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Please enter the correct pathSupplier hostnameSetup Workload EstimatorWLE CollectionPM Service WLE input typeInclude top threadsEnable Filesystem Threshold Minimum Percentage Maximum Percentage Filesystem Threshold is NOT Enabled. Enable the filesystem threshold & specify the Minimum / Maximum percentage.This menu leads to Topas Configuration and report generation menusThis menu helps add IP addresses or hostnames to Rsi.hosts file This menu helps enable/disable Local/CEC recordings Specify the Internet address in dotted decimal form ( or fully-qualified host name for any partition operating outside the local subnet of the system hosting topas remote monitoring/recording. Topas remote monitoring will then use this file to identify partitions with the same hardware IDSpecify the Internet address in dotted decimal form ( or fully-qualified host name for any partition operating outside the local subnet of the system hosting topas remote monitoring/recording. Topas remote monitoring will then use this file to identify partitions with the same hardware IDThis option adds one topasrec entry in /etc/inittab and starts a topas recording sessionThis option deletes topasrec entry from /etc/inittab file and stops topas recording sessionThis menu lists all the hosts present in Rsi.hosts fileThis menu lists all the recordings avilable in the system in a tabular format This menu shows what are the recordings currently enabledThis menu helps generate report from the available recordingsThis menu lists the recordings which are currently runningThis menu helps start recordings (local, cec and persistent) based on selections in the subsequent screensThis menu helps in stopping an active recordingSelect the type of recording which user wants to listThis menu lists the recordings which are currently runningSelect the recording which needs to stopped and press enterThis menu specifies the path name used to store the recording. It can contain a directory name or a file name prefixThis menu specifies the format of the recording (binary, cec and nmon)This menu specifies the owner of the recording This menu specifies the time when the recording was started by the userThis menu helps the user in starting the persistent local (binary & nmon) recordingThis menu helps the user in starting the persistent CEC recordingThis menu helps the user in starting local recording based on user input in subsequent screensThis menu helps the user in starting the CEC recording based on user input in subsequent screensSelect the type of persistent recording (binary or nmon) and press enterThis menu displays the message that the recording is already runningThis menu helps start the persistent binary recording based on user inputs This menu specifies the type of recording to be started. The user selected this option from the previous screens. It is non-editable. Go back to the previous screen to change itThis menu specifies the length of recording to be started. The user selected this option from the previous screens. It is non-editable. Go back to the previous screen to change itThis menu specifies the recording intervals (in seconds). Displayed values are the default. User can edit the default valuesThis menu specifies the number of days of recording to be stored in a file. For example, if the value is 3, then 3 days of recording will be stored in the current file before recording proceeds to the next fileThis menu specifies the number of days of recording to be retained before it can be deletedThis menu helps user to overwrite the existing recording file. User can select 'No' to use the existing recording fileThis menu helps user to Enable/Disable WLEThis menu helps user to start the persistent nmon recording after specifying the all the inputs the below screenSpecify the running priority of the nmon processSelect the recording time zone for this recordingRecording will include the top processes with namesInclude the top processes grouped by usageInclude top processes with argsProcess filter helps record information of specific processThis will include/exclude the disk configuration section. User can specify the disks, disk file in section belowThis menu helps in starting the CEC recordingThis menu specifies the Length of recordingThis menu specifies the type of recordingThis menu helps in starting the local binary recordingThis menu specifies the number of samples of the data to be collectedSpecify the output path for the recordingUser needs to select the length of recording from the choices (day, hour & custom)This menu helps in starting the CEC recordingThis menu helps in starting the nmon recordingLocal persistent recording is already runningPersistent CEC recording is already runningPersistent recording is not runningWLE recording is running. Please Stop the WLE recording.This menu helps the user in starting the persistent Cluster recordingThis menu helps the user in starting the Cluster recording based on user input in subsequent screensPersistent Cluster recording is already runningSpecifies the name of the host that aggregates the data and provides it to topasrec. If this is not specified, topasrec will get data from one of the known aggregatorsThis menu helps the user to Enable/Disable workload estimator (WLE) Collection.Disable WLE Collection to stop the persistent recording.Disable PM Service to stop the persistent recording.Include top threadsThis menu helps user to Enable/Disable Filesystem Threshold This menu specifies the minimum percentage of filesystem threshold. This menu specifies the maximum percentage of filesystem threshold. For example, if the value is 80 & the file system used space crossed this value, then topasrec will writes an error log entry and pause recording the data.1 Filename 2 Printer1 comma_separated2 spreadsheet3 detailed4 summary5 disk_summary6 network_summary7 nmon5 pool_detail6 mempool1 No2 Include top process listing3 Include top process listing with args4 Include top process listing grouped by names1 No2 Include V1, V2, V33 Include V1, V2, V3, V4