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Oc O~ %O +O %O'P$P9(P^$P;P4P7Q2QUJQRQR&R5RTRlRSS DSDSDT@DT DT 9U 9UI FUQUPVJVm+V,"V1505-007 :1505-008 with no tag1505-009 pointer to 1505-010 array[1505-011 ] of 1505-012 incomplete 1505-013 function returning 1505-014 illegal type1505-015 undeclared type1505-016 tag1505-017 label1505-018 enumeration constant:1505-019 {...}1505-020 *1505-021 * 1505-022 (*)1505-023 [1505-024 ]1505-025 (1505-026 )1505-027 ,1505-028 ,...1505-029 in function1505-030 in1505-031 at offset1505-032 packed 1505-033 twobyte 1505-034 reference to 1505-035 &1505-036 ...1505-042 IBM XL C Enterprise Edition for AIX, Version %1$s --- 1505-043 I1505-044 W1505-045 E1505-046 S1505-047 U1505-061 >>>>> OBJECT SECTION, NO OPTIMIZATION <<<<<1505-062 >>>>> OBJECT SECTION, OPTIMIZATION <<<<<1505-069 Processing include file %1$s1505-070 Phase Ends;1505-071 C Init - 1505-072 IL Gen - 1505-073 Assembly - 1505-074 Optimize - 1505-075 Reg Alloc - 1505-076 IBM XL C Enterprise Edition for AIX1506-001 INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: Procedure %1$s.1506-002 COMPILER ERROR: Feature not implemented: %1$s.1506-003 Width of a bit field of type "%1$s" cannot exceed %2$s.1506-004 pragma must appear before use of identifier %1$s.1506-005 Error in message set %1$s, unable to retrieve message %2$s.1506-006 Label %1$s is undefined.1506-007 "%1$s" is undefined.1506-008 The argument is not valid for the pragma directive.1506-009 Bit field %1$s must be of type signed int, unsigned int or int.1506-010 Macro %1$s invoked with a null argument for parameter %2$s.1506-012 Operand of bitwise complement must be an integral type.1506-013 Operand of unary + or - operator must be an arithmetic type.1506-014 Operand of logical negation must be a scalar type.1506-017 Operand of address operator must be an lvalue or function designator.1506-018 Operand of indirection operator must be a pointer expression.1506-019 Expecting an array or a pointer to object type.1506-020 Expression must be an integral type.1506-021 Expecting struct or union.1506-022 "%1$s" is not a member of "%2$s".1506-023 Expecting function or pointer to function.1506-024 The operand of the __alignof__ operator is not valid.1506-025 Operand must be a modifiable lvalue.1506-026 Number of initializers cannot be greater than the number of aggregate members.1506-027 Function %1$s cannot be initialized.1506-028 Storage class "%1$s" cannot be used with external data.1506-029 The pragma is ignored. Identifiers are already disjoint.1506-030 Identifier %1$s cannot be redeclared.1506-031 All dimensions except the first must be specified for a multidimensional array.1506-032 Elements of an array cannot be functions.1506-033 Function %1$s is not valid. Function cannot return a function.1506-034 Function %1$s is not valid. Function cannot return an array.1506-035 Storage class "%1$s" cannot be used with functions.1506-036 Range error.1506-037 Member of struct or union cannot be a function.1506-039 Expecting a parameter after # operator.1506-041 The invocation of macro %1$s contains fewer arguments than are required by the macro definition.1506-042 The output file name cannot be the same as the input file name.1506-043 The operand of the sizeof operator is not valid.1506-044 Expression must be a non-negative integer constant.1506-045 Undeclared identifier %1$s.1506-046 Syntax error.1506-047 Incorrect hexadecimal escape sequence \x. \ ignored.1506-050 Return type "%1$s" in redeclaration is not compatible with the previous return type "%2$s".1506-051 Case expression must be a valid integral constant.1506-052 Duplicate case label for value %1$s. Labels must be unique.1506-053 Default label cannot be placed outside a switch statement.1506-054 Switch statement cannot contain more than one default label.1506-055 Case label cannot be placed outside a switch statement.1506-056 Break statement cannot be placed outside a while, do, for, or switch statement.1506-057 Continue cannot be placed outside a while, do, or for statement.1506-058 Label %1$s has already been defined on line %2$s of "%3$s".1506-059 Comment that started on line %1$s must end before the end of file.1506-062 Escape sequence %1$s is out of the range 0-%2$s. Value is truncated.1506-067 A struct or union can only be assigned to a compatible type.1506-068 Operation between types "%1$s" and "%2$s" is not allowed.1506-070 Register is the only storage class that can be used with parameters.1506-073 Empty character constant.1506-076 Character constant %1$s has more than 4 characters. No more than rightmost 4 characters are used.1506-077 The wchar_t value %1$s is not valid.1506-078 #%1$s directive has no effect.1506-085 Predefined macro %1$s cannot be undefined.1506-095 Unexpected parameter %1$s.1506-098 Missing argument(s).1506-099 Unexpected argument.1506-103 Tag %1$s requires a complete definition before it is used.1506-104 The value of an enumeration constant must be an integral constant expression.1506-108 Bit fields with zero width must be unnamed bit fields.1506-112 Duplicate type qualifier "%1$s" ignored.1506-115 Duplicate type specifier "%1$s" ignored.1506-117 Operand must be a scalar type.1506-119 Duplicate storage class specifier %1$s ignored.1506-120 Function cannot return a %1$s qualified type.1506-122 Expecting pointer to struct or union.1506-127 The second and third operands of the conditional operator must have compatible struct or union types.1506-131 Explicit dimension specification or initializer required for an auto or static array.1506-134 Array bound is too large.1506-137 Declaration must declare at least one declarator, tag, or the members of an enumeration.1506-152 A register array may only be used as the operand to sizeof.1506-155 Option %1$s requires suboption(s).1506-159 Bit field type specified for %1$s is not valid. Type %2$s assumed.1506-160 Object %1$s cannot be declared as type void.1506-162 No definition was found for function %1$s. Storage class changed to extern.1506-164 Expression must be a scalar type.1506-166 Definition of function %1$s requires parentheses.1506-167 String literal is longer than target array. Literal is truncated on the right.1506-168 Initializer must be enclosed in braces.1506-169 Too many suboptions specified for option FLAG. Specify only two suboptions.1506-170 Parameter %1$s has already been defined on line %2$s of "%3$s".1506-172 Parameter type list for function %1$s contains parameters without identifiers.1506-173 Option %1$s is not valid. Enter xlc for list of valid options.1506-174 Option %1$s must be specified on the command line.1506-175 Option %1$s must be specified on the command line or before the first C statement in the program.1506-176 Option %1$s cannot take more than one suboption.1506-178 Unexpected argument for built-in function %1$s.1506-180 Redeclaration of built-in function %1$s ignored.1506-181 Definition of built-in function %1$s ignored.1506-182 Arguments missing for built-in function %1$s.1506-183 Built-In function %1$s cannot change a read-only string literal.1506-184 Too few suboptions specified for option FLAG. Specify two suboptions.1506-185 #line number %1$s must be greater than zero.1506-186 String literal must be ended before the end of line.1506-188 Reserved name %1$s cannot be defined as a macro name.1506-189 Floating-point constant %1$s is not valid.1506-190 Automatic constant %1$s does not have a value. Zero is being assumed.1506-191 The character %1$s is not a valid C source character.1506-192 Cannot take address of built-in function %1$s.1506-193 The size of this type is zero.1506-194 Incomplete type is not allowed.1506-195 Integral constant expression with a value greater than zero is required.1506-196 Initialization between types "%1$s" and "%2$s" is not allowed.1506-197 Expecting header file name in #include directive.1506-198 #if, #else, #elif, #ifdef, #ifndef block must be ended with #endif.1506-199 #%1$s directive requires a macro name.1506-200 #elif can only appear within a #if, #elif, #ifdef, or #ifndef block.1506-201 #else can only appear within a #if, #elif, #ifdef or #ifndef block.1506-202 #endif can only appear at the end of a #if, #elif, #ifdef or #ifndef block.1506-204 Unexpected end of file.1506-205 #error %1$s1506-206 Suffix of integer constant %1$s is not valid.1506-207 Integer constant %1$s out of range.1506-209 Character constants must end before the end of a line.1506-210 The ## operator requires two operands.1506-211 Parameter list must be empty, or consist of one or more identifiers separated by commas.1506-212 Duplicate parameter %2$s in definition of macro %1$s.1506-213 Macro name %1$s cannot be redefined.1506-215 Too many arguments specified for macro %1$s.1506-218 Unknown preprocessing directive #%1$s.1506-219 The #line value %1$s is outside the range 1 to %2$s.1506-220 #line value %1$s must contain only decimal digits.1506-221 Initializer must be a valid constant expression.1506-224 Incorrect pragma ignored.1506-226 The ":" operator is not allowed between "%1$s" and "%2$s".1506-229 File is empty.1506-231 Error occurred while opening preprocessor output file.1506-232 Divisor for modulus or division operator cannot be zero.1506-234 Expecting a new-line character on #%1$s directive.1506-235 Incorrect escape sequence %1$s. \ ignored.1506-236 Macro name %1$s has been redefined.1506-238 Function argument cannot be type void.1506-242 An object with external linkage declared at block scope cannot be initialized.1506-243 Value of enumeration constant must be in range of %1$s.1506-244 