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Node name: %s State of node: Reason: NONE { fragments freed: %llu CMD_AHAFS CMD_ALIVE CMD_TIMED CMD_GOSSIP CMD_RXTREQ CMD_CCT CMD_NODE_DOWN CMD_SOCK CMD_TIMED_REPLY CMD_LOCK CMD_NODE_DOWN_POST CMD_CLUSTERWIDE CMD_UNI_RXTREQ CMD_LINK_TEST CMD_LINK CMD_QUERY CMD_LNK_RXTREQ CMD_LNK_NODE_DOWN CMD_LNK_ALIVE CMD_LNK_NODE_DOWN_POSTCMD_LNK_TIMED CMD_LNK_TIMED_REPLY CMD_LNK_GOSSIP CMD_RESET CMD_LNK_RESET CMD_LNK_INIT CMD_VIOS CMD_USR1 CMD_UNI_GOSSIP CMD_CAA CMD_SFSTORE CMD_ARP CMD_PSEUDO_SOCK CMD_SEC_REL CMD_SEC_UNREL UUID for node: CLUSTER_DISK_NOT_FOUND CLUSTER_DISK_NOT_READY kcl_zone_nodemap{ kif_detail_t { Usage: cnode [address] Usage: cnode [address] Usage: cnode [address] Usage: lscluster {-s} b_mark = %d name = %s e_mark = %d ip_id : %h netstats : Do it in KDB Reason: LINK_UP prio = %lu shid = %lu nodes_up = %lu NODE %d (0x%016lx) { seclevel = %d security_enabled = %d symkey_alg = %s cert_type = %d cert_path = %s priv_path = %s Reason: FORCE_UP Unsupported address family %-20s%12ld%12ld%12ld%12ld %-20s%12ld%12ld%12ld%12sDisplay caa global symbols Reason: LINK_DOWN kif_netmon_t { %64s(%lx-%lx).caa_level=%x %-20s%12s%12s%12s%12s%12s  Reason: FORCE_DOWN flags = 0x%04x print_kif_data: short read. %64s(%lx-%lx).repos_mode=%c %64s(%lx-%lx).packet_ttl=%d %64s(%lx-%lx).hb_src_san=%d %64s(%lx-%lx).dr_enabled=%d Unknown net address. } } kif_global_array 0x%016lx { Could not read eye-catcher ! An incomplete read occurred. Cluster Network Statistics: rxmit requests sent: %-16llu %64s(%lx-%lx).hb_src_disk=%d %64s(%lx-%lx).network_fdt=%d print_kif_detail: short read. print_kif_detail: short read. The system is not in cluster. The system is not in cluster. Unhandled large pkts: %-16llu The system is not in cluster. %64s(%lx-%lx).node_timeout=%d %64s(%lx-%lx).link_timeout=%d %64s(%lx-%lx).deadman_mode=%c Usage: clctrl {-sec | -tune} The system is not in cluster. Display cluster data fragments Reason: NODE_SHUTDOWN %-14s%-7s%-12s%-8s%17s kif_data[%d] %s 0x%016lx { pkts seen: %-27llupassed: %llu IP pkts: %-29lluUDP pkts: %llu Multicast ping pkts sent: %llu kcl_state : %u kcl_myseq : %u kcl_cwide_seq : %u kcl_myrtseq : %u kcl_mydatap : %x kcl_myshid : %u kcl_site_shid : %u kcl_num_nodes : %u kcl_num_nodes_unique : %u kcl_num_disks : %u kcl_num_sites : %u kcl_num_repos : %u kcl_num_mcasts : %u flags : %04x kcl_num_zones : %u kcl_num_links : %u kcl_lock_first : %d kcl_splitmerge_event : %d kcl_splitmerge_subtype : %d kcl_remote_nodes_up : %d out-of-range pkts recv: %-13llu %64s(%lx-%lx).config_timeout=%d kcl_max_assigned : %hu kcl_myid : %hu clustaddr 0x%p { Pseudo socket pkts dropped: %llu %64s(%lx-%lx).node_down_delay=%d Smoothed rtt to node: %d Eye catcher : "%s" kcl_flags : %04x kcl_name : "%s" Reason : %04x Bad transmit (network down): %llu %64s(%lx-%lx).remote_hb_factor=%d REACHABLE THROUGH REPOS DISK ONLY **********************************************************************Bad transmit (no connection): %llu %64s(%lx-%lx).site_merge_policy=%c List Cluster Security and Tunables dup pkts: %-28lludropped pkts: %llu pkts pulled: %-25lluno memory: %llu %64s(%lx-%lx).communication_mode=%c %64s(%lx-%lx).local_merge_policy=%c the_family: cluster_addr: bcast_addr: netmask_addr: ********************************************************************** Bad transmit (overflow - disk): %llu Bad transmit (net unreachable): %llu kcl_link : 0x%016lx kcl_last_select_time : 0x%016lu kcl_start_tick : 0x%016lu kcl_last_merge_time : 0x%016lu ping_addr[%d]: my_id : The system is not in cluster. bad transmits: %-23llubad posts: %llu Bad transmit (host unreachable): %llu symkey : The system is not in cluster. requests