ISO8859-1(+12]>&!;6 <r ' + " &&M(i%"L5( ^*%%)) )J1t,*1356-200 %s unable to open display "%s" 1356-201 The host name %s is unacceptable. 1356-202 no nameserver response within %d seconds usage: %s [[+-]hostname ...] 1346-203 %s: must be on local machine to add or remove hosts. 1346-204 No reply from the nameserver 1346-205 Cannot malloc %d chars access control disabled, clients can connect from any host access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect 1346-209 1346-210 unble to get node name for "%s::" being added to access control listbeing removed from access control list1346-213 no such user "%s" 1346-214 failed to get netname for "%s" 1346-215 %s: Unknown hostname: %s. 1346-216 Cannot realloc %d chars 1346-217 %s: must be on local machine to enable or disable access control. 1346-218 (no nameserver response within %d seconds) 1346-219 %s: bad hostname "%s" 1346-220 %s: malloc bombed in change_host 1346-221 %s: not compiled for TCP/IP 1346-222 %s: not compiled for DECnet 1346-223 %s: not compiled for Secure RPC 1346-224 %s: not compiled for Kerberos 5 1346-225 %s: unknown address family "%s" 1346-226 %s: unable to get node name for "%s::" 1346-227 %s: cannot parse Kerberos name: %s 1346-228 non-network local connections %s