External variable %1$s cannot be redefined.1506-245 Incompatible sign adjective "%1$s".1506-246 Incompatible length adjective "%1$s".1506-247 Incompatible type specifier "%1$s".1506-248 More than one storage class specifier %1$s.1506-249 Identifier contains a $ character.1506-250 Floating-point constant %1$s out of range.1506-251 Static function %1$s is undefined.1506-258 Hexadecimal integer constant %1$s is not valid.1506-260 Octal integer constant %1$s is not valid.1506-261 Suboption %1$s is not valid for option %2$s.1506-262 pragma %1$s must occur before first C statement in program. The pragma is ignored.1506-263 pragma strings directive can be specified only once per source file. pragma ignored.1506-264 pragma %1$s directive can be specified only once per source file.1506-266 Parameter(s) for pragma are out of range.1506-267 Unrecognized pragma ignored.1506-268 Macro %1$s invoked with an incomplete argument for parameter %2$s.1506-271 The indirection operator cannot be applied to a void pointer.1506-272 Identifier not allowed in cast or sizeof declarations.1506-273 Missing type in declaration of %1$s.1506-274 Missing declarator in member declaration.1506-275 Unexpected text %1$s encountered.1506-276 Syntax error: possible missing %1$s?1506-277 Syntax error: possible missing %1$s or %2$s?1506-278 The structure definition must specify a member list.1506-279 A function declarator cannot have a parameter identifier list if it is not a function definition.1506-280 Function argument assignment between types "%1$s" and "%2$s" is not allowed.1506-281 Prefix and postfix increment and decrement operators cannot be applied to "%1$s".1506-282 The type of the parameters must be specified in a prototype.1506-283 Functions cannot be declared %1$s at block scope, %2$s is ignored.1506-285 The indirection operator cannot be applied to a pointer to an incomplete struct or union.1506-286 A struct or union with no named members cannot be explicitly initialized.1506-287 The parameter list on the definition of macro %1$s is not complete.1506-288 Expecting file name or new-line character on #line directive.1506-289 Macro %1$s redefined with identical definition.1506-290 Unknown macro name %1$s on #undef directive.1506-291 Expecting decimal constant on #line directive.1506-292 Multibyte character literal not allowed on #%1$s directive.1506-293 Identifier %1$s assigned default value of zero on %2$s directive.1506-294 Syntax error in expression on #%1$s directive.1506-295 File ended with a continuation sequence.1506-296 #include file %1$s not found.1506-297 Unable to open input file %1$s. %2$s.1506-298 Unable to read input file %1$s. %2$s.1506-299 Maximum #include nesting depth of %1$s has been exceeded.1506-300 Insufficient storage available.1506-301 Redeclaration cannot specify fewer parameters than previous declaration.1506-302 The declarations of the function %1$s must be consistent in their use of the ellipsis.1506-303 The type of the parameter %1$s cannot conflict with the previous declaration of function %2$s.1506-304 No function prototype given for "%1$s".1506-306 Subscript operator requires an array operand in the offsetof macro.1506-307 Array index must be a constant expression in the offsetof macro.1506-308 Operand of the offsetof macro must be a struct or a union.1506-309 The offsetof macro cannot be used with an incomplete struct or union.1506-310 The type "%1$s %2$s" was introduced in a parameter list, and will go out of scope at the end of the function declaration or definition.1506-311 Wide character constant %1$s has more than one character. Last character is used.1506-312 Compiler internal name %1$s has been defined as a macro.1506-313 Compiler internal name %1$s has been undefined as a macro.1506-314 The tag of this expression's type has gone out of scope.1506-315 Error writing to test coverage data file.1506-316 Error opening test coverage data file.1506-317 Line too long for test coverage.1506-318 Too many statements for test coverage.1506-319 Redefinition of atexit() incompatible with test coverage.1506-320 Operation is not allowed because the size of %1$s is unknown.1506-321 You can specify an initializer only for the first named member of a union.1506-322 Illegal multibyte character %1$s.1506-323 "double" should be used instead of "long float".1506-324 "%1$s" cannot be converted to "%2$s".1506-325 #line directive may cause problems with test coverage.1506-326 #line directive may cause problems with browser usage.1506-327 An error occurred while opening the listing file, %1$s.1506-328 "%1$s" is not a valid hex digit.1506-329 Byte string must have an even length.1506-330 Option -qstrict only valid with optimization level 3.1506-331 Option -qflttrap=enable requires floating-point exceptions to be specified.1506-332 Option %1$s is ignored because option %2$s is not specified.1506-333 License failure: %1$s.1506-334 Identifier %1$s has already been defined on line %2$s of "%3$s".1506-335 Parameter identifier list contains multiple occurrences of %1$s.1506-336 A Pascal string is too long; the length has been set to 255.1506-337 The result of string concatenation is a Pascal string.1506-338 The result of string concatenation is a non-Pascal string.1506-339 A character string literal cannot be concatenated with a wide string literal.1506-340 A Pascal string literal cannot be concatenated with a wide string literal.1506-341 #include header must be ended before the end of the line.1506-342 "/*" detected in comment.1506-343 Redeclaration of %1$s differs from previous declaration on line %2$s of "%3$s".1506-344 Member %1$s has already been defined on line %2$s of "%3$s".1506-345 The data in precompiled header file %1$s does not have the correct format.1506-346 Unable to open precompiled header file %1$s for input. %2$s. The original header will be used.1506-347 Precompiled header file %1$s was created by a more recent release of the compiler. The original header will be used.1506-348 Unable to write to precompiled header file %1$s. %2$s.1506-350 Error writing to intermediate files. %1$s.1506-351 Error opening intermediate files.1506-352 An invalid combination of the -qarch and -qtune options has been specified. The -qtune option is ignored.1506-353 Waiting for license.1506-354 The -qmacpstr option is ignored when supplied with the -qmbcs/dbcs options.1506-355 The option ENUM is not allowed in the middle of a declaration of an enum. This option is ignored.1506-356 Compilation unit is empty.1506-357 Unable to generate prototype for "%1$s" because one or more enum, struct, or union specifiers did not have a tag.1506-358 "%1$s" is defined on line %2$s of %3$s.1506-359 Automatic variable %1$s contains a const member and is not initialized. It will be initialized to zero.1506-360 Same pragma %1$s has already been specified for object "%2$s"; this specification is ignored.1506-361 A different pragma %1$s has already been specified for object "%2$s", this specification is ignored.1506-362 Identifier "%1$s" was referenced in pragma %2$s, but was never actually declared.1506-363 Packing boundary must be specified as one of 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16.1506-364 The calling convention is not valid for main. _Optlink is assumed.1506-366 Declaration cannot specify multiple calling convention specifiers.1506-367 Only functions or typedefs of functions can be given a calling convention.1506-368 A calling convention must appear to the left of the identifier to which it applies.1506-369 The function cannot be redeclared with a different calling convention.1506-370 A _fastcall function cannot be defined in a 32-bit program.1506-371 Functions taking a variable number of parameters cannot have _Pascal calling convention.1506-372 Precompiled header files may cause inaccuracies for %1$s. %2$s option ignored.1506-373 %1$s option ignored because %2$s option ignored in previous conflict.1506-374 Pointer types "%1$s" and "%2$s" are not compatible.1506-375 /Gr+ must be specified to use the _Far32 _Pascal calling convention.1506-376 Redeclaration of %1$s has a different number of fixed parameters than the previous declaration.1506-377 The type "%1$s" of parameter %2$s differs from the previous type "%3$s".1506-378 Prototype for function %1$s cannot contain "..." when mixed with a nonprototype declaration.1506-379 Prototype for function %1$s must contain only promoted types if prototype and nonprototype declarations are mixed.1506-380 Parameter %1$s has type "%2$s" which promotes to "%3$s".1506-381 The type "%1$s" of parameter %2$s in the prototype declaration is not compatible with the corresponding parameter type "%3$s" in the nonprototype declaration.1506-382 The type "%1$s" of identifier %2$s differs from previous type "%3$s".1506-383 Expecting "%1$s" to be an external identifier.1506-384 Expecting "%1$s" to be a function name.1506-385 User segment %1$s has already been declared.1506-386 The maximum number of user-defined segments has been exceeded.1506-387 The enum cannot be packed to the requested size. Change the enumeration value, change the pragma enum() or change the value for -qenum.1506-388 Value %1$s specified in pragma %2$s is out of range.1506-389 Some program text was not scanned due to %1$s option or pragma %2$s.1506-390 The function or variable %1$s cannot be declared as an import in the same compilation unit in which it is defined.1506-392 A DLL module name must be specified in pragma import.1506-393 %1$s value must contain only decimal digits.1506-394 Ordinal value on pragma %1$s