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= 0x%04x %-15.15s = 0x%06x %-10.10s = 0x%02x %-10.10s = 0x%02x %-10.10s = 0x%02x %-15.15s = 0x%04x %-15.15s = 0x%06x %-10.10s = 0x%02x %-10.10s = 0x%02x %-10.10s = 0x%02x %10.10s = 0x%016lx %10.10s = 0x%016lx %10.10s = 0x%016lx %10.10s = 0x%016lx name = %s desc = %s HW_RSP_QUEUE @ %p: HW_MGT_QUEUE @ %p: RESPONSE_QUEUE @ %p: Markers: %08x %08x: Markers: %08x %08x: Markers: %08x %08x: CFGSPC_EXT_CAP_SRIOV %-15.15s = 0x%04x %-15.15s = 0x%04x %-15.15s = 0x%02x %-10.10s = 0x%02x %-15.15s = 0x%04x %-15.15s = 0x%04x %-15.15s = 0x%04x %-15.15s = 0x%04x %-15.15s = 0x%04x %-15.15s = 0x%04x %-15.15s = 0x%08x %-15.15s = 0x%04x %-15.15s = 0x%08x %-15.15s = 0x%02x %-15.15s = 0x%08x %-10.10s = 0x%02x %10.10s = 0x%016lx %10.10s = 0x%016lx %10.10s = 0x%016lx %10.10s = 0x%016lx %-15.15s = 0x%016lx Markers: %08x %08x Markers: %08x %08x HW_POLL_QUEUE @ %p: Markers: %08x %08x setacs CFGSPC_CAP_DEBUG_PORT Config space header: - Display hardware acs- Display hardware devNULL p_hw_acs pointer NULL p_hw_acs pointer %-17.17s[%d] NULL p_hw_acs pointer - Display DDS structure- Display DEV structure marker [] marker []MANAGEMENT_QUEUE @ %p: Device is not open yet Default acs set to %lx CFGSPC_CAP_CEN_RES_CTRL CFGSPC_EXT_CAP_TPH_REQR hook_id = 0x%llx reg_flags = 0x%llx memtrc_level = 0x%llx systrc_level = 0x%llx errchk_level = 0x%llx trace_slock = 0x%llx parent_ras_cb = 0x%llx ras_callback = 0x%llx eras_cb = 0x%llx locktype = 0x%llx Setting new DDCS: 0x%lx Invalid address 0x%016x %-17.17s = 0x%016lx %-17.17s = 0x%016lx %-17.17s = 0x%016lp %-17.17s= 0x%016lx %-17.17s= 0x%016lx %-17.17s= 0x%016lx %-17.17s= 0x%016lx %-17.17s= 0x%016lx %-17.17s= 0x%016lx %-17.17s= 0x%016lx %-17.17s= 0x%016lx %-17.17s= 0x%016lx %-17.17s= 0x%016lx %-17.17s= 0x%016lx %-17.17s= 0x%016lx %-17.17s= 0x%016lx Corsa FPGA Device Driver prev_state = maint_prev_state = CFGSPC_CAP_SECURE_DEVICE CFGSPC_EXT_CAP_VIR_CHAN1 CFGSPC_EXT_CAP_VIR_CHAN2 CFGSPC_EXT_CAP_MULTICAST Needs a valid ACS pointer- Display formatted DDCB.Next address = 0x%016lx %-17.17s = 0x%016lx Corrupted dds: %p (0x%lx) CFGSPC_EXT_CAP_PWR_BUDGET Default acs set to %016lx Needs a valid DDCS pointerHardware-specific commands icrc = 0x%0x hsi = 0x%0x shi = 0x%0x pre = 0x%0x xdir = 0x%0x seqnum = 0x%0x acfunc = 0x%0x cmd = 0x%0x cmdopts = 0x%0x sur = 0x%0x vcrc = 0x%0x retc = 0x%0x attn = 0x%0x progress = 0x%0x ibdc = 0x%0x obdc = 0x%0x all markers are displayed- Display EEHINFO structure cfgspc all markers are displayed- Display EEHINFO structure cfgspc entstats command was run) %16s %16s %8s %5s CFGSPC_CAP_HYPER_TRANSPORT CFGSPC_CAP_VENDOR_SPECIFIC priority_save = 0x%x (%u) set_alias = 0x%x (%s) lockname = 0x%x (%u) ras_type = 0x%x (%u) defalt ACS address is used state = prev_state = eeh_enabled = %s eeh_perm_err = %s Config space capabilities: %08x %02x %02x %02x %02x %08x %02x %02x %02x %02x Unable to find under current default acs. under current default acs.NULL p_hw_rsp_queue pointer NULL p_hw_mgt_queue pointer hw_acs @%016llp: size= 0x%x