2[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde3[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde4[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde5[3] = 0x%llx ext_bde6[3] = 0x%llx imm_data[2] = 0x%llx efc_bde* end_bde = 0x%llx long long start_time = 0x%llx struct readla_parms la_parms = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx fcph_logi_payload* payld = 0x%llx long long baddr1 = 0x%llx long long baddr2 = 0x%llx struct update_vport = 0x%llx struct efc_cfg_ucode32 ucode = 0x%llx efc_iocb_cmd* admn_iocbs_cmd = 0x%llx struct efc_trb restart_timer = 0x%llx struct efc_trb adp_rst_timer = 0x%llx long long ip_iocbs_cmd_baddr = 0x%llx long long ip_iocbs_rsp_baddr = 0x%llx struct readla_parms la_parms = 0x%llx Memory allocation for efc_kdb_slist failed int bgstat = 0x%x struct efc_buf_info buf_info = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx struct efc_buf_info buf_info = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx struct dio iocb_dma_rsp_vlist = 0x%llx struct dio iocb_dma_rsp_blist = 0x%llx struct efc_trb kill_brd_timer = 0x%llx long long fcp_iocbs_cmd_baddr = 0x%llx long long fcp_iocbs_rsp_baddr = 0x%llx volatile efc_ptr* host_putget = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x efc_bde* iocb_bpl = 0x%llx efc_bde* resp_bde = 0x%llx efc_bde* data_bde = 0x%llx fcp_response_iu* resp = 0x%llx long long restart = 0x%llx long long _xm_globamr = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long timeout = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long timeout = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long timeout = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long timeout = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long timeout = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long timeout = 0x%llx long long ww_name = 0x%llx long long fcp_iocbs_cmd_baddr = 0x%llx long long fcp_iocbs_rsp_baddr = 0x%llx volatile efc_ptr* host_putget = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x int buf_tag = 0x%x reserved1[3] = 0x%llx efc_iocb_rsp_t reply_iocb = 0x%llx struct iotag = 0x%llx struct ebde2 = 0x%llx int re = 0x%llx int ae = 0x%llx int ge = 0x%llx efc_driver_info_t driver_info = 0x%llx volatile efc_ptr putget[8] = 0x%llx efc_iocbs_rsc3* iocb_async_dma = 0x%llx struct dio async_dma_buf_vlist = 0x%llx struct dio async_dma_buf_blist = 0x%llx long long admn_iocbs_cmd_baddr = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx int bghm = 0x%x int iotag64_high = 0x%x char ext_bde_cnt = 0x%x efc_bde_info* next = 0x%llx long long dma_addr = 0x%llx efc_bde* payld_bde = 0x%llx struct read_nvparms_mb nvparms = 0x%llx long long _subspace_id = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx long long bpl_addr = 0x%llx long long ip_addr1 = 0x%llx long long ip_addr2 = 0x%llx login_tble* login_tble[%d] = 0x%llx struct efc_trb pending_q_timer = 0x%llx volatile efc_ptr putget[8] = 0x%llx long long admn_iocbs_cmd_baddr = 0x%llx login_tble* login_tble[%d] = 0x%llx Memory reallocation for efc_kdb_slist failed long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx efc_iocb_rsp_ext_t rsp_ext = 0x%llx int iotag64_high = 0x%x int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx long long no_dma_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx login_tble* login_tble[%d] = 0x%llx login_tble* login_tble[%d] = 0x%llx struct dio iocb_dma_payld_vlist = 0x%llx struct dio iocb_dma_payld_blist = 0x%llx efc_filter_isr_t filter_isr = 0x%llx short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx long long no_sglist_cnt = 0x%llx efc_filter_isr_t filter_isr = 0x%llx short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx long long no_sglist_cnt = 0x%llx efc_filter_isr_t filter_isr = 0x%llx short vpi = 0x%x efc_iocb_cmd_t cmd_iocb = 0x%llx long long no_sglist_cnt = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx long long node_name = 0x%llx int type = 0x%llx union bgstatus = 0x%llx int invp = 0x%llx int hwmp = 0x%llx efc_iocb_ext_t iocb_ext = 0x%llx long long no_adap_elems_cnt = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx struct vpi1 = 0x%llx short resv = 0x%x int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx reserved[5] = 0x%llx int csctl_pri_ena = 0x%llx struct read_lnk_stat_mb lnk_stat = 0x%llx struct efc_adap_info *ap_ptr[%02d] = 0x%p; long long bde_list_baddr = 0x%llx int usage = 0x%llx int reserved2 = 0x%llx int bgstat = 0x%x struct efc_buf_info buf_info = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx RPI NPORT_ID PORT_NAME VPORT efc_rem_adap_stat_t rem_adap_stat = 0x%llx efc_iocb_rsp_t reply_iocb = 0x%llx struct iotag = 0x%llx struct ebde2 = 0x%llx int re = 0x%llx int ae = 0x%llx int ge = 0x%llx efc_driver_info_t driver_info = 0x%llx efc_iocb_rsp_t reply_iocb = 0x%llx struct iotag = 0x%llx struct ebde2 = 0x%llx int re = 0x%llx int ae = 0x%llx int ge = 0x%llx efc_driver_info_t driver_info = 0x%llx efc_iocb_rsp_t reply_iocb = 0x%llx struct iotag = 0x%llx struct ebde2 = 0x%llx int re = 0x%llx int ae = 0x%llx int ge = 0x%llx efc_driver_info_t driver_info = 0x%llx efc_driver_info_t driver_info = 0x%llx efc_driver_info_t driver_info = 0x%llx efc_driver_info_t driver_info = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x int buf_tag = 0x%x reserved1[3] = 0x%llx efc_async_stat_info async_stat[6] = 0x%llx int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx long long no_dma_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx long long no_dma_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx int reserved = 0x%x struct bgresp = 0x%llx int udb = 0x%llx long long no_dma_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx long long key_to_abort = 0x%llx efc_reg_login_q_elem* reg_log_pool = 0x%llx struct fcp_service_parms parms = 0x%llx efc_fc4_map_list* rft_id_maps_head = 0x%llx efc_fc4_map_list* rft_id_maps_tail = 0x%llx long long no_dma_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_dma_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_dma_resrc_cnt = 0x%llx efc_reg_login_q_elem* reg_log_pool = 0x%llx efc_fc4_map_list* rft_id_maps_head = 0x%llx efc_fc4_map_list* rft_id_maps_tail = 0x%llx int accum_seq_length = 0x%x efc_iocb_rsp_ext_t rsp_ext = 0x%llx int iotag64_high = 0x%x efc_fc4_map_list* rft_id_maps_head = 0x%llx efc_fc4_map_list* rft_id_maps_tail = 0x%llx efc_fc4_map_list* rft_id_maps_head = 0x%llx efc_fc4_map_list* rft_id_maps_tail = 0x%llx Available Emulux adapter driver kdb subcommands volatile efc_ptr port_getput[8] = 0x%llx long long secondsSinceLastReset = 0x%llx int invp = 0x%llx int hwmp = 0x%llx efc_iocb_ext_t iocb_ext = 0x%llx long long no_adap_elems_cnt = 0x%llx int invp = 0x%llx int hwmp = 0x%llx efc_iocb_ext_t iocb_ext = 0x%llx long long no_adap_elems_cnt = 0x%llx int invp = 0x%llx int hwmp = 0x%llx efc_iocb_ext_t iocb_ext = 0x%llx long long no_adap_elems_cnt = 0x%llx volatile efc_ptr port_getput[8] = 0x%llx long long no_adap_elems_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_adap_elems_cnt = 0x%llx long long no_adap_elems_cnt = 0x%llx int type = 0x%llx union bgstatus = 0x%llx efc_fc4_traffic_stat_t traffic_stat = 0x%llx int bgstat = 0x%x struct efc_buf_info buf_info = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx int bgstat = 0x%x struct efc_buf_info buf_info = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx int bgstat = 0x%x struct