ISO8859-1%tH5W =e   C   +AL 2Z@<? YK0XXZ%=XcH  O Z!2 " K#J $o %~ Backup/Restore Media Service Aid This selection provides a tool for testing tape and diskette media and devices.BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID This service aid is used to test tape and diskette media and devices. It will backup the file '/usr/lpp/diagnostics/CEREADME' to media, restore the file to /tmp, and compare the restored file to the original file. It provides a means of showing that a backup device works.To continue, press Enter.BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID Make sure media is installed before selecting device.Move cursor to the device you want to test, then press Enter.BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AIDtarbackupcpioMove cursor to the backup format you want to use, then press Enter.BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID Test file will be backed-up using '%s' to device %s. Is this the test you want to execute?YESNOMove cursor to selection, then press Enter.BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID Test file is being backed up. BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID Test file has been backed-up to device %s.To continue and restore file to /tmp, press Enter.BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID Test file is being restored. BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID The restore has completed.To continue and compare restored file to original, press Enter.BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID Comparing original test file with restored test file. BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID Files compared successfully. File sizes and checksums are: Original file : %d bytes, CRC-16= 0x%04x Backed-up file : %d bytes, CRC-16= 0x%04xTo return to device selection menu, press Enter.BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID File 'CEREADME' already exists in /tmp. Overwrite it?BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID The file '/usr/lpp/diagnostics/CEREADME' does not exist.To exit the service aid, press Enter.BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID There are no diskette or tape devices on this machine.BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID ERROR. Unable to configure device %s.BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID ERROR. Unable to backup test file to device %s. The system reported the following error: %sBACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID ERROR. Unable to restore test file from device %s. The system reported the following error: %sBACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID ERROR. Test file did not exist on device %s.BACKUP/RESTORE MEDIA SERVICE AID ERROR. Files did not compare properly. File sizes and checksums are: Original file : %d bytes, CRC-16= 0x%04x Backed-up file : %d bytes, CRC-16= 0x%04xUsage: ubackrest [-c -f Device -F tar|backup|cpio]ERROR: backup, restore, or compare failed. Run ubackrest without any command-line options to isolate the cause of the failure.Backup, Restore, and CRC-16 Compare were successful. Tested device works.NOTE: Some of the errors reported may be due to defective media or drive. See Help for additional information.Some of the errors reported by the BACKUP/RESTORE SERVICE AID may be due to defective media or drive. Depending on the error message, if you suspect the media or drive to be defective, run diagnostics to isolate the problem. In some cases, data media (tape/diskette) can be used as test media for diagnostics. In these cases, use the media used in this service aid as test media. In other cases, diagnostic routines require special media (like auto diagnostic cartridge for some tape drives). In these cases, problems with media cannot be detected by running diagnostics. But, if the drive passes diagnostics, the media may be defective.