CFGSPC_CAP_BRIDGE_SUB_VEN_ID CFGSPC_EXT_CAP_RESIZABLE_BAR b_mark = 0x%llx (%s) e_mark = 0x%llx (%s) NULL p_hw_poll_queue pointer fwiv = 0x%016lx asiv{} = 0x%016lx asiv[%d] = 0x%016lx asv{} = 0x%016lx dequeue_ts = 0x%016lx comp_ts = 0x%016lx fw = 0x%016lx disp_ts = 0x%016lx manq [] length = %u length = %u CFGSPC_EXT_CAP_DEV_SERIAL_NUM DDCB (%d) @ %p (size=0x%x): ats = 0x%016lx asiv[%d] = 0x%016lx asv[%d] = 0x%016lx respq [] pollq [] eeh_no_hw_access = %s access_hw = %s %016lx %016lx %08u %s %18.18s | %18.18s | %18.18s | %18.18s | %18.18s | %18.18s | %18.18s | %18.18s | %18.18s | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | 0x%016x | 0x%016x | %18.18s | %18.18s | %18.18s | mappable = %s addr_is_valid = %s addr_is_mapped = %s fw_version = %s eeh_timer_active = %s eeh_fundamental = %s err_query_timer_active = %s initialized = %s running = %s resume_full = %s resume_q_enable_all = %s b_mark_cfgspace = 0x%llx pci_cfgspace[] = 0x%llx MMIO ERR REGS[] = 0x%llx e_mark_cfgspace = 0x%llx CFGSPC_ECAP_ROOT_INT_LINK_CTRL CFGSPC_EXT_CAP_VENDOR_SPECIFIC threads_running = %lu number_opens = %lu %-18.18s | %18.18s | %18.18s | %-18.18s | %18.18s | %18.18s | rsp = %lu mgt = %lu poll = %lu hw_poll = %lu hw = %lu all = %lu rsp = %lu mgt = %lu poll = %lu hw_poll = %lu hw = %lu all = %lu rss_slice_size = %lu busintr_cnt = %lu err_query_timer = %lu eeh_handle = 0x%llx eeh_timer = 0x%llx p_lock = 0x%llx retry_count = 0x%llx suspend_count = 0x%llx suspend_req = 0x%llx pci_funda_rst_req = 0x%llx eeh_init_flags = 0x%llx Doorbell structure is corrupted Doorbell structure is corrupted Doorbell structure is corrupted Failed to read all of dd_hw_acs %18.18s | 0x%016lx | 0x%016lx | %18.18s | 0x%016lx | 0x%016lx | %18.18s | 0x%016lx | 0x%016lx | %18.18s | 0x%016lx | 0x%016lx | %18.18s | 0x%016lx | 0x%016lx | %18.18s | 0x%016lx | 0x%016lx | %18.18s | 0x%016lx | 0x%016lx | name = %s desc = %s queue_index = %d manage_cnt = %d name = %s desc = %s queue_index = %d CFGSPC_EXT_CAP_ROOT_LINK_DECLARE Default is to dump first queue. Default is to dump first queue. Default is to dump first queue. Doorbell Markers: %08x %08x Doorbell Markers: %08x %08x Doorbell Markers: %08x %08x %-18.18s | 0x%016lx | 0x%016lx | %-18.18s | 0x%016lx | 0x%016lx | %-18.18s | 0x%016lx | 0x%016lx | %-18.18s | 0x%016lx | 0x%016lx | %-18.18s | 0x%016lx | 0x%016lx | response_queue[%d] = 0x%016lx management_queue[%d] = 0x%016lx poll_queue[%d] = 0x%016lx ifOutBcastPkts.w32 = 0x%016llx ifOutBcastPkts.w64 = 0x%016llx ifOutBcastPkts.ptr = 0x%016llx ifOutMcastPkts.w32 = 0x%016llx ifOutMcastPkts.w64 = 0x%016llx ifOutMcastPkts.ptr = 0x%016llx ifOutUcastPkts.w32 = 0x%016llx ifOutUcastPkts.w64 = 0x%016llx ifOutUcastPkts.ptr = 0x%016llx queue_index = %lu response_cnt = %lu consec_empty_response_cnt = %lu max_response_cnt = %lu total_mem.mgt = %lu total_mem.hw = %lu total_mem.all = %lu tce_pages.mgt = %lu tce_pages.hw = %lu tce_pages.all = %lu wait_index = %lu save_comp_index = %lu post_index = %lu available_entries = %lu min_available_entries = %lu total_mem.poll = %lu total_mem.hw = %lu total_mem.all = %lu tce_pages.poll = %lu tce_pages.hw = %lu tce_pages.all = %lu Default p_acs = %016lx, size=0x%x Default acs set to %s's p_acs %lx mmio_addr[BAR%d] = 0x%016lx rsp_queue[%d] = 0x%016lp mgt_queue[%d] = 0x%016lp poll_queue[%d] = 0x%016lp Invalid ACS correlator encountered hw_setup.ro{} = 0x%016llx mgt_queues = 0x%016llx mgt_max_events = 0x%016llx rsp_queues = 0x%016llx hw_setup.rw{} = 0x%016llx mgt_queues = 0x%016llx mgt_max_events = 0x%016llx rsp_queues = 0x%016llx rsp_queues = 0x%016llx key = 0x%llx flags = 0x%llx size = 0x%llx bid = 0x%llx busaddr = 0x%llx bus_bidval = 0x%08x master_mb_num = 0x%llx sent_lifetime = %llu received_lifetime = %llu state = 0x%x is_async = 0x%x cfpga_kproc_mgt{} = 0x%016llx hsi = 0x%0x acfunc = 0x%0x cmd = 0x%0x cmdopts = 0x%0x retc = 0x%0x attn = 0x%0x progress = 0x%0x CFGSPC_EXT_CAP_ROOT_END_ASSOCIATION Markers not ready, try again later. - Display POLL queue memory structure data = 0x%016llx data = 0x%016llx completions = 0x%016x w32 = 0x%016lx w64 = 0x%016lx ptr = 0x%016lx w32 = 0x%016lx w64 = 0x%016lx ptr = 0x%016lx w32 = 0x%016lx w64 = 0x%016lx ptr = 0x%016lx Config space extended capabilities: memory_size = 0x%llx (%llu bytes) p_acs = 0x%016llx dev{} = 0x%016llx dds{} = 0x%016llx acs_correlator = 0x%016llx hw.acs = 0x%016llx hw.dds = 0x%016llx dds{} = 0x%016llx dev{} = 0x%016llx stats{} = 0x%016llx eehinfo{} = 0x%016llx p_state_lock = 0x%016llx vpd{} = 0x%016llx vpd_parsed{} = 0x%016llx p_ioctl_slock = 0x%016llx p_stat_slock = 0x%016llx p_atomic_stats = 0x%016llx bar_info{} = 0x%016llx size = 0x%016llx iomap{} = 0x%016llx base_addr = 0x%016llx ihs_restart{} = 0x%016llx next = 0x%016llx handler = 0x%016llx bus_type = 0x%016llx flags = 0x%016llx level = 0x%016llx priority = 0x%016llx bid = 0x%016llx i_count = 0x%016llx eeh_wdt{} = 0x%016llx next = 0x%016llx prev = 0x%016llx func = 0x%016llx count = 0x%016llx restart = 0x%016llx open_stime = 0x%016llx phys_open_time = 0x%016llx reset_stime = 0x%016llx phys_reset_stime = 0x%016llx err_query_wdt{} = 0x%016llx next = 0x%016llx prev = 0x%016llx func = 0x%016llx count = 0x%016llx restart = 0x%016llx restart_retry_timer{} = 0x%016llx restart_retry_wdt{} = 0x%016llx next = 0x%016llx prev = 0x%016llx func = 0x%016llx count = 0x%016llx restart = 0x%016llx restart_retry_wdt_initialized = %s restart_retry_wdt_running = %s dead_timer{} = 0x%016llx wdt{} = 0x%016llx next = 0x%016llx prev = 0x%016llx func = 0x%016llx count = 0x%016llx restart = 0x%016llx count = 0x%016llx kproc_tid = 0x%016llx suspend_rc = 0x%016llx resume_rc = 0x%016llx atomics = 0x%016llx rc_valid{} = 0x%016llx input_valid{} = 0x%016llx does not match size of dd_rsp_queue_t ffdc_ras_cb = 0x%016lx does not match size of dd_mgt_queue_t io_gmap[BAR%d]{} = 0x%016llx mmio_addr[BAR%d] = 0x%016llx ras_cb{} = 0x%016lx memory_size = 0x%016lx reg_flags = 0x%016lx memtrc_level = 0x%016lx systrc_level = 0x%016lx errchk_level = 0x%016lx set_alias = 0x%016lx parent_ras_cb = 0x%016lx callback_data = 0x%016lx ras_callback{} = 0x%016lx lockname = 0x%016lx