is out of range.1506-395 Variable %1$s must be an external object or a function name for use with pragma import.1506-396 Option %1$s is incompatible with option %2$s and is ignored.1506-397 Undefined function or variable %1$s cannot have a pragma export or _Export.1506-398 Bit field type specified for %1$s is non-portable. The type should be signed int, unsigned int or int.1506-399 The alignment of a structure/union is determined at the left brace of the definition.1506-400 pragma %1$s must appear only once in any C file.1506-401 Function %1$s must be defined for pragma entry.1506-402 %1$s must be an externally-defined function for use with pragma entry.1506-403 Cannot use the _Seg16 qualifier with pointers to _Far32 _Pascal functions.1506-404 %1$s can only qualify a pointer type.1506-405 A 16-bit function cannot have a structure or union as a parameter.1506-406 A 16-bit function cannot have a structure or union as a return type.1506-407 _Seg16 pointers are not supported on the target platform.1506-408 The linkage protocol is not supported on the target platform.1506-409 The static variable "%1$s" is defined but never referenced.1506-410 The automatic variable "%1$s" is defined but never referenced.1506-411 An array that is not an lvalue cannot be subscripted.1506-412 Referenced variable "%1$s", which was not initialized in its declaration.1506-413 A goto statement is used.1506-414 The parameter "%1$s" is never referenced.1506-415 The external function definition "%1$s" is never referenced.1506-416 Taking the negative of the most negative value, '%1$s', of a signed type will cause truncation.1506-418 '%1$s' does not evaluate to a constant that fits in its signed type.1506-419 Converting %1$s to type "%2$s" does not preserve its value.1506-420 An unsigned comparison is performed between an unsigned value and a negative constant.1506-421 The comparison is always true.1506-422 The comparison is always false.1506-423 The comparison may be rewritten as '%1$s'.1506-424 The condition is always true.1506-425 The condition is always false.1506-426 An assignment expression is used as a condition. An equality comparison (==) may have been intended.1506-427 A constant expression is used as a switch condition.1506-428 The left-hand side of a shift expression is an unparenthesized arithmetic expression which has a higher precedence.1506-429 The right-hand side of a shift expression is an unparenthesized arithmetic expression which has a higher precedence.1506-430 The result of a comparison is either 0 or 1, and may not be appropriate as operand for another comparison operation.1506-431 The left-hand side of a bitwise &, |, or ^ expression is an unparenthesized relational, shift, or arithmetic expression which has a higher precedence.1506-432 The right-hand side of a bitwise &, |, or ^ expression is an unparenthesized relational, shift, or arithmetic expression which has a higher precedence.1506-433 The right-hand side of a bitwise shift expression should be positive and less than the width in bits of the promoted left operand.1506-434 The left-hand side of a bitwise right shift expression has a signed promoted type.1506-435 An expression statement should have some side effects because its value is discarded.1506-436 Left-hand side of comma expression should have side effects because its value is discarded.1506-437 The init or re-init expression of a for statement should have some side effects since its value is discarded.1506-438 The value of the variable "%1$s" may be used before being set.1506-439 Assigning enum type "%1$s" to enum type "%2$s" may not be correct.1506-440 Cannot assign an invalid enumerator value to enum type "%1$s".1506-441 The macro definition will override the keyword "%1$s".1506-442 A trigraph sequence occurs in a character literal.1506-443 A trigraph sequence occurs in a string literal.1506-444 The opening brace is redundant.1506-445 The closing brace is redundant.1506-446 Array element(s) [%1$s] will be initialized with a default value of 0.1506-447 The member(s) starting from "%1$s" will be initialized with a default value of 0.1506-448 Assigning a packed struct to an unpacked struct, or vice versa, requires remapping.1506-449 Missing return expression.1506-450 Obsolete non-prototype-style function declaration.1506-451 The target integral type cannot hold all possible values of the source integral type.1506-452 Assigning a floating point type to an integral type may result in truncation.1506-453 Assigning a floating point type to another floating point type with less precision.1506-454 %1$s condition evaluates to %2$s.1506-455 defined(%1$s) evaluates to %2$s.1506-456 Stop skipping tokens.1506-457 File %1$s has already been included.1506-458 #line directive changing line to %1$s and file to %2$s.1506-459 #line directive changing line to %1$s.1506-460 %1$s nesting level is %2$s.1506-461 Generating precompiled header file %1$s.1506-462 Precompiled header file %1$s is found but not used because it is not up to date.1506-463 Using precompiled header file %1$s.1506-464 Begin skipping tokens.1506-465 #undef undefining macro name %1$s.1506-466 Unary minus applied to an unsigned type.1506-467 String literals concatenated.1506-468 Macro name %1$s on #define is also an identifier.1506-469 The static function "%1$s" is declared or defined but never referenced.1506-470 Function "main" should return int, not void.1506-471 Case label is not a member of enum type "%1$s"1506-472 Statement is unreachable.1506-473 An unintended semi-colon may have created an empty loop body.1506-474 Loop may be infinite.1506-475 The real constant arithmetic expression folds to positive infinity.1506-476 The real constant arithmetic expression folds to negative infinity.1506-477 The real constant arithmetic expression folds to a NaN.1506-478 The then branch of conditional is an empty statement.1506-479 Both branches of conditional statement are empty statements.1506-480 Missing break statement allows fall-through to this case.1506-481 The end of the function may be reached without returning a value.1506-482 The opening brace before this point is redundant.1506-483 Switch statement contains no cases or only default case.1506-484 External name %1$s has been truncated to %2$s.1506-485 Parameter declaration list is incompatible with declarator for %1$s.1506-486 A pointer to an incomplete type cannot be indexed.1506-487 An argument cannot be an incomplete struct or union.1506-488 A call to __parmdwords can only be made inside a function with _System calling convention.1506-489 The incomplete struct or union tag %1$s was not completed before going out of scope.1506-490 The static variable "%1$s" is set but never referenced.1506-491 The automatic variable "%1$s" is set but never referenced.1506-492 Redefinition of %1$s hides previous definition.1506-493 The external variable "%1$s" is defined but never referenced.1506-494 The external variable "%1$s" is set but never referenced.1506-495 Pointer type conversion found.1506-496 Parameter(s) for pragma %1$s are of the wrong type.1506-497 Incomplete enum type not allowed.1506-498 Member of struct or union cannot be incomplete type.1506-499 Function "main" should return int.1506-503 The option "%1$s" is not supported.1506-504 Illegal conversion between functions with 16-bit and 48-bit calling convention.1506-505 Type "%1$s" of identifier "%2$s" was incomplete at the end of its scope.1506-506 Address of automatic variable taken when DS may not be equal to SS.1506-507 No licenses available. Contact your program supplier to add additional users. Compilation will proceed shortly.1506-508 Option %1$s for pragma %2$s is not supported.1506-509 Symbol %1$s on a pragma %2$s was not found.1506-510 pragma data_seg is ignored for object %1$s because pragma seg16 was specified1506-511 An object declared as compatible with 16-bit applications is larger than 64K.1506-512 An initializer is not allowed for "%1$s".1506-513 Array element designator exceeds the array dimension. Designator will be ignored.1506-514 Array element designator cannot be applied to an object of type "%1$s".1506-515 Member designator cannot be applied to an object of type "%1$s".1506-516 The __loadds keyword can only be used with a function.1506-517 Option %1$s for pragma is not supported.1506-518 Option(s) for pragma %1$s are missing or incorrectly specified.1506-519 Index operator ([]) cannot be applied to pointer to void.1506-520 Switch block begins with declarations or unlabeled statements that are unreachable.1506-521 Pointer arithmetic can only be applied to a arrays that are lvalues.1506-522 Unable to open precompiled header %1$s for output. %2$s.1506-523 Obsolete pragma checkout ignored. Use pragma info or the /W options.1506-524 The _Packed qualifier can only qualify a struct or union.1506-525 The use of the _loadds keyword does not match the previous declaration of %1$s.1506-526 Calling convention specifier %1$s incompatible with function taking variable number of parameters.1506-527 Header %1$s included again because it is never empty.1506-528 Header %1$s not included again because it is empty.1506-529 Header %1$s included again because conditional compilation analysis is incomplete.1506-530 Header %1$s not included again because it would have no effect due to conditional compilation.1506-531 End of precompiled header processing.1506-532 Macro "%1$s" is required by the precompiled header and is defined differently than when the precompiled header was created.1506-533 One or more assertions are defined that were not