efc_buf_info buf_info = 0x%llx ctl_elem_blk* assoc_ctl_elem = 0x%llx long long bde_list_baddr = 0x%llx long long bde_list_baddr = 0x%llx long long bde_list_baddr = 0x%llx long long bde_list_baddr = 0x%llx long long bde_list_baddr = 0x%llx long long bde_list_baddr = 0x%llx int usage = 0x%llx int reserved2 = 0x%llx volatile efc_ptr hbq_put_ptrs[16] = 0x%llx volatile efc_ptr hbq_get_ptrs[16] = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x int buf_tag = 0x%x reserved1[3] = 0x%llx efc_async_stat_info async_stat[6] = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x int buf_tag = 0x%x reserved1[3] = 0x%llx efc_async_stat_info async_stat[6] = 0x%llx int iotag64_low = 0x%x int buf_tag = 0x%x reserved1[3] = 0x%llx efc_async_stat_info async_stat[6] = 0x%llx volatile efc_ptr hbq_put_ptrs[16] = 0x%llx volatile efc_ptr hbq_get_ptrs[16] = 0x%llx int bus_addr_lo = 0x%x int bus_addr_hi = 0x%x efc_iocb_rsp_ext_t rsp_ext = 0x%llx int iotag64_high = 0x%x efc_iocb_rsp_ext_t rsp_ext = 0x%llx int iotag64_high = 0x%x efc_iocb_rsp_ext_t rsp_ext = 0x%llx int iotag64_high = 0x%x struct efc_bde bde = 0x%llx int accum_seq_length = 0x%x long long multimap_client_page_cnt = 0x%llx int type = 0x%llx union bgstatus = 0x%llx efc_fc4_traffic_stat_t traffic_stat = 0x%llx int type = 0x%llx union bgstatus = 0x%llx efc_fc4_traffic_stat_t traffic_stat = 0x%llx int type = 0x%llx union bgstatus = 0x%llx efc_fc4_traffic_stat_t traffic_stat = 0x%llx efc_reg_login_q_elem* head_reg_log_pend = 0x%llx efc_reg_login_q_elem* tail_reg_log_pend = 0x%llx efc_reg_login_q_elem* head_reg_log_free = 0x%llx efc_reg_login_q_elem* tail_reg_log_free = 0x%llx efc_reg_login_q_elem* head_reg_log_pend = 0x%llx efc_reg_login_q_elem* tail_reg_log_pend = 0x%llx efc_reg_login_q_elem* head_reg_log_free = 0x%llx efc_reg_login_q_elem* tail_reg_log_free = 0x%llx fcph_rnid_acc_com_nid_t com_nid_data = 0x%llx int usage = 0x%llx int reserved2 = 0x%llx int usage = 0x%llx int reserved2 = 0x%llx int usage = 0x%llx int reserved2 = 0x%llx fcph_rnid_acc_com_nid_t com_nid_data = 0x%llx STATE CONNECTION_TYPE ADP_STATUS OPENED fcph_rnid_topdisc_data_t spec_id_data = 0x%llx int bus_addr_lo = 0x%x int bus_addr_hi = 0x%x fcph_rnid_topdisc_data_t spec_id_data = 0x%llx int accum_seq_length = 0x%x long long multimap_client_page_cnt = 0x%llx int accum_seq_length = 0x%x long long multimap_client_page_cnt = 0x%llx int accum_seq_length = 0x%x long long multimap_client_page_cnt = 0x%llx long long multimap_client_page_cnt = 0x%llx long long multimap_client_page_cnt = 0x%llx long long multimap_client_page_cnt = 0x%llx efc_buf_entry_t buf_entry2 = 0x%llx struct efc_bde bde = 0x%llx efccmd [-d] [-l] addr : Display efc_cmd efcctl [-d] [-l] addr : Display efc_ctl int bus_addr_lo = 0x%x int bus_addr_hi = 0x%x int bus_addr_lo = 0x%x int bus_addr_hi = 0x%x int bus_addr_lo = 0x%x int bus_addr_hi = 0x%x struct efc_bde bde = 0x%llx struct efc_bde bde = 0x%llx struct efc_bde bde = 0x%llx efc_buf_entry_t buf_entry2 = 0x%llx efcsglob : Display efc_global efcvport [-d] [-l] addr : Display vport data efc_buf_entry_t buf_entry2 = 0x%llx efc_buf_entry_t buf_entry2 = 0x%llx efc_buf_entry_t buf_entry2 = 0x%llx efcs [-h] [-d] [-l] [-f] [adapname|addr] : Display efc_adap_info efcring [-d] [-l] : Display efc_ring data efclogin [-d] [-l] addr : Display login_tble data efcvport [-s] [-f] : Display vport data summary efcring [-s] [-f] : Display efc_ring data summary efclogin [-s] [-f] : Display login_tble data summary @(#)64 src/rspc/kernext/pci/fcs/efc_kdb.c, sysxfc, rspc72V, v2020_30B4 7/22/20 01:15:57'  ` 8 . ^ P <   h      &2J8!@ /@ ?@ M@ Y@ f@ s@ @ @ @ @@@ @ @  P! 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