ras_type{} = 0x%016lx rte_cb{} = 0x%016lx mem.hw{} = 0x%016lx mem_handle = 0x%016lx user_handle = 0x%016lx mem_size = 0x%016lx tce_size = 0x%016lx tce_offset = 0x%016lx mem_start = 0x%016lx mem_end = 0x%016lx tce_start = 0x%016lx tce_end = 0x%016lx mem_map.hw{} = 0x%016lx correlator = 0x%016lx virtual_address = 0x%016lx virtual_address_length = 0x%016lx memory_map_flags_dword = 0x%016lx map_handle = 0x%016lx mapped_address_count = 0x%016lx mapped_addresses = 0x%016lx IO_mem_info = 0x%016lx k_rc = 0x%016lx mem.hw = 0x%016lx mem_handle = 0x%016lx user_handle = 0x%016lx mem_size = 0x%016lx tce_size = 0x%016lx tce_offset = 0x%016lx mem_start = 0x%016lx mem_end = 0x%016lx tce_start = 0x%016lx tce_end = 0x%016lx mem_map.hw{} = 0x%016lx correlator = 0x%016lx virtual_address = 0x%016lx virtual_address_length = 0x%016lx memory_map_flags_dword = 0x%016lx map_handle = 0x%016lx mapped_address_count = 0x%016lx mapped_addresses = 0x%016lx IO_mem_info = 0x%016lx k_rc = 0x%016lx lifetime_stats.dummy = 0x%016lx timestamp.dummy = 0x%016lx ras_cb{} = 0x%016lx ffdc_ras_cb{} = 0x%016lx q_entry{} = 0x%016lx q_entry[%d]{} = 0x%016lx request_id = 0x%016lx map_list_head = 0x%016lx thread_id = 0x%016lx lbolt_start = 0x%016lx lbolt_ddcb = 0x%016lx ddcb{} = 0x%016lx ats = 0x%016lx dequeue_ts = 0x%016lx comp_ts = 0x%016lx disp_ts = 0x%016lx timers{} = 0x%016lx timers[%d]{} = 0x%016lx wdt{} = 0x%016lx count = 0x%016lx restart = 0x%016lx wdt_initialized = 0x%016lx wdt_running = 0x%016lx does not match size of dd_poll_queue_t mem.hw = 0x%016lx mem_handle = 0x%016lx user_handle = 0x%016lx mem_size = 0x%016lx tce_size = 0x%016lx tce_offset = 0x%016lx mem_start = 0x%016lx mem_end = 0x%016lx tce_start = 0x%016lx tce_end = 0x%016lx mem_map.hw{} = 0x%016lx correlator = 0x%016lx virtual_address = 0x%016lx virtual_address_length = 0x%016lx memory_map_flags_dword = 0x%016lx map_handle = 0x%016lx mapped_address_count = 0x%016lx mapped_addresses = 0x%016lx IO_mem_info = 0x%016lx k_rc = 0x%016lx lifetime_stats.dummy = 0x%016lx timestamp.dummy = 0x%016lx hw_lock_needed = 0x%016lx p_hw_slock = 0x%016lx p_ras_cb @ 0x%llx has invalid markers! Enter address of DDCB to be formatted - Display all ACS entries and default ACS- Display RESPONSE queue memory structurepoll q address provided resolves to NULL %-7.7s%02d%-9.9s | 0x%016lx | 0x%016lx | does not match size of cfpga_mgt_q_entry_t max_num_opens = 0x%016llx num_first_opens = 0x%016llx num_kproc_suspend_events = 0x%016llx num_kproc_complete_events = 0x%016llx num_kproc_suspend_io_events = 0x%016llx num_kproc_resume_events = 0x%016llx num_kproc_restart_events = 0x%016llx num_cmds_sent = 0x%016llx num_cmds_completed = 0x%016llx num_cmds_errors = 0x%016llx num_cmd_inv_ats_errors = 0x%016llx num_internal_errors = 0x%016llx cmd_total_bytes = 0x%016llx num_cmd_timeouts = 0x%016llx num_no_cmds = 0x%016llx num_no_cmds_wait = 0x%016llx num_dwnlds_p0_success = 0x%016llx num_dwnlds_p1_success = 0x%016llx num_dwnlds_p0_fails = 0x%016llx num_dwnlds_p1_fails = 0x%016llx max_dwnlds_p0_size = 0x%016llx min_dwnlds_p0_size = 0x%016llx max_dwnlds_p1_size = 0x%016llx min_dwnlds_p1_size = 0x%016llx num_read_mmios = 0x%016llx num_write_mmios = 0x%016llx num_ioctl_efaults = 0x%016llx num_ioctl_xmalloc_fails = 0x%016llx num_ioctl_xmattach_fail = 0x%016llx num_ioctl_pin_fail = 0x%016llx max_ioctl_xmalloc_fail_size = 0x%016llx min_ioctl_xmalloc_fail_size = 0x%016llx max_ioctl_xmattach_fail_size = 0x%016llx min_ioctl_xmattach_fail_size = 0x%016llx max_ioctl_pin_fail_size = 0x%016llx min_ioctl_pin_fail_size = 0x%016llx restart_count = 0x%016llx intr_count = 0x%016llx spurious_intr_count = 0x%016llx num_eeh_detects = 0x%016llx num_eeh_dd_suspends = 0x%016llx DMA min_memory = 0x%016llx DMA des_memory = 0x%016llx DMA max_memory = 0x%016llx DMA total_mapped_bytes = 0x%016llx DMA max_total_mapped_bytes = 0x%016llx num_dmap_nores_fails = 0x%016llx num_dmap_nr_retry_fails = 0x%016llx max_dmap_nr_fail_size = 0x%016llx min_dmap_nr_fail_size = 0x%016llx num_dmap_other_fails = 0x%016llx max_dmap_o_fail_size = 0x%016llx min_dmap_o_fail_size = 0x%016llx corfpga hwmanq []- Display MANAGEMENT queue memory structure Default is to dump hardware acs structure Default is to dump hardware dev structurecorfpga hwrespq []corfpga hwpollq [] state = CFPGA_QE_FREE does not match size of cfpga_enq_timeout_t_tAn incomplete db_read_mem on ddcs occurred. restart_retry_count = 0x%016llx response q address provided resolves to NULL total_mem.rsp = %lu total_mem.hw = %lu total_mem.all = %lu tce_pages.rsp = %lu tce_pages.hw = %lu tce_pages.all = %lu db_addr = 0x%016lx db_addr = 0x%016lx db_addr = 0x%016lx state = CFPGA_QE_ISSUED queue_index = %lu mem_size = %lu wq_size = %lu queue_index = %lu mem_size = %lu wq_size = %lu cq_size = %lu desc_allocated = %lu desc_free = %lu cq_desc_allocated = %lu num_q_wraps = %lu num_total_ddcbs = %lu num_total_ddcbs_success = %lu num_total_ddcbs_recov_fails = %lu num_total_ddcbs_unrecov_fails = %lu num_next_chains = %lu queue_index = %lu mem_size = %lu stat_cmd_size = %lu An incomplete db_read_mem on hw_acs occurred. management q address provided resolves to NULL An incomplete db_read_mem on markers occurred. - Display hardware poll queue memory structure.- Set the default ACS to be used on all commands state = CFPGA_QE_DDCB_COMP state = CFPGA_QE_COPY_BACK - Display hardware manage queue memory structure. lifetime_stats.async_cnt = 0x%016lx lifetime_stats.unknown_cnt = 0x%016lx lifetime_stats.q_limit_cnt = 0x%016lx timestamp.async = 0x%016lx timestamp.doorbell = 0x%016lx Read %lu out of %lu bytes from acs struct @ 0x%lx Read %lu out of %lu bytes from acs struct @ 0x%lx Read %lu out of %lu bytes from acs struct @ 0x%lx corfpga hwddcb ddcb_address [decimal_number_ddcbs] qid = 0x%04lx q_created = 0x%04lx enabled = 0x%04lx qid = 0x%04lx cqid = 0x%04lx cq_created = 0x%04lx q_created = 0x%04lx enabled = 0x%04lx ACS pointer provided does not point to a valid acs - Display hardware response queue memory structure. mem_start = 0x%016lx tce_start = 0x%016lx wq_tce = 0x%016lx wq_start = 0x%016lx wq_end i = 0x%016lx wq_current = 