ISO8859-1FL46#:Z54 * .+ ,Z / *-$"5&X#01,&3$Ztr: 0653-710 The string within the [ and ] characters is not correct. Usage: tr [ -[c|C] | -[c|C]ds | -[c|C]s | -ds | -s ] [-A] String1 String2 tr { -[c|C]d | -[c|C]s | -d | -s } [-A] String1 tr: 0653-712 The combination of options and String parameters is not legal. tr: 0653-713 String2 contains an equivalence class. tr: 0653-714 String1 contains a character repetition. tr: 0653-715 String2 contains an invalid character class. tr: 0653-716 Character range endpoints out of order. tr: 0653-717 There is not enough storage available. tr: 0653-718 Invalid multibyte character. tr: 0653-880 User specified parameters error. tr: 0653-881 Can not create configure file. tr: 0653-882 Can not find specified LOCALE %s. tr: 0653-883 Can not open configure file. tr: 0653-884 Can not rename the config file. tr: 0653-885 Can not get HOME path. tr: 0653-886 Can not get CODESET. tr: 0653-887 Can not get LOCALE path. tr: 0653-888 Can not get LANGUAGE. tr: 0653-889 Can not remove the configure file. tr: 0653-890 Can not change configure file mode. tr: 0653-891 Can not update configure file. tr: 0653-892 Can not allocated space. Usage: tr [ -[c|C] | -[c|C]ds | -[c|C]s | -ds | -s ] [-A] String1 String2 tr { -[c|C]d | -[c|C]s | -d | -s } [-A] String1 [LANG=ll_RR] tr -L c1-cn C1-Cn C1C2C3C4C5C6...CN (add a user specified range) [LANG=ll_RR] tr -L c1-cn C1-Cn (delete a user specified range)