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;,:88@~bH-A(|s(@,-pA/@|@@;ZLB|@@ @x;98{8bAHA(,,4L0B@AD8{bHyA(8`@:8!0a|} !N ;:,A, @@ ,A0@ ,A bcK8{cHA(bcK8{cHA(@,AbcK```b8p8XHA((X,@|s(@Ah(x8{A4b``bHiA(:p,4AK8{ bHEA(p,4AKp8{;9H%A(Kb8Kp,4AK@8{bHA(@8`:8!0|a} K|8{lbHA(@8`:8!0|a} KHK8{HA(@8`:8!0|} N `8K8`@8!0}N C hIPRA.$kdb_pr_stabinfo|,`;;`!``};p!1@`888HA((c<ޭA,8ccHA(8`8!}N (08~8`K8`8!}N 8~;@; 8HA(,8 Ad8~HMA(,(@ Ac, :,Ac888A4H A((~,@8~8@|@<;9(0`baKa:P888,8c@,,LFA4~8|`HIA(;`cc8!!}N ,,@~8|$@`HA(;`K8| HA(K8|c`HA(8`8!!}K`HA((~|@:A P888,8cAK(;@0b8~8`aKqaK8|;:``.8@8~bHA((@@, A ,,AP@|@A;:,A, @,@,AP,@ ,A(c8!|a} N 8{tbdHA(;K~d8{XHA(8`8!|a} K,AK; 8|8bbKM,,@K888|bbK,@,A,@|K|;A,:@KP;@8b8|K,@(K8{bH A(8`8!|a} K8bH A((@@K8{ H A(8`88K!K|8{H mA(8`8!}N c88H mA((@8<ޭ8|8`Kc8!}N c8bp8cH A(8`8!}N C IPRA.$kdb_pr_capibus||``c;!aH A(,8p8`@D8pcccH A(,,A8p8`88@lp!AaKaA!`|8!}N 8fH A(8`8!}N 8`p8!AaKaA!`|8!}N 8dH A(8!}N Akdb_cmd_lscapi|}&;p|;a`|`Ac8@!!1pH )A(,A\;8``!QA$oޭ8bp(@`d8c,KaA(,?AhH;pAP;`Hxxm(HH;Bp, @;:oޭ(@8Y(A8N@;P8z8c'(KA(,A8z(KA(A8zH`H(KA(8zKA(8z KA(8z 8(8K}A(8z l(8KiA(8z KYA(8z t(KIA(8z 0K9A(8z8K)A(8z @KA(8zdHc%KA(8z4KA(8z }&.8p``}!qA$8eoޭ8(A8K]A(,=:poޭA`(@8u;P8K!A(8uA,K A(8uKA(8uKA(8u <KA(8u pKA(8u&KA($,A ,A8u(KA(b0c| @| @A8u L@KmA(8u 8K]A(8u KMA(8u@K=A(8u0K1A(8uHK!A(8u4XKA(8uhpKA(8u xKA(8!|} N 8u KA(K`8u KA(KP8uKA(K8u KA($K8uKA(K@ C(IPRA.$kdb_print_eeh_handle|,`;P;p;A``!AA8~8KUA(,8 A8~KA((#@^ ,; 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(min_mapmem): %016lx address range desired (des_mapmem): %016lx maximum address range des. (max_mapmem): %016lx Process ID of the kctx for the dh (pid): %016lx > (DMA_SLAVE)............ device is a DMA slaveDMA address range start (dma_first_seg): %016lx DMA address range (segs) (dma_nsegs): %016lx DMA addr alloc bitmap@ (alloc_range): %016lx DMA addr dealloc bitmap@ (free_range): %016lx STAB Descriptor (stab@): %016p Address of next STAB (next_stab@): %016p AFU unit ID (unit_id): %016lx STAB size in bytes (stab_size): %016lx stab anchor (stab_anchor): %016p mapping is in progress (map_active): (%x) %s > (DMA_MASTER)........... device is a DMA mastercapi_bus next (next@): %016lx device number (devno): %016lx > (DMA_CONTIGUOUS)....... only continous mapping SLOT BID STAB@ AFU/STAB ID > (DMA_ADDRESS_64_BIT)... can drive 64Bit address > (DMA_NO_ZERO_ADDR)..... cannot drive bus addr 0 > (DMA_ENABLE_64)........ 64Bit interfaces enabled > (DMA_MAXMIN_%s)....... %s byte max minxfer size Allocated range: Start seg %016lx Num Segs %016lx Allocated range: Start seg %016lx Num Segs %016lx Component trace name : %s.handle%d Unable to read from %016lx @ idx:%08x %sBID DEVID CAPI_DH@ CAPIBUS@ D    < L  > (DMA_64_BIT_PATH)...... 64Bit addressing path to sytem memory %sBID BUSNO PHBUnitID capi_bus@ name capi bus status (status): (%02x) %s %s %s %s %s > (DMA_MAXMIN_MAPSPACE).. No non-page aligned transfers of size MAXMIN[[-b] | [-d] | [-t] | [?]] command without argument displays summary of all CAPI Buses @(#)32 1.10 src/rspc/kernext/capi/capi_busdd/capi_bus_kdb.c, rspcios, rspc72F, f2016_28A7 6/29/16 05:10:51 : displays all STABs summary -B: display STABs for -i: display details of STAB at -e: display details of STAB @ : displays all CAPI Buses summary -B: to display CAPI Bus by bus id -s: to display CAPI Bus at number -e: to display CAPI Bus @ : displays all CAPI DMA handles summary -B: to display all CAPI DMA handles for -i: to display CAPI DMA handle at -e: to display CAPI DMA handle @? -h-?