0x%016lx desc_allocated = 0x%016lx doorbell = 0x%016lx cidx_cnt = 0x%016lx mem_start = 0x%016lx tce_start = 0x%016lx wq_tce = 0x%016lx wq_start = 0x%016lx wq_end = 0x%016lx wq_current = 0x%016lx cq_tce = 0x%016lx cq_start = 0x%016lx cq_end = 0x%016lx cq_current = 0x%016lx doorbell = 0x%016lx cidx_cnt = 0x%016lx mem_start = 0x%016lx tce_start = 0x%016lx stat_cmd_tce = 0x%016lx stat_cmd_start = 0x%016lx stat_cmd_end = 0x%016lx stat_cmd_current = 0x%016lx doorbell = 0x%016lx size read returned by db_read_mem on dd_rsp_queue_t size read returned by db_read_mem on dd_mgt_queue_t %-17.17s offset = 0x%016lx, value=0x%016lx %18.18s +--------------------+--------------------+ %18.18s +--------------------+--------------------+ size read returned by db_read_mem on dd_poll_queue_t %-17.17s offset = 0x%016lx, value=0x%016lx %18.18s +--------------------+--------------------+ %18.18s +--------------------+--------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------- size read returned by db_read_mem on cfpga_mgt_q_entry_t size read returned by db_read_mem on cfpga_enq_timeout_t Copy of adapter CFG space after EEH event before reset %-17.17s[%d] offset = 0x%016lx, value=0x%016lx %-17.17s[%d] offset = 0x%016lx, value=0x%016lx The address passed in doesn't point to a valid poll queue, ACS pointer %016lx does not point to a valid acs structure - Display statistics (adapter statistics as of last time the%s's corresponding ACS pointer does not point to a valid acs When q_index is used, it assumes poll q off of default p_acs- Display a specified marker. If marker_name is not specified,- Display a saved config space structure. This dumps EEHINFO's- Display a specified marker. If marker_name is not specified,- Display a saved config space structure. This dumps EEHINFO'sThe address passed in doesn't point to a valid response queue, -------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ -------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ The address passed in doesn't point to a valid management queue, When q_index is used, it assumes response q off of default p_acs When q_index is used, it assumes managment q off of default p_acs- Display a specific ACS structure. If ACS address is not specified,the poll queue hasn't been allocated or the poll queue is corrupted the response queue hasn't been allocated or the response queue is corrupted the management queue hasn't been allocated or the management queue is corrupted ddcs pointer not set. use setddcs to set it (i.e corfpga setddcs ). @(#)68 1.21 src/rspc/kernext/pci/corfpga/corfpga_kdb.c, sysxfpga, rspc720 3/31/14 10:14:52The address passed in doesn't contain a supported queue, the queue hasn't been allocated or the queue is corrupted The address passed in doesn't contain a supported queue, the queue hasn't been allocated or the queue is corrupted The address passed in doesn't contain a supported queue, the queue hasn't been allocated or the queue is corrupted  <Xt8TtTTTT8x <Xt8An incomplete db_read_mem on acs table occurred. An incomplete db_read_mem on acs