defined when the precompiled header was created.1506-534 One or more macros are defined that were not defined when the precompiled header was created.1506-535 Compiler options do not match those in effect when the precompiled header was created.1506-536 Assertion "%1$s" is required by the precompiled header and is not defined.1506-537 Macro "%1$s" is required by the precompiled header and is not defined.1506-538 Unable to use precompiled header %1$s.1506-539 Expecting %1$s and found %2$s.1506-540 The default function specified in pragma weak should not be defined or referenced in this compilation unit.1506-541 Precompiled header file cannot be generated because a declaration was not complete when the last header file ended.1506-542 Cannot specify default function on PowerPC; pragma weak ignored.1506-543 Must specify default function on Intel; pragma weak ignored.1506-544 The __unaligned type qualifier is applicable only to types that are "pointed to". It is not valid here and is ignored.1506-579 The asm directive is ignored.1506-580 The target of the goto statement cannot be inside a different __try block.1506-581 A __leave statement cannot be placed outside a __try block.1506-582 The function GetExceptionCode() can be called only from within an exception filter or handler.1506-583 The function GetExceptionInfo() can be called only from within an exception filter.1506-584 The function AbnormalTermination() can be called only from within a termination handler.1506-587 "%1$s" does not have a license enrolled. If you have purchased a license for this product, then you have a production license, which you should now enroll. Select 'EXIT' (which will cause "%1$s" to complete its compilation) in order to enroll the license. If you have not purchased a license for this product, you may select 'CONTINUE' to enroll a Try and Buy license if it is available. IF YOU SELECT CONTINUE, THIS WILL CONSTITUTE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF TRY AND BUY TERMS AND APPLICABLE COPYRIGHT LAWS. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THESE TERMS, SELECT 'EXIT'. 1. EXIT 2. CONTINUE1506-601 Definition of "%1$s" is not allowed.1506-602 Identifier "%1$s" is not a class name.1506-603 "%1$s" must be a class member.1506-604 Storage class "%1$s" is not allowed for member functions.1506-605 Declaration of "%1$s" must be a function definition.1506-606 "%1$s" has the same name as its containing class.1506-607 "%1$s" is not allowed for a constructor.1506-608 The "this" keyword is only valid in class scope.1506-609 The type of "reference" cannot be "%1$s".1506-610 "%1$s" is not allowed as an array element type.1506-611 The type of "pointer" cannot be "%1$s".1506-612 The reference variable "%1$s" is uninitialized.1506-613 Duplicate function specifier "%1$s" ignored.1506-614 "%1$s" conflicts with "%2$s".1506-615 Keyword "%1$s" is not allowed.1506-616 "%1$s" must already be declared.1506-617 "%1$s" was previously declared as "%2$s".1506-618 "%1$s" is not allowed.1506-619 The arguments passed using the ellipsis may not be accessible.1506-620 "%1$s" is only valid for non-static member functions.1506-621 Ellipsis (...) cannot be used for "%1$s".1506-622 Wrong number of parameters for "%1$s".1506-623 At least one parameter of "%1$s" must accept class or enum type.1506-624 Ambiguous reference to "%1$s".1506-625 "%1$s" was declared in base class "%2$s".1506-626 Non-static member "%1$s" must be associated with an object or a pointer to an object.1506-627 extern "%1$s" is not a recognized linkage; extern "C" is assumed.1506-628 Linkage for "%1$s" cannot be redefined.1506-629 More than one function "%1$s" has non-C++ linkage.1506-630 The previous declaration of "%1$s" did not have a linkage specification.1506-631 "catch(%1$s)" will never be reached because of previous "catch(%2$s)".1506-632 Call does not match any argument list for "%1$s".1506-633 Call to "%1$s" matches more than one function.1506-634 Call matches "%1$s".1506-635 Ambiguous conversion from class "%1$s".1506-636 Return type may not be specified for a type conversion operator.1506-637 "%1$s" may not be specified for a type conversion operator.1506-638 Parameter %1$s for "%2$s" must be of type "%3$s".1506-639 Return type for "%1$s" must be "%2$s".1506-640 "%1$s" is not allowed as a conversion function type.1506-641 The "operator->" function must return either a class type, a reference to a class type or a pointer to class type and the class type must itself have an "operator->" function.1506-642 The return type for the "operator->" cannot be the containing class.1506-643 Class qualification for "%1$s" is not allowed.1506-644 "%1$s" is neither an immediate base class nor a non-static data member of class "%2$s".1506-645 "%1$s" cannot be initialized multiple times.1506-646 There are too many initializers in the initializer list.1506-647 The const member "%1$s" must be initialized in the constructor's initializer list.1506-648 The reference member "%1$s" must be initialized in the constructor's initializer list.1506-649 A namespace alias may not be used to extend a namespace.1506-650 "%1$s" is not a namespace or namespace alias.1506-651 "%1$s" operator is not allowed for type "%2$s".1506-652 Expecting struct or class.1506-653 Expecting pointer to struct or class.1506-654 Expecting pointer to member.1506-655 Namespace "%1$s" was not defined within the scope of namespace "%2$s".1506-656 Pointer to member "%2$s" cannot bind to "%1$s".1506-657 Using declaration cannot declare class member "%1$s" in a non class scope.1506-658 A declaration has been made without a type specification.1506-659 "%1$s" is not a base class of "%2$s".1506-660 Default initializers cannot be followed by uninitialized arguments.1506-661 Declarations of the same %1$s must not specify default initializers for the same argument.1506-662 Local variable "%1$s" is inaccessible from "%2$s".1506-663 Ambiguous reference to "%1$s"1506-664 A virtual function initializer must be 0.1506-665 "%1$s" is not declared at namespace scope.1506-666 Enumeration type clash with the "%1$s" operator.1506-667 "%1$s" has been used more than once in the same base class list.1506-668 Variable "%1$s" is not allowed in an argument initializer.1506-669 Wrong number of arguments for "%1$s".1506-670 The type of "pointer to member" cannot be "%1$s".1506-671 The header file name in the #include directive cannot be empty.1506-672 The number of errors has reached the limit of %1$s.1506-673 Template has too many arguments.1506-674 Template parameter %1$s expects a type argument.1506-675 The return type is not valid for a function of this linkage type.1506-676 Function "%1$s" which returns a return code cannot be defined.1506-681 pragma export(%1$s) is ignored; both LONGNAME and RENT options must be specified.1506-682 "%1$s" will not be exported because pragma variable(%2$s,NORENT) is specified.1506-683 "%1$s" will not be exported because it does not have external storage class.1506-684 Exporting function main is not allowed.1506-685 "%1$s" will not be exported because it is not externally defined.1506-686 Unexpected keyword(s). One or more keywords were found in an invalid location.1506-687 The %1$s keyword cannot be applied to the return type of a function.1506-688 Declaration cannot specify conflicting keywords %1$s and %2$s.1506-689 The %1$s keyword was specified more than once in the declaration.1506-690 Built-in function %1$s is unrecognized. The default linkage convention is used.1506-691 The %1$s keyword can only be applied to functions.1506-692 Both "main" and "WinMain" are defined in this compilation unit. Only one of them is allowed.1506-693 The %1$s keyword conflicts with a previously specified keyword.1506-695 pragma export(%1$s) is ignored; LONGNAME option must be specified.1506-700 Object cannot be declared as a pointer to a function.1506-701 Parameter cannot be a pointer to a function.1506-702 A function call cannot be made using a function pointer.1506-703 Function name %1$s does not have a length of four bytes.1506-704 Variable cannot be defined externally.1506-705 Parameter of type struct might cause stack space to overflow.1506-706 "main" cannot be used as a function name.1506-707 Empty slot1506-709 Structure members cannot follow zero-sized array.1506-715 Storage class %1$s cannot be used for structure members.1506-716 Declaration of %1$s has a different linkage from the previous declaration on line %2$s of "%3$s", _Export is assumed.1506-717 Only external data and functions can be declared as export or import.1506-718 The __thread keyword can only be specified for external or static data.1506-719 The __declspec sub specifier "%1$s" is not recognized.1506-720 The function or variable %1$s cannot be both defined and declared as import.1506-721 The "%1$s" qualifier is not supported on the target platform.1506-722 pragma linkage %1$s ignored for function %2$s.1506-724 Undefined identifier "%1$s" was referenced in pragma %2$s directive.1506-725 The "%1$s" identifier does not exist on the alignment stack. Current alignment may change.1506-726 Attempting to pop an empty %1$s stack. Current %1$s may change.1506-727 Variable "%1$s" cannot have both thread local storage and be exported or imported.1506-729 "%1$s" should not be declared inline or static.1506-730 The pragma is accepted by the compiler. The pragma will have no effect.1506-731 The %1$s keyword is not supported on the target platform. The keyword is ignored.1506-732 pragma %1$s is not supported on the target platform.1506-733 Processing #include