missed: %-21lluooo pkts: %llu %64s(%lx-%lx).no_if_traffic_monitor=%d NoneHighMedLowNode query number of nodes examined: %d Points of contact for node: %d num_ifs : The system is not in cluster. num_ifs : The system is not in cluster. sec_seq : The system is not in cluster. astbufpp: The system is not in cluster. Bad transmit (overflow - tcpsock): %llu short pkts: %-26llumulticast pkts: %llu Display cluster local_stand_alone symbol*************************************** my_rtseq : The system is not in cluster. cmdarray : The system is not in cluster. netstats : The system is not in cluster. num_clusters : %u points_of_contact : %u num_zones : %u host_name : %s sec_status : %u gw_flag : %uEnableSec : The system is not in cluster. arp pkts sent: %-23lluarp pkts recv: %llu DATA FRAGMENT SIZE = %d PACKET SIZE = %d Cluster shorthand id for node: %hu srtt : %hu rttvar : %hu shorthand_id : %huprint_struct_t_addr_ip_t: inet_ntop failureprint_struct_t_addr_ip_t: inet_ntop failure char kif_name[NDD_MAXNAMELEN]: %s clust_stats: The system is not in cluster. net_timeout: The system is not in cluster. cluster address pkts: %-16lluCP pkts: %llu cluster wide errors: %-17llubad pkts: %llu clust_stats: The system is not in cluster. cluster_print_kif_global_array: short read. cluster_print_kif_global_array: short read. create_args : The system is not in cluster. char symkey = disk pkts sent: %-22lludisk pkts recv: %llu IPv6 pkts sent: %-22lluIPv6 pkts recv: %llu create_args : The system is not in cluster. create_args : The system is not in cluster. CLUSTER NAME SHID UUID SITE NAME SHID UUID kcl_last_select_time_legacy : 0x%016lu cluster_print_kif_global_array: error, rc=%d ALLOWED_PKTS : The system is not in cluster. lock_request : The system is not in cluster. requests reset sent: %-17llureset recv: %llu knd_hiseq : %u knd_rxthiseq : %u knd_myhiseq : %u knd_uni_hiseq_remote : %u knd_uni_myhiseq : %u knd_uni_hiseq_done : %u knd_uni_num_gosrxt : %u num_nodes_tot : The system is not in cluster. kcl_my_anchor : The system is not in cluster. astbuf_offset : The system is not in cluster. alive pkts sent: %-21llualive pkts recv: %llu ahafs pkts sent: %-21lluahafs pkts recv: %llu cwide pkts sent: %-21llucwide pkts recv: %llu IPv6 frags sent: %-21lluIPv6 frags recv: %llu knd_shorthand_id : %hu knd_tick_tock : %hu knd_num_rxt : %hu knd_num_down : %hu knd_num_gosrxt : %hu threads_running : %d knd_can_contact : %hu knd_can_contact_tick_tock : %hu knd_can_detect : %hu knd_can_detect_tick_tock : %hu knd_lock_flag : %hu knd_last_ndp_tick : %hu my_depth_mcast : The system is not in cluster. my_depth_ucast : The system is not in cluster. uint32_t num_ifs = %u u_int32_t cksum_in_kernel = %u uint32_t num_nodes_tot = %u uint32_t my_depth_mcast = %u uint32_t ALLOWED_PKTS = %u int lock_request = %d int32_t net_timeout = %d clustseq_t my_rtseq = %u int EnableSec = %d u_int32_t sec_seq = %u remote tcpsock send: %-17llutcpsock recv: %llu %08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x disk_uuid (128 bit UUID per ) { status_flag : type : knd_state : %04x eye_catch8b_t b_mark: 0x%016lx eye_catch8b_t e_mark: 0x%016lxcksum_in_kernel : The system is not in cluster. gossip pkts sent: %-20llugossip pkts recv: %llu pkt fragments: %-23llufragments queued: %-20llu socket pkts sent: %-20llusocket pkts recv: %llu mrxmit overflow: %-19llu urxmit overflow: %llu uint32_t kif_flags: 0x%016lx: uint32_t kif_state: 0x%016lx: uint32_t kif_tick_tock: 0x%016lu uint16_t kif_dst_node_shid: 0x%016lu uint16_t kif_dst_site_shid: 0x%016lu struct ifnet *kif_ifp: 0x%016lx ndd_t *kif_nddp: 0x%016lx struct socket *kif_mcast_sock: 0x%016lx kif_global_array : The system is not in cluster. kif_global_array : The system is not in cluster. rxmit requests recv: %-17llurequests found: %llu stale pkts recv: %-21lluother cluster pkts: %llu Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: %d uint32_t kif_number: 0x%016lu %local_stand_alone : The system is not in cluster. storage pkts sent: %-19llustorage pkts recv: %llu unicast pkts sent: %-19lluunicast pkts recv: %llu Number of clusters node is a member in: %d disk_name : %s disk_udid (CuAt.unique_id) : %s Usage: caa [-glob] | [-sec] | [-kif []] [-ast] knd_user_reported_detail : 0x%016lx element_data_t : 0x%016lx knd_common_detail : 0x%016lx nodedown pkts sent: %-18llunodedown pkts recv: %llu disk_clust_dev_t : %llu 0x%016lx 0x%016lx 0x%016lx 0x%016lx uint16_t netmon_state: 0x%04lu uint16_t caa_ping_sent: 0x%04lu uint16_t num_ping: 0x%04lu t_clustuuid_t &create_args = 0x%016lx t_cluster_p local_stand_alone = 0x%016lx t_stat_p clust_stats = 0x%016lx kif_data_p &kif_global_array[] = 0x%016lx uint32_t &my_depth_ucast[] = 0x%016lx t_wwid_t &my_id = 0x%016lx cmdstruct_p &cmdarray = 0x%016lx kcl_anchor_t &kcl_my_anchor = 0x%016lx char * &astbufp = 0x%016lx disk_pvid (CuAt.pvid) : %08x%08x ip6.s_addr : 0x%x } } socket pkts no space: %-16llupkts recv notforhere: %llu netstats : The system is not in cluster(clust_frag_size). Unknown family adding cluster, multicast address failed. } TAILQ_HEAD(, clustaddr) kif_normal_addr_list { un.dw[0] : %lx un.dw[1] : %lx uint16_t kif_num_normal: 0x%08lu uint64_t kif_ndd_stats_cycle_cnt: 0x%032lu uint64_t kif_no_gossip_recvd_cnt: 0x%032lu uint64_t kif_old_ndd_ipackets: 0x%032lu uint64_t kif_old_ndd_opackets: 0x%032lu short kif_srtt: 0x%016lu short kif_rttvar: 0x%016lu mbuf_t *kif_cmd_template_ipv4: 0x%016lx mbuf_t *kif_cmd_template_ipv6: 0x%016lx Pseudo socket pkts sent: %-13lluPseudo socket pkts recv: %llu kcl_group_ipv4 { the_family : %s the_port : %h kcl_wwid { un.dw[0] : %llu un.dw[1] : %llu } ip4.s_addr : %d.%d.%d.%d } } where delim <> denotes AST candidate, {} DOWN, [] UP and () DOWNBEAT nodes t_flist { tqe_next : 0x%016lx tqe_prev : 0x%016lx } ClearDoneCAARSCTVIOSPOOLPHAFull ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- kcl_disklist { tqh_first : 0x%016lx tqh_last : 0x%016lx } kcl_sitelist { tqh_first : 0x%016lx tqh_last : 0x%016lx } kcl_reposlist { tqh_first : 0x%016lx tqh_last : 0x%016lx } kcluster_entry { tqe_next : 0x%016lx tqe_prev : 0x%016lx } net_addr { the_family : "%s" t_ip { kcl_clock (Config lock for cluster) { _slock : %d _slockp : 0x%016lx } @(#)29 src/bos/kernext/cluster/cluster_kdb.c, sysxcluster, bos72X, x2022_06A1 2/1/22 10:11:07kcl_seq_lock (Config lock for cluster) { _slock : %d _slockp : 0x%016lx } un.dw[0] : %lx un.dw[1] : %lx } t_ip_mreq.ip_mreq6 { ipv6mr_multiaddr.s_addr : 0x%x ipv6mr_interface.s_addr : %u } } uuid { un.dw[0] : %04x un.dw[1] : %04x } t_ip_mreq.ip_mreq4 { imr_multiaddr.s_addr : %d.%d.%d.%d imr_interface.s_addr : %u } } Format: max_contact delim shortid delim tick_tock,can_contact:contact_tick_tock,can_detect:detect_tick_tock,postAST can_contact ... knd_rxlock (rxmt lock) { _slock : %d _slockp : 0x%016lx } ' 'N ' 'u0Oaemem' 'N ' 'u0Oaedp @ @ ' 'N ' 'aemen' 'N ' 'aedp @ @  Y! Y Y Y @ Y Y Y0 YH Y` Yx Y P^( Zh$2)X8$@ 2@ B@ P@ \@ i@ {@ @ @ @ @@@@@ @ @ @  @  Y! Y? Y ? Y0? Y8? YH? YP? Y`? Yh? Yx? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Z? Z? Z? Z? Z ? Z(? Z0? Z8? Z@? ZH? ZP? ZX? Z`? /usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr_64.o @VPDcluster64.kdb/5765E6200/520 db_registerdb_unregister db_read_mem db_printf db_expr_addb_usage_lookup db_newline db_more_on db_more_offdb_symboladdrerrno ___strcmp64 ___bzero64 ___memmove64strlensprintfstrncmpstrtok inet_ntopcluster_kdb_entry