-i-s-B-e-i-e%s%s%s%s%s%s%s -sdeeh[?]Ind %03x %08x Usage: at slotfor BIDcapieeh capi %s eeh %s eeh %s at index@addressby index@addressDEAD_STATEDEBUG_STATE|BROADCAST |BROADCAST Index SUSPEND_STATEUNKNOWN STATE EEH_MASTER ACTIVATE_STATEBUSY_EEH_STATEsd_chandle_headBUSY_DEAD_STATEeeh_chandle_headNORMAL_EEH_STATEDEACTIVATE_STATERESUME_EEH_STATEline: %d file: %sRESUME_DEAD_STATEDEBUG_RESET_STATEDisplay EEH handleTEMP_UNAVAIL_STATETEMP_FWRESET_STATESUSPEND_RESET_STATE EEH_DD_PIO_ENABLED EEH_DD_DMA_ENABLED CAPI EEH debug optionsDisplay EEHshared domainRESUME_TEMP_UNAVAIL_STATERESUME_TEMP_FWRESET_STATE%016lx %016p %c %s No EEH handle at slot: %08x No EEH handle for BID: %08x Summary of all EEH handles No EEH handle at index: %08x %016lx %08x %016lx %016p %016p EEH handle details @ %016p Unable to read EEH multi_dd details @ %016p Unable to read -sd [?] [-i ] | [-e ] Summary of all EEH Shared Domains No EEH Shared Domain at index: %08x EEH shared domain details @ %016p Incomplete read of eeh_handle @ %016lx Unable to find symbol Unable to find symbol Incomplete read of eeh_shared_domain @ %016lx -h [?] [-B ] | [-s ] | [-e ]seconds in temp_unavail (unavail_time): %d . # /` "p . %08x EEH handle handle(s) found for BID: %08x BID (bid): %08x EEH mode (eeh_mode): %08x %08x EEH handle handle(s) found at slot: %08x device driver dds pointer (eeh_dds_ptr): %016p Device driver EEH handle (eeh_handle): %016p EEH handle next (next@): %016p eeh_clear routine (eeh_clear@): %016p eeh_enable_pio routine (eeh_enable_pio@): %016p eeh_reset_slot routine (eeh_reset_slot@): %016p eeh_read_slot_state(eeh_read_slot_state@): %016p Unable to read from %016lx @ idx:%08x EEH iodone buf struct (eeh_buf@): %016p EEH shared domain next (next@): %016p EEH shared domain lock (sdlock@): %016p iodone lock (iodone_lock@): %016p EEH reset wait timer (eeh_trb@): %016p EEH flags (flag): %016lx Device driver callback function@ : %016p slot passed to eeh_init (slot): %016lx flag passed to eeh_init (flag): %016lx PHBUnit ID (PHB_Unit_ID): %016lx parent shared domain (parent_sd@): %016p eeh_slot_error routine (eeh_slot_error@): %016p Unable to read from %016lx @ idx:%08x device driver reset time (dd_trb_timer): %016lx device driver reset time (dd_trb_timer_ms): %016lx PHB Unit ID (PHB_Unit_ID): %016lx busy callback saved state(busy_save_state): %016lx EEH busy state caller (busy_caller): %016lx bit message event list (eeh_broadcast_msg): %016lx left over busy callback msgs (busy_msgs): %016lx misc state flags (flags): %016lx EEH_SAFE eye-catcher (eeh_eyecatcher): eehhINVL eye-catcher (eeh_eyecatcher): ???????? EEH event count (eeh_event_count): (%016lx) eye-catcher (eeh_eyecatcher): eehhCAPIB %sPHBUnitID EEH_SHARED_DOMAIN@ MF_HW STATE EEH event state (state): (%016lx) %s EEH_CONFIGURE IODONE pending re-read slot delay (retry_delay): %08x (in seconds) nested recovery safe read-slot-state2 safe %s Unit_Addr BID CAPIUnitID PARENT_SD@ EEH_HANDLE@ [[-h] | [-sd] [?]] command without argument displays summary of all EEH handles @(#)35 1.2 src/rspc/kernext/capi/capi_busdd/capi_eeh_kdb.c, rspcios, rspc720, 1440A_720 9/22/14 15:56:49 : displays all EEH shared domain summary -i: to display EEH shared domain at -e: to display EEH shared domain @ : displays all EEH handles summary -B: to display all EEH handles for -s: to display EEH handle at -i: to display EEH handle at -e: to display EEH handle @' 0 0@ 0< 0 1 08 0P  0h 4@ &!8@'@ 5@ E@ S@ _@ l@ y@ @ @ @ 0 ! ? ? ? ? ?  ? (? $ ? $0? $8? $@? $H? 0 ? 0(? 08? 0@? 0P? 0X? 0h? 0p? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 0? 1? 1?/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/lib#@VPDcapi_busdd64.kdb/5765E6200/520 db_registerdb_unregister db_read_mem db_printf db_expr_ul db_get_hexdb_usage_lookupdb_str_lookupdb_eoldb_symboladdrcapi_busdd_kdb_entry