file %1$s.1506-734 pragma import is not supported on the target platform. Use the _Import keyword instead.1506-735 Suboption %1$s of option %2$s is ignored because option %3$s is specified.1506-736 %1$s conflicts with previous %2$s declaration.1506-737 The preprocessor macro "%1$s" was expanded inside a pragma directive.1506-738 The "%%" and "%%%%" digraphs will be obsolete in the next release of this product. Please use "%:" and "%:%:" instead.1506-739 Cannot create/use precompiled header file because of memory address space conflict. GENPCH/USEPCH options are ignored.1506-740 Timestamp information is not available for #include header file %1$s.1506-741 Cannot use precompiled header file because pragmas mismatch before the Initial Sequence.1506-742 64-bit portability: possible loss of digits through conversion of %1$s type into %2$s type.1506-743 64-bit portability: possible change of result through conversion of %1$s type into %2$s type.1506-744 64-bit portability: possible truncation of pointer through conversion of pointer type into %1$s type.1506-745 64-bit portability: possible incorrect pointer through conversion of %1$s type into pointer.1506-746 64-bit portability: possible change of constant value through conversion into long type.1506-747 64-bit portability: constant given type "%1$s" when compiling in 32-bit mode may be given type "%2$s" when compiling in 64-bit mode.1506-748 64-bit portability: constant which will overflow in 32-bit mode may select unsigned long int or long int in 64-bit mode1506-749 Enum=8 is not valid in 32-bit mode, setting enum=4 instead.1506-752 Number of enumerator constants exceeds %1$s.1506-753 errno is referenced when ignerrno is turned on.1506-754 The parameter type is not valid for a function of this linkage type.1506-755 The %1$s option is not supported in this release.1506-763 Option %1$s is ignored because pragma %2$s is specified.1506-764 Option %1$s is ignored for variable %2$s because pragma %3$s is specified.1506-765 %1$s digits are required for the universal character name "%2$s".1506-766 The universal character name "%1$s" is not in the allowable range for an identifier.1506-769 Static initialization of the 8-byte pointer is not allowed.1506-770 The "__ptr64" qualifier is not supported in a non-teraspace-enabled environment.1506-771 pragma datamodel(LLP64) directive is not supported in a non-teraspace-enabled environment.1506-772 An illegal typedef was specified for an iSeries pointer type.1506-773 The __ptr64 qualifier cannot be used with a iSeries pointer type.1506-775 The pragma datamodel directive must appear at file scope.1506-776 The required conditions for using the built-in function "%1$s" are not met.1506-777 The parameter in position %1$s must be a constant literal for the built-in function "%2$s".1506-778 Type "%1$s" is not valid. Type specifier "%2$s" is assumed.1506-779 Definition of modifiable static variable "%1$s" is not allowed within inline definition of "%2$s".1506-780 Reference to "%1$s" with internal linkage is not allowed within inline definition of "%2$s".1506-781 Inline function "%1$s" is undefined.1506-782 One or more error messages have been disabled.1506-784 Decimal integer constant "%1$s" is out of range.1506-785 Illegal suffix "%1$s" for integer constant "%2$s".1506-786 Integral constant "%1$s" has implied type unsigned long int under the C89 language level. It has implied type long long int under C99.1506-787 Hexadecimal floating point constant "%1$s" cannot be represented exactly in its evaluated format.1506-789 The operand of __alignof__ cannot be a bit field.1506-790 The threadprivate variable "%1$s" must be a file scope or static block scope variable.1506-791 An ordered directive is only allowed within the dynamic extent of for or parallel for that has an ordered clause.1506-792 pragma %1$s may affect behavior of nested or enclosing OpenMP constructs.1506-793 Option %1$s may cause behavior that is different from the one described in OpenMP API Specification.1506-794 Atomic directive is not followed by an expression statement of the required form.1506-795 Private variable "%1$s" appears in the %2$s clause.1506-796 %1$s construct cannot be nested within %2$s construct.1506-797 %1$s directive cannot appear within %2$s construct.1506-798 Threadprivate variable "%1$s" appears in the %2$s clause.1506-799 OpenMP constructs cannot be used with optimization level 0. Optimization level 2 will be assumed.1506-800 Invalid scheduling type.1506-801 Parameter must not be specified with this scheduling type.1506-802 The value of the expression must be greater than zero.1506-803 Expression is not an integral type.1506-804 Integral constant expression with a positive value is required.1506-805 String literal exceeded the compiler limit of %1$s.1506-806 A function pointer cannot be declared as __far.1506-807 Incompatible specifications for options -qarch and -q%1$s (or environment variable OBJECT_MODE)1506-808 Long type bit fields may change behavior in future 64-bit mode. Long type bit fields currently default to int.1506-809 Incompatible specifications for options -qtune and -q%1$s (or environment variable OBJECT_MODE)1506-810 pragma runopts syntax (%1$s): %2$s1506-811 Option %1$s forces option %2$s to take effect.1506-812 Option FLOAT(IEEE) may cause slow execution time when used with ARCH less than 3.1506-813 Option FLOAT(AFP) may cause slow execution time when used with ARCH less than 3.1506-814 Branching in or out of structured block and parallel/work-sharing loop is not allowed.1506-815 Conflicting qualifiers %1$s and %2$s specified.1506-816 Pointer size must be set to either 32 or 64.1506-817 Init expression of the for loop is not in the canonical form.1506-818 Controlling expression of the for loop is not in the canonical form.1506-819 Re-init expression of the for loop is not in the canonical form.1506-820 Iteration variable must be a signed integer variable.1506-821 The %1$s clause cannot be specified on the %2$s directive.1506-822 %1$s is not implemented.1506-823 The %1$s clause was already specified.1506-824 The variable "%1$s" has already been specified in one of the data scope clauses.1506-825 Incomplete type is not allowed.1506-826 Const-qualified type is not allowed.1506-827 The __align specifier can only apply to the definition of an aggregate tag, or the declaration of a global or static variable.1506-828 Only a positive integral constant which is a power of 2 is allowed in %1$s specifier.1506-829 The __align specifier cannot apply to a variable with incomplete type.1506-830 The __align specifier cannot be used to reduce the alignment of an aggregate or a variable.1506-831 The __align specifier is not supported for automatic variables or parameters.1506-832 The pragma execution_frequency appears outside a block scope and is ignored.1506-833 The variable "%1$s" has undefined data scope.1506-834 The variable "%1$s" is not threadprivate.1506-864 The option "%1$s" is in effect; it may affect the portability since it may alter the evaluation of this expression.1506-865 %1$s1506-870 The program name %1$s has been truncated to %2$s.1506-871 pragma %1$s was ignored for function or typedef %2$s.1506-885 An anonymous union or struct declared at file scope must be static.1506-886 The member "%1$s" is at offset "%2$s", not at offset "%3$s" as specified in pragma assert_field_offset.1506-887 The first operand in pragma assert_field_offset must be a struct, union, or a typedef of struct or union. The pragma is ignored.1506-888 A structure or union type must be complete when it is used with pragma assert_field_offset.1506-889 The specified member "%1$s" does not belong to the structure or union specified in the pragma.1506-890 The declaration "%1$s" specified in pragma assert_field_offset cannot be found.1506-891 Subscript operator requires an array operand in pragma assert_field_offset.1506-892 Array index must be a constant expression in pragma assert_field_offset.1506-894 The %1$s is not valid in 64-bit mode and it is ignored.1506-895 An aggregate containing long double on IA64 platform might not have the same size/alignment compared to that on IA32 platform.1506-896 Operand has type %1$s.1506-897 Unstructured goto statement encountered.1506-898 The #include header %1$s is not valid.1506-913 The enum constants must be specified when the enum tag is declared.1506-920 Bitwise operator is applied to a signed type.1506-929 The usage of type-generic macro "%1$s" conflicts with the previous declaration of "%2$s".1506-930 The function "%1$s" is not a type-generic macro.1506-941 Applying %1$s may cause unexpected run-time behavior.1506-942 Attribute "%1$s" causes a conflict and is ignored.1506-943 Attribute "%1$s" is not supported on the target platform and is ignored.1506-944 Attribute "%1$s" is not supported and is ignored.1506-945 The number of arguments specified for attribute "%1$s" is incorrect; this attribute is ignored.1506-946 Incorrect argument type specified for attribute "%1$s"; this attribute is ignored.1506-947 The explicit register specifier is unexpected and is ignored.1506-948 #warning %1$s1506-949 A header name is expected in the #include_next directive.1506-950 The #include_next file %1$s is not found.1506-951 The header file name in the #include_next directive is empty.1506-952 An #include_next header must end before the end of the source line.1506-953 No path to find #include_next file.1506-954 An #include_next directive is found in a primary source file.1506-955 Type "int" is assumed for declaration of "%1$s".1506-956 The attribute "%1$s" is not a valid function attribute and is ignored.1506-957 Weak declaration of symbol "%1$s" cannot be static.1506-958 The attribute specifier list following label "%1$s" is ignored.1506-959 The attribute "%1$s" is not a valid type attribute and is ignored.1506-960 Function "%1$s" is declared using attribute "noreturn" or pragma leaves, but the function may return.1506-961 Compound literal cannot have a variable length array type.1506-962 Previous unmatched pragma %1$s directive %2$s.1506-963 The attribute "%1$s" is not a valid variable attribute and is ignored.1506-964 Missing "(" in #assert directive.1506-965 Attribute "aligned" cannot be used to decrease the alignment of "%1$s" and is ignored.1506-966 Alignment of "%1$s" exceeds the maximum supported value of %2$s. The alignment has been reduced to %2$s.1506-967 Attribute "aligned" is not supported for parameters and is ignored.1506-968 Attribute "packed" is valid only for structure data members. This attribute is ignored.1506-969 Invalid parameter "%1$s" for attribute "mode".1506-970 Incorrect _Pragma operator.1506-971 Invalid standard pragma.1506-972 pragma CX_LIMITED_RANGE OFF overrides option -qfloat=hsflt.1506-973 pragma FP_CONTRACT OFF overrides option -qfloat=maf.1506-974 Attribute "%1$s" has been specified more than once; the last specification is used.1506-975 Alias specification does not match the specification of "%1$s" on line %2$s of "%3$s".1506-976 Alias specification cannot be provided for a function definition.1506-977 pragma %1$s without an integral constant expression greater than zero is ignored.1506-978 Incorrect local label declaration.1506-979 pragma pack(%1$s) is obsolete. pragma pack(%2$s) is recommended.1506-980 pragma pack() without argument is not supported.1506-981 Variable "%1$s" is already listed as "private" in an enclosing parallel OpenMP construct.1506-982 Variable "%1$s" must be shared in enclosing context.1506-983 Critical constructs with the same name cannot be nested.1506-984 The compiler is operating in 32 bit mode. The option %1$s is ignored.1506-985 The current locale for the compilation is not %1$s. The option %2$s is ignored.1506-986 This option requires %1$s or higher. The option %2$s is ignored.1506-987 The invalid character "%1$s" was found in a wide character or wide string literal. The character will be ignored.1506-988 The __align specifier cannot be used in conjunction with attribute "aligned".1506-989 The alignment option %1$s is not valid in 64-bit mode.1506-990 The maximum size of the stack has been exceeded.1506-991 Only a variable can be declared in the declaration part of a "for" statement.1506-992 Storage class "%1$s" cannot be used in this context.1506-993 The declaration part of a "for" statement is not allowed.1506-994 A flexible array member is not allowed.1506-995 An aggregate containing a flexible array member cannot be used as a member of a structure or as an array element.1506-996 Definition of tag "%1$s" is not allowed.1506-997 Structure members cannot follow a flexible array member/zero extent array.1506-998 A different section was specified for "%1$s"; the new specification is used.1506-1100 A %1$s attribute that is not applied to a global or static variable is ignored.1506-1101 The value of label "%1$s" is arbitrary, and is not the true address of the label.1506-1102 Hexadecimal floating-point constants are not supported in the current language level.1506-1103 __VA_ARGS__ can only be used in the replacement list of a function-like macro with a variable argument list.1506-1104 The static keyword or type qualifiers are ignored unless they are in the outermost array index of a function parameter.1506-1105 Attribute "%1$s" is not supported for type specifications and is ignored.1506-1106 Initializer does not evaluate to a constant that fits in the target type.1506-1107 Initialization of function pointer "%1$s" with a function that has "%2$s" linkage is not allowed.1506-1108 The use of keyword %1$s is non-portable.1506-1109 There are too few initializers in the initializer list.1506-1110 Deprecated type specifier "%1$s" in AltiVec type. Use "%2$s" instead.1506-1111 The keyword "vector" must be the first type specifier used.1506-1112 Invalid or incomplete vector type.1506-1113 The function "%1$s", which has a vector parameter, requires a prototype.1506-1114 A valid constant expression is expected.1506-1115 The operand of the vec_step operator is not valid.1506-1116 The internal file "%1$s" is not found. Check your installation.1506-1118 Character constant %1$s has more than 1 character.1506-1119 The initializer list should not be empty.1506-1120 The #import directive expects a header file name.1506-1121 #import file "%1$s" was not found.1506-1122 The #import directive with an empty header file name is ignored.1506-1123 #import header must end before the end of the line.1506-1124 The use of directive %1$s is non-portable.1506-1125 Option %1$s forces %2$s to take effect due to %3$s.1506-1126 Inline function "%1$s" may not be inlined due to the noinline attribute.1506-1127 The variable argument specifier is not at the end of the parameter list for macro "%1$s".1506-1128 The GNU variable argument identifier "%1$s" of macro "%2$s" is not permitted in the current langlvl mode.1506-1129 The use of __VA_ARGS__ in macro "%1$s" is unexpected; "%2$s" is expected.1506-1130 The argument of the "%1$s" clause must be a positive integer expression.1506-1131 The "%1$s" clause must not be used with the "%2$s" clause.1506-1132 The threadprivate directive for variable "%1$s" must not appear within a nested scope of that variable.1506-1133 The variable "%1$s" is not private.1506-1134 Only a single "%1$s" clause can appear in the OMP directive.1506-1135 The threadprivate variable "%1$s" must not be referenced prior to the threadprivate directive.1506-1136 Statement expressions are not supported in the current language level.1506-1137 Only one %1$s pragma may be specified for the same loop. This pragma is ignored.1506-1138 Non-static initialization of a flexible array member is not allowed.1506-1139 Initialization of a flexible array member is not allowed in a nested context.1506-1140 The %1$s pragma cannot be applied to a %2$s loop. This pragma is ignored.1506-1141 The total number of operands exceeds %1$s.1506-1142 The named operand "%1$s" is not defined.1506-1143 The operand number is out of range.1506-1144 The constraint does not match any operands.1506-1145 "%1$s" is not the first character of the output constraint.1506-1146 The asm constraint "%1$s" cannot be used for this operand type.1506-1147 The asm constraint "%1$s" is not supported.1506-1148 The symbolic name $1 used in a %[name] operand specifier is a duplicate. You must use a unique name.1506-1149 The register name "%1$s" is unknown.1506-1150 The format string argument must be a string type.1506-1151 Arguments to be formatted need to be variable arguments specified with '...'.1506-1152 The user function must return a string type.1506-1153 The number given for attribute "%1$s" is not valid. This attribute is ignored.1506-1154 Arguments to be formatted must follow the format string argument. This attribute is ignored.1506-1155 Arguments to be formatted cannot be specified for strftime formats. This attribute is ignored.1506-1156 Cast to union type is not a member type in the union.1506-1157 The %1$s pragma can only be specified immediately before a for loop or %2$s pragma. This pragma is ignored.1506-1158 The identifier %1$s of pragma %2$s must be unique within its enclosing scope. This pragma is ignored.1506-1159 The %1$s pragma can only be specified once for a loop or a %2$s pragma. This pragma is ignored.1506-1160 The value for the block size is not an integer value.1506-1161 Vector initializer list is non-portable.1506-1162 The %1$s option is not supported for the target architecture and is ignored.1506-1163 Suboption %1$s of option %2$s is not supported for the target architecture and is ignored.1506-1164 The format string contains unknown conversion type character '%1$s' in conversion specification %2$s.1506-1165 The number of arguments is less than required by the format string.1506-1166 The number of arguments is greater than required by the format string.1506-1167 The format string is a null pointer.1506-1168 The format string is empty.1506-1169 The format string contains '\0'.1506-1170 The format string contains a trailing '%'.1506-1171 The format string is not a string literal and format arguments are not specified.1506-1172 The format string is not a string literal and argument types are not checked.1506-1173 A wide character string is not permitted as a format string.1506-1174 The format string contains an operand that is out of range.1506-1175 The format is missing a $ operand number.1506-1176 Unused format argument (arg %1$s) preceds the used argument (arg %2$s) in the $-style format.1506-1177 Not all given arguments are used by $-style format.1506-1178 The format takes no arguments but an operand number is given.1506-1179 Invalid use of '%1$s' flag with conversion '%2$s' of the %3$s format.1506-1180 The '%1$s' flag is ignored if combined with the '%2$s' flag in a %3$s format.1506-1181 The '%1$s' flag is ignored when combined with precision and the printf conversion specifier '%2$s'.1506-1182 Duplicate '%1$s' flags are specified in the %2$s format.1506-1183 This platform supports the use of a non-portable extension character '%1$s' in the format.1506-1184 This platform does not support the use