table occurred. An incomplete db_read_mem on acs table occurred. A null argument was passed to kdb_get_next_acs_correlator@(#)55 1.7 src/rspc/kernext/pci/corfpga/corfpga_acs.c, sysxfpga, rspc720 10/1/13 12:07:38acsddsdevvpdddcsintrdoorbellacs_tableddcs_initmanage_queueresponse_queueacs_table_arrayhw_manage_queuehw_freelist_queuehw_response_queueacs: ACS_ACS_ (0x4143535f4143535f) acs_acs_ (0x6163735f6163735f) dds: DDS_DDS_ (0x4444535f4444535f) dds_dds_ (0x6464735f6464735f) dev: DEV_DEV_ (0x4445565f4445565f) dev_dev_ (0x6465765f6465765f) vpd: VPD_VPD_ (0x5650445f5650445f) vpd_vpd_ (0x7670645f7670645f) ddcs: DDCSDDCS (0x4444435344444353) ddcsddcs (0x6464637364646373) intr: INTRINTR (0x494e5452494e5452) intrintr (0x696e7472696e7472) doorbell: DOORBELL (0x444f4f5242454c4c) doorbell (0x646f6f7262656c6c) acs_table: ACSTABLE (0x4143535441424c45) acstable (0x6163737461626c65) ddcs_init: DDCSINIT (0x44444353494e4954) ddcsinit (0x64646373696e6974) manage_queue: MG_QUEUE (0x4d475f5155455545) mg_queue (0x6d675f7175657565) response_queue: RS_QUEUE (0x52535f5155455545) rs_queue (0x72735f7175657565) acs_table_array: ACS_TBLS (0x4143535f54424c53) acs_tbls (0x6163735f74626c73) hw_manage_queue: HWMANAGQ (0x48574d414e414751) hwmanagq (0x68776d616e616771) hw_freelist_queue: HWFREELQ (0x4857465245454c51) hwfreelq (0x6877667265656c71) hw_response_queue: HWRESPOQ (0x4857524553504f51) hwrespoq (0x6877726573706f71) acs ACS_ACS_ (0x4143535f4143535f) acs_acs_ (0x6163735f6163735f) acs_table ACSTABLE (0x4143535441424c45) acstable (0x6163737461626c65) acs_table_array ACS_TBLS (0x4143535f54424c53) acs_tbls (0x6163735f74626c73) ddcs DDCSDDCS (0x4444435344444353) ddcsddcs (0x6464637364646373) ddcs_init DDCSINIT (0x44444353494e4954) ddcsinit (0x64646373696e6974) dds DDS_DDS_ (0x4444535f4444535f) dds_dds_ (0x6464735f6464735f) dev DEV_DEV_ (0x4445565f4445565f) dev_dev_ (0x6465765f6465765f) doorbell DOORBELL (0x444f4f5242454c4c) doorbell (0x646f6f7262656c6c) hw_freelist_queue HWFREELQ (0x4857465245454c51) hwfreelq (0x6877667265656c71) hw_manage_queue HWMANAGQ (0x48574d414e414751) hwmanagq (0x68776d616e616771) hw_response_queue HWRESPOQ (0x4857524553504f51) hwrespoq (0x6877726573706f71) intr INTRINTR (0x494e5452494e5452) intrintr (0x696e7472696e7472) manage_queue MG_QUEUE (0x4d475f5155455545) mg_queue (0x6d675f7175657565) response_queue RS_QUEUE (0x52535f5155455545) rs_queue (0x72735f7175657565) vpd VPD_VPD_ (0x5650445f5650445f) vpd_vpd_ (0x7670645f7670645f) @(#)74 1.3 src/rspc/kernext/pci/corfpga/corfpga_markers_kdb.c, sysxfpga, rspc720 9/3/13 11:14:26Q i   ` C ^ ap D28$@ 2@ B@ P@ \@ f@ s@ @@@@@ @ @  ! `? h? p? x? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (? 0? 8? @? H? P? X? `? h? p? x? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (? 0? 8? @? H? P? X? `? h? p? x? ? ? ? ? ?/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr_64.o @VPDcorfpga64.kdb/5765E6200/520 db_registerdb_unregister db_read_mem db_printfdb_expr db_expr_addb_symboladdr ___strcmp64 ___bzero64 ___memmove64 ___strcpy64strlenstrncmpmemcmpcorfpga_kdb_entry