of a non-portable extension character '%1$s' in the format.1506-1185 Invalid use of field width in conversion '%1$s' of the %2$s format.1506-1186 Invalid use of precision in conversion '%1$s' of the printf format.1506-1187 Argument '%1$s' is not an integer type, which is required for field precision.1506-1188 Argument '%1$s' is not an integer type, which is required for field width.1506-1189 The use of the $ operand with '*' precision in a printf format may result in undefined behavior.1506-1190 The use of the $ operand with '*' width in a printf format may result in undefined behavior.1506-1191 Invalid %1$s format for %2$s argument type in argument %3$s.1506-1192 The '%1$s' type character is incompatible with the '%2$s' length modifer.1506-1193 Argument %1$s is expected to be a pointer type.1506-1194 Argument %1$s causes a null pointer dereference for reading.1506-1195 Argument %1$s causes a null pointer dereference for writing.1506-1196 Argument %1$s causes writing into a constant object.1506-1197 The use of %1$s in designated initializer syntax is non-portable.1506-1198 Missing %1$s in designated initializer syntax.1506-1199 The assignment suppression flag does not take an operand number.1506-1200 Instance variable cannot have function type.1506-1201 The use of an aggregate containing a flexible array member as an instance variable is illegal.1506-1202 An instance variable cannot have an incomplete type.1506-1203 The indirection operator cannot be applied to a pointer to an incomplete class.1506-1204 A class can only be assigned to a compatible type.1506-1205 The second and third operands of the conditional operator must have compatible class type.1506-1206 Interface declaration of class "%1$s", superclass of "%2$s" not found.1506-1207 Method "%1$s" in class "%2$s" not found.1506-1208 The receiver type is not valid.1506-1209 Method "%1$s" not found; assuming return type id.1506-1210 The "%1$s" instance variable "%2$s" is not visible. In future releases this may be a severe error.1506-1211 The "%1$s" instance variable "%2$s" cannot be accessed.1506-1212 Implementation of method "%1$s" not found.1506-1213 Object "%1$s" has type id, and should not be statically accessed.1506-1214 Interface declaration of class "%1$s" not found.1506-1215 Instance of Objective-C class "%1$s" cannot be statically allocated.1506-1216 "%1$s" conficts with previous super class name "%2$s".1506-1217 Reference tag for class "%1$s" not found.1506-1218 Declaration of protocol "%1$s" not found.1506-1219 The implementation of class "%1$s" is incomplete.1506-1220 The implementation of category "%1$s" is incomplete.1506-1221 Protocol "%1$s", adopted by class "%2$s", is not fully implemented.1506-1222 Protocol "%1$s", adopted by category "%2$s", is not fully implemented.1506-1223 Type "%1$s" of instance variable "%2$s" does not match previous declaration in class interface.1506-1224 Instance variable "%1$s" was declared with name "%2$s" in class interface.1506-1225 The class interface declares a different number of instance variables.1506-1226 Class "%1$s" does not conform to protocol "%2$s".1506-1227 Object does not conform to protocol "%1$s".1506-1228 Multiple declarations of method "%1$s" have been found. "%2$s" will be used.1506-1229 The method "%1$s" was also found but will not be used.1506-1230 The built-in function "%1$s" is not valid for the target system.1506-1231 The built-in function "%1$s" is not valid for the target architecture.1506-1232 The built-in function "%1$s" requires option "%2$s".1506-1233 The parameter in position %1$s must be a power of 2 and must be a constant literal for the built-in function "%2$s".1506-1234 The argument %2$s of the built-in function "%1$s" must be in the range %3$s.1506-1235 Invalid use of '*' flag with a length modifier for the scanf format.1506-1236 A zero width cannot be specified for an input conversion.1506-1237 The format string contains an out of range integer literal in conversion specification %1$s.1506-1238 The type of argument %1$s is expected to be a pointer to pointer.1506-1240 '%[' format is missing closing ']'.1506-1241 Invalid use of '%1$s' flag with '%2$s' flag in %3$s format.1506-1242 Only the last two digits of the year are given by the '%1$s' conversion.1506-1243 Only the last two digits of year are given by '%1$s' conversion in some locales.1506-1244 Invalid use of modifier '%1$s' with '%2$s' strftime format.1506-1245 Duplicate modifier '%1$s' specified in strftime format.1506-1246 Invalid use of 'E' modifier with 'O' modifier in strftime format.1506-1247 The left precision in strfmon format is empty.1506-1248 The right precision in strfmon format is empty.1506-1249 Invalid multibyte character was found in the format string.1506-1250 Too many registers are required in the asm statement.1506-1251 asm statement generates errors in assembler output. %1$s1506-1252 Output operand is not specified with = or + constraint. = is assumed.1506-1253 GCC asm statement is used. This feature is not standard conforming and is not portable.1506-1254 Wide string literals (L, U or u) of different types cannot be concatenated.1506-1255 Source file encoding cannot be converted to Unicode using iconv. The UTF option is ignored.1506-1256 Specify the UTF option to process string literals prefixed by u or U.1506-1257 Nested functions cannot be declared with specifier %1$s.1506-1258 The matching constraint cannot be used in output operand.1506-1259 The matching constraint cannot reference the input operand.1506-1260 The asm operand does not match the specified constraint.1506-1261 The type attribute transparent_union is ignored.1506-1262 The use of the "%1$s" operator for type "%2$s" is non-portable.1506-1263 The matching constraint '%1$s' has been used more than once.1506-1264 The argument of the sizeof operator is (or contains) a zero extent array of size zero.1506-1265 The specified assembler path %1$s is invalid.1506-1266 This designation of a range of array elements is non-portable.1506-1267 Reduction variable "%1$s" appears in the %2$s clause.1506-1268 Computed goto expressions are not supported.1506-1269 Labels as values functionality is not supported in the current language level.1506-1270 Option %1$s is ignored when option %2$s is specified.1506-1271 Subption %1$s of option %2$s is ignored because option %3$s is not specified.1506-1272 Suboption %1$s of option %2$s is ignored when option %3$s is specified.1506-1273 As of v7.0, #pragma pack directives will bit pack bit field members of structs and unions.1506-1274 Initialization of a flexible array member is not supported.1506-1275 The loop id %1$s is not within the same loop nest as the #pragma block_loop directive.1506-1276 The block_loop directive is invalid because the loop identifier "%1$s" is not found within the loop nest. The pragma is ignored.1506-1277 The range specified for the case label is invalid.1506-1278 Duplicate or overlapping range expression specified for case label. Labels must be unique.1506-1279 The %1$s pragma cannot be applied to a #pragma block_loop.1506-1280 The format string is not a string literal.1506-1281 Encountered an error converting from %1$s to %2$s.1506-1282 Range labels in case statements are not supported in the current language level.1506-1283 Conditional expressions with omitted operands are not supported in the current language level.1506-1284 The attribute "%1$s" cannot be applied to this variable. The attribute is ignored.1506-1285 Section "%1$s" is already specified as a data section.1506-1286 The use of a label at the end of a compound statement is non-portable.1506-1287 Conversion between %1$s pointer and %2$s pointer is not allowed.1506-1288 Conversion from %1$s pointer to %2$s pointer is not allowed.1506-1289 Assignment between %1$s pointer and %2$s pointer is not allowed.1506-1290 %1$s variable "%2$s" cannot be %3$s qualified.1506-1291 Member "%1$s" cannot be %2$s qualified.1506-1292 Invalid blocking factor.1506-1293 Invalid affinity expression.1506-1294 Section "%1$s" is already specified as a text section.1506-1295 The previous declaration of the nested function "%1$s" does not have auto storage class specification.1506-1296 Nested functions are not supported in the current language level.1506-1297 Suboptions %1$s and %2$s of option %3$s are incompatible. Suboption %1$s is ignored.1506-1298 The subscript %1$s is out of range. The valid range is 0 to %2$s.1506-1299 The subscript %1$s is out of range. The only valid subscript is 0.1506-1300 The subscript %1$s is less than zero. The subscript of an array should be greater than or equal to zero.1506-1301 The subscript %1$s may be out of range. The known range is 0 to %2$s.1506-1302 The subscript %1$s may be out of range. The only known subscript is 0.1506-1303 There are too many instructions in the asm statement.1506-1304 A potential selector conflict exists for method %1$s with %2$s on line %3$s.1506-1305 Selector "%1$s" is undeclared.1506-1306 INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: The environment variable XL_ASMOBJFILES is not set by the driver.1506-1307 Skipping a declaration with variably modified type at line %1$s is invalid.1506-1308 Operand of unary ++ or -- operator must be a real or pointer type.1506-1309 The expression used in the @catch handler is invalid.1506-1310 The expression used in the @throw statement is invalid.1506-1311 Missing expression in @throw statement.1506-1312 pragma noinline conflicts with the inline function specifier for function "%1$s". The pragma is ignored.1506-1313 Attribute section is not specified in the correct format.1506-1314 The exception has already been handled by a preceeding @catch block.1506-1315 The argument of the @synchronized directive is invalid.1506-1316 Class "%1$s" does not have a super class.1506-1317 There is no code generated for the asm statement. The asm statement is ignored.1506-1318 Alias name "%1$s" is already declared as a class.1506-1319 The string literal specified may not exceed %1$s characters. The pragma is ignored.1506-1320 A flexible array member is not supported in the current language level.1506-1321 Class "%1$s" does not have a valid constant string interface.1506-1322 Method parameter "%1$s" cannot be an object.1506-1323 A method cannot return an object.1506-1324 Array size must have integer type.1506-1325 The category "%1$s(%2$s)" has been reimplemented.1506-1326 The class "%1$s" has been reimplemented.1506-1327 The interface for category "%1$s(%2$s)" has been redeclared.1506-1328 The interface for class "%1$s" has been redeclared.1506-1329 The %1$s pragma can only be specified immediately before a for, while, or do loop. The pragma is ignored.1506-1330 Protocol "%1$s" incorporating protocol "%2$s" results in a circular dependency.1506-1331 Boolean type _Bool is not supported in the current language level.1506-1332 A function with return type "%1$s" may not return a value of type "%2$s".1506-1333 Dependency description file "%1$s" could not be opened.1506-1334 %1$s value must contain only decimal digits or only '*'.1506-1335 Specified register name '%1$s' can only be used to declare a variable with register storage class.1506-1336 The asm label specification cannot be applied to a local object or static object. The asm specification is ignored.1506-1337 The mapped name '%1$s' for the declaration '%2$s' conflicts with the existing mapped name '%3$s'. This specification is ignored.1506-1338 The specified register name '%1$s' is not supported.1506-1339 The specified register name '%1$s' is not valid.1506-1340 Register variable %1$s cannot be initialized.1506-1341 Register variable %1$s should not use volatile register '%2$s'.1506-1342 Register variable %1$s uses register '%2$s' which is not suitable for data type '%3$s'.1506-1343 Register '%1$s' is already used for variable %2$s.1506-1344 Register variable %1$s already reserves register '%2$s'. This asm specification is ignored.1506-1345 The data type '%1$s' of variable %2$s is not suitable for a register.1506-1346 Register variable %1$s cannot be entirely placed in registers.1506-1347 The register variable specification is non-portable.1506-1348 The declarations of "%1$s" and "%2$s" have the same linkage signature "%3$s".1506-1349 Decimal floating-point constant "%1$s" is out of range.1506-1350 Decimal floating-point constant "%1$s" cannot be represented exactly in its evaluated format.1506-1351 Decimal floating point constant "%1$s" is not valid.1506-1352 "%1$s" may not appear in a function without a variable argument list.1506-1353 Missing new-line at end of file.1506-1354 Option %1$s should be used with option %2$s.1506-1355 The "ordered" directive must not be executed more than once.1506-1356 Invalid use of standard pragma.1506-1357 The operand of the %1$s operator is not valid.1506-1358 Assignment between types with different block sizes is not allowed.1506-1360 Blocking factor cannot be negative. The default block size is used.1506-1361 Blocking factor is out of range. The maximum block size is used.1506-1362 A layout qualifier of [*] cannot appear in pointer declarations.1506-1363 A layout qualifier cannot appear in void pointer declarations.1506-1364 Reference type qualifier %1$s is used without shared type qualifier.1506-1365 A variable of type %1$s is promoted to type %2$s when passed as a variable argument.1506-1366 Identifier "%1$s" with static storage duration was referenced in pragma %2$s directive.1506-1367 Only one operand can be defined in the asm statement.1506-1368 The constraint '%1$s' cannot be used on the operand that has the "XL" constraint.1506-1369 Only the output operand can be defined in the asm statement.1506-1370 The specified data size %1$s is not valid. The default value %2$s is assumed.1506-1371 The asm statement is ignored.1506-1372 No valid constraint is specified for the operand. The constraint '%1$s' is assumed.1506-1373 The specified register name '%1$s' is not a valid general purpose register name.1506-1379 The specified register name '%1$s' is not a valid general purpose register name.1506-1380 There is no matching #pragma extension for "pop" argument in the same file. The pragma will be ignored.1506-1381 There is a #pragma extension without a matching #pragma extension (pop) in the same file. The "pop" has been inserted by the compiler at the end of the file.1506-1382 pragma %1$s ignored due to pragma %2$s.1506-1383 The register "%1$s" specified for the variable %2$s is ignored.1506-1384 pragma %1$s must be specified at file scope. The pragma is ignored.1506-1385 The attribute "%1$s" is not a valid type attribute.1506-1386 The backslash-newline line continuation sequence is separated by white space and may not be portable.1506-1387 The number of the alternative constraints is different in the operands.1506-1388 The attribute "%1$s" is specified for "%2$s"; the attribute "%3$s" is ignored.1506-1389 The attribute "%1$s" is not applied to a function type. The attribute is ignored.1506-1390 The type "%1$s" is non-portable with arch level "%2$s".1506-1391 A different common/nocommon was specified for "%1$s"; the new specification is used.1506-1392 An asm statement that does not define data cannot be used in the global scope.1506-1393 Dereference may not conform to the current aliasing rules.1506-1394 The dereferenced expression has type "%1$s". "%2$s" may point to "%3$s" which has incompatible type "%4$s".1506-1395 Check pointer assignment at line %1$s column %2$s of %3$s.1506-1396 The attribute "%1$s" is only supported with "%2$s".1506-1398 Using a NULL pointer constant in a relational operator with a __far pointer may not yield the correct result.1506-1399 The __far pointer dereferencing operations can only be used under ARMODE. The operation is ignored.1506-1400 Structure members cannot follow a variable-sized array member.1506-1401 An aggregate containing a variable-sized array member cannot be used as a as an array element.1506-1402 The type "%1$s" is not supported on the target architecture.1506-1403 The aggregate cannot have a variable-sized member.1506-1404 The "%1$s" option must be specified with the "%2$s" compiler option(s).1506-1405 The parameter in position %1$s of the built-in function "%2$s" must hold an even value.1506-1406 The parameter in position %1$s of the built-in function "%2$s" must hold an odd value.1506-1407 The pragma %1$s must appear in function scope. The pragma is ignored.1506-1408 Variable %1$s in %2$s is not a function argument.1506-1409 Type of variable %1$s in pragma %2$s is not supported in this release.1506-1410 Argument %1$s of %2$s must be a compile-time constant.1506-1411 Second argument of "pragma expected_value" must be a real or integral compile-time constant.1506-1412 An aggregate can only have a single variable-sized member.1506-1413 pragma %1$s must appear before all explicit declarations and statements inside a function body.1506-1414 The modifier '%1$s' cannot be used on the last operand.1506-1415 A preprocessing directive may not contain a vertical-tab character.1506-1416 A preprocessing directive may not contain a form-feed character.1501-301 Listing line is too long; truncation will occur.1501-302 An error occurred while opening the listing file, %1$s.1501-303 An error occurred while closing the listing file, %1$s.1501-304 An error occurred while writing to the listing file, %1$s.1501-305 Output file mode specified, %1$s was read only; file mode %2$s was used.1501-306 No read/write file mode available.1501-307 Page1501-308 Line to be displayed is too long and will be truncated.1501-309 <<<<< %1$s >>>>>1501-310 ***** %1$s *****1501-311 >>>>> OPTIONS SECTION <<<<<1501-312 *** Command Line Invocation ***1501-313 *** Options In Line ***1501-314 *** Options In Effect ***1501-315 >>>>> SOURCE SECTION <<<<<1501-316 >>>>> FILE TABLE SECTION <<<<<1501-317 >>>>> OBJECT SECTION <<<<<1501-318 >>>>> ATTRIBUTE AND CROSS REFERENCE SECTION <<<<<1501-319 >>>>> COMPILATION STATISTICS SECTION <<<<<1501-320 >>>>> COMPILATION UNIT EPILOGUE SECTION <<<<<1501-321 >>>>> COMPILATION EPILOGUE SECTION <<<<<1501-322 FILE CREATION FROM1501-323 FILE NO FILENAME DATE TIME FILE LINE1501-324 DATE1501-326 Aggregate map for: 1501-327 Total size: 1501-328 | Offset | Length | Member Name |1501-329 | Bytes(Bits) | Bytes(Bits) | |1501-330 ***PADDING***1501-331 bytes 1501-505 Elapsed time..............................................1501-506 Total cpu time............................................1501-507 Virtual cpu time..........................................1501-508 Compilation successful for file %1$s. Object file created.1501-509 Compilation failed for file %1$s. Object file not created.1501-510 Compilation start..............................1501-511 Compilation end................................1501-512 Source records read.........................................1501-517 IBM XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition for AIX Summary of Diagnosed Conditions1501-518 TOTAL UNRECOVERABLE SEVERE ERROR WARNING INFORMATIONAL1501-519 (U) (S) (E) (W) (I)1501-543 Object file created.1501-544 Object file not created.